Who is your favorite Link?

Who is your favorite Link?

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the one with soul

they all have the same soul, user.

The ones I want to kiss tenderly and cuddle in bed

So, Wind Waker Link? Gotcha.

So none since you arent gay, r-right user?

>A Link to the Past
+Was in the best Zelda game (Link's Awakening)
-Is a frog with green hait
>The Wind Waker
-Is a Jimmy Neutron character
>Breath of the Wild
+In the best 3D game
+Best control and moveset
+Knows that Hylian men are for Zora women

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*Is a frog with pink hair

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All of them. I love Link.

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Trap Link because she's cute.

But Soul Calubur II artwork Link (modeled after the OoT one) is easily the best designed "normal" Link.

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>Breath of the Wild
>+In the best 3D game

Toon Link


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So how big is his dick?

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I want to have sex with toon link!

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I want him to continue being the little cutie he is. TP Link on the other hand.

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on the other hand... and?

CDI Link

Which one is the youngest?

t. everyone who pretends the Toon Link games are good

Little cat eyed hair dying nigger has Klonoa syndrome something fierce

Young Link is 10 and Toon is 12

Any adult twink (or twunk) link. I may be a faggot, but I ain't no pedo.

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shut up faggot you like men

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majora's mask young link

based non-pedo faggot

The best Link design is unironically Hyrule Warriors Link.

For me, it’s the second one on top. The best Link.

Modest five inches

Certainly not the one that looks literally like a woman.

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Why do you hate Toon Link so much?

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The Link with the -le, I'm not gay

Link to the Past, look at this outstanding render

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How big are his balls?

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is there a nude link mod for any zelda game yet?

when will link's bare butt be shown in an official nintendo game?

why aren't they wearing shirts haha

maybe its the poster from a slave shop

>another gay link smut thread

>burewai = breath of the wild
japanese using english is so gross

have sex
learn to use spaces
invent more than a couple hundred syllables

>baked reflections