Do you have friends Yea Forums?

do you have friends Yea Forums?

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i would fuck that Yea Forums


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Same desu

I only have internet friends and even they are slowly starting to leave me behind.

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literally me in the middle


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>That instagram
Yeah fucking right

>no autistic thick fanfic gf

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>Yea Forums under the catagory snoos freinds

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does friends who only like you because of your lewd body count

so none?

i think at least 10?

can i be your friend

sure i dont mind
sounds fun


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Same. Let’s all be friends.

>Yea Forums is the most fuckable


>Yea Forums again not drawing themselves as a overweight woman hating incel with no social skills at all

god i want that Yea Forums to destroy my fucking asshole, tumblr should be uglier

a redditfag drew it

The picture is from 2014

Am I depressed because of that? Fuck no, I don't have time to whine, let's make money, make some muscle and try to fuck some girls, but not because I need girls but because just fuck them.

Snoo has to be the dumbest fucking name I've ever heard

but they are


>Yea Forums is the most attractive
*ahem* BASED

also source for the artist ?

>have friends
>they start to bore me
>stop talking to them

I look like yahoo but I want to be cleverbot

It makes me think of 'snot'

all my friends are slowly falling out of touch are dont want to do anything

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can't these people just use the word "trap" ?

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What the actual fuck is a snoo.

No user, that's too politically incorrect to say there.

>feel awkward as shit just messaging someone out of the blue after years
>gap only widens

I'm going to lose my best friends because my country is horrible. No even falling out or anything.

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they're probably too lazy or dont have cars. theyre probably not not including you on purpose

I do, but I want lewd (girly helps) friends for vidya fun

what the shit is a snoo?

>wanna hang out and catch up with each other? we havent done shit in a while
there you go, its not that hard. whats the worst theyre going to say, no?

girls don't exist on 4channel

The worst thing they could say is not saying anything at all.

No, it's a transphobic term despite having nothing to do with transgenders

>Yes sure!
>can you tomorrow?
>sorry cant, what about next week?
>cancels anyways

You could be another kind of bot

why do you think they would do that?

haven't you heard? Trannies want the entire dictionary banned

tits or gtfo

Because it already has happened to me many times.

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Sounds like you need new friends user

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>a part of several groups of friends
>been talking to a girl for months who usually starts the conversations and flirts with me
>have a job with plenty of opportunities for advancement.
I did it Yea Forums.
I finally lied on the internet

No, seriously. What the fuck is a Snoo?

Autistic response
You have to consider their feelings and situations
Say “what’s a good time for you”
ask open ended questions, don’t lead off with a yes no “tomorrow?”

r*ddits mascot

And yet no one else in this thread questioned it at all?

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Some of them do

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>Yea Forums

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>Realize I haven't spoken to a friend I met in fucking Kindergarten in 3 years, since we transferred from the same Community College to different universities
>Call him out of the blue when on a walk
>Within a week we set up a weekend for me to visit, spend the night, and just hang out
>Meet his gf, catch up with his younger brother and dad
>See another friend of mine I've known almost as long that I only spoke to 3 or 4 times since I finished high school multiple times since the two of them have been hanging out recently
>Despite being a major reason I wanted to go to his place, I forgot to grab a game I lent him over 3 years ago
>We just consider it a reason for me to visit again soon
I was getting so worried that I was going to never see those guys again. It was so great. I really want to get that game back from him though, I've wanted to replay it for over 3 years now.

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The Rebbit mascot

what the actual fuck is a snoos

At this point I've just gotten used to being alone.


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what about Sneed

what did he mean by this

I'm scared that we weren't ever really friends and they were only ever being nice because we were in the same class.

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Have you ever hung out with them outside of class?

No, if I did I wouldn’t come here.

>anything but decapitated body after what Verizon did to it

Or maybe I don't want to ass inside them, if they really had any interest in wanting to see me they wouldnt cancel

sex with fanfiction!

Not really.
I have some acquaintances etc and people who see me as their friend, but I, due to being socially retarded and alienated, can't really ever connect with other people well, and being around others inevitably makes me feel stressed out and anxious. Not that I enjoy being alone either.
I am mostly comfortable around a family setting, with my parents and siblings.
I don't like strangers.

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post characters that best represent the personality of Yea Forums

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