Play dragon quest builders 2.
Play dragon quest builders 2
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I love it. Why is the story in the second island such ass though?
3rd is worse desu
i regret buying it. if they would've made this insufferably boring story mode co-op it would've redeemed the game. as it is, it's just terribly dull text box tutorials for the entire length of the game. they treat you like an idiot the entire time. god damn i hate this game. i don't know what i expected
god damn whenever the disembodied voice speaks and they plaster the text on the screen for an unskippable 25 seconds, what the fuck were they thinking? i'm never buying another dragon quest game again. this is unbearable
also the music is uninspired and exactly the same droll fair as every other dragon quest game. i really can't say enough bad things about this game. all they had to do was tell me to build a village, tell me to do what i want and not inject this overbearing story bullshit. also would a block button or a dodge button or SOMETHING have been that hard to do? god dammit what the fuck
is the switch version good?
i legit was ready to throw my controller today at that shit.
what the FUCK were they thinking?
haha i know, i was surprised at how mad it made me. i'm calming down a little bit now because they just told me to build a village however i want, and to build some other blueprint rooms. still, in terms of the overall presentation, this game is disappointingly on par with other dragon quest games. they refuse to change the music or update the recordings in any way, and they waste your time. i guess, like life, there's some awful muck for every bit of sunshine but it sure is hard to swallow when it comes from a company who's made games for as long as they have. also i guess on a personal level the fact that i'm trying to enjoy a solo minecraft ripoff maybe says a little bit about the way my life is going. alas
if anybody has played Dark Cloud 2, you know how good this game COULD have been given the tools the developers have at their disposal. that game had excellent presentation in terms of music, story, voice, but fell short when it came to combat, dungeons and town building. this game falls short in every department except for village building. it's playable and i'll try to enjoy it but it doesn't keep it from being a disappointment
the ds DQMs burned me on dragon quest forever, sorry user
Where do i get pristine water for the heartroot seed?
I need to find gold to finish silver bar. I need a flute to find gold, and cannot find flute. There are no active quests other than the bar. Help? Need flute.
What's wrong with the music?
Go play Minecraft you fucking autists.
I played this game for 14 straight hours today. What the fuck is happening to me.
You're enjoying yourself.
Is it better than the original? I had fun with it, but it was fucking boring once you beat the story.
Can I eventually make blueprints for the NPCs to build? Building every little house or bathroom is kind of a chore...
under the bog somewhere. under the water
Fuck off we don't want you. Thank god dragon quest will never change it's classic features and music.
It improves on everything the first did. Especially now that you never lose progress and can return to islands.
I played the demo
seems interesting but not sure if I wanna spend that much right now.
Maybe if it goes on sale some day
In the swamp there's a large rock formation in the middle, on top there's a sign telling you to dive under the water, at the base should be some different coloured blocks and an obvious entrance.
it's boring and has no nuance. it's just the same riffs over and over. it's not the worst but it's boring and i wouldn't listen to it outisde of the game
Based retard
>Hop into the ocean
>"Evil enemy is approaching"
I shat my pants and got out of the water really fast, what happens if you stay there?
The first one had absolutely no postgame whatsoever, so unless they added a ton of shit to do during the story, or made the multiplayer more than just showing off your house or fucking around with two or three randoms then it's not worth it.
merman comes are rapes you and your future children
you get some succ
Being a pathetic defensive weirdo isnt a personality user
>The first one had absolutely no postgame whatsoever, so unless they added a ton of shit to do during the story,
or made the multiplayer more than just showing off your house
or fucking around with two or three randoms
how do i get iron i still have the base hammer
do i have to wait for golem to become full copper first?
my quest right now is to get 10 iron
when i place the kask down behind the bar she doesn't acknowledge it, where did you put it?
How do you get the flute?
I did, I'm watching the credits right now.
What's the coop like? Can you not play story mode coop?
I think you get iron after turning him copper, but I can't remember exactly.
explain this. she won't acknowledge me
didn't realize this game was so realistic.
Fuck, now I will.
I seem to be hearing that a lot, and it's offputting as I haven't bought it yet. I hope it will get patched or something.
How is it compared to the first one?
I will but it's in queue atm with about 2-3 games ahead of it.
the first game is a damn alpha compared to 2. It's like playing Terraria back when the Wall of Flesh was the final boss and then playing it today
what was added
whens it coming to pc
Pastor Al just wanted to help
Put it on the counter, one block behind where you put it
Where the objective marker is, yknow
Oh i didn't notice you removed the counter.
Put the blocks back, and put the barrel on top lf that
Ok, what the fuck is up with restaurants? I managed to make one on my hub island, but for some reason, the one you are asked to make on the farming island doesn't want to trigger. I keep fucking switching between the small and big tables with all sorts of chairs and the bowls, and yet nothing fucking works.
I want to get this but I have some questions
How long until I can get into a Sandbox like more where I can build my own stuff? I hated that the first game gated the Sandbox and freedom for so long.
How viable is it to build your own villages and recruit your own villagers?
Forgot one
Can I build buildings with actual roofs and figure out a way to be able to navigate inside of them
villagers will harvest and seed fields for crops.
some side islands will give you a chance at unlimited basic crafting material like wood
in game achievement system and mechanic puzzles that rewards with mini medals to trade in for cosmetic and bonus recipes as well as bonus crafting tools like a trowel that'll build a 4x2 wall in one click or a pencil that'll save a building you make as a blueprint
you can revisit completed islands
eventually you can recruit animals, including food producing live stock, to your terra incognita replacement island, as well as unlock monster recruiting
monster recruiting you can add them as part members, some of them you can ride and they all have unique abilities like being able to do certain tasks in your base or have unique gameplay mechanics like double jump or clear out a giant area of blocks in one attack
Gloves that let you pick up shit instead of having to always bash it down, first-person mode so you can really Minecraft it up, sidequests that allow you to gain unlimited supplies to use on the island you build.
Can you go through the entire game completely in multiplayer once you unlock it? Planning to buy this with two other friends
No, the story-driven islands are entirely single-player. And it makes sense since the game would otherwise be too easy if you had 3 friends tagging along with you and your Malroth.
Firstly they revamped the entire happiness mechanic so that you need to give residents nice things, including a place to sleep, eat, and bathrooms and such. It accumulates slowly over time as they use them.
Secondly you have a party now compared to being alone. They put a load of traps and stuff in the game to help against sieges.
There are like a bazillion more items and rooms and stuff to do. On top of that, there are connecting room combos that give more. Also the things they have you build in the story are absolutely fucking massive. The castle in particular is over 5000 blocks.
Lastly the post game has a shitload more to do. There are dozens of objectives to complete to earn more rewards. There are tons of recipes you can only unlock post game by making residents live happy lives. There's shops that work that you can set up too.
Oh and the paraglider from Breath of the Wild is in and you get it immediately.
no. you can only invite people to one island, and you can visit theirs. you can't take anything you find there back to your island
Are you a female cuck, or a super saiyan chad?
Can either of you two gentlemen help me with these questions
there could be a modifier for difficulty of enemies... plus the combat is an afterthought anyway. it would just be fun to build towns and accomplish goals with another player
I don’t mind that, but is there any progression in the multiplayer island like gathering materials? Or is it just Minecraft creative mode
y u samefaggin tho
Can males wear the cottontail suit
This game is "look at clock and it's already 7am when it was 6pm a minute ago" fun. My favorite part though is the puns
The first island is basically your sandbox, and you unlock more to do as you complete the story-islands. Villagers are always predetermined and you'll be asked to speak with the ones who are set to come with you before your return to the sandbox island. As for their helpfulness, they'll do a lot of shit that would have taken you many hours, giving you either side-projects to do while they're busy, or just chilling and doing your own thing while they get the busywork done.
If you've ever played minecraft on console's "demo", it's like that but stretched out through the whole game. It's not quite a tutorial, but you're pretty explicitly told what to build all the way throughout the game so it doesn't feel like it offers much creativity.
You can get to your sandbox island and start building stuff in about...6 or so hours? Maybe a little longer if you are slow. You can also put a roof on buildings and there are about 50 different slanted roof tile types now, including windows.
it looks like you can explorer shores with multiplayer. Basically the small, randomized islands with specific blocks, crops and enemies but aren't the main quest islands. Basically you visit specific biomes to gather shit for back home
thank youuuuuu
Anyone? This shit is getting annoying.
But that's wrong. You're given plenty of creative control with what to do. Sure, some rooms have specifics you have to follow, but only at first, then you can revise them to your heart's content in whichever way you want. You can expand the size of fields, turn simple rooms into swanky apartments with rooms for each resident, and customize a lot of the layouts of your bases.
you make the dining room connected to a kitchen. Try 2 to 3 sets of small tables and stools with a dining set placed on top to get the combo and put a door connecting to another room with 2 or 3 cooking fires, a chest... i think that's all you need to make a kitchen room
basically make two different rooms and connect them with a door
The townsfolk in the second island mention it, so yes.
I know about the door to the kitchen, but I swear I've tried like every combo of chairs and tables and nothing seems to want to trigger other than "large dining room". And as far as I recall, it doesn't matter what you put on the table so long as it's something the people can eat with.
you can recruit make cottontail dancers in... i think it was explorer island with the underground caverns
I think it’s because people expect a minecraft clone that can let you do whatever you want from the get go but they get surprised when its a mission based rpg with building.
And honestly, that's better in some ways when you think about it. It teaches you along the way how to do things instead of just letting it all be guesswork, while the story is something to entertain instead of "it's a block world, go nuts"
I'm getting hype
it's the real minecraft story mode. That's literally how you need to come at this to get a decent expectation. You gotta do the story and then post-game is when you can do the crazy shit all out
Yeah i love the way it is and i like minecraft as well since thats more friendly for my kids.
Anyway quick question, can i pick up a block or item with the gloves and put it back in my bag instead of just being able to put it down?
nah, gloves is literally just enderman simulator. There is a trick later own using the trowel to save grassy blocks in your inventory but you either smash and grab or place one at a time without putting it in your pocket
Ok so I’m at the part where you’re supposed to be making Oasis but I feel like I’m not filling the water basins correctly. Can someone help elaborate on what the fuck I’m supposed to be doing with these?
Cheat. Create a platform the level you want the water to be at and use that to pour until full and even
So you're given creative control AFTER you have to do explicitly what it tells you and it's already built. Yeah, got it. Just like the minecraft tutorial demo.
How does the multiplayer work? Can I play with a friend right off the bat online?
I mean you can just have your townfolk build the base model and then you pimp it out, but whatever
>how dare a game inform the player of how to create certain things?
Christ, you sound like the most salty fuck to ever exist.
check the blueprint to see if anything is red
it forces and doesn't allow you to deviate until it's done. Why are you trying to pretty up the devs treating the player like a braindead fucktard? It's disgusting.
Does the game get good? Demo wasn't exactly a great example...
I feel like the rooms are pretty basic with plenty of room for you to put your own decorations and extra on them.
It's hardly mistreating the players you fucking autist. Telling you how to specifically do something is how games work. And you keep acting like the game doesn't let you do anything you want at all, which is a blatant lie. You are able to customize the layout of rooms however you please once you've completed their quest-related requirements.
you're literally just a cocksucker for this piece of shit. get over yourself, retard.
It's much better. For sure, the demo wasn't quite as good a sampling as the original's, which was essentially the first quarter of the first chapter (up until the first portal is given to you). You'd think they could have given you at least up until the first time you grow the Deitree or something, which would at least give you a good 2 or so hours depending on how long you take.
Help me bros, should I play the first one before this?
You get over yourself, you fucking dipshit. The game has specific instructions, yes, but that's not a fucking bad thing. Goddamn, you are one fucking autistic little shit if being informed of how certain things gets you this assblasted. You literally are able to build your towns how you want, where you want, and without any restriction of their size or shape.
Don't feel too bad, I put 40 hours into it between 10am Saturday and 1pm Monday.
imagine being this autistic
Will I like it if I like Dragon Quest and Toriyama but don't like Minecraft?
Okay, how long does it take to get to a snow island, or is everything "randomly" generated like Minecraft?
I'm a sucker for snow biomes.
Of course
If you absolutely hate Minecraft and anything like it, hard to say. I wasn't big into that, but this game really hooked me. If you're fine with similar games, then you probably should enjoy it.
Don't know about any snowy areas, though I would assume there's some since the original had it. As for them being randomly generated, only the small "explorer" islands are random in their layout, which is why you want to complete their little scavenger hunts before leaving to unlock their bonuses, or else you have to start over again upon your next visit to them.
No you'll burn yourself out and not want to play 2 as well as not being able to enjoy the QoL changes they made.
Go sperg somewhere else
Gotta disagree. While the second game is much better, there's plenty to still enjoy about the first one. Certainly, playing both back to back might be draining, but that likely depends on whether or not the user is super into crafting games or has an easily fulfilled palette that could be sated for a long while by just one game. In that case , then you're probably best off just skipping to the second.
However, it should be noted that there are some little bonus items you get from having data from the original, but it's mainly cosmetic stuff like the outfits of the original builders and a throne that lets you look like Dragonlord when you sit upon it.
>[clapping intensifies]
Playing the demo atm. I kind of like it? Just not sure yet If I'd like to spend $60 on it yknow
Is this maplestory 2
There's too many fucking games to play lately and even more coming out soon. I'll get around to it eventually.
sell me on the game, is it anime minecraft ?
idk if you enjoy opening a blueprint, then closing the blueprint to place blocks exactly where they need to go, then open the blueprint again to place the next blocks, then close the blueprint then open it again, then yeah this game is for you
sounds lame to be honest
Trust me when I say it's much better in the full game. It definitely doesn't let you cut loose quite as fast as the original did, but once you get to the first story-driven island, the game really opens up. Thankfully, demo data will let you skip the ship, though you still have to replay the first night on the island for some odd reason.
Hardly that difficult to remember the placement of stuff while doing the blueprint specific buildings.
It's actually quite fun. The way it blends a classic franchise like Dragon Quest with the relatively newer Minecraft mechanics is quite addictive.
>Poison Needle sword has chance of instantly killilng an enemy
>It's created by using some grass fiber, bramble, and night soil
>night soil is literally shit
>you're making a sword with shit on it
>the instant-death is them getting infected by shit
This game is downright hilarious.
It needs to be a "Simple kitchen" and "Dining room"
Try reducing the size of the dining room.
>set text speed to max
>still takes 5 minutes to get through some dialogue
Fun game but please just let me build my theme park with blackjack and hookers.
It took me a retardedly long time to realize the book of blueprints was a nudie mag reference to MGS, and that you weren't placing it on the table so you could read it for a blueprint later when you escape, but because the skeletons were horny for building.
The obnoxiously gigantic blueprints are built by your citizens while you do other shit and there are plenty of rooms you can make to your own tastes because the quest giver will just tell you what furniture to put in it to make it the room they want. The way you phrase it makes it sound like the game is nothing but blueprint building, but it's not.
>though you still have to replay the first night on the island for some odd reason.
I'm assuming that it's just a simple check to say that you completed it and it can't carry over inventory data. Once you get to the island you can start picking up stuff freely and adding them to your inventory so that's probably why it doesn't transfer anything from that point onwards.
Otherwise you'd be stuck with an empty inventory when you used the save data on the main game.
Anyone figure out how to make a receptionist room for the inn?
>Played for ages last night building Green Gardens
>NPC message, most speech bubbles and some item names vanished
I saw others had this issue too after a long session but taking a break fixed it. Hope it's fixed today because that shit would be a problem.
How far down can you dig and are the maps infinite/randomly generated?
I only have the first game, should I play it instead?
I've only got 1 hammer upgrade and can dig pretty deep on the sandbox island. If you get another upgrade then you can dig real deep.
2 improves on 1 in every way. If you don't want to spend the money on 2 then I guess 1 will do you alright. If you like the first game at all of highly suggest getting the second one.
Why isn't this on PC
I feel insulted that I legit couldn't figure out some of these Korok Seed-like problems.
Some are fairly tricky
I just found one on the desert island that baffled me, the one with two big cubes with one colored square on each side.
You have to realize the cube is rotated compared to the other one.
put a torch on your hotbar and have it highlighted, that will make you run around carrying it. so as soon as those suckers come near you they instanly run away.
>counter and blocks are already in place
>you fucking remove it then get confused
I never finished the first one since Yea Forums memed me into buying it. What are the differences?
>the ones where you have to wait a literal half hour for the snow to fall into place
hmm, gonna be tricky making a cheeky room but I want that chisel
>Working on Green Garden
>Make some plots of farm
>NPCs till one of the farms
>The rest are ignored
Fucking hell.
DQB2 has the worst combat I've ever seen in any video game desu
>Yea Forums wants me to buy this full price game
>instead I'll buy some game on sale on Steam for 8 bucks
deal with it, faggots
>some people eat $100 steak
>some people eat $5 steak
i respect your preference
PC versions of Japanese games are almost always made for western audiences and most of the time the PC versions arent even released in Japan. Dragon Quest 11 is a mainline game, so its guaranteed to sell at least a little in the west which is why it was also on PC. The builders series is even more niche than the mainline games, so they probably decided a PC version probably isnt worth it. (To be fair, the switch and ps4 versions probably wont sell amazingly either.)
you chose poorly
well here's hoping the actual production cost for Builders is cheap to make it worth it to keep making little spin offs like this
i've never played a DQ game in my life but I keep seeing this puff puff stuff, even in DQ11 screenshots. what the FUCK is going on there??
oh neat, the monster bestiary says which monsters can be tamed
$5 steak tastes like shit and $100 is just over priced steak. $10-15 steaks are where its at.
>japanese humor™
Lots of good QoL changes but overall I thought the campaign was inferior to the first game's. Also, the Switch version's framerate on the Isle of Awakening has gone to shit several hours into postgame.
>japanese humor™
More like Toriyama fetish.
holy shit. Befriending Chimera's make your glider a fucking joke. It's basically Kirby mode
>american slavery™
Wait, wanting tiddies in your face is a fetish?
Go get yourself a robot-bro.
Only just started the third island. Didn't want to but got the impression fuck all would be getting done at all any more if I didn't.
>tfw robro fucking dies
cool graph fucko
you have quests like building a loo or a house for the cute loli without explicitly telling you how to build it, just that it needs a couple of furnitures
>no one is disproving your point
>Buying a game about building things for its combat
There's lots of combat and it's absolute trash. It's not even servicable, just trash.
I played 1, I'm waiting on 3 for my Loto.
*blocks your path*
>Always had faith we'll see RF5 one day
Is this coming to PC?
Mounts/cars when?
post side-adventure after the second story island you'll unlock recruiting monsters which some can become mounts
It’s pretty fun actually
Goldirox was an absolute lad though, more than makes up for everything else
They already had a super serious story on the first island so they needed a more light hearted one for the second
Like going from Rimuldar to Kol in DQB1
I wont. It runs like shit on the switch and i haven't bought a ps4 yet
Wish I could hide the book on your character's back.
Switch or PS4? Going to buy it after I beat that new fe game
Ps4 is solid 60fps, Switch is 30fps with lots of drops and worse graphics.
It isn't solid 60
>building the pyramid
>lag drops everywhere
Sorry, it's 60fps with some drops to the 50s. Still better than 30fps with drops though and that's being generous.
>Build a sweet rail system for the isle of awakening to travel between settlements in style
>what's a crash cart? I'll check it out
>accidentally destroy the wall to one of my buildings because the railway was up against it
Jesus what the fuck is the application for such a thing
So how does selling items work, exactly? I have two merchants and a small item shop with hammerhood plushies on all the price tags but residents aren't buying anything.
Is there a bonus for having a DQB1 save file? Been hearing about the frame rate issues the switch version has, so I was leaning towards PS, but bonus items/perks are also nice
Music autist here. Added more to the list as I'm playing. Please add anything I'm missing.
Anyone else autistic enough to catalog the music that plays in the game with me? They're the nice versions of songs usually found in the iOS/Android ports (also PS2 for V I believe), if you're looking it up on Youtube the SNES/DS/etc. versions will be lower quality midi versions which sound totally different most of the time due to better instruments used in the new remixes
>battle theme
DQ2 battle theme
>invasion theme
DQ4 battle theme
>first island overworld
DQ6 overworld
>first waking up on Isle of Awakening music
"Saint" from DQ5
>coralily cave on first island
DQ5 dungeon theme
>Brainy Badboon battle theme
DQ5 boss theme
>Furrowfield while rebuilding the deitree
"Colosseum Back Room" -DQ4
>Furrowfield music after restoring everything
DQ5 town theme
>second island overworld
Torneko's World Map theme -DQ4
>Khrumbul Dun town
"Village" -DQ3
>Khrumbul Dun town night
"Boogie Woogie" -DQ3
If anyone can tell me the song that plays when you *first* meet Pastor Al that'd be great, it's on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't place it
you get...i think the mallet skin from the first game and you get recipes to make Dragon Lord's throne, i know that much
Yes, can't really remember what exactly you get though besides the first game's Builder's hat/hairstyle as a customization option
what's the song when you're first riding around on Goldibrix?
cope harder mutilated slave
Third island worst island
Shit taste. Building a bar and hanging out and drinking with your bros after a hard day of mining while watching the local town bicycle dance >>>>>>> a tried Store Brand jrpg story
>finished 1 and the challenges on each map on switch
>buy 2 on PS4 and miss this
I liked those hats
I wish you could recruit every monster
I want to get one one of those axe dragons/hacksauruses and name it Lizzie because Lizzie was a badass
How is the framerate on Switch/PS4 or should I just cop it on PC?
Switch has FPS drops but it’s not too bad if you value the portability
the superior female hair style
Drops from 60 or 30 though if it's dropping below 30 that's kinda a deal breaker same reason I've not actually played BotW
I dunno I haven't gotten that far yet. I'll post it in a thread whenever I get there.
Also I forgot the pre-rebuilding Furrowfield music, if anyone remembers it please mention it.
There is no PC version. If you don't play on the go with Switch then get the PS4 version.
I would if it released on PC
>Oh and the paraglider from Breath of the Wild is in and you get it immediately.
This is a lie, you don't get it immediately. It's a pretty decent way into the first island, although it's a fraction compared to the overall length of the game.
Then get the PS4 version
Do you recruit the sabrecat on the first explorer isle? Already got the cub.
I recruited a boss monster Killing Machine so I assume you can
When do you get to recruit monsters?
PS4 even stutters in some places, it's kinda annoying
overall it's obviously better than Switch and the texture resolution/shadow distance is nicer
Switch maxes out at 30fps steady
some boss music in DQ11, when fighting "weird" bosses
Why did the make the pyramid ASYMMETRICAL the top is nowhere fucking close to being even with the rest of it! Is this intended or are my villagers just retarded?
After second island
in fucking skeleton jail
Should I get this? I really enjoy games like Stardew Valley and Terraria. I played through the demo but it just felt like a tutorial.
Oh fuck, that sounds cool
>skeleton jail
that stealth section kicked my ass because I have no sense of direction, it's cool that it's there but it took like an hour holy shit
vietnamese used those to btfo americans.
shit covered spikes everywhere.
I just took the platforming/building section up above, I don't understand why'd anyone would actually try to do the janky stealth section legitimately
you've got the power of the builder after all, infinite ladders and all
try playing the first game's demo, that one actually gives you more of a feel for what the rest of the game's like
Babs is a slut
Do you ever get her final outfit to wear yourself?
Man i'm loving this game, already finished the first island and recorded all the things in the explorer island where you get the chicken, the only things that bother me is the excess handholding and the performance on switch, i have read it gets much worse later in the game when you have multiple things going on in the isle of awakening. I don't know if i can continue because of this, anyone knows if this is true, does it gets unplayable later?
If i had a PS4 i would play it on it.
What the fuck is the point of the colossal coffer it hold the same amount as a normal chest
>Finish the prison island and go back home
>Lulu was camped out by the pier waiting for you both to return
I was hoping you could at least have it collect shit you don't want in your inventory like the infinite resources. Shit was a waste of points.
I think in the first game it was the only chest where its content was "global" and could be accessed on building station without it being directly in your inventory
If it is i havent discovered yet
Man this game gave both the villains more characterization than their home game.
she's surrounded by asexual bodybuilders that only want to protect her of course she's a slut
Also, her dad's a crossdresser.
Your MC's face lol
Second game's demo honestly isn't too great, do this.
>asexual bodybuilders who only want to protect her
anonplease, almost everyone there wanted to fuck her, even the golem
The things I liked about Minecraft and Terraria were cave exploring, mining, and fighting. I'm kinda basic when it comes to building shit. Does this game have depth to those things or is it actually just all building?
the combat has more to it than Minecraft but less than Terraria
Stuck on the island where you learn to farm. Got as far tomatoes n' making tree swings and i already met the 250 or whatever it was goal. Nothing new seems to be happening and i've been everywhere except that one island i'd have to swim to and i've got no quests.
if there's no more villagers with ! on their heads, talk to Pastor Al and get a refresher on what's next
Can you build a treasure vault? Can you put it in a cave behind a waterfall?
Can't find anyone with explanation points in town or anywhere else on the island.
>"hm hm hm... Our journey was long and perilous, but the harvest festival is nearly upon us!"
Is all he has to say.
Maybe you planted 250 things and then un-planted them?
I'm pretty sure there are more then 250. Nothing has died and i've planted some more to fill out a few rows.
Is there a way to get your villagers to build blueprints for you?
enjoying games is a good thing user.
Try ringing the bell to level up your base.
Did you plant 5 different crops all at the same time though?
Any idea when it comes ti PC
DQ4 battle theme is best battle theme
They're all currently growing if thats what you're asking
Already max, but i'll try hitting it with the sword.
I have a backlog and I haven't played DQB1
I found the missing quest it just appeared in the graveyard above the cave with the seeds in it, but no one is there to talk to and i waited until night and everything. I assume this is the ghost people talked about.
do tablet missions until you get the pencil but you have to build it first i think? Sounds like something to use for copy/paste buildings
also, I'm guessing there's no room that actually needs boogie boards. I'm just gonna have to make like a dinning room for my floor stage
I know you can make private room but can you make npcs roommate?
Just make a room with two beds and everyone who doesnt have asigned rooms will sleep there.
Time to force the girls to sleep with me
Try doing one quest at a time, (talking to just one character with an "i" above their heads, and then finish the quest before taking another.) that way you won't be missing quest.
>tfw befriended a liquid metal slime on my first try
its not out is it?
Since the 12
Too expensive
I think you can make a shared room with two nameplates if it also has two beds and two chairs
unfortunately, rooms like the "tough and buff bedroom" or whatever override the shared room, and only the shared room can have two functional nameplates
rocket slime is based
you're retarded
How many big story island is there? I'm on the third one and feel like the end is close
There’s 3 and at least a fourth one but I haven’t got to it yet, I’ve only seen screenshots
man, golem strip mining really saves a ton of fucking time. Get more gold in 10 minutes than you do in a fucking hour
>according to literally WHO
All jew doctors need to be gassed
Yes. Same as putting your dick in a thigh gap from either directions, holding hands, and head pats.
Effectively yes
>blaming the Jews for your tiny penis
Nope, just the mutilated parts. I bet the military paid them $300 for it, too.
>mutilation = tiny
/pol/ confirmed for retard
What's the second drop of she-slimes? Killed a ton of them without getting it.
I'm pretty sure you're the one confused here, in this video games thread.
You don't get money you just get hearts. Unless they aren't buying things at all and your stock remains the same. If that is the case I have no idea
Yeah, that's what I mean, there are never any hearts in the store and the stock isn't depleting. The room is called small item store, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Do you guys ever have trouble with rooms being considered rooms? I've got the walls n' door up but it doesn't seem to recognize some of them for whatever reason.
If they're larger than 10x10 they can't be rooms I think, this ruined my treehouse
If you put sconces on the walls they can only be on the first two layers or they aren't considered in the room.
i mean you can probably work around that by breaking oversized rooms with tiny side rooms like toilets
it's for children, so
The skeleton bro gets washed away after you guys bond.
He says never forget me. Right in the feels.
Make sure you remember Capt Whitebones words user. Never forget him.
Prickly Peach. It's easy enough to get from the many cacti.
There's three big story islands plus two smaller story islands as well as the finale area. The IoA is the main area of course and you have the randomised islands plus buildertopia.
I loved the first area. Now I am in the desert and I'm not feeling it anymore.
What went wrong.
Put a community chest with the ingredients by the blueprint.
I just got it yesterday. If there's one change I don't like it's the fact that your Hammer is basically useless in combat. Couldn't you originally use it the fight monsters? It only does 1 damage now
I felt the exact same way, it last from the moment the game starts until the main quest ends. The only deviation you get from that is the tiny island of awakening and tablet goals and even then most of your tools are still locked behind story progression. It's a really tough slog instead of what should have been an ocean of player discovery.
Intended I believe. Lulu makes a comment about it being an amateur job.
Terrible pacing
>repeat 30,000 times per chapter with 0 player agency
Recruitable (Doesn't matter if a boss or not, they're normal size when recruited)
Chimaera (All three variants)
Hand (Both variants)
Zombie (All three variants)
Hammerhood (Both variants)
Living Statue (Both variants)
Powie Yowie
Killing Machine (Both variants)
Liquid Slime (Both variants)
Golem (All variants)
Great Sabrecub & Cat (Not quite variants since the cat is much faster and has an right block jump)
are you putting them on item pedestals? you need to actually select the pricetag and set the item there
can someone remind me where liquid slimes spawn? both variants. I remember seeing them, but I didn't kill them and now I don't remember exactly where they were
Liquid Metal Slimes spawn on the snowy island near Moonbrook
I forget where liquid Slimes spawn, but liquid metal Slimes spawn as a very strong monster in a certain area of the map
I'm still on island 1. When I go to the next island will they pull the same shit like the chapters in DQB1 where I lose all recipes and items?
>Metal Slime King spawns between 3 trees and can't escape
Thanks for the xp.
Moonbrooke for standard ones. There's a giant metal one knocking about on one of the later rng islands.
There’s an area that breaks up the action where you keep literally everything
New Dragon Quest monsters when
So was minecraft?
is the succubat from XI new?
I'm kinda worried about the level cap
they're not gonna make us level all the way to lvl 99 in the post-game for some dumb final recipe, right?
Can't figure out why NPCs won't water my farm plots on the Isle of Awakening, I have water flowing from a waterfall directly next to the farm, yet it keeps drying up.
can you take a pic? maybe it's out of bounds of the area that NPCs attend
In terrible phone quality.
they water after they plant
I can't even get them to fucking till the soil. They did it for one plot with missing parts and a single block in another farm both of which have fuck all in them to even plant.
>Perfectly good sugar cane farm right next to to the one they did
>Don't even look at it
>They just stand in the house instead
>Only person doing anything at all is Lillian cooking
Yeah, I went full retard and was trying to plant Tomato seeds on a normal plot, was wondering why nothing was being planted and thought the plot looked dry.
>Only person doing anything at all is Lillian cooking
Lillian is so good, I wish I had more cooks, I'm overflowing in foodstuff, 1000+ of each crop at this point
>what will I do without all these useless items!?
like the first game, the upgrade paths for each island are completely different
When do I unlock stone building materials?
I want stone houses and a stone wall to keep monsters out.
Yeah but until then
>finally unlocked preferred ambiances by NPCs
Saffron, Babs, Den and the dog from Furrowfield are cheeky sluts
I spent $90 on this due to Canadian clown currency, and while I've been enjoying it still 10 hours in, I can't help but feel like there are extensive Minecraft modpacks for this style of village building and the feeling it gives.
is the dialogue from NPCs on the Isle of Awakening affected by the time of day or something?
sometimes they give me hints on how to build certain rooms, other times they only repeat the same two lines of dialogue about the plot or about other residents
Huh so I'm not the only building the village there
aaaaaaaaaaaa why is there so little space on the second island
Yeah, everything is temporary at the moment untill I have a good idea about how much space I'm going to use. Gonna redirect that waterfall to make a little stream through the village and eventually some irragation for farms.
Bit disappointed at the game, but overall it was kind of fun.
6/10 for me.
I made a big staircase going from that area to the river and forest, gonna just make all of it a village.
I think i'll get it next month but.. for PS4 or Switch?
I built the tree and cleared the Green board on our island. It's giving these other tasks to build things, but I don't like how it's not showing a place to start. Will the main island get a main place to start building on it?
I surrounded my castle with a beautiful poison swamp and now liquid Slimes are poisoning me out the ass fuck
Whats the song that plays during that pumpkin festival?
I came for the Veronica but I stayed for the Serena.
it's the flattest space from the start. It's fertile valley
Link YouTube video and I'll tell you
>Just figured out how to make elevators
I should really finish the story before I get too deep into the awakening isle cause game elevators would solve a lot of my current problems
Island 2 will net you some ladders so you could at least finish that and solve some problems.
I would get it, but my ps4 just got some blue light of death, and I worry about the frame rate on the Switch ruining the experience.
Switch, being comfy while building is amazing
[the music for malhalla
is from dbq 8 it is called heavenly flight]
It's Dragon Quest with Minecraft. I don't know why people say it's Minecraft with Dragon Quest.
only time the frame rate on the switch has been awful is when i was underwater looking up through the water.
I've seen that big city gif tho.
If chapter 2 doesn't result in a bunch of gangbang doujinshi japan really dropped the ball.
Because you're wrong 100%.
What? On the Switch? I'm playing it on the Switch and it's always awful, I'm sure it tanks to like 15 during the second island.
Is there a place where the hot spring water always spawns? I forgot to put it in my jug on the explorers shore and I've already checked everything off so the echo flute doesn't help finding it again. I've been running around resetting the island for half an hour just looking for this hot spring.
It wasn't much of that as it was I felt all my progress was pointless. I spent hours tearing down the castle in chapter 1 to build a beautiful castle themed town. Then chapter 2 came and started me at scratch.
Where the hell do you find coal in the snowy island? Do I have to grind skeletons and gargoyles?
Man, I really like this game, but the way the text is done just drives me nuts.
>Paragraph of text to tell you just to build a wall
>finish wall
>paragraph of text just to turn it in
>another paragraph of text telling you to do something you figured out you'd need to do ten minutes again
And whoever coded that Inner Voice bulllshit should be shot! It doesn't take half a minute to read two lines!
she gets rocked hard, don't worry
it's an RPG, specifically invoking old school JRPGS so expecting a lot of text should have been clear
with you with disembodied voice. Should load faster and need a button push to advance. Bad enough it loads slow but I also can't look away too long to kill time or risk missing something
What pisses me off is how fucking small the font is. I'm going fucking blind trying to read all that shit.
A dangerous level of addictive happiness.
It's nice when you remember how to enjoy things, just meter it out a bit.
I marathoned the first 5 mins of the intro and got bored a quit.
You can keep your Lulu’s and your Not!Arale’s and your bunnygirls and your Soldier Waifus. Real men know the best girl is Hellen
It's good in handheld mode and shit docked.
its hardly noticeable imo except when its auto-saving or you're collecting hundreds of blocks. slight lag when warping but the warping is at least 10 times faster than most other games.
Got the platinum. Start breeding dogs or cats early so you don't spend hours doing it at the end of the game like I did.
that's not how you spell Britney
how do you make those bitches happy
cows too if you know
i will never get a gf like alena...
It's needed to fight monsters made of stone later on.
Poison Needle has been pretty damn good for a while now. It might be falling off in damage, but it has a high crit AND instant death sometimes.
Ah the age old conflict. Teenage bimbogirls versus monster girls
I keep one on me just for annoying super strong monsters
>you have to manually bury your dead soldiers, carrying their bodies one by one to their coffins yourself on the snowy castle island
Damn, that's tough, man.
She is pretty thick, and she’s clearly down to smash
Dial it back a bit before you burn out
Making the oasis, and I'm permanently stuck at 13/15 progress. No matter where I put grass, even that little elevated spot in the middle, it won't go up.
get good.
I think the progress is linked to the number of tiles on the minimap
Spread it out a bit further and make more green minimap tiles in that spot
Male because I want to be not-Goku. Which is great because it makes the bromance between the hero and anti-christ not-Vegeta more stronger.
Do you guys know where to find bananas on the desert mini island? I can only find sunflowers and peppers.
Which flavor of not-Goku? I'm currently rocking Goku Black Rose.
Regarding the framerate on switch issues here's what I can tell you. When docked there are definitely some hits to the framerate when you look at certain areas or have too much shit in view. Example is when you climb the windmill in the 2nd island or when you look out at the ocean. It's not unplayable-ly annoying but it is noticeable. It's not every time you look at the the aforementioned locations but if you look at them from certain angles.
However the framerate on handheld mode is oddly stable. Even when looking or being at the areas mentioned before. I don't know what voodoo bullshit is this but it's way more stable than the docked mode for some reason.
Do you guys like the first person mode. I find it pretty comfy.
OG super saiyan goku as god intended.
Docked is probably running at a higher res than undocked.
Game looks great in handheld too. Appears to be native resolution, it looks stellar and so crisp.
Not bad, did that for the first two islands.
I went with Crono
For quests that want you to terraform, it goes by the squares on the 2d map
>game start you off with your amnesic bro who may end up destroying the world one day
>dude just wants to be like you but can only help out by being a brute
>think it's just gonna be you and your bro on the island (no homo)
>immediately have a pink haired cunt thrown at your face who DEMANDS shit from you
you have no idea how happy I was to leave that bitch on the first island. Please tell me she leaves or die along the way.
Lulu is cute though so it's okay
Nah, implale that bitch on top of a pyramid, like Malroth suggested.
She chills out after you leave her alone with the hairy hermit for a month.
>First story island is the most linear shit ever made, making your own decisions gets you punished
>Get back to own island
>Overwhelmed with so much freedom I don't even know what to do
I don't know how to feel about this.
First person is best for precision building, but I wish there was a way to prevent accidentally backing off of a block like in minecraft.
Just build a basic town for your villagers so you can start racking up heart points. Make sleeping quarters, crop fields, a restaurant, bathrooms, bathhouse, go wild.
I don't know how the endgame works out, but I haven't done anything but he absolute minimum for the Isle. If you put the stackable slimes down (which is a bonus that all current editions come with, I think), your villagers will throw 100 hearts at that thing every five minutes.
The Island is uneven as fuck though and I can't even remove some blocks with my hammer.
I just built everything I needed around the tiny mountain that the builder tablet is on, just had to level out the landscape a bit and remove rocks to replace with soil for my fields but it worked out.
You get a better hammer on the next island so if you're really upset about the unbreakable bricks just wait until then.
>stackable slimes
A bonus for everybody but digital purchasers apparently
Can you recruit any monster you find in the small side islands including the super-strong ones? I wanted a dragon.
>A bonus for everybody but digital purchasers apparently
Physicalchads win again.
Do like everyone did and build around the stone tablet area.
I'm playing on the Switch and I absolutely love the game so far. I'm liking the second island way more than the first one since I like the theme and I feel like I have more freedom when it comes to building my town. However, I just finished the silver bar and the frame rate has really started to tank bad when I'm in town now :^(
Docked or handheld?
How did they do that!?
A mixture of being Japanese and autism
how many bonfires do you have set out? mine lagged for a bit when i set too many out.
What do I name my slime bros?
Just ran around my town in handheld mode and it's definitely better but still a little laggy.
3 total. I think it might be all the sconces I placed.
Ended up calling him Sgooby
I would but I'm fucking broke and £50 for a minecraft clone with cool combat is way too much.
Man I love Malroth, he's being such a bro in this prison island.
When do you get to free build. I just took the boat to the first isle and I don't want to fix everything up because i might leave.
A secret "recipe" was found involving the Ruin Blade, equip it and at a costume change mirror set your weapon skin to Falcon Blade.
Enjoy your 100+ attack power Uber Falcon Blade.
When you return to the Isle of Awakening it opens up more until you go to the next story island.
Also you're gonna want to fix up the first island no matter what, you'll be there a while.
Adding on to this, there's a number of very useful tools and upgrades that unlock from doing stuff.
Take your time, make sure to also get the infinite items from the Explorer's Shores, there's going to be chapters where you will not have access to most materials.
damn it, i just did that. The happy recipe learning cheer is a real tone deaf moment
think you need a merchant NPC in the same area
fucking this, I have two shops, one in the first area and one in the second, have a merchant stationed in both and still no one will buy shit
So, is there any reason why Minecraft can't look like this?
Yeah laziness
so does Notch just pay to have a constant supply of super insulin?
Does the game tell you that when you beat an island you can bring stuff back to the mainland? Because I was struggling for food and seeds for a while until I noticed my inventory staying with me when I revisited furryfields for some food
Yeah you only get your items taken away when starting a story island, you get to keep anything you find there and the villagers you brought to the Isle of Awakening should have hooked you up with seeds. Did you look in the chest by the Builder Tablet?
If you're putting candy dispensers into your house, that is proof of you being literally too stupid to know what to do with your riches. You see nigger sports stars doing this all the time in renovation shows.
but i am
anybody got the dlc?
Wouldn't that candy go stale way before you or your guests could eat it all?
What's even in the DLC? I just got the basic digital version since I had a spare Nintendo Game Voucher
Probably. If you're putting fucking candy dispensers into your home, you are mentally still a child.
Oldest thread on Yea Forums
Yeah I found'em and built a little farm, I felt like a complete jabronie
>just beat first island
>all these optional tasks in the main island
>there isn't a clear area intended for building
How did you guys do it, I feel like whatever I build is gonna look weird. Do I build stuff along the river? Everything is so uneven because of the blocks I can't break.
dlc : japan style building, modernist building, and the most important and rewarding is the giant aquarium with 40 different kind of fish to catch
The island is literally the free-build mode from the first game, but better integrated into the story. You don't have to touch it at all outside of a few specific things that will let you go to new islands.
i feel the natural answer is build in the valley around the tablet and nature up the area around the river
if you do the optional islands, you might unlock unlimited wood and cord so, if you're feeling frisky, you can just build a whole fucking town on stilts if you want
idk i have been playing handheld exclusively so far, no problem here and i heard many people also said handheld perform better
Digital was the only one with the preorder DLC, while the Digital Deluxe Edition also has the Stackable Slimes.
But the rewards from completing the objectives are nice, the iron is very useful and I imagine the pencil is, too, so I want to do them.
you will have eternity to build it and can break whatever u want later
How is the game
Do they still take away all your shit when you move to the next island
Is there better replay value
Is online fun
Maybe wait for the hammer upgrade on the next island then go back.
i have over 1k heart from furrow field because i spent while some time there, i thought i will get those after i come back to awakening but it just reset
Then why do I have the stackable slimes after buying physical? Why does my physical box literally mention the stackable slimes on the back? Why do you lie on the internet?
>Do they still take away all your shit when you move to the next island
Yes, but you get to keep everything on your main island.
>Is there better replay value
As much as you can get out of a sandbox building game.
>Is online fun
Haven't touched it, don't really want to.
I believe heart points are tied to their specific islands, once you upgrade the town to max level they become worthless on story islands. They've very useful on the Isle of Awakening though as you use them to unlock recipes and adventure islands.
yeah, that what i wanted. to use the hearts i got by collecting shit and building bath house for them to carry over so i can unlock more shit now, ahhh
Speaking of hearts, is there something like the bell to collect them on the main island or do I just have to pick them up manually?
Maybe you should read again.
i guess you have to build the bell, im not there yet
just got back and build a river
All I hear is your cuckolded defense of buying digitally, so I tuned it out.
Just build fields on the Isle of Awakening, the Furrowfield villagers you bring are extra horny for farming so you'll have a lot in no time if you just hook them up
You unlock it eventually after the prison island
>ITT: Stupid fucks unironically excited about Japanese Minecraft
The absolute state of this board... wow
>muh ellipses
You don't belong here, either.
It's a fun game, maybe you should try it
I have another question, is there a way to make my villagers shit more often? Because I ran out of poop and I'm halfway there on the meadows and forest objectives.
Build multiple toilet rooms
glad you could squeeze in a shitpost for some last minute (you)s before the thread reached its post limit.
i think they still only shit once per day, build more certain help they all got to poop and not having to wait in line. but im not sure if more toilet = they shit multiple times a day
>Do they still take away all your shit when you move to the next island
Yes and no.
Your EQUIPMENT will be always be with you (baring one exception), so getting the best stuff in a chapter is always going to work out for you.
Things you get FROM "Chapter" and Explorer islands can be taken to your main island.
What you make between Chapters will NOT be able to be taken with you TO the next Chapter.
Most characters will join you on your island, those that choose to stay can be recruited in the post-game for the most part.
So does the online let you copy buildings and stuff from other players, honestly not being able to steal ideas without ps+ is irritating
You can't make them poop more you can only make them poop more in the toilets by having more available. Just work on some other objectives while the shit collects.
where is the recipe for laxative?
How good is the game long term
I got marvel ultimate alliance 3 and I kinda regret it and I wanna trade it in for builder 2 I liked the demo but the only other DQ game I played was builder 1
Fill it all with poison water and poison peat and skeletons and spoiled soil and lava to truly create scenic scenery for Malroth’s Empire of Evisceration
Don't forget the sacrificial altar for Lulu.
shit nigga just finish splatoon final splatfest
Can someone explain to me why my exp bar isn’t growing anymore? It’s been stuck at 19 for a while now.
Should I play the first one before this one?
Where do I go to find Golems?
I dunno but I already dont like this king dude
I played the final Splatfest for a bit but went back to Builders 2 since it was more engaging than the game I've been playing for 2 years already
You should be able to get it up to 20 but if you're still on the Isle of Awakening then enemies give shit for experience there.
Not necessary, but you might as well, it's a good game and has heart to it
You'll appreciate the QoL changes and it's a good game on its own, so I say yes. Don't listen to people that tell you to just play 2.
Has any one,managed to make a steamy spa yet? I can get the spa made, but it won't register with the whole room. I'm using the stools, tubs, petals and fountain and it just won't click.
Never mind
Trying to finish mini medals st moonbrooke, it seems like snow needs to fall on order to do a couple of these? I've been standing still for about ten minutes, no snow. Is there something I'm missing?
If you plan on playing the first one then yes, it'd be irritating to lose the quality of life changes 2 has if you go back to 1
Stone golem is on one of the crumbledon islands, on top of a hill
No idea for the rest
I want to say 50 to 60 hours to clear the story if you are trying to get everything as you go along.
The post game is real.
I looked through the first island again, are there are any more "secrets" besides the medal shrines, stackable drackies and fat rat sign?
These dating simulators are getting to real
2 secrets weapon by defeating some certain enemies
The recipes from giant enemies.
Don't forget to grab anything that isn't in your town that you might want.
Oh, yeah, I got those, too. Though one is armor, not a weapon. The instant death needle and the turtle armor, yeah?
Yes. Now stop trying to artificially create conversation.
Update: 20 minutes of idling and 2 additional squares have snow on them
i would but i cant afford it
ps4 for better graphics and 60fps, switch for slightly worse graphics and 30fps
Thank you for the information, going to pick it up when the switch lite comes out. currently playing builders 1 on vita
30 fps plus dips. The only times it reaches 60 is when you're looking at the sky when you go to sleep.
No one cares, Nintendo cuckold.
that kind of worries me but if the framerate is similar to DQB1 on vita then it's not too bad
it is stable in handheld
I seriously hate this king
Aight, guess I'll give DB1 a try then, thanks.
No one cares, Nintendo cuckold.
are ghosts as annoying in this one as the first?
Just whip out your big torch dick and they’ll run away in fear
No. Unlike the first game, you can put a sleeping bag down anywhere and make night go away. You no longer have to be in a room to sleep the night away.
Where can I find seeds post-game?
Doesn't feel like it, though they still show up. You can just sleep past night-time anywhere, so it doesn't matter, though.
>use transform trowel to replace hard to dig blocks with sand or snow
big brain big boy
I've been playing this game for so many hours straight that I honestly got emotional when coming back from the prison and having a little tea party with the trio next to our first little hut by the beach ;_;
I should sleep
>that I honestly got emotional
Please go back.
Same, I'm dolling that little secret base up to be a little gathering point for just us three
>recruit a golem early
>go to gather island that has earth
>punch the fuck out of the earth and get 5 stacks of 999 earth in less than 5 minutes
>go back to home and replace everything with the trowel
And this is to go further beyond
Do you get any upgrades to how many citizens you can have on your island? Its very stupid that it counts chickens, cows, and sheep as citizens
Kill the animals for meat
Its much worse docked.
can you have hats or any other customization in looks
are there any good waifus to take with you or is it bro adventures with marioth
clothes, hats, glasses from that i've got so far just from first island
let just say the celebration is pretty nice
No one cares, Nintendo cuckold.
Yes you can build a dressing table on the second island, and that lets you customize even your weapon/armor appearance despite whatever you have equipped
Theres some waifus, one also being on the 2nd island. You can only have them in your party when they're at your island, and you can take them with you to the optional explorer islands.
Make sure you collect mini medals, since most of the accessories are rewards for getting certain amounts and giving them to the hairy hermit.
That's mean I'm sorry