ITT: Vidya characters who could either have small penises or huge penises, no in-between

ITT: Vidya characters who could either have small penises or huge penises, no in-between

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Twinks are better with medium penises though
Huge penises look disproportionate on them and small penises are no fun

9S has no penis because he is an android and if he did choose to install one manually it could be any size he likes

In my experience, twinks tend to have big cocks
I fucking love it

Look out we got a big brain over here

>Implying he'd be the one to install the penis

>tfw not enough hung 9s art

most hilarious op title ive read in a while. i think op has been watching a few too many japanese trap kinos recently

>2B holds him down and welds a massive dick onto his barbie doll crotch

This is true
t. yours truly

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Broccolibutts is basically an irl hung 9s that fucks dudes

Yeah but he's an asshole.
Wasnt there a 9s who posted on Yea Forums for awhile?

I think he's also a tankie to boot, based on some of his wall decorations

>Yeah but he's an asshole.
how is he an asshole and how would that impact the fappability rate

Post it

No but i do have hips like none other

Post ass

I can compete with that

No you cant.
Sit on my cock

You can only pick one of those anons

God I want to eat that ass


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Yes I can You can only beat me in the front if you're bigger than 6 inches

I am.

>fags can't even kill themselves properly

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prove it
I hope you're both vers

Give it to me

nope :^) you'll both see eventually im sure

What a buzzkill

Should've known this thread would go gay fast.

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What a bratty slut. I already posted cock
I'm hard as fuck

I cant find any japanese traps

I mean you've pretty much seen most of me besides my cute face and haircut

9s canonically has a tiny dick because he's a hard bottom who can only cum from prostate orgasms.

>tfw not a cute boy

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where are the mods?

Tfw no straight young twink with a big penis and long narrow feet to findom me

masturbating to the twinks

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have a kik or something?

Sure! I dont mind adding people.

He's fucking huge dude and we both know it.


How do you stay so thin? What do I need to do to get this body, hips aside.

Wario's is definitely short but really, really thick

literally genetics user im sorry


You need to eat less especially if you don't move around often.

Don't be fat

go to xtube and search for japanese theres hundreds of effeminate nips that like to dress in elaborate girls clothes and do depraved things. i think its their preferred website to upload it to idk. anyways not my favorite fap but top 5 for sure

Jesus I want you/this guy to choke me
Surely there's some way to beat male genes and not have a muffin top.

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Start exercising and cut carbs and soda

Give me the easy way user please

He wants to look good and have it be 'easy'? you pathetic bitch just do it, so what if its hard you're jhust gonna be ugly forever? if you dont have the determinationt o do something difficult you SHOULD be ugly


Small penises are way cuter desu

There is no easy way to looking good unless you are born to be one of the top 10%, for all the rest it's hard work.

Thanks user I was planning on going back to work out. Sad I have just an average cock though.

God I wish it was easy. Thanks user, I'll get around to actually doing this shit and being cute again

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i still wanna see it.

uh that’s so hot