Fire Emblem Heroes
>Femleth got her eyes fixed
also new special.
>Kronya GHB
>MByleth nowhere to be seen
Guess they want him to be special for a while. Creator Sword looking good though
looks terrible
They said when the promo was revealed MByleth would be rollable during a late July banner
He's the July Mythic
Yeah I'm thinking feh won.
>new Special
Most likely a preference
I think it will be Sothis.
So is Young Tiki's summer banner going up or not? Only thing I care about. Fuck these lamers.
Don't pull the new special will make dragons obsolete.
>Get Pitybroken by a Fallen Tiki last week
>Was going to level her and then this happens
He better not be a grand hero battle unit.
Anyone else to think it's amazing how RANDOM the legendary and mythic pools look. Not power wise but weapon and movement type wise.
Look at this shit!?
-Two colored bow users in wind.
-5 sword fighters, but no red mages
-No armored units in water or wind
-0 dagger or staff units
Maybe that banner will have the post-timeskip lords
The notification board already says when and how he will be distributed, Nino
Good for one time use glass cannon i guess
Her special has 2 CD, which becomes 1 with her weapon and then active all the time with Wrath active so not really
>rolling on 3% banners
No thank you.
Will FEH close down when they're done shilling 3H?
Waifumon is just around the corner.
>The Schemer
Every day Claude gets more suspicious
feeding byleth to eldigan for fury 4!
I finally did it, but now the game feels empty.
Respect I don't have the patience to do all the bullshitnthat is blessed garden.
>Creator's Sword just actively nulls almost every defensive skill in the game
I hope he is, since if you buy 3 Houses you just get him, that way I can blow all my orbs on green.
>red Infantry
>proven professor
>her game isnt out yet