Just finished this. Why is this so hated? I thought it was amazing.
Just finished this. Why is this so hated? I thought it was amazing
I never got passed the first two hours, its so fucking slow. Does it pick up? Is it grindy?
Windwaker effect
It was different at the time so people were put off. Over time people realized it was actually really good.
Not grindy whatsoever. I think two hours in you’ve just barely met Balthier and Fran, right? Yeah it picks up.
>Does it pick up?
I guess it depends on what you mean about it, but this game has really long stretches of travelling from one place to another and just leaving you to your devices as you traverse the long maps, so in that sense there's a lot of gameplay segments i suppose
gotta finish my exams before i can retake it
i left it just after that snowy mountain
I never finished it when i played it in ps2, now i got the zodiac version and its pretty awesome.
Too bad i got shitty combinations and half a game i noticed some good-could have been combos.
Its the start of where FF began to go wrong by introducing Gambits, which essentially automated the game, casualizing FF in general for future releases, 13 and 15
It’s not like Final Fantasy had particularly interesting gameplay beforehand
And that doesn’t even make sense anyway because FF13 is pretty involved gameplay wise AND is nearly as linear as Final Fantasy 10. 12 had no effect on 13 and 15.
>just need to do the hunts for the platinum trophy
>look up the shit I still have to find
Fuck me
because hatred is wot drives them
>which essentially automated the game
It doesn't. It doesn't tell you where to go, where to exactly find monsters, what quests are needed to be done, what gambits do you really need for bosses, and what preparations do you actually need.
That's the gameplay: preparation, exploration and reaction. You know, if the fight doesn't go the way you expected, you start changing tactics and either you reset gambits, or you make changes middle fight.
buy their sword
Are you retarded? The game is about constantly managing and rearranging your macros to get optimal combat results in the main story and hunts. It’s objectively one of the most involved gameplay systems in the series.
Whether you like it or not is obviously a different story.
they also have shit taste, user
for what fool would hate such a prime piece of ass
>Set Gambits early on.
>Didnt touch them whatsoever until second job unlocked
>100% unlock both jobs on everyone
>Set Gambits that I figure will work for the remainder of the game
>They do
>Boss fights are literally putting down the controller and watching my "Interactive Experience"™
Got to Golmore Jungle and literally finished through the entire game thusly.
Fran is better
Now try doing that for every hunt
>I was so OP by endgame that Yiazmat was 30 min auto battle at 4x
Its really really hard not to be overleved and with a metric ton of LP just by playing the game.
I did, see By endgame, you are so vastly overleveled, and OP is you have any of the ultimate weapons, that hunts become mindless autogrind.
Even the eidolon, or whatever they are in FF12, that ignore magic are as simple as switching out Ashe for Penelo
Did you play zodiac or regular?
The answer to this is the reason why.
I dislike how poorly directed it is. Cutscenes feel disjointed from the gameplay sometimes (Unlike FF8, for example, that blends them seamlessly.) the game seems unfocused in it's story and with its characters, like it doesn't know which character(s) it wants to focus on (Unlike FF9, as another example, which gives every character development without feeling "lost" or unfocused. This game forgets about all its characters, like they're all Freya.) and overall the story is just poorly paced, poorly presented, and never griped me or made me feel anything. The direction is just awful and the story/characters are extremely forgettable. Plus, it plays like an offline MMO which is a weird design choice. It's also extremely slow to start and BORING almost all the way through. And it's #notmyivalice. Probably my least favorite FF, after 13.
Zodiac is the complete version that wasnt originally released in the West, so it has extra content regular doesnt have
I always see a lot of people complain that the game does exactly what they tell it to when they set up gambits, instead of turning off gambits as they are completely optional.
I'm not buying it a second time until they actually drop the steam price for once. Good game though.
Hated? This is the most overrated FF game since 7. People actually believe this trashfire is good, now. I'm sorry you thought it was amazing.
That’s actually FF10
literally all of this
said it perfectly
>Unlike FF9, as another example, which gives every character development without feeling "lost" or unfocused. This game forgets about all its characters, like they're all Freya.
FF9 has the opposite problem where once a character's personal story is resolved, they might as well not be in the game anymore because the story will do nothing with them. Zidane and Vivi are the only ones who stay relevant the whole way through.
i liked ffx enough, the music and the gameplay (kinda) until later when you realize the sphere grid is fucking trash since at endgame you just give all skills to every character, and the skills 10% of them are useful and the game becomes on who can do 99999 the most amount. And no, you can't say the same of over other ffs because other ffs doesnt let you do 9999 that easily and consecutively.
Basically: good execution early game, later it becomes terrible. Linear, boring, sphere grid later becomes shit.
I understand why people liked it, i didnt hate it, but you have to blind as fuck to think it was the best.
I know, regular version is boring as fuck without the zodiac system. That's why it got panned so much on release: There's little to do in it othewise
There’s no way this is true. There is still a sizable portion of people that hate 12. If you haven’t noticed, FF10 is the most recent favorite in the series aside from 14 just about everywhere.
The real problem with the original job system is because everyone can do everything, it removes any thought from the player when it comes to party building. There's no uniqueness to the characters at all outside of their quickenings, they were less unique than even FF7 characters because at least in that game different limit breaks did different things.
Nigga it's the absolute fucking best, you can easily put 200 hours into this game and still not see everything there is to see. And fuck the people calling it an offline MMO as if that's a bad thing, the worst part of XIV is the fucking braindead playerbase.
Because brainlets don't understand subtle storytelling and intrigue.
>(Unlike FF9, as another example, which gives every character development without feeling "lost" or unfocused. This game forgets about all its characters, like they're all Freya.)
>holding up FF9 of all fucking games as an example of handling characters well
Why are IXfags so disingenuous?
They could've had something if the OG had an hard cap on LP so you couldn't fill the whole board and had to make choices.
But when even a skypirate den trophy is filling up the entire license board for all characters it kinda defeats the entire point of it all.
Except it's just skipping the inputs you would have made anyway. I never understood this argument. Is navigating dropdown menus really fun? It's the choices you were making in those dropdown menus that provide the agency and gameplay, not the menus themselves, and the gambit system takes exactly none of that agency and gameplay away, it just takes out the turn-by-turn menu navigation in exchange for a less frequent version.
Imagine thinking FF9 doesn't have good characters. Yikes. Even the side characters in that game are more memorable than most FFs main-cast(s).
>skypirate den
It's wierd, XII is the first game I played that had something like an achievement system. Not counting things like arcade high scores.
I would say having control of how the AI acts is the furthest thing ever from being casual, it let's you control and micro manage everything to the extent you want to and the system can be turned off if you don't want it present at all. Not to mention you can also turn on or off real time battles, so you can spend as much time as you want flicking through menus like old turn based games or deal with enemies attacking while you make all the decisions if that's how you want it.
Complaining about gambits to me is like complaining a game is too easy after you have chosen to play it on easy mode.
what's the plot for this one?
religion bad?
corporations bad?
muh angst?
constantly changing factions whose motivations nobody understands?
star wars
evil empire lies to population while the emperor wants to supreme power
it's literally just FFXI Offline with a bot built into it so you dont even have to play the game.
Yeah but he's doing it to save humanity from the gods.
>it's literally just FFXI Offline with a bot built into it
FFXI is way clunkier than XII is.
Satan meets Machiavelli, hijinks ensue
You only thought it was amazing because everything since then has been so shit.
Why don’t people just not play the game with gambits? Why do people still use gambits, even if they ruin the game?
gambits actually made sense for a slow ass game series like Final Fantasy. what most people complained about at the time was the licensing system; why the fuck would i need a license to weird a basic fucking steel sword?
>finaly fantasy london
>Why don’t people just not play the game with gambits?
Because your party members will literally just stand there without it
It’s the only one I hadn’t played until now. I like it as much as I love 9 and Tactics
Because not using them is insufferable, and way less efficient. Letting the game play itself is preferable to actually trying to input commands to an entire party. Great game is FFXII......
I want to rub my dick between Fran's ears.
That's a straight up lie, you can take full control of each party member during combat, controlling each of their actions like you would in a turn based game.
Durr not tburn basd bad mmo game plays it self duhh
Star Wars but ancient Middle-Eastern/Roman, prequel to the Medieval setting of FF Tactics.
>doesnt know how macro syntax works
>cant spam his abilities every 3 seconds like in WoW
>Y-yeah, t-t-the game was clunky!! What a shit game.
It was unbelievably boring and I usually like grindy games. Shame since it had many good things going for it in other areas.
>Unlike FF9, as another example, which gives every character development without feeling "lost" or unfocused.
Freya's arc is given incredible development then dropped with never a word mentioned past the first 2 hours of disc 2. Amarant shows up, joins, does nothing, then has a rushed arc that takes place over a single dungeon. Eiko's desire to be welcomed and not feel alone is resolved by being adopted by two people whom she's barely met. As soon as Disc 4 starts, every character not named Zidane receives no development. I love FF9, but a lot of the script was rushed.