So, we can all agree:

So, we can all agree:
2 > 1 > 3?

Attached: donkeykong2[1].jpg (400x261, 74K)


2 > TF > 3 > 1 > R

I would say it's 2 > 3 > 1. Always thought the first game felt a little primitive compared to its sequels.

Attached: diddypic.png (1953x1587, 938K)

Haven't played the new ones but I liked how different DK and Diddy played in the first game. I also like 1's levels more than Dixie's but not as much as Kong Quest. Overall for me it's 1 > 2 > 3

I like 1 the most. 2 has too much bullshit with all the bonuses being mandatory. In 1 you can play however you like, plus it has the best music and tight gameplay. 2 and 3 are both still good, but give me one every day. It has the best replay value for myself. I haven't played the modern games, but I'm going to guess they're okay but more homogenized.

>1 above anything

Attached: quote-donkey-kong-country-proves-that-players-will-put-up-with-mediocre-gameplay-as-long-as-shigeru- (850x400, 67K)



1 = 2 > 3

Neither are good enough games to justify their shitty main villain getting a spot in fucking Smash.

Nostaliga faggots should KYS asap. No one gives two shits or knows about some faggot gator from 1935 when your parents weren't divorced.

Literally should have never got in smash. Bayonetta got in because she was relevant and a recent game release, not some literal who green shit.

>inb4 muh rob muh pacman muh duck hunt muh banjo
Icon characters of different eras or mascot characters. No one gives two shits about literal who the gator

Attached: disgusting putrid fuckwad.png (1500x1500, 1.64M)

5 > 2 > 4 > 1 >3

no we can't. I know i'm in the minority of thinking 3 is the best, but 1 is the worst of the ot


1 > 3 > 2
Yes I'm weird, but I never liked the overall theme of 2 regardless of how much it did right.

2 > TF > Returns > 1 > 3

fpbp as always

>tropical freeze anywhere near 1 or 2
the most overrated game of this generation. it's returns 2.0 with a few quality of life changes, really don't see what's so special about it.

>posts a fake quote from a uk journalist


i like DKC 1 more for it's simplicity, it's a lot like crash bandicoot 1 where as 2 made you collect stuff in order to save granted crash 1 did that similar but it's better to be the game in one sitting

Attached: Donkey Kong Country (U) (V1.0) [!]-190717-193853.png (1440x1080, 54K)


All of the DKC games are unimpressive but they have nice music and graphics.
I like DKC 1 setting music and visuals more than 2. 3 shouldn't even be considered.


1>=2 >>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.returns

3 is better than people give it credit for. Not enough to beat 2 mind you but it's not nearly as bad as people claim.