Please recommend me a decent gaming chair that won't rape my back and nuke my pelvis/hips...

Please recommend me a decent gaming chair that won't rape my back and nuke my pelvis/hips. Right now I have this ikea garbage called "Millberget" and it's killin me.

Attached: millberget.jpg (1200x1601, 160K)

Other urls found in this thread: chair&qid=1563517966&s=gateway&sr=8-4-spons&psc=1

For the love of christ don't spend the extra 50% markup on a "gaming" chair, they're just office chairs that they can charge extra for because gamers will buy anything that looks ricer. Just buy a normal fucking chair like an adult.

Had that exact chair and one of my roommates broke the arms somehow. Now I'm going to look for estate sales and buy a good office chair.

If Yea Forums can't help, /g/ might be able to.

I don't need a gaming chair tbf. I just want something I can slack on for hours comfortably.

Also this. Don't buy gamer shit.

I don't know bro gaming chairs are the only chairs that have proper lumbar support. I fell for the meme and it has 100% helped with my lower back pain.

>I don't know bro gaming chairs are the only chairs that have proper lumbar support

Damn you really did fall for the meme. It's not like millions of dollars have been invested into ergonomics because billionaire executives like sitting in comfortable chairs or anything. No that definitely falls square in the realm of gamers. What the fuck are you talking about

You say 50% markup like chair prices make any sense in the first place.
I went to the OfficeMax or whatever it's called, and I swear there were 99% identical chairs with more than $500 difference in price.

Boy if only they made normal chairs with lumbar support for adults who actually wor...wait, they do exist.

It really feels like some people deserve to be ripped off, if they refuse to listen.

Give me a link or something faggot.


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Can't help you there, I just went to Costco and bought the first comfortable chair I sat on. I'm just trying to save you a couple bucks by not buying shit marketed to gamers.

why don't u do something for yourself at least once in your pathetic life. you parasite motherfucker

if you care about your health, get one custom made for like $1000
otherwise just shell out for a chair with a mesh back and a very thick padded seat, there's a brand i forget the name of that does the best
failing that just get a chair marketed as an "operator chair" which is designed to not destroy the poor fucks who have to sit on the phones for like 12 hours a day
or be a fucking chad and build your own "gaymin" chair out of the comfiest fucking lounger you can find

inb4 dxracer

Also if that chair is causing you back problems the problem isn't the chair, you just unironically have to exercise more. Unless you're pushing 50 that shouldn't be giving you back problems unless you're out of shape or your posture is fucked.

Buy a $20 chair and sit on it you fucking zoomer

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>and it's killin me.
Where is it killing you? Your back? It might be your posture and not your chair. I used to have some pain in my back. I thought it was my chair and bed but it turned out it was my gaming posture, which was comfy but not good for my back in the long run.

Those shitty "gaming" racing chairs are the only ones with a back high enough to support the head of someone six feet tall as far as I can tell. Has anyone found a similar high back chair that isn't one of those? All of the other regular high back "executive" chairs stop right at my neck.

you can take comfort in the fact your not a manlet

your just mad because you can't find a chair that I described that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. ergo fuck you nigger

>haha your mad because im poor
you really got me there user

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I was nice to you earlier in this thread but now I'm glad you can't find a chair.

oh fuck off already. you aren't even trying.

I'm not even OP

In that case I hope OP does find his chair. You seem like a genuinely bad person though and I hope your chair breaks.

>oh fuck off already. you aren't even trying.
I genuinely can't tell if you're retarded or not. Your post was literally stating that I was mad because you are unable to find an inexpensive chair for your shitty back...what do you expect me to do? Suddenly go "oh fuck now I understand the situation this user is in, now I'm gonna help him!"

Is that it? Was that your mental process? Or are you just genuinely so retarded you actually think people give a rats ass that you can't either
A. afford a decent chair
B. put in the effort to find a good chair that has been discounted or is being sold privately as a second hand item.
got this one cause I'm 6'5" and 360lbs

Go to Staples.
Spend 150-220 dollars on an "executive" office chair. Make sure it has padded armrests.

Do not fall for the gaming chair meme. They're fuckawful. Trust me. Postural assessment is half of my job. Those things fucking suck.

Rate my 10,000 dollar gaming chair guys. This is what I kill Nazis in.

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Maybe you should get some gaming gloves. That fixed my back problem

Braised and yellowpilled. 2/5ths.

OP your problum is that you don't have gunnars.

i get up and move and stretch at least every hour, even though i sit like a troglodyte it doesn't seem to matter

Bet it makes a good sim racing seat.

What stretches do you do?

Every hour seems a bit excessive.

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Just get one of those swivel arm chairs that can hold, like, 3 people.

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hermanmiller aeron, preferably used
my ass and back no longer hurt, the seat handles 200+ easily if you dont just jump into it like a tard, and the seat/back are suitably elastic so it matches the body's shape to a degree. it also will not flatten and degrade like a normal office chair, so expect it to last you for several times the lifespan of the typical shit

Attached: i love my chair.jpg (667x1000, 69K)

ikea markus

Can you explain how that is comfy? there's no padding. I was going to get something like

i don't really know any names, i just stretch out my body in general, feeling where there's tension. pace around, eat an apple, clean something, whatever
that's just the usual, i don't have a timer or anything. i still get absorbed enough on occasion to sit for like 3 hours straight holding piss, but those are special times. i just get antsy and like to recalibrate

God I just want one where I can lean back and fall asleep on while listening to some music.

Definitely tall enough but I'm not paying $200 for a mesh chair with toothpick arm rests and such a thin seat cushion. I've had the opportunity to try one and I have to wonder if people who keep recommending it have ever actually sat in it for any length of time.

I'm starting to think office chairs are designed to make employees miserable so they finish their work and get out

my big cheap leather executive chair was way more comfortable than any office chair

with these small chairs all the weight of your body goes in a tiny area and if you put your feet on the floor the seat digs into your legs

the seat itself is a heavy woven mesh of either some hard plastic or metal, i cant tell which by feeling, but it is slightly elastic and will yield to your ass a bit when you sit down so it's not like sitting on a painful flat surface. its been working infinitely better for me than my old office chair, which had a wooden fucking seat and a layer of padding above it. the chair you linked doesnt look like the seat matches the curve of the ass, so even with the padding it looks like it would be awkward to sit in for long periods, and that padding will definitely condense into a hardened mass over time with use. also its leather or pseudo-leather covering so the leather will rip long before the seat gives out

>ikea markus
>minimum seat height 19 inches
so my feet won't be planted on the ground
wow nice design retards

First thing I did once I got a decent job was to buy one of these. Expensive as hell but 100% worth it. If you can find one second hand that'd be ideal.

There's also the Leap, which is much easier to find used, but not as good.

I'd suggest avoiding the HM Aeron. I use these at work and they very meh. Not enough support, kind of uncomfortable.

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Its like a hammock for your butt suspended by the chair frame.

I have this exact chair, broke the arms when laying down, since arms are plastic. Glued it together again.

There needs be a chair with reinforced wheels, anus protection metal, arms made of metal... and thats it, a very sturdy chair is needed.

herman miller embody is literally made for you

Go to your local Sam's or Costco, get a trial membership if they're offering one, and get a Laz-e-Boy office chair for fat people.

This is what I hate the most about PC gaming. Not as comfy as sitting on my couch since I have to sit up on a chair with little to no padding.

don't listen to this guy
steelseries have much worse ergonomics. you won't notice it until years and years later
Herman Millers are so respected becuase people have literally been using them, the same one, for twenty years and develop no back problems from them. the aeron is the best selling office chair of all time.

Why do my chairs all split along the seam on the left side? What the fuck am I doing?

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just go to an office supply/furniture store and sit in the display chairs until you find one you like

Probably just keep getting shit chairs.

tfw I bought amazon basics task chair and I want to die

those things are insanely expensive

You PC gaming keks, how the shit do you game in any other position than this?

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is herman miller a meme
sounds like a meme to me
>So intelligent, sitting in it actually helps you think

wtf do you sit your TV on your floor?

I hate this chair. I had one at work for a long time and my back never felt good in it. I've adjusted it every way I could and nothing helped.

got the most expensive of the casual computer chairs at ikea. next time you go notice that this is on the same wall as childrens chairs and weird dome shaped chairs. that wall is meant for casual users who spend maybe an hour a day sitting in it. the other wall (which is far more expensive) is meant for professional workplace usage 6 hours and up of sitting.

i really like my chair. its incredibly comfy and leans back so far it always scares people

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By plugging any controller into my PC and outputting the display to my TV.

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i used to do this in highschool when my bed and TV were on the basement floor it had SOUL baby

no. IDK about thinking better, but it is undeniably the best for your body and your body is key. Honestly, since they never really break, you only have to get one once.
Everyone always talks about how great gamer are and it honestly pains me to know that soo many sit in shit chairs and with poor desk ergonomics. As well as usually being out of shape.
It just pains me, your holding yourself back

why the FUCK are they so expensive

You won't know how good a chair is until you sit in it for an hour

>gaming chairs
>not using something comfy

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>hey mom do you have a spare chair?
>here you go sonny boy
>your pic

Unironically an exercise ball. Helped my back pain tremendously. Can't lean back, of course, but I don't miss it


I just bought a $50 office chair from Amazon a day ago wish me luck

i;ve been using a "manager's chair" from target for damn near 8 years now, aside from the cushions on the arm rests being degraded away and it can no longer raise its great

my biggest problem with chairs is that if the arm rests are at the right height for using my mouse they're too low for leaning on my hand like the thinking face so I end up leaning and bending my spine.

>gaming chair
summer's here alright


RIP your back

It's cool I have a little pillow I stuff back there


Tick Tock Anons.

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since no one yet has mentioned it, apparently, just go to an Office Max where you can actually sit in the chairs before buying it. Make sure to measure exactly how low you need it to be to sit/lean comfortably under your keyboard tray. A desk chair is subjective - no one can tell you what you'll like, you'll have to try them yourself user

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My old chair had the plastic break around the pump so it wobbles all over the fucking place and I'm terrified of this happening now. I've basically stopped gaming on that PC until my new one comes

user no. No no no.
If it breaks, it's an absolute pain in the ass to ship it back. Perhaps even more of a pain in the ass than if the gas cylinder were to explode while you were sitting in it. If you MUST buy a chair, buy it at a brick and mortar store so then you can at least return it without too much trouble.

As if you can't do that at Ikea

It's too late user. It's arriving Tuesday. My fate is sealed.

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that room already looks cramped, then I saw the proportionally large dixie cup...

That's why I play without putting max height

Ikea is objective shit - anyone who's lived a day on this earth knows this

Wouldn't max height put less strain on the pump thing

I use a recliner

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>got a back mesh chair for like 20 bucks at a salvation army
still happy about that one. just go to a fucking goodwill or salvation army, they have pretty good chairs for cheap there.

honestly considering just welding up a custom bracket and stand for my current car seat because it will be replaced soon by a bucket seat anyway.
It'd be goat, it reclines and stops solidly, it's more adjustable than normal office chair and unlike normal office chairs instead of 2 thaus of polster it has like half a fucking foot of it.

Do you use train tracks to scooch it up to your desk

Just get a basic wooden chair with padding, shit won't cost you but $50 and it'll last for as long as you want to keep it even with your 275lb ass sitting on it every day.

You dumbass. Well, at least it was only 50 bucks, so at least you won't have too big of a hole in your pocket when you need to replace it in 6 weeks.

Second hand Steelcase Leap or Herman Miller Aeron from an office furniture liquidator is the based and redpilled choice.

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No, because you're pushing the gas that way, when you're im minum height, there's no gas in the camber

no it actually slides back very softly. I'm lucky because otherwise it wouldn't work well.

Im sitting in an amazons basic mid back mesh chair

In the past ive had expensive chairs, they are nice at first, but quickly become shit. I feel compelled to keep using them, to get my moneys worth, and so sit in them far longer than i should.

My idea here is to just get this cheap chair, and sit in it, then when it starts being shit after a few months, as all chairs will, ill just buy another one.

So far ive had it almost a month and its still ok.

i have one, it's pretty comfy.

Yep that's the idea

Fuck you're right. Never mind

Gaming chairs aren't a meme.
Office chairs - yes, office as in not ones at staples, but as in ones an office would purchase through their usual dealer - are upwards of $250 for basic-bitch shit.
Gaming chairs are $80.
In fact, if you want to be a true gent, do what I did and saw the arms off of your chair. I have a low table and couldn't push my seat in at-fucking-all and suffered with back pain during longer sessions. Stretching, of course, fixed it, since I'm not a fucking mong, but I recently sawed them both off and can now push myself in to my stomach if I wanted.
It's fixed everything. Aim's better, legs don't awkwardly hang or have to find a resting place, everything just fucking works.

>buys the cheapest shit at Ikea and assembles it incorrectly so it fails on him

the choice of the professional gamer

Attached: gaming chair.jpg (550x550, 35K)

are these any good?

Ikea is lego furniture

For four hundred American burgers it better fucking be

Obviously the best choice
Look at that fucking screen mount arm

I'd also like some armrests that crossed in front of me so I could set my arms down while holding my controller

those chairs are never worth the money
i bought a chair for fat people reasoning it should last forever
it still went to shit after just a few months of sitting in it, and it was too wide and awkward to sit in.

You pick and choose with Ikea. If you do your research you can find quality tasteful items for a lot less than other shit. If you go for a walk through it and come out with some shit you're going to end up with shit

Lego is fucking awesome though

If you're worried about your posture then you're better off spending your money on a saddle chair.

holy fuck based

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Get one of these.

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Seriously, do it!

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White people are so gay

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Masturbating in this thing must be amazing.
Still better than being black.

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I bought a $400 office chair for $75 off craigslist. It's got arm rests that raise and rotate, seat moves forward and back. Back moves up and down and tilts. It doesn't hurt my ass unless I slouch and I game 5 hrs in a row daily.

Imo good office furniture is the original gamer chair. They're both made for people that sit at computers all day.

Attached: fio.png (64x151, 4K)

thinking of getting this but there's zero reviews for it chair&qid=1563517966&s=gateway&sr=8-4-spons&psc=1
anyone know anything about this chair or brand?

The picture shows that farts are shooting out of it so I'm gonna say that's a red flag for me

my thoughts exactly but if its as good as advertised i think i can live with the farts

Sure is but that does make it any less gay

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You're a braver man than me user

Maybe don't be sitting down for 12 hours a day, retard?

>he didn't buy the MARKUS chair from ikea
>one of the best chairs ever created used by many people, youtubers, twitch streamers

What a fucking moron. What the shit did you buy moron? Even all my other friends pick the Markus without saying a word.

sounds like a Yea Forums iphone campaign user


Has this ever happened to someone outside of China?

Are those not all flea ridden? How do you clean a computer chair.

bro, buy a beach folding lawn chair at Walmart they’re breddy comfy

Wtf these people has never seen what a real office chair costs, just buy a gaming chair it's atleast 50% cheaper than what people in decent offices sit in and they atleast come with some adjustability.
Whatever you do don't buy a chair with static parts, what will fuck your back up is not being able to adjust it after your own preference.
t. Dxracer owner

A thousand times this. I am currently suffering from an upper hamstring tendon problem and finding a decent chair is so goddamn difficult.


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fuck off grandma

fio poster is based

just get an exercise ball

Wait someone explain this to me

top part falls off
ol biddy becomes the chair

>no metal plate between ass and gas cylinder
>gas cylinder is chink shit and explodes into user's ass
>the end

Nice, officially have an irrational fear of office chairs now, I'll put it next to flying and escalators.

Lmao fucking manlet.
>that animation

just buy a really nice office chair
dont look up "gaming chair" ever same way you dont buy other shit labeled "gaming"

What a terrifying country

This shit is mad fake, I don't give a fuck.

/g/ is honestly the poverty board of Yea Forums, they'll just tell you to sit on a pillow and sell your desktop for a $100 thinkpad with a ricer lunix distro. Absolutely garbage board for tech discussion that reeees about anything new, even USB-C. Blog post done, but do yourself a favor and don't ask those idiots

what's the good posture?

They couldn't even find a dude to sit in it, they had to shop one in?

I have a chair with a sort of mesh on it that now has dried cum and food stuck in the little holes. How do I discretely get the dried cum and food out of the holes.

I found that a $50 garden chair works better for my back than $1000 ergonomic office chairs.

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That pose is exactly how I jerk off

>gaming chair

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every time a guy sat in it he traveled ten thousand years into the past

You're gonna end up with a bent duck

why are you in a prison cell bro

Is it high enough for a desk?

that's because you don't get deluded into sitting completely still for 8 hours at a time
while somewhat quality office chairs are /comfy/ tier you still need to use your body ergonomically by shifting pressure points or just standing up and moving away every 45 minutes
thanks for listening to my ted talk x

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other than Hermann Miller what are some other high quality office chair brands?

steelcase, about $400-500 cheaper and a good alternative

just tilt your monitor down a bit

>being mad /g/ tell you to buy a thinkpad cause gaming on laptop is shit, and any crap machine can run the youtube, and le facebook.

Not that guy but your best bet is to actually try some chairs and pick the one beat for you.

Get a saddle seat to open up your hip flexors beyond 90 degrees.

Attached: SCR_20150623_001371.jpg (263x192, 14K)

Normal seats compress the hip flexor muscles (psoas, iliacus) at 90 degrees and cause hip pain.

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I got exactly the same chair and i think it's great.
What's the issue?

you can't fight this on the defence, buy decent chair and workout do squats, facepulls, bring your body to normal setup

Not mad, just disappointed in the board. Gave up with it a while back, it's a technology board that hates any new technology. The majority of posters there just want to rice their DE on an x220 while they act elite about it.

>buying furniture from ikea

>that won't rape my back and nuke my pelvis/hips
ALL chairs will do this. Sitting in a chair is not a natural position for the body to be in. The only way to counteract this is to be physically active, do exercise and strengthen your muscles, improve your flexibility. You can pay $1000 for a super special gaming chair and the only thing it'll help you with is that it makes your wallet lighter.
The chair is not the issue, your lifestyle is.

>pass the chair bro

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buy a proper office chair, your back will thank you for it, they are literally made and designed for the purpose of sitting on for hours and hours each day
buy the best one you can afford

only retards buy meme gaming chairs

I spend most of my time laying on my back in misery so my posture is fine.
Suck it, nerds.