why tf do i need to take discrete math if all I want to do us make games
Why tf do i need to take discrete math if all I want to do us make games
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Well you don't really have to. If you thought Computer Science was how you got into games then you are retarded.
You can make kind of games genuis artistes like Suda51 or Hideo Kojima make in RenPy and it does not take any real math or programming skill.
You don't even get taught that level of math in most CS degrees. Many institutions seen to thing shitty certs, deprecated knowledge, and Java development are everything there is for Compute Science.
A word of advice to anyone getting the degree right now: kill yourself finding a place to work before you graduate. I mean apply to 30+ places a day even if you don't remotely qualify. The experience you will get actually working will absolutely btfo any CS degree knowledge you get. I'm not saying the degree is entirely useless, but it is certainly supplemental and more or less just a badge of proof that you can finish a task and do your work.
A strong grasp in math enables you to do more interesting things in your game than having no knowledge at all.
>You don't even get taught that level of math in most CS degrees. Many institutions seen to thing shitty certs, deprecated knowledge, and Java development are everything there is for Compute Science.
What shitty schools are these? Most everything in the later parts of the degree are theory. Any courses I took about programming languages in general were mainly applied in courses later that would demonstrate concrete examples of theory.
>Deprecated knowledge and Java development
What kind of deprecated knowledge? Also Java development is pretty damn useful considering how much of the world runs on it still and even if it doesn't all the object oriented design concepts and patterns still apply across most other languages/projects you would use on the field.
are you next going to ask what application matrix math has for games?
internalize all of the things they are trying to teach you
well, discrete math is fun
and of course it's very relevant to games. graph algorithms are the basis for pathfinding and routing and shit. you need to know some graph theory to know that stuff well. similarly, matrix math is basically essential to most game programming. recurrences are important, algorithmic design is important, basic modular arithmetic comes up all the time, etcetera etcetera.
you need to know some basic discrete math to have a shot at being a good programmer of any type.
it's also about learning how to think about problems and how to solve them productively.
I hated java and loved c sharp
>A word of advice to anyone getting the degree right now: kill yourself