Detroit: Become Human

>Detroit: Become Human
>Pretty good movie

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It actually wasn't pretty good.

If you paid $60 to watch a movie, you'd think it was amazing too.


I played it for free and thought it was pretty good for what it was. It’s the only game I’ve ever played marketed on “your choices matter!” where they actually mattered, and it had the flowcharts to prove it. Leagues ahead of any of those Telltale or god awful Life is Strange games


You mean "watched" and "movie", right user?

Well I played the game in that I chose the decisions that resulted in a kino story, unlike some kind of faggot zoomer retard who just watches some streamer or YouTuber play the game and make all the boring generic choices

"Played" in that you pressed buttons.
The game is 98% QTE.

I'm finna beat ya ass

This is a thread about a movie, not a game.

Yeah I also made decisions about what I wanted to happen and I investigated crime scenes and solved puzzles. But damn you’re pretty smart for noticing that the game uses a lot of QTEs for the action parts, are you a professional game critic or something

>brag about an exclusive
>it shakes like a shitting dog

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>I watched it for """"""free""""""

>someone starts a thread about a sony exclusive
>I say "Yea Forums is for videogames go to Yea Forums to discuss movies"

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Until Dawn was good. I heard they're gonna release a similar game "Man of Medan". I will get it on pc tho

>wahhhhh how dare games have intelligence, i want everything to be FUUUUUUUN, i want it to just be bing bing wahoo, i want the story to be as complex as sesame street, actually no, even less complex since at least that had adult stuff like death, i want the writing to be so safe that there isnt even much dialogue aside from WOOO WAHOO HOO YAH and little voice acting because of the chance that someone might say a curse, and since we want to push games as far away from art as possible, how about we make graphics worse than the 360, brains are for EVIL SMART PEOPLE

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>Make threads in Yea Forums about sony game
>Actually thread is comfy and there isn’t any shitposting
Nintenfaga BFTO once again

I would agree with you if we were talking about GOW or Spiderman. But we are talking about a David Cage game, thoses are bad

I played/watched all these games/movies and love them. I was really upset when Telltale when out of business because I was really hyped for The Wolf Among Us 2. The games are relaxing and you often get to choose where you want the story to go. I fucked up and got the ending in Detroit Become Human where the little girl dies. I found out later only 1% of people got that ending. Whoops.

Very excited for Man of Medan because it's supposed to have a "multiplayer"/"multiwatcher" mode where the game/move will tell you which person should be playing/watching during that section. I often play through these games with friends so that's awesome to hear!

Can you skip the parts that don't have interactions or am I gonna have to watch the same scene 4+ times to get all the trophies, like I had to with Heavy Rain...

>david cage game, those are bad
Because kiddie "kill bad guy, save princess" vidya is so much better.
Also lol, Spiderman. Fuck off capefag.

>404 Error

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>made a choice for you

But it doesn't matter, because no matter what you choose, the story us still retarded.

tbqh i used to thing so too but then i played the first scene

i guess it's more fun actually playing it than watching it.

>implying anyone on the planet gives a fuck about David Cage "games"

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How could you people possibly think of a reason to trash a free game? Even if i fucking hated it, what does it matter to me? I have no personal stake in it. Il go play something else like a normal person if i dont like it. Not whine and complain about it. Smfh. I feel bad for any gamer on here who takes the opinions of Yea Forums seriously. They would end up playing 2 types of games

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What is this obsession?

Switch needs to release some fucking games so these autists have something better to do than seethe about sony domination of the market

QTEs are a poor substitute for gameplay, and a game that uses QTEs to convey a majority of its plot/story should not be considered a game at all.

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>Detroit: Become Human

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What are those?

Media like that already exists. They're called movies.

Dude it was fucking awful
I get it was trying to portray racism but it makes no sense when it’s a multi cultural klan rally vs robots that are basically humans themselves
Leading to this awkward who the hell is who situation

It literally just did Builders and God eater 3 came out earlier this week