Buyers remorse thread.
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Buyers remorse thread
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This has grown on me, but it was a slog for a while.
This was years ago, I only had money for one game and I picked this over Mario Kart 7. It was fun, but I beat it in a week and never picked it up again, I could've gotten a lot more out of MK7. Got it eventually anyway.
i would've agreed if i paid money for those
If I bought it full price, I would have felt that too. It's a bit overrated, but I still felt I got $15 worth of fun out of it.
You really should only torrent AHiT, it's fun, but not worth any money, devs are a bunch of commies.
i couldn't care less what their political beliefs are. i torrent every game that doesn't have a demo. if i like it, i'll buy it.
Oh yeah, this. Only digital game I've hated enough to get a refund of.
that one is a double for me because i bought the console for it and then it sucked. now i have this stupid switch sitting around with nothing to play until DQ XI S comes out
Is it really that bad?
Never buy a console for a single game. That said, give that game another try. I absolutely hated it for awhile, couldn't play more than a few hours of it. But then I gave it a shot again months after, and ended up loving it
I've tried twice to get into it. Even managed to luckily get KOS-MOS but the combat is so mind numbingly boring it didn't even matter.
>mfw I've 100%'d XC2 it twice
Have fun with DQXI, though. Maybe DQ Builders 2 can hold you off until then.
What was wrong with it ? Was interested
darkest dungeon on the ps vita for like 40 bucks. not only did i not get into the game itself at all but the controls were abysmal and text near unreadable. i have no idea why i didn't just buy it on steam for 10 or whatever instead
this i regret too but luckily i bought it physical and could get my money back. got doom instead so it turned into a win in the end
God it looked so fucking good. A sandbox building game with fucking dinosaurs. How could you fuck that up?
I'll tell you how: fucking CHINA, that's how. I still hold out hope that a competent studio buys it from them and fixes that shitpile into what it could've been.
I had a similar experience with it, except I still didn't find it as endearing as the first one or X after I finished months later. I usually marathon games too.
Destiny 2 digital collectors edition
I thought that since D1 was in a good state, surely D2 would have a strong start. How very very wrong I was.
Mordhau, developers had a great core to work from and they just completely squandered what little trust they had to further work on the game. Seems like they've gone, taken the money and forgotten Mordhau altogether another similarity between Chivalry and Mordhau.
I wasted 500 hours I'll never get back trying to get decent at the game only for it to now be a dead game. Tunrs out it really was a flavour of the month game.
If it was even half as enjoyable as Advance Wars, I would have been fine with it, but it's not. Their unique twist to the formula isn't all that interesting, the battle animations are absolute garbage and uninspired and the campaign was so bland I never bothered finishing it. The one thing it has going for it is user created content like maps, campaigns and being available on PC but all of these great features only shine when the base game is solid.
>D1 was in a good state
What universe did you come from where that's ever been true? You could smell that turd coming from a mile away just by following the first game's life cycle.
I only play on PC, so all I heard was people saying that the game was shit in the beginning, but after all the expansions they finally had it in a great state. Honestly I deserve it. Same thing happened with Diablo 3. Also collectors edition.
Dilate tranny
whatever super smash bros for the 3ds
Sea of Thieves
Fallout 76
These were the last two games I bought. I don't buy games anymore. I play SNES Classic now.
Mario Maker 2. Never played a 2D mario game but this is just a generic platformer and almost every level is terrible. Had way more fun with Celeste
>everytime i scan through my libary
just why
>devs are a bunch of commies
didn't they refuse to remove jontron's voice lines after he came out as an infowars retard? doesnt sound that commie to me
im not going back to it, the writing is awful and RNG dictates whether or not you get a useful party.
Bought it because it had Platinum on the cover.
i only regret paying full price
Ended up having more fun with DoA 6
I fucking bought Brink Yea Forumsros. Im still not over it.
People need to realize that Automata is a Yoko Taro game that Platinum assisted with, not the other way around.
I bought full price and loved it, but to each their own.
and both of them have never made a good game. atleast it isnt drakengard is the best accolade i can give it
it was fun for a bit, but got boring fast. On the other hand it only sold something like 40k units so itll probably be very expencive one day.
Imagine being this much of a tastelet.
>Tfw I preordered the deluxe edition only to end up getting two more fucking gokus out of it.
Redpill me on Bloodstained before I buy it.
SMM2 is not a generic platformer. Games like Rayman Origin/Legend are generic. As for the levels, yeah. Most people make unbelievably lazy and terrible courses.
not user but I played and finished it only once (apparently theres multiple endings).
It was nice at the start but then it gets dull. After I beat it, I didn't wanna do it all again cuz thats fucking lame (just like Chrono Trigger, accept that game was actually amazing)
Just don't get the Switch version and its fine.
mighty number 9 but castlevania
Dilate tranny
I dont even remember buying this, i hate tag team fighters.
Skullgirls was like one € its just one less burger for me, but this piece of shit must have been like 50€.
i'd say more the yooka laylee of igavanias.
It's the only remorse I've ever had for gaems.
My nintendo switch, luckly I was able to sell it for nearly as much as I bought it for. I'll just play everything for free with yuzu.
Except No More Heroes 3.
Some autistic best buy employees shilled this and spore to me before both of them came out. They both seemed really excited and optimistic for them, it was clearly more than just them pushing a sale. Imagining their disappointment is funny to me
>unity kikestarter shit
Not even once. May get shill threads on Yea Forums but is still shit
This has honestly been the case for every mainline Mario game after Sunshine.
I honestly enjoyed Spore, but I also wasn't aware of the sheer enormity of cut content behind it at the time. It makes me sad, but I feel no remorse.
I'm sure the people who really love it are sincere but it was a sleeping pill with ugly graphics for me.
Crusader Kings 2 oh my dear god.
I'll survive.
you're a fucking faggot.
cunny in time is great.
It's too lolsorandumb for my taste
Fucking Evolve and mass effect Andromeda.
i only bought it because there was literally nothing else coming out that was interesting for a while. it's not a bad game but what they did with the roster was a huge letdown. i just want to play as roshi goddammit.
I liked Odyssey and Galaxy as a kid
at my last workplace the only figurine a coworker had on their desk was from evolve.
I still don't know what it means.
I pirated it and I still feel ripped off. I want the time I spent playing this piece of shit back.
Yup. Same
Also this piece of shit garbage.
oh you’ll be in for a surprise with dq11
its even worse
I bought Hollow Knight and I enjoyed it a lot.
So it works on my machine!
What sort of problems did you have with it?
what even is wargroove about? it looks so weird
Absolutely this. No idea why I thought I’d like it.
>put it down for three days
No thanks.
all platinum games are overrated.
That doesn't make them bad, but they are definitely overrated.
Bayonetta is a 7/10 maximum with all those cutscenes and QTEs + that garbage story you have to sit through for example.
Dayz standalone and Rust
I only open DoA 6 to fap
>bought game thinking it'd just be another toss into the backlog of never to be played games
>ended up playing it nonstop since release and I'll never get that time back I would have otherwise spent shitposting here
It's the worst.
>spends 500 hours with it
>sees it as a waste
That's your fault for valuing the destination over the journey. But it does feel kind of abandoned, the new map is shit and they haven't done anything since that have they?
If you think the game is lolsorandumb, you really need to play more videogames. There is way sillier media.
why did it have to fail?
This is one of those overrated garbage that I should've stay away from that.
Unironically Mario Odyssey
ugly and soulless, it never had a chance.
i bought it and it ran sub 15 fps on my year old laptop. i can run monster hunter world on ultra and fucking edf doesnt even have configuration settings
This. After playing Nier, then Drakengard 1, then 3, and each of them replacing the top spot if favorite game of all time for me, and Automata to be worse than Drakengard 2, the disappointment was MGSV scale.
konami has been straight up garbage for a very long time before mgsv, i really dont understand how nobody saw it coming
this. kojima killed castlevania.
The only one who needs to cope is you with your shit taste
DMC5. I don't know if it's burnout on the series as a whole but I just don't like the game all that much, even though it has the best graphics I've ever seen in a video game and it's got good gameplay mechanically. It's the only DMC game I haven't finished.
>someone makes a "name games u dont like thread haha" or equivalent
>droves of retards come out of the woodwork to shit on automata
>never give a reason why they think the game is bad
every single god damn time
gameplay is bland button mashing, and they somehow think somehow think it can be covered up by "deep" plot
The word overrated is such a non criticism. Why do you brainlets keep spewing the word out like it means more than your letting on. Also ESL retard
I bought this and loved it but I still ended up feeling remorse because I bought the PS4 version.
>gameplay is button mashing
Name a platinum game that isn't
>people say the story good so the story bad
The story is good fuck off retard
>install Dilate in Time
>it now downloads spyware every day under the pretense of updating the game
>person names reasons why they don't like the game
>those don't count!
What a child you are.
Bonus points if they call it overrated without explaining their opinion further.
last I checked you can skip cutscenes in Bayonetta. QTEs are annoying, but they aren't so prevalent that they warrant knocking down the score a whole two points.
The game was ok but it was a mistake to shell out for the collectors edition , I fell into hype that was based solely on it being the first big third party switch rpg.
>core gameplay has potential but the game doesn't even try to take advantage of it, instead switching to epic sidescroller views and shmup sections that are braindead
>enemy design is just bad, all very simplistic and none of them are fun to fight
>pacing is fucked, makes you replay the game again after beating it but now with an even worse character, before unlocking the rest of the story
>9S is just a gimped version of 2B, only thing differentiating him is a shitty hacking minigame that gets tedious about 10 minutes in
>story and characters is simple to start off with but then quickly gets pants on head retarded and more and more pretentious as the game goes on
>final ending is cheap feelgood bullshit that comes across as hollow
>doesn't even feel like it takes place in the same universe as the game it's supposed to be a sequel to
Duke Nukem Forever
I know they are kind of sjw with the tranny flag thing but what makes you say they are commies?
>rebuttals your shitty low effort criticisms
>You just said they don't count bro wtf!!!??
This is why i stopped going on this board.
Just got to help in DMC3. I'm not doing that shit.
oh you see they made one joke about capitalism not working so that clearly means they want to seize the means of production.
If it's the monster he probably just liked the design of it.
Overrated: it's rated way higher than it deserves.
Overrated: not up to expected quality. Rated too high for what you get.
Overrated: circle-jerked by people despite being trash and/or incredibly tedious/boring.
here we go again fucking christ
The shmup sections are good, the sidescrolling sections are good. They add variety to the hack and slash gameplay that doesnt feel out of place and that doesnt take you out of that same feeling of hack and slash bullshit that platinum is known for.
>enemy design is bad
>pacing sux
9S added variety to the gameplay. You weren't just doing the hacking minigame you were also taking control of robots and gaining a new perspective from the character. There was a purpose in letting you play as 9s and it was executed well.
>hacking game is tedious
How so.
>game gets retarded and pretentious hurrrr
Elaborate retard.
>ending is shit hurrrr
elaborate retard
>its not even in the same universe as nier bro wtfff!!!??
Why the fuck does this matter?
Sonic Colors. My first Sonic game after falling for the "Sonic is totally good again" meme
I usually 100% every game I play. I couldn't even bring myself to finish the first half
non criticism that retards use to feign actual thoughtful discussion about a game. The word is not useful. What people think about a game doesnt matter when you are talking about the quality of a game fatass.
Should've realize DMC3, DmC and DMC4 are the only good devil may cry games
this but with sonic 4. at the time i was so starved for sonic content that wasn't gimmicky shovelware.
What an incredibly dishonest post. You may have enjoyed those things but you're refusing to even try to see why someone else might not like them. I'm not going to argue with you, I simply stated why I didn't like the game so you would stop posting the blatant lie . Clearly you're going to just dismiss any criticism of the game and probably continue posting outright lies like because you don't want to maintain the fantasy that anyone who dislikes your favourite game is retard.
it was a cyborg dude who I originally thought was picard when he was a borg.
tropical freeze
while it's not a bad game by any means, the fact that it's still 50$ on the switch ,and it's a port of a WII U game, really made me regret my purchase. if i could've gotten it for 20$, i would've not regretted it at all.
>I liked Odyssey as a kid
>reading comprehension
I really wanted to like this game, since everyone keeps praising it but I just can't.
While the combat is kind of fun, there is nothing else.
The only thing you do is run around the absolutely barren world doing pointless sidequests with the occasional main story mission.
Why did it have to be open world? It gained absolutely nothing from it. Why couldn't it be a concise dmc mission style game?
How far did you get?
(you)r favorite game.
shut the fuck up and go dilate you bigger. user didn't like it, he gave reasons.
What an incredibly autistic fanbase of fucking fujoshits. This is definitely what overrated is.
Yea Forums shilled it, I bought it, and then refunded it barely after two hours of play.
>buying shit Yea Forums shills on a purely political basis
i was being facetious. i figure the all caps would've been obvious enough but i underestimated Yea Forums's mental retardation.
Just after the first A2 fight I think.
I'm sure you've heard this but it gets good as you go through the chapters. I can't remeber the exact part, after part B or C it really pays off.
Of course I wouldn't blame someone for not having the will to play it all the way through. But genuinely pays sticking with it. I mean that's how his games always are this one more so than his others.
>It gets good
How so?
Pokemon Ultra Sun
Without spoiling too much; story really begins to get good and shine, some gameplay mechanics open up, and some other elements become available. I'll admit that during part B or C, where most people drop off, it can be a slog. Personally was my least favorite part but it's all up hill after that and the real ge begins.
Again it's not perfect and Taros bullshit isn't for the impatient, but the good parts of the game are damn good. It wasn't just fanboys praising the game.
We were playing that game before it was even up for sale, what were you thinking? you should have known
My dumb hick online friends nagged me and a bunch of other people into buying the Division 2 and they got bored of it a week later like I knew they would. They had already bought a number of other cheap games to play with me was my justification. Never again.
Played it for pretty much free with game pass and feel the same
>Bought the full version on the switch
This is one of the weirdest purchases I have ever made. I supported the shitty DLC practice, I play fighting games, but never played BlazBlue before.
I guess it is because my discord group dropped it, and never played it after a week. The fucking convinced me they would be playing at least until Smash came out, so not it is just sitting there. Connecting my arcade stick is too much of a fucking hassle. I never do impulse buys, and I regret this, but I'm mostly over it now. It's just everytime I scroll past it, I'm like "damn this was a waste of fucking money." Only buying exclusives, if the game is on PC, then I'm getting it on PC.
I only bought this game because I was a huge persona fan at the time. Because I live in a PAL region I had to wait 9 months to play it because this game is REGION LOCKED, I think it's the only PS3 game that is. All that time spent waiting for it and then I play it and I hated it because it turns out I don't like fighting games. I probably spent about 3 hours maximum playing it before putting it away forever.
Maybe you should just learn how writing works.
>calls him ESL retard
>writes "like it means more than your letting on"
I should have listened.
I dunno if it was this way for everyone else but the switch performance is terrible and the combat is like torture
the performance is bad only portable. as for the combat that depends on when you quit. the game has a very in depth and complex combat system which allows you to quickly dispatch foes when you maximize it. the issue is that enemies have bloated health to make sure you master this, but they drip feed the mechanics over the first 20 ish hours so you spend eternity whacking basic enemies because you dont have any options
I only bought this game because I was a huge persona fan at the time. Because I live in a PAL region I had to wait 9 months to play it because this game is REGION LOCKED, I think it's the only PS3 game that is. All that time spent waiting for it and then I play it and I hated it because it turns out I don't like fighting games. I probably spent about 3 hours maximum playing it before putting it away forever.
>ctrl + f
>no starbound
What a fucking disappointment this game turned out to be
This would be great if it was focused on platforming, but the developers seemed more worried about being quirky than making a game with good pacing and level structure.
That's bait.
It only cost me like 2 bucks and I kind of still regret it. I love fighting games and tried giving this several tries, but I could never get into it.
out of all the recent 3D platformers to come out recently, the fucking yo noid game is the only seems to get this right and it's only a proof of concept.
it was autists fault thinking rust + dinosaurs from a bot studio would be good. If rust devs can barely make the game playable how would some self taught single class faggots make anything good?
Yup. Worst video game purchase I ever made.
the witcher 2
3 for me. i regret buying 1 and 2 as well but i only paid like $2 for each but paid $25 for the base game for 3.
Bro, I stopped doing sidequests immediately after I realized what the main quest was. They were dumb as shit, but the main story is very, very good and well worth playing. Honestly, half the purchase was validated just from the ending (having played through the game and experiencing the ending, not just going to youtube and looking it up).
>Honestly, half the purchase was validated just from the ending (having played through the game and experiencing the ending,
Brainlet confirmed. You can slap that ending on any video game ever made and it would make just as much sense (read none) and probably work better thematically than it did in Automata. It's such a non-sequitur that I can hardly even consider it part of the game when looking at it as a cohesive whole. Gamers only like it because it feeds them validation for all the time they invested in the hobby.
This and the Wii U. I shouldve gotten an Xbox One S all along. The only thing thats keeping me from selling my Switch is most of my friends like playing online with it. So much money wasted on this fucking shit.
you should have noticed from the garbage artstyle alone
more like tranny in time to dilate
Have you played any other game in that series? "Saves" and 4th wall breakers are part of the entire theme, so it makes plenty sense.
Like I said, I didn't do any side quests, so not much time was spent on that game anyway and yes, I did feel validated at the end for the couple days I played it and it was $20 that I'm glad I spent.
At least you could have seen it coming if you didn't buy into the early access bullshit.
Nobody uses "overrated" as an actual criticism
The only decent thing about this game is the music
git gud
Are you me?
I bought a 3DS thinking it would have a great library like the DS. Years later, I'm disappointed at the first and 3rd party support and that the Switch killed it. Not even a good Pokemon game. It was mostly RPGs left and right that I didn't care for.
I loved the Adventure titles and when I heard Lost World was going back to no-boost modern Sonic, I was hyped and pre-ordered and avoided all spoilers.
Mfw I found there's a run button and it never got good.
shit open world survival game
good thing i was able to get a refund
Sounds like Borderlands.
>have enough money from working to buy every game i want
>pirated this when i still was a poor as fuck student
>would love to buy it but don't want to replay the 10 hours i already put into it on an older version
this fuckin combat is shit they literally just end up throwing a hoard of enemy's at you with no regard for difficulty doesn't help that i got the wrong version bur hey at least i won't fall into the same trap with the squeal
I'll never forgive myself for this mistake
t. Underage
Lord of the Rings War in the North sucks dick. Got it on steam last year.
The only buyers remorse for a hat in time I have is that the dlc looks like it's never coming to consoles for whatever stupid reason and that makes me not want to buy the devs future work since they're so fucking incompetent they can't do it.
>buy independent video game thinking you're supporting devs in their game making dreams
>they suddenly update their game to turn it into a political tool, showing that they care more about their politics than their vidya
I'm never going to buy a game from an indie dev again and it's a hat in time's fault
What did a hat in time do? All I've seen were a handful of SJW references thrown into their games. Was the major plot of an update/DLC politically oriented?
>gay flag posted
I try to ignore the propaganda and censorship because games are for escapism, but this is ridiculous. It's not a bad game. You're letting the trannies win by raging at their shitposts instead of making a change.
my change is I'm not going to support indie devs anymore
i don't want the propaganda peddling pedo patrol to get any more of my cash
Eh I bought it during the beta when it was really good, so I got my fun out of it before Incelfish ruined it.
there, make those 40%ters cry
Bayo 2 is a lot better on the QTE front