I'm almost done with Heavensward. I must admit that I did somewhat tear up at this scene

I'm almost done with Heavensward. I must admit that I did somewhat tear up at this scene.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You're only like halfway bro

Heavensward has the best story content so far, ShB is a close second. Look forward to the patch content for HW user it great.

>ShB is a close second
Shadowbringers is by far the best FF story since FFXI fag. Heavensward was kino but it doesn't match up to Shadowbringers.

Sounds like a fucking opinion to me cunt. Im glad you were able to enjoy both stories so much.

Nah, I took that screenshot hours ago. I'm actually about to start the Great Library dungeon and I looked at the quest list. I only have ten quests left until the end of the DLC. Then I start post HW content. I'm actually almost done with it.

Nigga HW's story ends around the last 'post' HW quests.

HW doesn't finish the HW story. You need to hit the second credits just like ARR.

Ah, well, good point. I know it's "post" HW content, but I guess it's still part of the HW story. Makes sense.

I teared up a little bit during his death but what really broke me down into a sobbing pile of blubbering faggot meat was his father's reaction when you break the news to him. How he tries to talk about how there is no higher calling for a knight, and when you console him, he just can't take it. You can tell Lord Fortemps is a good man, raising his bastard child and giving him as much love and respect as his other two children.

>join trial
>new players everywhere
>some mentor faggot tries to explain fight without no one asking for it
>pull immediately and tell them to let them do it blind
why can't people comprehend that explaining the fight to them will only make them worse

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>tfw this appears as a dialog option in shadowbringers

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Oh no...

Also OP you'd probably like the DRK 60-70 questline a lot, since it's mostly all about the shit WoL saw in Heavensward. 50-60 is still pretty good, and no one can shut up about how strong 30-50 is, so you won't be wanting in quality. Ishikawa, the writer for the DRK quests, also spearheaded the writing for Shadowbringers.

I plan to eventually level a DRK and then try out GNB when I get to Shadowbringer content. Still got to finish HW and then Stormblood, granted I could go ahead and learn to be a DRK right now, but I wanted to wait a bit and focus on my main job, also I'm not huge on tanking. I still do plan to try it out though. DRK has some badass looking armor and I dig the aesthetics of it, plus the spells and attack animations look neat.

60-70 is unironically the weakest part of the DRK quests, the conclusion is the only good part of it whereas 30-50 actual fits the class fantasy along with its strong finale and 50-60 is the sort of berserk-lite side story you'd expect from it to begin with

>60-70 is unironically the weakest part of the DRK quests

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>DRK lvl 70 job quest
>"In your darkest hour, in the blackest night... think of me... and I will be with you. Always. For where else could I go? Who else could I love but you?"

Attached: forthosewehavelost.jpg (1920x1080, 209K)

I mean, I respect that opinion if only because 30-50 and 60-70 blow it out of the water, but it's extremely good for the level that job quests usually operate at.
>help Curious Gorge keep his dick up (again), Warrior
>go fuck around in a tournament arc or something, Paladin
>fucking whatever was going on in Scholar, Nym sucks

>and 60-70
Meant 50-60, but still. The conclusion at 70 was extremely good.


Are GUKs squishy??

You mean GUB?

Heavensward was much better when it came to building up the plot and setting as a whole. Shadowbringers throws you into a different world with different history and different notions but spends very little time actually exploring it, whereas in Heavensward you could feel and see all of these events. The shortage of manpower, the political corruption, the pressure of the religious autocracy and how fucked the rest of Eorzea was because its citystates were not any better.

Is it worth creating an alt just to make a new race? I don't want to fantasia.

And yet people still insist shit like Il Mheg, Kholusia and Amh Araeng were "padded". I got everything I wanted out of ShB's introduction to the world: it's a vibrant world, it's a completely fucked world, the people are squalid but some of them are optimistic enough not to descend into barbarism. First hour or so of questing, I was completely down with the apocalyptic feeling of it all, especially with Journey at Inn's Head and Gatetown.

remember us

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The difference is that in Shadowbringers the game tells you that, while in ARR and HW the game lets you see it and draw your own conclusions by participating in the MSQ. To give Shadowbringers the same kind of weight Heavensward had, you'd need an expansions worth of building of a setting preceding it.

I think the difference is that Shadowbringers is a better character driven story, while Heavensward has a more firmly established setting and lore.

Shadowbringers will ultimately be remembered as the better story due to characters generating a stronger emotional attachment to the narrative.

Haha dude remember all these npcs that you would've just killed if they had shown up in other DRK quests first instead of the MSQ lol
Haha dude what if you just bitched out entirely wouldn't that be sad lol
Haha lol look we brought Fray back for a single instance its so fucking EPIC dude

The only interesting thing about them is the conjecture that Myste is your personal interpretation of Ysayle+Harchefaunt, they're nowhere near the cohesive quality of the other 10 quests

SHB is still not even over. The post story quests may be shit.

>tells you that
No, you actually see it for yourself pretty handily in Gatetown and Journey's Head. Like the game rubs your face in how fucked everybody is, especially as you interact with the people turning into Eaters, and you share a stew with Alisaie and Tesleen. Or you watch how fucking pathetic everyone in Gatetown is.

If you dont mind going through hundreds of main story fetch quest again

That is truly an awesome quote. This is the emotional stuff you find in poetry. Like what is this doing in a video game? I think I should buy this game.

>actually making fun of "Justice demands no less"
Bro you just posted cringe.

This is the most worrying thing for me. HW was GREAT but it ascended to KINO around 3.3 for me. ShB seems like it's gonna go the other way around, because they killed off the two best villains, Hades and Varis, and now all we have is OH NO NO NO HE HAS A KATANA HELP ME and THE WEAK SHOULD FEAR THE STRONG, MY FRIEND, MY FRENEMY.

>90% success rate
>it's actually more like 60%
The failed crafting noise is going to give me a fucking aneurysm

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>Shadowbringers throws you into a different world with different history and different notions but spends very little time actually exploring it
user side quests. This time side quests are filled with lore. Do them right now

$15 versus 2-3 days of pure grinding through MSQ instances and skipping cutscenes


I have to go through post Stormblood quest before SHB but I really want to see if they're going to surpass this kino

Alright people, i require your assistance. Post healer HUD layouts.

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That's the peak until Shadowbringers

if it isn't 100% it's 0%

Cid is pretty fucking gay.

The BLM job quests are actually kinda fun, I though I would hate it but end up enjoying helping that dumb cat conjurer and cute lala blm

>failing crafts
how tho

It's even more so the case with HW than it is ARR. HW's story is only like halfway over after the "final" boss of the expansion.

Stormblood's patches are more of an epilogue by comparison.

I don't think this or HEARKEN TO ME can be topped, especially with how they chose A Cold Wind to play only at that one specific moment in the entirety of the MSQ instead of bashing you over the head with the main theme like they do it in Shadowbringers.

>Absolutelty love the new MCH
>But if you lose focus for more than 0.5 second you're completzly lost on your rotation, immediately go grey, die, your EB leaves you for Chad Thundercock and your healers will never heal you again
but fuck if it isn't the most fun DPS in the game

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I hate to break it to break, but you will be don't read spoilers

Not the whole craft, just the step

To be fair Varis was just Jouji Nakata with a funny hat until the post StB quests, and barring the waste of Asahi as a complete meme villain they managed to turn Yotsuyu into a slightly more compelling character than just O MY ACHING WHORE PUSSY which was her only motivation through the actual expac

The real question is how they're going to tackle having a gap trial that's either as hype as Nidhogg or as fun as Tsukuyomi without anyone besides Zenos to use for it

I literally cried when he said that. He was the true hero.

I actually enjoyed Tsukiyomi's fight more than Nidhogg



With those mesh sleeves? He's asking for a crispy pickle

>duh buh what if you had regrets justifies 8/10ths of the quests being completely retarded


>I enjoy final fantasy

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The single most human moment in the series for me was at the end of SHB in the lead up to The Tempest, in which Allisaie lashes out at Ryne for giving the WOL false hope over his condition. Its like the weight of years and years of the community treating the scions as dead weight finally came crashing down on them as they failed you in your hour of need, and she loses it crying while the rest of the Scions are speechless, knowing that they have been dead weight. It leads to them finally redeeming themselves and actually doing something helpful via holding back Hades in the post-final battle cutscene so that you can land the final blow, but I wish they would have actually jumped in and assisted the group during the actual boss battle to make it more impactful.

Not as long as katanas exist in Eorzea.

>still in the maker's mark levels
stay strong, lil crafter

>no new IP

Tsukuyomi would've been peak kino if we actually had Yotsuyu back for more than thirty seconds before it happened
The fight is ludo as fuck but the story leading up to it is too imbalanced towards her good side

Just fuck the robot. I wish I could fuck Northstar.

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>The real question is how they're going to tackle having a gap trial that's either as hype as Nidhogg or as fun as Tsukuyomi without anyone besides Zenos to use for it
probably related to Elidibus' retarded fucking "lets send more warriors of (element) at the MC, this has certainly worked before" plan
swear to god someone needs to get Elidibus off the moon, he's getting brain damage from being oxygen deprived

Thanks for the spoiler cunt.

Lord Fortemps is such a great dude. Even post-SB he still welcomes us back to Ishgard with open arms and even admits that he doesn't want us to leave because it's so dangerous, but that he won't try and stop you because it's just who you are. I was actually scared when the Shadowbringers trailer came out and it showed the Heavensward book because I thought they were actually going to kill him off.

yselle dies fighting the garleans

i want to fill that orb with my jizz and hop into it

speak for yourself nerd

>Telling someone that they spoiled it for you
Guess what happens next


I challenge you, Emet-Selch

Clear for a friend ^^

Sultana isn't exactly dead, it was a sleeping potion. Raubahn loses his arm to his best friend who is the Griffin. WoD are people from the first who want to kill you because the ascian said it will save their world.

>let it all go
>go on say no
>where have you gone

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Why does MCH have a shitty idle and walk animations?

Lootmaster first come first server o7

you have a shitty walk animation

Clear party, leave the salt at the door! Be prepared for multiple wipes! If you rage you get kicked!

To teach that guns are bad

Because it does.
What kind of question is that.

>Lyrics from ARR foreshadowed her death by flying at the garleans
>the shitty vocalist minced them so bad that no one could figure it out

>mfw lvl 80 DRK job quest journal entry changes whether or not your current job is DRK or not

When can we eternal bond our own darkside?

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how the FUCK was heavensward so kino? i still like it more than shadowbringers

i just finished the first hw patch and honestly the plot is gettin way better then the leveling one.

is stormblood like this as well? seems like the post msq patches hype things up and make everything better while the leveling is just a walk in the park

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Bruh, the expiration date for spoilers on HW ran out years ago. And people are already casually tossing around shadowbringers spoilers on here, you have no one but yourself to blame.


Faggot should've just used mitigation

more or less, yeah
shadowbringers is probably going to be the exception since the expansion msq is excellent


I always see some RP fags constantly do this on my server. I can't believe there's faggots who actually join their party.

This was and still is the peak hype moment of the game. All 3 song choices were impecible.
>The credits song playing during the cutscene and lasting through the queue area in to the fight...
>Nidhogg transforming in to a super Estinien, him powering up using a Nidhogg version of Blood of the Dragon, and a rearrangement of Ominous Prognisticks
>He starts throwing Geirskoguls at you while jumping around
>Get him to 50%, "Brood brother, thou hast doomed me... but if I must meet mine end, then all shall burn upon my pyre."
>Final song plays, it's Ishgard's theme except all final battle-y
>He bathes the entire land in a burning red, he tears across the arena revealing his final form - super edge nidhogg complete with black and red color scheme
>He touches down and immediately rears up to unleash Akh Morns
>The fight proceeds afterwards
>With each crescendo of the music, he unleashes more Akh Morns
>By the third set of Akh Morns it feels endless, as if the whole raid is holding it's breath and praying the healers are working overtime while Niddhog's trying his hardest to kill you

Nothing so far has been able to top this fight full of raw emotion.

Best parties on EU are night parties. Always good experience. Clear/Farm. I like helping them. Zero stress

>as he's fading away, he gives you a true, genuine smile
Every time...

Why does my gunblade sound weird now?

it's already been topped with ardbert giving you his axe. Shadowbringers was only used once in the whole expansion and that was it.

1 tranny complained about it on the forums so they changed it.


>Clear party, know mechanics. 3 wipes = disband. Bring the DPS.
>Party leader is the trashiest player out of them all.

they changed the sounds in the last patch
the results are mixed at best

I think the new explosions and aoe are fine, but the other skills sound horrible. It's like you're swinging a baseball bat instead of a mechanical blade.

Anyone who advertises like that is a terrible player.

>18 FFXIV threads up
Did something happen?

>dragoons new jump called Stardiver not Final Verse
pathetic koji

Y'shtola tweeted that she is confirmed for Smash.

We finally bullied the janny enough.
Give it some time and everything will normalize back to just one thread.

I don’t think it had anything to do with her giving the WoL false hope and was more that it was either the WoL going alone or them going with him. Alisaie is also clearly in love with the WoL and the idea of him going alone to what was almost assuredly his death broke her especially, also keeping in line with her guilt about how she felt like she abandoned the WoL when she got plucked into the First after begging him not to leave her when the other scions were dropping like flies.

Is this still the worst patch in the games history?

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Yeah, Haurchefant died.

What happened here?


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The only reason I checked this game out is because of how persistent and active its community is, and it's really comfy. Reminds me of vanilla wow which felt like forever considering how far the internet's advanced since then. What race do you guys like to play?

i loved my cat but i love my bunny even more

Female roegadyn is the comfiest race, and aesthetically best for tanks in general

reminder that lalas are statistically the best players in the game

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it depends on whos animations you like best

hyur, miqote, aura, and viera have good animations

hrothgar are hunched over looking retards who move like they have a broom handle up their ass (fitting considering their playerbase)

elezen have this horrible lazy looking run animation

lalafells run animation is good but theyre so tiny so they look like theyre skating along the floor

>hyur have good animation
middie fem-hyur runs like a terrible fucking disney princess, it's shameful to witness

I picked a male elezen because it fit the most with what I wanted my character to be storywise, since I'm a huge rpfag. I kind of regret the giraffe neck and ear-transformed helmets, but you can still work around those limitations if you apply some creativity.

never got the obsession people had with this faggot. he had no character, didn't feel any connection to him, was just some knife eared faggot.

You can thank the "localization" team for it.

in the JP he tries to fuck you several times

and then after the first five hours of the xpac, you're just fucking around with fairies and bunnies until hey everything's going to be ok after all
what a letdown.

I interpreted what she was saying as "Don't tell him that we're going to fix the problem because you know that we're not going to fix the problem. We've been trying to fix the problem for days, and yet despite all that he's done for us, we can't help him the one time that he needs us. We failed him and don't deserve to say that we'll save him."

Your face is just some knife eared faggot

lala girls yes

lala boys not so much, but still ok on average

pixies turning people into leafmen who are still alive and probably screaming internally is still pretty horrific
the amaro village was interesting too
the weakest part was Ran'jit the General with his unexplained superpowers that is stronger than all the scions combined for no reason

Yes. 3.1 almost killed the game again.

A mix of gordias savage being hard as fuck and giving birth to fflogs, thordan also being pretty high on difficulty, void ark being easy as fuck in comparison to savage, diadem dino island grindfest and motherfucking lord of verminion.
3.1 was pretty much
>do the really small MSQ which addressed absolutely nothing
>do lord of verminion once and question why they added it
>one shot void ark because it was so fucking easy
>grind dino island for a couple of hours for the mount and minion
>fish pterodactyls for some more hours
>go back to wipe at thordan/gordias savage
If you did not do savage then you were done for the week.

W-well hopefully 5.1 is better than that shit
>inb4 minstrel's ballad: the dying gasp is harder than eden savage, yorha dark apocalypse doesn't have any interesting gear and is extremely easy, and blitzball is added to the game

This. The fairies need to be wiped out for what they've done.

Speaking of Ran'jit, was his assistant voiced by Wedge? It's been so long since I've heard him talk but it definitely sounded like him.

Femlezen because, like the other user said, RP reasons. I love Ishgard and I'm an intense elf fetishist. The giraffe necks are a complete non issue if you have a modicum of modesty with your glamours, and it feels good to be a slightly rare commodity.

>complaining about alliance raid being too easy
This a joke mate? It's alliance raid. No shit.

>tfw I botted and skipped all of ARR and HW
fuck that shit I just wanted to get to the raids

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Don't forget when the team said they are going on a vacation.

hope it was worth it

bros look at all this shit added in 2.1


Have fun with your 4 bosses

Picked up the game yesterday and hit about lvl 20 and loving it so far, but I can't settle on whether I like controller or m+k more.
Does one peripheral eventually have a stronger edge later in the game when the complexity picks up?
The combat and movement with a controller is smooth and nice but everything else not so much.
Keyboard on the other hand is fantastic for ui and alright for combat but I find myself not being as efficient since this is my first mmo, but that could change as I acquire the muscle memory.

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Duskwights are just like normal Elezen except they live in CAVES and get BEAT UP by Wood Wailers! Who wouldn't want to be part of that?



legend, I hate the mentality that people need to know the fight to a tee the first time they play it.

There's 24man easy and there's void ark easy. Void ark wasn't just easy, it lacked anything to make it interesting which made it extremely boring and for that reason it was badly received to the point devs decided to make 24man man raids harder in the next step.

That's the reason why we went from bore ark to wiping city of mhach.

They can’t make 24-mans any harder because, well, it’s a 24-man. That’s 23 other people who need to be smart enough to do fucking anything and considering the utter braindead fucking shitters who play this game they can’t do it. People can barely do Eden 4 as it is and it’s literally dodging aoes the whole time.

Nope, play what you feel more comfortable on.

Not at all, the game is (like most tabtarget MMOs) designed for M+KB but the controller support is excellent and you lose literally nothing from playing on a controller. The only thing that comes to mind is that healing is slightly harder and ground targetted AOEs take longer to deploy.

Nah, both MKB and Controller are perfectly playable, the game has been designed to be played on a controller as it is a console mmo first and foremost. I still prefer MKB though, just make custom keybinds for the extra bars for all your skills that you feel comfortable with and eventually things will settle in.

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Stick with keyboard, since it's your first it's good to learn it early on.

People that try to explain before a pull are fucking dumbfucks that want to show off.

It's easier for people to understand if they've seen the mechanic once.

>wipe THREE TIMES to Thundergod Cid
>vote abandon?
>everyone votes no
>leave anyway
i fucking hate EU sometimes

Voidark is like braindead easy though. At least Labrinth of the Ancients and Rabanasty had potential for things to go wrong. People still wipe to LotA

that dumbass cyclops nigger with the long drop was retarded so I unsubbed

If you plan to eventually go into other MMOs, might be good to learn how to M+KB since few other mmos are controller friendly.

If not, do whatever feels more comfortable, controller works real well for this game.

As far as m+kb usability goes, I rebound everything so I barely have to move my hand off WASD. It'll all come to you with muscle memory. But both options are fine, just use whatever you feel is more comfortable.

>wipe on Transgender Cid once
>everybody is silent except for one guy who explains the important mechs and says "its ok we got this"
>proceed to clear without a single death and shit on anima and i win the drop on balthier's hat, chest, and boots

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one guy, healer in my alliance, explained every single mechanic within like 30 seconds after the first wipe
they still couldn't fucking do it
shameful shit

There's nothing wrong with going over a few basics like: "The boss has some Gaze attacks", "This floor gets destroyed and becomes instant death" , "Stand in X place when Y is happening/Use X when Y is happening" etc.

But I agree there doesn't need to be a complete tutorial.

How do I gitgud? I can mechanics fine most of the time, but I'm terrible at maintaining uptime and stuff, my brain just kind of defaults to basic ass 1-2-3 instead of trying to optimize DPS when I get put under any sort of pressure. How do I stop being a shitter?

So is it possible to get 90%+ without dancer padding?

Why are people so parse heavy now?
Holy fuck guys chill out. Leave it to savage where you can get autistic about this shit.

so it didnt work out for you, im very glad to hear that

This was the patch I started playing on
Good memories

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Practice. There's no way to learn it any way than that, you can do as much theorycrafting as possible, but the only way to learn how to execute your rotations under pressure and recover from mistakes when they happen is by actively participating and making those mistakes. Unless you have a learning disability, which you probably don't, you'll learn to get it right so long as you keep trying.


Imagine being this salty about WHM outdpsing you.

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Anybody play BLM here? I need some help with it. Please

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Thanks bros, good to know. k+m it is.
As nice as the controller is I don't think I want to trade off the lack of easily interfacing with the ui. The combat will come with time.
Plus having the hotbars nicely laid out pleases my autism.

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>literally who e-celeb
why did you post this?

Just did Shadow Walk With Me.
When are we going to unfuck the Thirteenth?

He’s right though

Didnt he mute the fight against Hades to play his own metal?

>Mods are literal niggers and moving FF14 threads to /vg/.
He does it for free

Attached: FFXIV_SH_Vauthry.png (1450x1530, 2.56M)

>Even WHM has an 800 Potency ability.

What's your excuse?

He's not wrong about Living Dead being the absolute fucking worst invuln mechanic in the game.

I got a parse so I can see death stats because I play healer
>all my parses on Eden are 40-50 because all my time is spent solohealing when my cohealer bites the dust to every mechanic

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ummm. its 900 sweaty get it right.

>VIDEO GAMES?! ON MY Yea Forums?!?

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>want to mod the game so armors are a little more shapely instead of a fucking plank of a body
>every edit is just some form of lewd edit that shows full tit with no tact

god damn it

Port it to nintendo and they'll allow threads to stay.

s-sorry don't make me play with the AST


It's not the fact he's right or not, benediction is the best way of dealing with living dead. It's the way he says it that you can tell he's salty af about WHM dps.

Does anyone on Balmung actually play the game or is it all just ERPers?

WHMing is for basic bitchs. Chads play AST.

Playing a Dragoon.

imagine having to heal fights with an AST partner.

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Why is DRK the only tank that gets penalized for using their invuln by having to lean on healers? Why is DRK the only tank that has half its cooldowns locked to magic damage? Why does DRK's big short cooldown mitigation cost the resource it also uses for damage?

all ERP alts

I don't get why they fucked AST so hard on damage AND healing potency

I'd love XIV on the Switch. It'd probably have to be a streamed service like RE7 in Japan to handle the graphics though, and I doubt NA is ever going to get a service like that.

holmgang and superbolide also rely on healers to survive them my nigga

So you can spend more time playing with the new card system that ended up being objectively more clunky while also providing less raid DPS than the former system.

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Not in the way DRK does where you have to be healed to full or die. Holmgang just tops you from dying and Superbolide simply reduces you to 1 hp. Neither of them require you to be full health after their duration expires.

well they can't have all the healers be good and a matter of personal preference, one must die so that the other two may live.

they had it coming.

I feel like the devs were scared of it having constant access to a damage buff and as a result went in way too hard on toninhg down the other parts of its kit.

You don't literally drop dead once the cooldown expires if your healers don't spend the next little bit absolutely dumping all they have into dragging you back to max HP, it's not remotely the same.


Because DRK are whiny little bitches, as shown in their job quests.

Ah, this retard again. Been a while.

Why they don't separate balance from the other cards instead of making everything the same

its okay little astbro maybe they'll buff you in 5.1, til then you better be leveling scholar or whm

White Mage should have higher DPS than DPS classes IMO

You don't armor mods.
You want upscales.
There a few of them just watch out for the ones that are really fucking retarded with giant breast and hips wide like a fucking plane wing.

looks like i made the right choice for an alt

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Living Dead makes you invuln for longer than any of the other abilities.

The only argument against it is that SCH and AST don't have very effective methods to heal the DRK out of Walking Dead.

This matters less now because WHM became meta instead of AST and only has to burn 1/3rd of a GCD to heal the DRK.

It would be nice if it was designed so that SCH and AST could synergize with the cooldown as much as WHM does.

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People bitched that every card was useless compared to Balance so they took that as Balance should be the only card.

Because they wanted to copy Purgatory from WoW

what are you having trouble with

>This matters less now because WHM became meta instead of AST and only has to burn 1/3rd of a GCD to heal the DRK.
You mean 1 ogcd. Benediction on savage is 99% used on holmgang or living dead.

which card was the crit one? the arrow? god i loved when a ast would give me that as old bard

>tfw AST main
I'm going to stay AST forever, you can't make me change

Would it be too obnoxious to add a countdown to my tank invuln macros, to let healers know when exactly it's going to wear off?

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AST is genuinely miserable to level right now.

It handles big pulls hilariously worse than WHM and SCH until it gets the second charge of Essential Dignity at 78. Even then, they're not even comparable.

Play STILL being bugged and not properly queuing is also extremely fucking annoying. So many lost card weaves because Play works like a macro or something for some reason.

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arrow was haste, spear was crit

>You mean 1 ogcd
Yeah I worded it poorly


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Spear, Arrow was skill/spell speed.

I saw a PLD in Tit Ex that had one that was just
>HG is on
>HG is off
And that wasn't too bad

What do you want

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What changes?

Being at 1 hp or automatically dying is the same thing. You'll die no matter what.

I think it's fun but I wish the cards actually felt impactful again.
Buffing the damage bonus and their healing potencies would make me probably shelf my WHM because as strong as WHM is it's just fucking boring. So is SCH really, I just like the busywork of AST and how many oGCDs it as while not having to deal with a pet.

I just have a macro that does: "/p "Ability Name" ". It seems effective enough.

what the FUCK were they thinking with Combust? Combust 2 used to be 50 potency, but then they nerfed it this expac to 35. then they add Combust 3 and its 45 potency? what the fuck are they doing??

Don't use pchat macros. The only arguable case is informative in pugs and in pugs they will not notice your macros in time. All they do is annoy, and delay your CDs by tying them to the macro action queue.

"AST boosts raid damage so it doesn't need personal damage".
Which isn't wrong but their raid damage boost isn't enough at this point.

I was just wondering if there's a reason to keep Fire III on my bar once I unlock Despair.

It just feels super shitty when LD pops and you see your health bar seesawing back and forth and you just fall over because you were like 3kHP away from max. Literally everyone agrees it's by far the shittiest of the invuln skills even if it does have one super niche advantage.

They didn't know what they were doing, because it's blatantly obvious that nobody on the job design or balance team plays healers at a competent level.

I'm guessing this is also why MNK has felt like shit for so long. Someone finally picked up MCH apparently, so that was nice.

Stop playing AST.

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They have no idea how to balance the healers and it shows

no one show him Glare and Broil in comparison to Malefic

>Listening to what players want

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Comments made by Fray/your darkside disappears if your current job isn't DRK.

Are you being intentionally obtuse? If you are at 1hp in Hyperbolide and someone heals you to half health with a couple of gcd's/ogcd's, you won't die. You will be at half health. If the same thing occurs when Living Dead wears off, you die.

>boss changes phase
>music goes from orchestral to fucking sweet rock & roll
This is by far my absolute favorite thing about this game. I know it's nothing new or revolutionary but holy shit does it get my fucking blood pumping every time.

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Fire III is the opener for your fire phase
Despair is the finisher for your fire phase
You go Fire IV x4, then Sharpcast Fire I, Fire IV until you can't anymore, then Despair into Blizzard III and IV and Thunder

Already got it to 80 and plan on never touching it again. Thank you Yoshi-san.

>got 4 comms from Eden: Descent
>as a SAM
it was my first time there too, damn this is a good feeling.

>remove Divine Seal/Largesse
>buff it and add it back in as an 80 skill for WHM
>remove rouse
>buff it and add it back in as an 80 skill for SCH
great design Yoshi

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Except a GNB can be healed to half health with a single ogcd and ride out the other 7 seconds without anything else since it's a full invuln like HG
Holmgang is the only one comparable to LD and its still just a "remember to use something right before it ends" rather than blow your biggest healing potencies because a specific amount HAS to be healed

Just wait for Ultimate Final Steps of Faith.

Don't forget that Dia is 720 potency by itself

How you're going to enter astral fire without fire 3?dummy

>stone 3 has the same potency as AST current Malefic

>contrarians are now trying to pretend that ShB doesn't absolutely blow HW the fuck out in every way

Saih alamorn in o sai asah afah
[Extinction or eternal redemption, thou must choose]
Shess y gahr y Nidhogg dran afah
[Behold the wrath of wyrm Nidhogg eternal]
Saih alamorn in o sai asah afah
[Extinction or eternal redemption, thou must choose]
Sekh a nesh seh anoh ahs an
[Or we shall melt thy flesh and see thy bones ash]

Wills unbending
Faith unending
Stone defending
Now our steel shall sing

To their trespass
We are witness
Here to pass this
Final sentence

No forgiveness
(Guide us, O mighty Fury)
No deliverence
Only justice
Only vengeance

No forgiveness
(Guide us to victory!)
No deliverence
Only justice
Only vengeance

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Do you think it's possible to solo alexander savage now?

>tfw dying grasp does the opposite

I got a little misty-eyed

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Please dont bully.

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It definitely will be with 500+ ilvl

Ysale death was way more impactful to me.


>I have the strongest raid buffs
>why aren't my dps potencies the same as the job with 0 raid buffs
I swear to fucking god I've never seen a smart astrologian. Must be from the estrogen.

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can all jobs solo bahamut now?

So do au ra produce milk or are the scales lazy cosplay?

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You do not have to be healed to full, you only need an amount equalling your max HP to be healed.
If you have 100k max HP, then LD will resolve once 100k HP total has been healed.

prithee tongue mine pussy and mine balls

Their horns are what produce milk.


That's actually the kinoest music in xiv

>promises he won't keep secrets from you anymore
>is literally keeping secrets in the first piece of content after the MSQ finishes

This is getting kinda old honestly

>strongest raid buffs

not anymore, lmfao

Lizards aren't mammals, they don't produce milk.

What kind of stupid question is that? Don't you learn this shit at school?

is a weird guy.

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This is "power of friendship" done right.

>Less content in all respects than HW on release (and SB for that matter)
>While the climax of the story is excellent the individual zones are formulaic without deviation
>Does not deliver on promised theme of becoming the 'Warrior of Darkness' at all, you are empowered to kill Lightwardens because of the Blessing of Light
>fundamental design of nearly (or over?) half the jobs has been completely fucked over
It's the best expac, that doesn't mean it's better than the others in every way.

>strongest raid buffs
>still so weak they don't even make up the difference in DPS between you and the WHM if used optimally

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They sure do out of the 3 healers. Unless you're saying temperance is an actual raid buff.

>Passing down his used onahole, one autist to the other
And people say ARR wasn't kino

>at best a 14% damage buff for three players every three minutes
>realistically less than that since you're first divination requires sleeve draw to set it up
>strongest raid buffs

I don't even know what game that is but Jesus fuck why are Japs sometimes so fucking obtuse with progression, like automata and how you have to literally play the same damn game twice before you unlock the rest of the game

Ah okay, I get it now, thank you. Where do you use lucid dreaming, if at all?
Right before Fire IV spamming?

No, but RDM might be able to do it as well as PLD now

thou arte a fag.

Lucid Dreaming doesn't work during AF

Imagine thinking nu-WHM is a healer

It's a glorified 5th DPS job because people are too dumb to just run a solo SCH

>Wanted to wait until next expansion to make a new healer since they were not good enough design wise in SB
>They're even worse now

They should unironically copy WoW healing model, they want to make healing more of necessity but don't have any unavoidable damage.

Just like RDM doesn't have BLM tiers of dps despite "muh embolden".

"Dost thou remember thy encounter with Titan? Remember his car he rodeth upon?"

because it's an mmo that continued to get updates after heavensward came out you sperg

You take lucid dreaming out of your bar now that its purpose of reducing aggro is gone, clipping gcds with it hurts your DPS more than a single tick of MP regen would help it

DRG or MCH bros?

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Didn't expect drk to be so casual and fun. I wish I could still bear the dps queues though.

they do have some unavoidable damage, just not enough for the healing part of healers to actually matter

have you reached adulthood yet?


there seems to be a huge number of ranged dps players now, so if you care about finding parties and shit like that go drg
they're both pretty good tho

DRG can outdps SAMs while having great utility

MCH is fine though but only if you have legendary ping to doubleweave 1.5 GCDs without clipping with any consistency

It's up to 20 seconds of net invulnerability at the cost of 1 (one) WHM oGCD or 2-3 GCD from other healers, which is what they'd have to use to cover Holmgang or Superbolide anyway

It's only bad in solo content

DRG to make all the SAM and MNK niggers seethe


>Heavensward gave us Haurchefant AND Estinien
how can one expansion be so utterly and completely based

>hurr my cards are worse than chain stratagem
>durr my cards are worse than.... temperance
>pls buff yoshi pee
Are you for fucking real mate?

it's good for that rare occasion where you're unbelievably fucked and have no mp and no af/ui

Is there any reason to play ninja or are they turbo garbage now?

SHB gave me Exarch and Innocence so I'm ok with it

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Ramp up unavoidable damage, nerf healing and take all or most of the ogcd healing spells out of the game.

>hq version of an item now selling below the nq vendor price because of undercutting

so let me get this right? ASTbros are saying they have the best raid dps gain, and still they want buffs?

If you play in an optimal environment, they provide the same damage as just playing a selfish DPS. If you don't, they're straight worse. So yeah, they're not doing so hot right now.

You don't understand, that katana looks really sharp up close.

Exarch good, Graha Tia bad. You cannot refute this.

I am at the last third of the base game. Can't wait to see Heavensword.

Exarch is a dork and I love him no homo


They would need to buff current card %s by literally 2x if they wanted the DPS contribution to be comparable to the other healers, especially WHM.

story aside yoshi is a fucking faggot, the healer reworks was shit since you heal the same way you did in older content the only difference is that dpsing is boring as fuck specially scholar, also job quest were so lame this expansion and no role quest dont count unless you want to praise the devs for working less

Healing was nerfed this patch.

For example cure II heals 23k on shb when tanks have 120k hp compared to the same 23k when tanks had 80k. So you have to use more gcds to top tanks off.

And overall there's more damage going off.

Fuck right. Thank you, I feel my retardation slowly fading. I appreciate you answering my dumb questions.

Would you main Chemist?

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we didn't think they would, then they went and did it

if it was actually fun sure

And we're still healing nearly everything with oGCDs. Or at least SCH still is, while WHM has the bloody lily to get a refund on some of their GCD heals.


Redpill me on Aether.

soon bros. we're going to work with them

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If it was a healer it would certainly be my go-to for healing at least. Unless it was horribly shit and unfun, though I have played MCH since it came out so I think I've got a decent tolerance for shit.

If you already own ARR, can you add the complete edition to your account? The complete edition with ShB is cheaper than ShB standalone in my country for some reason.

I haven't played Scholar since Heavensward. Is there a difference between Eos and Selene anymore or are they literally just pick which color you like more?

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I want housing there.

>drg is my favourite class from FF
>positionals are a boring mechanic
>cant doubleweave because of ping
Why is life so unfair?

I want gaius to fuck me

All the DCs are shit, play wherever you friends are or wherever you get the preferred EXP bonus.

Would it have a mixing mechanic?

>Or at least SCH still is
No fucking wonder, the fuck are they going to gcd heal with? Succor?

dont think so, since the complete comes with ARR and you just register 1 cd key from it

they're just a glam now, they do the same thing

>>positionals are a boring mechanic
DRG has like 3 positionals and you only NEED to hit 1 per combo

I dont need because it's locked and you cant create characters there.

>tfw no catboy bf

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Of course

yes in 9.0 mogstation exclusive, purisu rooku foruwarudo to itto

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>by the way the expansion content doesn't end with that really obvious bad thing that happened at the end of it unresolved
Based retard

I'm sure the exarch will be your catboy bf if you ask him

A little disappointing but makes sense. Thanks user

Only if it’s a Thief/Chemist combo

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You have good taste sir.

No one should explain unless they are asked stopping at every boss just to type out long sentences to say dodge the AOE is a pain.

Thanks mate you too

I wish, but we will probably be stuck in The First for a while

What if they made it like mudras?

>A little disappointing
Good summary of SCH this expansion

Really amazing how it's still broken but 100x more unenjoyable to play

Thanks Yoshi, guess I'll level DRG and WHM then

catgirls are for yuri love.

god imagine the raid buffs chemist would give with Mix, ast would be eternally btfo if they ever added chemist

most of the conflicts on the First are solved aside from Eden, though

"Raidtranny hardcore" DC except now locked full with all the casuals who didn't want to be associated with balmung or its waiting room and moved away from crystal

So what? They are still boring.

dont. Primal is the DC to go to now

>pf already dead 2 weeks into the expac

Unless there's some dumb bullshit one hit kill ass backward mechanic I just shut up unless someone explicitely ask.
I found that it's better to just go with the flow when it come to interacting with people in this game.

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If anything it'd be like NIN but with two execution moves, one for healing and one for bombs


primal went to shit too with the DC split

casuals flooded aether and primal, while crystal was doomed from the start

with big cats around now no one needs male miqotes so most of them are turning gay

So I've been using expressos as my food of choice on DRK, what should I be using as a healer?

That's what I've heard from friends that main healers. I already have WHM at 80 since that's been my go-to when I break from tanking, but I wanted to get a second healer to 80 for occasions where I co-heal with my WHM main friend.

>He says while SCH has been top dog since ARR
SCH cuck detected

Still not really sure what exactly is "boring" about positionals that isn't about every other fundamental mechanic of the game

Is there a tier list for DPS classes?

Looks pretty much alive to me considering it's 2 AM

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>Primal DC
>Only actual Primal is Leviathan

>Ask about a one-shot mechanic while doing something blind because I missed the cue for it
>Guy explains it but gets all uppity about it
>He repeatedly eats shit to one of the easier mechanics on the next pull

Attached: 1502923793127.jpg (336x442, 91K)

espresso for dps

Which server is best?

Healing as SCH is a bit enjoyable with how much throughput you can just push out on demand. It's the DPS part of the job that makes it feel like you're losing brain cells.

>Nidhogg with 5 sprouts
>three separate people just say akh mornh will kill us if we don't group for it
>niggers don't group for it because they "don't want to put more damage on the team"
>"but it splits the damage"
>"why didn't anyone say that"

I came into 14 -wanting- to heal, I found SCH's pet healing a lot of fun and AST's card management was interesting enough to keep me on my toes

now I'd rather just play DPS because they somehow made healing more boring than WoW

Literally everybody but him and his house tell you to fuck off once you arrive in ishgarde. He's the only person that really cares and dies saving your life. In the JP version he's OBSESSED with your dick though, rather than just a genuine friend.

His impact was so great on the playerbase that his quote of "A smile better suits a hero..." carries over to ShB when you cheer up Minfilia.

Sorry, Yoshida, but your massive nerfs couldn't scare me away. AST is too much fun, even after all the changes. My SCH co-healer just heals everything for me. It honestly doesn't feel much different from Stormblood in terms of healing dynamic. SCH oGCDs and well-timed Stars still heal fucking everything of consequence. (Maybe Eden Savage will actually require me to use GCDs, but I kind of doubt it.) Being a purple parser with zero effort because everyone evacuated to WHM is pretty cool too.

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One of the JP ones probably.

If you had to pick one on NA, I guess you'd go with Gilgamesh, but I found there was no middle ground on that server when I played on it.

It had both the best and worst players I have ever played with.


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No really though. Why doesn't anyone want to go to Crystal?

It's funny how there's just no middle grounds in this community, you have people that throw the biggest bitch fits at the first slight fuck up while on the other end of the party you have another dude who literally couldn't give a fuck if there was a nuke going off right next to him.

I feel like the 5% of players who dislike what they did with pets by making them oGCDs.

shut the fuck up, Merri

Well played black mage > else

If you're looking for big numbers play BLM and learn the fights. Nothing compares to the raw DPS they put out.

However don't write off the other classes. They all are really viable. If you REALLY want to nitpick performance wise, Monk is way too much effort for not enough reward, and red mage has kind of lacking DPS.

Balmung. It hasn't been so bad for me so far though. As long as you get to the content early, the parties are competent enough. Same as any other DC.

I did enjoy AST card management in Stormblood, but the changes for ShB turned me off from touching it yet.

Yeah I had to cleanup my hotbars and boy they lost a lot of shit.

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Why is Horoscope just a clunkier Plenary Indulgence though.

>based retard acts like a based retard
based retard

Because you can't walk down a street without seeing a character whose profile advertises that they are futa. And no, they're not all from Balmung and Mateus.

Casuals scared of ERPers even though both of the other DCs have entire servers notorious for being flamboyantly gay

In reality it's because Marlboro has the absolute worst NA players in the game

It literally is, try actually playing the game for once or actually looking at fflogs damage contribution you fucking dipshit.

It's the strongest invuln with a prepared party. It's the most flexible, it lasts as long as Hallowed Ground without requiring as exact casting for maximum effect, and it's on the shorter side of cooldowns.

For solo it's useless, and with randoms it's a crapshoot, but for a prepared party, it really is top tier.

god user i finally made my decision to play dragoon from then i had to god damn read your post. Now im second guessing again FUCK

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>Levelling up my GUB
>End up in a party with a male mico'te dnc and mnk baracat whatever the fuck they're called
>Immediately interacts with each others as if they are in a dominant-submissive gay relationship

Attached: 1555961182241.png (698x809, 209K)

>make tanks fun
>dps is still fun
>gut the one interesting healer

>server queues on jenova at 2 am

>both of the other DCs have entire servers notorious for being flamboyantly gay
Faerie for Aether, but which is the Primal one?

>Implying the healer role was ever fun to begin with.

Name one mmo that made healing interesting

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>In reality it's because Malboro has the absolute worst NA players in the game

I swear I didn't hear anything negative about this server until I transferred to it. Did I miss something?

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>alt modifiers
I don't get it how you guys do it. That shit hurts my hands

SCH was really really fucking fun before they kept nerfing the shit out of it in all the wrong ways.

Discipline Priest and Fistweaver Monk were pretty fun


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What am I supposed to spend my GC seals on? The price for the Anima materials have tanked so I duno what to spend it on now.

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glamour prisms and dispellers, they sell quickly and for a good price

Come at me bro

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Pictures of Nanamo

It's just my personal experience
Mateus being bad I can understand since it's the erpfag waiting room but every complete retard (ie imbecile screeching at a RDM to verraise in level 60 content) in my instances on that DC is always from Marlboro

Are you seriously saying that WHM temperance is a better raid buff than AST cards/divination?

>seething estrologian acts like a seething estrologian
They should give AST dilate back, they're getting uppity.

Plenary Indulgence is just Overheal: The Button. Horoscope is pretty cool when you're solo-healing and need to stagger heals. It's also a shitty tiny oGCD heal that can top people up if the SCH's Indom somehow doesn't.

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GC teleport tickets, glamor prisms, ventures

Fistweaver monk in WoW was amazing. You healed passively while punching shit.
AST was pretty good until they gutted the card system. I mean, yeah everybody tried fishing for Balance but I liked the various card effects.

I don't think the people on Mateus or Balmung are bad, it's more that the majority of them don't engage in the content at all. In duty finders I almost never see Balmung even though it used to be the most populated NA server.

>hehe get it guys the puns? hehehehe

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They just need to buff Arrow and Spear a little bit. Giving Arrow to BLM/SAM or Spear to BRD felt so good.

Sure thing

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>The healers that just passively heal via a dps rotation were pretty fun
I think it's time for everyone including MMO devs to just admit that having distinct roles is a mistake because all anyone really wants to do is DPS. People say they want unique roles but then just complain when the non-DPS roles don't play like a DPS. Just make everyone DPS and we can finally put all this shit about healers/tanks not being fun and being underpopulated behind us.

I actually like Plenary for when it counts to save a bit of resources, but yeah it's mostly overhealing.
I just think it's weird Horoscope took the same idea but made it 2 buttons.

>Mounted Rail Gun tier
>Mobile, slightly smaller rail gun tier
>just fucking shoot him tier
>Mad Hops tier
>Oh my god I'm the motherfucking Fist of the North Star Jesus Christ tier
>Get the fuck out of the way tier
>I like playing support jobs but don't want to heal tier
>I wanted to play BLM but I also like moving tier
>I want to support and also like carpal tunnel tier
>I want to support and want the game to play itself for me tier

It's almost like most thought goes into DPS because it's more exciting to come up with ways to deal damage versus ways to mitigate/heal damage.
GW2 tried removing the trinity and that was a huge flop though.

What's the use case for Plenary?

Terrible excuse, but I honestly still have barely read the tooltip because I heard for years that it was just straight garbage so I never used it.

That's not comparable since RDM brings almost unlimited rezzes while AST brings literally fucking nothing compared to WHM right now.

>Plenary Indulgence is just Overheal: The Button
No it really isn't, it's a "turn afflatus rapture into a 500 potency aoe" which is actually pretty decent.

See, I had the opposite reaction to the book because it meant he survives everything since he recorded everything we did up to dying in the 8th calamity. I was happy that he was one of the ones who lived.

>SCH still hard meta
>WHM and AST just swapped places

Pretty much what I expected from the start for their healer rework

why is literally nobody running the eden raids?

>I wanted to play BLM but I'm a tranny and too retard to play it

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I wish either BRD had more buffs back or DNC had more going on because fuck I love buffing people but god damn they ruined why I played BRD.
What he said Plenary for the first Bright Sabbath in Titania EX and it's back up again by the Flame Rune give or take a few seconds. It just makes Afflatus Rapture into a much stronger heal and if you really need more you can do a Medica or Medica II right after.

>AST brings literally fucking nothing compared to WHM right now.
It brings orange parses to people.

If you wanted to play a job that brought nothing over the other you should've played WHM back on stormblood.

GW2 combat looks fun. Why did it fail?

>Is WHM's raid mitigation that's absurdly good and 20s long on top of providing more rdps than an AST from how strong it is better than AST's shitty rdps cards
Dilate WHM tranny. You don't even know how to play the game.

I don't think he's safe just yet. I just get the feeling that he's gonna die sooner or later. He's old, he's beloved by the players, and him dying wouldn't cause too many roadblocks for the writers since he isn't that relevant anymore.

I just want a debuff class, like the opposite of dancer. Increased debuff duration, more vulnerability to dots and stuff like that.

Games will continue to use the trinity until action combat becomes viable in MMOs of this scale. That will likely be decades from now.

Everyone cleared and got their loot for the week

So monster hunter?

>GCD healing in Titania Ex for Bright Sabbath and Flame Rune

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Can we talk about the fact that I have addle taking up three hotbar spots on RDM simply because there's nothing left for me to put in those spots?

tuesday is about the only day to run normal mode raids

Yet SCH is whining louder than AST at this point.
Lack of a trinity made dungeons a giant clusterfuck, they didn't really do anything for group content until they added fractals (dungeons but smaller) and then eventually raids where they just reintroduced the trinity anyway and created Healers and Tanks.

>literally only mdps with a utility skill that isn't locked at the end of their ten minute
rotation and actual healing skills
>NIN's only worthwhile ability tackedto on a completely useless healer with a garbage cooldown and retarded input

Please look forward to more skill pruning in the future.

>friends join raid
>they never did it before
>don't tell them how to do it, say it's "self explanatory"
>they keep dying to dumb shit and get upset

dude just run away from the glowy parts LMAO

Attached: 1563156245004.jpg (1920x1080, 77K)

5.1 is set to be possibly the biggest patch in the game's history.

Guaranteed/Already Announced Features:
>New MSQ
>New Expert Dungeon
>Hades EX Trial
>First raid of the Nier 24-man series
>First of the 5.X series Ultimate raids
>First of the 5.X series Beast Tribes
>Restoration of Ishgard DoH/DoL endgame
>New Game+ Mode
>BLU level cap increase to (probably?) Lv.60 & associated 3.X monster abilities
>New PVP Frontline mode
>New Gold Saucer shit (new GATE or activity I believe?)
>Job balance changes and random QoL shit

Likely Features:
>First step in the 5.X series Relic Weapon questline
>Diadem v3 to be included alongside the Restoration of Ishard (although this might be added in a later patch as an update to it)

Also, we're still getting those player-run farms at some point that Yoshida mentioned back during one of the FanFests, although I doubt that will happen in 5.1. My personal bet is they tie them in as a feature of Beastmaster, the new Limited Job that will 99% be released in 5.5.

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My take on it is that SCH are whining louder because the job can still be reasonably fixed.

AST is just completely fucked and needs massive buffs or another rework. People have abandoned the job completely.

>take one of the most unique and fun classes in MMOs from the first game
>pigeonhole it into being a tank
I'm still mad about what GW2 did to Mesmers

i really really like this picture

Listen I'm not going to lie and say I'm super good at FFXIV and I just run shit with pugs and having the extra healing helps when my cohealer has decided to become a DPS and everyone is standing in shit.
In a static group where you can coordinate I'm sure having perfect oGCD healing is great but that just doesn't happen in random pugs.

>Frost Rune incoming
Heh. Adjust please.

Just beat Shadowbringers, and holy fuck its my favorite expansion. For me its ShB, HW, ARR, and SB. I really did not like Stormblood at all.
Shadowbringers actually made me tear up a couple times.

We still need to find a way to send the scions back to the source

too hard to barance smar indie studio prease understan

Gw2 is an abomination and deserved to sink. I am glad whoever that autist was on /vg/ did what he did. They shat all over everything that was good in the first game and turned it into a soulless piece of shit.

See I don't feel that way because I think AST as is doesn't need a revamp it just needs potency adjustments. If Divination was more impactful and their cooldowns were stronger they'd regain a "required" spot. That doesn't entail rebuilding the class.
What Scholars want is all their DPS buttons back which is not going to realistically happen.

What's the current tank job ranking?
Is Gunbreaker shit or are there just a shitload of bandwagonners who picked it up as their first tank job and stupidly fucking shit up?

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Can you please stop downplaying your job?

AST might be in a bad spot but the card buffs are NOT worse than temperance because AST has their own damage mitigation tools. Cards and temperance can't even be compared since they're 2 completely different things.
Plus cards contribute more raid dps than chain stratagem.


All you need to do is give everyone the treatment they gave tanks in XIV. Tanks are now just DPS with a "hold aggro" toggle switch and some defensive cooldowns. That's what healers want. They want 70% of their skills to be a DPS rotation, plus a "healer mastery" trait that just makes them passively radiate regen healing when they attack, and a handful of cooldowns for dealing with heal checks or raising people.

That's all people want from a "role". A DPS rotation with a light spread of extra shit that lets them tank/heal without affecting their DPS. That's what everyone wants.

Scholars want a literally anything button to spend aetherflow on. So they aren't spending a lustrate on a tank that's at 100% health just to get rid of it.

GNB is purely optimized for off tanking and a lot of the bandwagonners who were hoping to be super cool tankchads with healsluts at their beck and call are already giving up on it.

>I am glad whoever that autist was on /vg/ did what he did
What happened?

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And WHM want a mitigation button like Sacred Soil to spend lilies on but I'm sure if that happened SCH would riot.


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Fixing Divination won't fix how bad Sleeve Draw feels imo. We'll see what happens though, it might be redeemable.

I just don't see anything happening unless they literally cut the CDs on Lightspeed and Divination in half.

Holy Shit this HW dicksucking is getting out of hand. Heavensward story actually fucking sucks. Why it's so overrated is beyond me.
>elves and dragons have war
>cliche romeo and juliet romance between dragon and elf thot end war
>a small group of dickass elves decide to gank a dragon for his eye
>getting his eye stolen causes the autistic dragon such butt devastation he decides to genocide every single elf in Ishgard dispite 99% being innocent
>we are suppose to feel sympathy for dragon shits and the traitorous icebitch who longs for dragon dick
And to think anons here compare the story to Tactics

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GNB, PLD, and DRK are all working pretty well on a fairly even playing field. WAR is the odd man out because it's just worse DRK.

>dps is the only thing that matters

Legion/BFA Discipline Priest is probably the perfect marriage of Healing and Damage that we will ever see in an MMO environment.
Of course if that was in XIV it'd break the game because it'd be like a WHM that heals via damage and everyone would freak.

Why? GNB plays like a dps and has faster queues.

I find it fun as fuck though.

WHM doesn't need a sacred soil to be enjoyable to play.

SCH needs something to burn excess AF on because it feels really awful.

I actually want a button to get lillies at the start of the fight, waiting 30seconds to use my gauge is fucking retarded.

And fluid aura needs to do actually something.

They'll spend at least two patches trying to get home

Not all of that stuff is going to be released on the same day though, of course. Some stuff like Ultimate will definitely be staggered at least one week, and probably a full half of all that content will be held back for 5.15.

The relic is probably going to follow the same release plan as Eureka since we know they have more Eureka-like content in the works, so don't expect to see it until 5.25.

They seem pretty balanced to me.

amazing how you literally only got the first sentence right

Why does SCH need something to burn AF with yet WHM doesn't? The issue with both is having excess healing resources.

thats he the other guy asked parrot

Having something that grants lilies would be pretty nice even if it was on like a 180s cooldown just to start fights feeling more comfortable.

I actually like healer as role since you still have to do mechanics and healing can be fun but tanks don't even have to do mechanics besides tank swaps most of the time.

Probably /kspg/ fate

The tanks are all in a good spot right now. Same with the DPS other than a few QoL adjustments that still need to be made.

WHM has ways to spend their lilies effectively without overhealing the shit out of everything. I don't really feel the situations are that comparable.

How can one man be so wrong? The only cliche thing about HW was the church being evil everything else was just fine.

They should just get rid of AST and put in a gambling job instead. These fucks probably don't even like healing.


>OT literally only has to do one mechanic in Titania
I'm glad I leveled PLD

Give me MH Hunting Horn, but a healer.

GNB and DNC should've started at lv.30 like DRK and MCH.
Same shit goes for SAM and RDM, giving the new jobs such a high starting level fuck things up every damn times.

Based on my experiences in E4N, they don't tank swap either.

>rdm with mentor crown in holminster
>says something about burning down the dogs first since they do the most damage
>i mean i guess i'll use my single target ogcds on them
>watch his castbar on the next pull on a hunch
>he never cast an aoe the rest of the dungeon
tl;dr burger kings bad

Ran a spambot and ban evaded literally 24/7. If you made any thread on /vg/ with Guild Wars anywhere in the OP post it would immediately get flooded with spam posts.

do you want the simplest job in the game or the second most complex?

Some guy on /vg/ has a bot eternally active that immediately floods the thread with random posts taken from other threads and boards whenever gw2 is mentioned on /vg/.

what? you either use lillies on a cure 2 or a medica clone spell lmao

>take DRK into Titania EX
>they make me OT

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>WHM has ways to spend their lilies effectively without overhealing the shit out of everything. I don't really feel the situations are that comparable.
On what? Burning lilies just to get Misery over just hitting Glare is pretty dumb. There's nothing for them to be used on that isn't healing.

>Praetorium ending
kino supremo

Incredibly based.
/xivg/ deserves the same, as much as I love the game.

This bot sounds great to ruin bait threads in somewhere like Yea Forums

But user, we need you to LD the tether because that mechanic is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to do otherwise

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>Pug WHM benedictions the DRK as soon as he eats the 2nd lightning tether with Living Dead
>He dies
Living Dead is such a shitshow with pugs.

THE WHOLE FUCKING STORY HINGES ON THE CHURCH BEING EVIL DUMBASS!!!! In reality the dragons were in the wrong since they were killing all of Ishgard for the actions of like 12 people.

MCH is considered complex? If so then I should def go MCH because it comes super natural after playing MCH for every expac.

the Eden raid gear is ugly as sin holy shit.

>take 3 tethers
>have 4 seconds of life remaining within me
>fall flat on the floor the second I go back to the rest of the group

It's got the second or third highest actions per minute, I believe. It's just less of a pain to play now and it actually does good damage in return for your efforts. Unlike NIN.

Are you niggers serious? The battle with Thordan was the best boss from a story and aesthetic point of view. The music was top notch and the fight was cinematic and out of this world.

Attached: Thordan_VII.png (608x1078, 730K)

the Church was perpetuating the lie and prolonging the war just as much as Nidhogg, though.

good, but overrated

My only issue was the fight was retard easy even the first couple days of expac release.

I did not think it was possible. It took them like 3 years to finally top it but I think they finally did in Shadowbringers.

Thordan is great. FSOF is even better. And Hades is even better than that.

>Alliance raid in ARR is CT which is kino
>HW Alliance raids aren’t great but they’re alright
>SB Alliance raids are just FF12/T references
>SHB Alliance raid is just going to be a Nier Automata reference
Why did they give up on 24 mans?

final steps is about 100% better

>Ivalice raids are bad because they're just 12/Tactics references
>but CT is KINO because it's a giant FF3 reference

The church was just trying to survive. Telling the truth would have done nothing but get Ishgard suicided since Nidhogg will not be appeased by apologies.

>Cleared day 3 of Early Access with the static doing Heals 1-2, DPS 1-4
>Realise a few days later we all have brain damage and could have cheesed it but none of us even considered Invulning.

I blame the lack of sleep but fucking god damnit.

>Thordan and the 12 jobbers
>Better than Chadhogg

Plenary used to be 100% garbage because its Confession stacks didn't actually last long enough for you to fucking use them. Tail-end of Stormblood it became a free group heal to pop whenever for anybody who still had stacks (the stacks' fall-off time was raised to something like 30s), in Shadowbringers it gives everyone close to you a Confession stack that slaps one extra Cure on top of whatever healing you've just thrown out (usually Medica since it's a group heal)

Both sides were wrong. The church for lying, although it could be understandable since their deception gave Ishgard the sense of unity to persevere and it might have been forgiven had Thordan did not desire to escalate it. Nidhogg for being a nighogg and instead of killing Isghardians and calming down, tormenting them for centuries.

Of course idiot, old game good, new game bad. Are you new?

that doesn't really make it complex tho, that just means you hit a lot of buttons

>the music in the final phase is synced to the stream of repeated akh morns he fires at you

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I have seen more wipes from people trying to cheese the tether than from people actually doing the mechanic properly.

I even had one farm group that expected the healers to shield and heal the OT through the first three hits, vuln debuff included, then benediction after the last three hits. They made this decision without informing the healers.

>there are TWO eyes being passed down to the Archbishop and Azure Dragoon
>somehow takes a thousand fucking years for one of them to finally get the stones to go kill Nidhogg
>just trying to survive
the Church could've slain Nidhogg at basically any point, the war was just a convenient way for them to remain in power.

>le tactics is deep meme
The politics in that game are literally reduced to "lol demons did it" by the third chapter, HW is unironically a better story

It's a shame the scene where he interrupts the peace talks is not as well remembered. Them using "A Cold Wind" at the moment when the crowd start shouting "Kill Nidhogg!" gave me chills, it was exceptional direction because you never heard that theme play anywhere else before that.

0 - 4 I play DRG
5 - 9 I play SAM

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hitting a lot of buttons in a short time in the right order is complex

i need this glam. pls link items

Enjoy the shed

I had success with 3 tethers tactic only once
It's wipe fest.

I feel like any group confident enough to not cheese is probably good enough they can handle hot potato. The groups that do cheese tend to do it because they're not confident, so if anything goes wrong at all everyone shits their pants and dies in a panicked fugue.

Welcome to the fold. Are you prepared to study the blade?

GNB's biggest problem is that they don't have a foil for tankbusters the way the other tanks do.

0-4 DNC
5-9 MCH

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>praetorium first time
>tank does not respect the content
>''waaah why cant i skip thisss''
>''omg is this really 40 minutes long?!? how old is this!?!?''
>everyone skips ahead
>cant get into the stupid mecha
Holy shit, i still catched up but what the fuck was that? why do i gotta play with lvl74 scrubs that already done ARR ages ago and wont respect the content and act like bitches

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SAM is mostly fine right now. DRG outperforms it currently, but will also likely receive slight nerfs in 5.05.

The queue only has 2 dungeons in it so people have done this shit literally 100s of times.

You forgot that Nidhogg has a eye and is clearly powerful enough to raze Ishgard by himself. The church doesn't know where Nidhoggs lair is and there wasn't an Azure Dragoon in history powerful enough to take on Nidhogg by themselves. Even Estineian needed the WoL help.

Because you're going to get 10000 minutes queue otherwise, these things should be solo tho it would be way more fun.

SE handled those dungeons poorly. People barreling through it while the newbies were forced through back to back cutscenes was bad, but so was making everything unskippable and giving fuck all of a reward from it.

Soon Yoshida will round up everyone who ever pulled more than one pack at a time and disembowel them.

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SAM is supposed to be melee BLM, if it’s getting outperformed by something that actually provides utility it’s fucking shit.

0-4 SMN
5-9 BLM

If you want to respect the content do it unsynced at like 160 ilvl so it plays like a solo instance

heart of stone.

I just want the fat experience bonus, just be glad you actually get to experience the fights somewhat instead of wondering where everyone is when you finish a cutscene

>DRG straight beats SAM in PDPS on most fights at about 80 or lower while bringing utility
>Even max parse the DRG is within 200

Fuckin jesus. Good time to grab a spear for this savage wing.

>Why do people have done this content for the past ~6 years want to do it faster
Praetorium and CM are interesting ideas, but the execution is fucked and is the reason we've never gotten 8 man dungeons agaain.
The only reason people still run MSQ roulette is for the large amount of EXP and tomestones.

It's being outperformed by DRG because DRG is overtuned right now. It will be addressed.

it is my destiny as foretold by the digits

you got lucky

Are the ARR Hildebrand quests the best ones? HW ones are a bit lacking so far.

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Yes. Even the weakest parts of Stormblood do not compare to the awful period that was 3.0-3.2. 3.1 was such a trash patch that felt like it nearly killed the game. Heavensward managed to crawl back in the later patches and become great with 3.3 being a really high point with the story and new actually successful experimental content like PotD.

Heavensward's patch cycle ended pretty strongly when it started so poorly which I think works better in the long run since people still generally like HW better than SB despite SB never really having those kinds of lows but never reached the same highs. It was much more average but is looked at worse in hindsight.

>cant get into the stupid mecha
Lmao. Every fucking time. When I was sprout I did same.

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Yeah, HW Hildy kind of sucks. SB is pretty great, though.

15% damage reduction is peanuts compared to something like The Blackest Night.

What are some of the most complex jobs in FFXIV?

they are good because they actually lead up to trials and fights, HW was trash, and SB ends up in another trial as well

I like HW more. But they're all good if you like that type of humor. Fits good to XIV world as change of pace

yeah okay retard

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The Stormblood one is a fucking riot.

Ninja and Mechanist

They are all braindead easy if you have played an MMO in the last 10 years

0-4 MCH
5-9 DRG

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Fuck, I can't wait for Shadowbringers Hildy. He's gonna save The First.

StB ones unlock THAT remote though

HW Hildi is alright.
SB's one is pretty decent

NIN, SMN, MCH for rotational complexity

BLM or Healers for optimization complexity


>rotational complexity

Stormblood Hildibrand had a more satisfying conclusion than Stormblood's MSQ.

Machinist isn't complex
>standard 1-2-3 combo
>Disassemble Drill
>Wildfire Overcharge which involves pressing 1 button repeatedly with maybe some others in between if you're going to go over on charges, and then 1 other button after the overcharge window ends
>throw out your robutt
It's has a high APM, sure, but it's not complex


Anyone who didn't pick that option to say to Ryne is a fag

what the hell is wrong with people who insist that afflatus misery is a dps loss, why are they willfully ignoring that you don't have to pound out every goddamned lily the very second you get it

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theres nothing wrong with the idea of 8 man dungeons, its the cutscenes that ruin CM and Praetorium

But NIN is hard to optimize because of all dat freedom in ShB

Exactly my point. CM and Praetorium's terrible execution scared the team off from doing more of them

4 Glares is 1200 potency
3 GCD Lily Heals + Misery is 900 potency

It's technically a loss, but most people just prefer to think of it as a refund. It's exactly what WHM needed.

Now if only they could figure out what the fuck to do with SCH and AST.

How high APM is dragoon?

not that even matters, you'll still only be doing slightly better than the DNC pressing buttons as they light up

they are retarded, they dont realize that its more of a refund on gcds we spend healing. instead of medica, we use rapture, instead of cure 2 we use solace.

About two floor humps per minute.

I liked the HW questline better than ARR. Haven't gotten around to SB's yet.

Middling-high, but you're almost never not doing something as Dragoon.

which job has the highest apm? and which is the lowest?

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NIN is japanese, not american

highest is NIN/MCH not sure about lowest

That's my own sticking-point with it, it seems like a dipshit SCH mindset that you're "wasting" a GCD even though you're replacing a GCD that was already spoken for with a healing spell anyways. It's a 0 DPS loss if circumstances demanded I cast Cure 2 or Medica anyways.

We don't have decent skill/spell speed right now. And this is not "peak". You can find NIN with 50APM right now

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Lowest would probably be BLM but they have other shit to worry about