Is it too late to start collecting video games?

Is it too late to start collecting video games?

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>Is it too late
If you have doubt then you don't deserve to start.
Fucking give up.

If you collect seppo junk yeah no point it’s too expensive
But instead of buying a loose NES cart for $45 you can just go to BookOff and buy CIB Famicom games for ¥500 like what every collector with more than one brain cell does

I'm interested in original Xbox and Wii. Not for a whole set just to buy games I like.


Original Xbox isn’t that bad, there’s a couple of games that might be a bit pricey but overall it’s affordable
Wii is kinda dumb, it has that Nintendo Tax on it, prices haven’t really gone down much on the big games compared to the launch price
I’ve literally walked away with 100 CIB Super Famicom, Famicom, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance and even WonderSwan games in just 3 BookOff locations. The most expensive game I bought was ¥2,000

why would it be too late? I don't understand.

eBay scammers charge too much for games, cheaper to go to your local retro but everyone on Yea Forums is too fat for that so they just look online complain that it’s too expensive than play on an emulator like a casual cuck

I wish I had a local retro game store. I live in SoCal and I can never find shit.

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2007 was the last jumping off point. It will be a long time until prices normalize again, if they ever do

They are only going to get more and more rare right?

>collecting plastic crap
just emulate bro

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There's only so many physical copies of older games, user.

I imagine California is full of Genesis stuff because of all the Dagos there
Not really, back in the early 2000’s I remember Atari games were crazy expensive, any boxed stuff was kept behind the counter.
All the kids from back then were now adults with a disposable income to collect, but then they get married have kids and usually dump their collection. Now Atari is old and outdated. The younger generation isn’t interested, and that some shop is selling them for nothing and CIB stuff is just gathering dust on the shelf because nobody is interested.
NES and Famicom stuff is the same way now, all the kids who grew up with that and SNES are starting to get rid of their collections and the younger generation isn’t interested in them, when I go to my local retro I see the high school kids get super excited about the “retro GameCube” collection the store has, they’re not into old school 2D games, in the next 5 years I think the prices will start to drop a lot and GameCube stuff will sky rocket.

I think it's cool if you're into console modding or CRTs
For the most part it's a financial sink, though.

Too late to start? No.

Terrible idea to ever start? Yes.

Emucucks need to be banned seriously it’s getting ridiculous. Every thread about a game is just “DUDE RASPBERRY PIE LOL I PLAY N64 GAMES ON AN XBOX 360 CONTROLLER”

>financial sink
You can buy 10 CIB Famicom games for the same price as 1 PS4 game, if you’re collecting carts only then you can easily get 20 games for the price of 1 PS4 game.
It’s why I haven’t invested in a next gen Console yet, I’m still missing a lot of retro games, Hell I’ve only just started building my Saturn collection

Collecting is a mental illness

This seems to me like an issue you have fabricated.

Should I start Gamecube then? There are a couple titles I want and I'd like to rebuy Killer 7.

All men have a collection of some sorts.
Baseball cards, magazines, stamps, model cars, vinyls, VHS or laserdiscs, games
It’s only women that don’t understand collecting because to a woman everything is disposable

>collecting is the only way to avoid emulation
You have a lot to learn.

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Bullshit. The local retro stores just base their prices on what people are selling it for online.

toasty roasty detected

Okay, now what if I'm trying to buy good games I actually like and not just any cheap-o game I can get my hands on?

And since you metioned Saturn, need I bring up Magic Knight Rayearth?

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>collecting is a mental illness
this is bait isn’t it?

Seriously though sometimes the fact I sold my games keeps me up at night. And even if I do get them back... they arent "my games".

I wish I could kill my younger self.

no. You are just doing it wrong.
I bought a shit tonne of vita games for super cheap. tonnes EBgames was clearing for like $10. tonnes of LRE shit. tonnes of other stuff. lots of it sealed since I have my system haxed. In twenty years or so the next gen of kids will go "ZOMG REMEMBER THE VITA WOULDN'T IT BE COOL TO HAVE ONE!?" while chasing what is today current gen cause Old=Good new = bad but they are forever chasing like 3 + gens ago.
are you that retarded Toronto guy from the GameStop thread?

Yeah I think so, GameCube prices aren’t THAT bad, and for some reason I’m actually seeing games for cheaper now than I did 2 years ago, but GameCube is a good place to start if you’re only collecting to buy games you like the library of games isn’t that big you’ll end up with maybe 30-40 games.
Sony consoles are good too, PS1 and PS2 are pretty affordable too
I hear this all the time and I think this is an American problem. If they did this they wouldn’t be able to compete, Game shops in Canada ALWAYS price below EBay prices especially when you take into consideration the shipping costs it’s always worse to buy online
I don’t collect any western NES or Saturn games, I stick to 100% Japanese for the majority of my collecting.
The only mainly North American games I collect are N64, GameCube, PS2, PS3 and of course Xbox stuff.
Everything else is either mixed or purely Japanese all my Sega stuff is 100% Japanese

I've given up on collecting stuff that came in a box, too autistic to just own the cart but not rich enough to buy boxed GBA games.

So basically just PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, Switch, DS & 3DS.

Aw shit, this faggot again

are you me? I will never part with a game again. I miss you more and more each day Link's Awakening.

How pricey is it to collect for PS2? I'm thinking of starting because pic related is a meme.

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ignore him. he is a shitposter. he basically becoming the ACfag of vidya collecting.

So it may not be a money sink the way you specifically do it, doesn't mean it's not going to be for other people.

I’m not retarded
GBA games are dirt cheap, never saw one for more than a ¥1,000
I don’t want to argue with you losers again who like to praise eBay like it’s jesus, I just wanna talk about retro collecting and give my advice after over 20 years of experience collecting games

not that expensive other than the classics. Stuff like black label MGS is overpriced. but I bought a brand new sealed copy of Nocturne off Amazon for a decent price. They have Persona 3 and 4 bundles as well.

American here, that's definitely how they do it. Logically they shouldn't be able to compete, but for some reason the places I've been often expect you to pay even higher prices than online ones.

Not expensive at all, PS2 is one of the cheaper consoles to collect for. You’ll find some expensive RPG’s but most other stuff is decently priced
I’m not a shitposter
Well you can do it the worse and more expensive way if you want.
Me? I don’t want censored games, I don’t want ugly boxart, and I don’t want bad translations with Bill Clinton jokes give me the original uncucked Japanese version any day.

Cheap for the most part

You can also just buy a ps2, action replay and softmod it. It's cheaper and easier.

50 dollar 1tb hard drive + 20 dollar banggood adapter

The alternative to jank emulation isnt "buying games" it's just pirating games on real hardware.

Well I’m not an American and never once do I bring up America I’m not American I can’t give my opinion on America since I’ve never been there and the only American I’ve ever met in my life was in Tokyo.
This is a collecting thread, how would your advice help a collector?

This may come as a surprise to you, but not everyone speaks Japanese.

sounds like rationalization to me
Men might instinctively collect to demonstrate status, and that works if you collect something that is either inherently impressive to people (like cars) or that you can use to start conversations (like art). Collecting ancient computer hardware is just embarrassing.

The alternative isn’t buying overpriced seppo games. It’s buying Japanese, if a loonie for Panzer Dragoon is too expensive for you then you need to leave your cardboard box and go find a job

It is the same in Canada as well user.
He is just shitposting.
It is actually cheaper to buy just a magic memory card straight up (freeMcboot), plus then you get a memory card.

You seem like an insecure person.

Thirding that piracy is the way to go, you can use burned disks too if you're old school like me.

>Not even mentioning to seek those Off stores in the boonies
How to know someone never actually went to the place they mention in one simple step.

That’s the problem, Yea Forums is full of normal fags that just want to talk about the latest twitter drama and triple A release.
Back when I started collecting having original Japanese stuff complete in the box was the coolest thing in the world, now on this board all you losers care about is having the newest release on PS4 and calling anyone who wants an uncensored uncucked game a weeb

the user said he flies to Japan so he can save $10 on a game. he isn't not exactly the one I would go to on saving money.
and then print labels. I always just print the spine with some overlap. you can get green cases for xbox online.

Whoa, what the hell man, I just said not everyone speaks Japanese. What does any of that have to do with it?

Nope, he's right. Pirate and emulation fags destroy any discussion about older games

It's usually not expensive, until you want an obscure Jap horror game.

I was lucky to get this at 70 before it skyrocketed in price.

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>Oldfags grew out of collecting plastic
>Newfaggot replacements obviously don't care about some junk made before they were born
Makes you think.

I don’t shitpost
What do you mean I’ve never been there? The town I stay in has 30,000 people and 2 places to shop, a 7/11 and a Mall with 6 stores. That’s literally it, oh and the drink machines at the train station.


This is true. Its generally a couple dollars higher or lower than Pricecharting. The thing is the games in retro stores look like shit. Layers of price stickers, grime, cuts, etc. On ebay they at least need to clean it up for a photo.

I'm having a perfectly fine time discussing in this thread, but I guess that's only because I'm an adult and can ignore shitposters. Not replying to them works wonders, user.

Great, now I can’t participate in collecting threads because you emucucks just shitpost about me.
They don’t really buy those where I live, maybe I’m lucky

Forgot my picture

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The real answer is to just make more money.

>tfw if I had a little more disposable income I'd seriously consider getting a pinball or arcade machine

Don't look at professional game room items you'll go insane.

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For obscure and hard to find titles, yes. They're expensive and coveted by collectors.
For most other games, prices haven't really climbed all that much.
At used game shops, I'm paying about the same (without adding inflation) as I was back in the 90s when these systems were new.
If you check yard sales and swap meets and stuff, chances are you can get a decent collection going on the cheap.

if you get called out routinely while posting as user, it is not everyone else who is the problem.

Question if you pros dont mind. What do you use to clean off consoles and controllers?

the real answer is buy today for tomorrows classics.
This. I honestly just buy what I like now. Rare or not. I just want the games I like in pristine condition. when I see a good deal on rare shit I don't personally have an attachment to. I buy it to scalp for collecting money. Same with CEs.

same here in kangarooland. the advantage of buying from a local store is you can inspect it though, so you can walk off straight away if it doesnt fit your standards.

I’m the problem because I’m not an Emunigger. That’s the issue with this board, maybe if I made threads about twitter drama then you guys would be okay with me but I give my experiences or advice about collecting retro then I’m a shitposter.

People keep hoping the bubble's gonna pop but the problem is that current nostalgia culture isn't gonna let go any time soon, especially when it comes to Nintendo stuff which resellers see as golden geese eggs when they scalp a few torn label sports games.

>live where I live
>buy Japanese games you can't read
Great advice my man. You should tell them the truth, that flash carts and burned disks are superior to wasting your money collecting.

For a really deep clean, Isopropyl that stuff will work magic on some grimy games but you don’t want to use that often. Honestly just use common sense when cleaning, a damp cloth is enough for a light cleaning just make to dry it properly so you don’t get any water streaks on it.
Yeah, that’s what I like, I don’t feel comfortable buying online unless it’s something like box protectors. Just learn Japanese, anyone who’s serious about games has to play the Japanese version there’s just no question about it.
Now a days it’s so easy to play the original uncucked version of the game, you don’t have to settle for less
>burnt discs
It’s you fags that are killing all the dreamcasts doing this

Without emubros thousands of games would be forever lost the the annals of history you arrogant paycuck goon.

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What happens if you clean with alcohol too much?

Why would burning a disc kill Dreamcast?

That’s true, and there’s no problem with digitally preserving games but there’s no question about it that playing on the original hardware is better than playing on an emulator using an Xbox controller on an LCD screen.
It’s like watching movies that have been “remastered” for blu ray or on Netflix, yeah it’s okay but the original VHS tapes always look nicer

>It’s you fags that are killing all the dreamcasts doing this
>he still believes in the burned disks damaging hardware myth
Dreamcasts fail because they're cheaply made. You could buy a chink GDEMU these days too, I haven't gotten around to it though. Either is better than paying out the ass for decades old plastic.

Normal alcohol is fine because it has mostly water. That’s why you never want to use it to clean your cartridges, it’s gonna rust it you need 99% isopropyl, but that stuff is way too strong, I cleaned an old DS with it that looked in bad shape, cleaned it up really nice but the colour was rubbing off on the paper towel. Obviously you don’t want to do that regularly
Burnt discs ruin dreamcasts because they kill the laser in them to read the discs

>Burnt discs ruin dreamcasts because they kill the laser in them to read the discs
What does "killing" a laser entail? How does it happen as a result of reading a burned disk?

>just learn a whole language bro


>it's easy bro

My Dreamcast still works and I’ve owned it since week one.
The discs need to spin faster to read a burnt disc
Japanese is a fun language to learn, and it doesn’t just help for games you can read manga and watch anime in the original language
Not only that but it helps A LOT in Japan, they’re pretty racist there and stubborn about speaking English.
There was one bar I went to that charged extra for foreigners and just straight up wouldn’t allow tattooed tumblr bitches in, lucky I was with my Japanese friend though the food was amazing.

>It's a mild version of the usual "EOP" troll that appears on every thread in /vr/

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no one gives a shit if you emulate, use a flashcart or buy all orignal carts, Torontofag. that is not why we are laughing at you

>The discs need to spin faster to read a burnt disc
No they don't. You can make the disk spin faster yourself by turning the pot switch, I recommend doing that once the system inevitably decides to stop reading disks at all.

I just paid 89 CAD for Pokemon HeartGold in a case, so fuck no.

I don’t troll
I don’t shitpost
All I’m seeing in this thread is other people trying to shitpost while I’m trying to discuss game collecting
I don’t emulate and I don’t use flash carts
Original uncucked Japanese games only for me, I don’t know why you guys hate this so much. You like censorship and shitty translations? I knew Yea Forums was contrarian but wow do you come into this board just to argue with people whether you agree with them or not?
Get a life

because you post random unrelated autistic blog posts and flat out lie about game prices. nobody cares about your shitty life.

user, 99% of the time the differences are inoffensive at worst. And even in cases where they completely change the game like Panel de Pon to Tetris Attack, the game is so simple that you don't need to know Japanese to play it.

I'm not going to learn a new language just to see a little more ass in FF6.

>I'm not going to learn a new language just to see a little more ass in FF6.
There's an uncensor patch for FF6's Ted Woolsey translation. It's the best way to play FF6.

Who is ACfag? I've been called that once before and I didn't understand.

some one post the cap for our newfriend here.

Boom, even more reason not to bother

Want to me to show you my receipts? I’m just talking about my experiences if my prices are higher than what you say it’s because I’m Canadian
Okay you do what you want I’ve said it a hundred times in these threads if you like censorship and Bill Clinton jokes stick to your seppo version
You can’t upload patches to a Super Nintendo.

Some guy who jumps into Metroid discussions to say nobody is discussing Metroid. He also thinks that everyone who owns a Nintendo console needs to take responsibility for the shitposting of everyone else who does. He'll often say that they all said something, then when someone implies otherwise he'll do his trademark "it's too late after years of shitposting."

>You can’t upload patches to a Super Nintendo.
You can load the patched ROM with any flash cart, even copiers from the 90s that nobody would use in 2019.

I am Canadian as well.

>everything is censored with bill clinton jokes

>Paying for air is sane

you used to be able to get chinks to make carts fir cheap but I cant find such services anymore. mostly was gameboy tho.

Not at all. Get no intro sets of cartridge games, go to the pleasure dome to get your CD shit and MAME set, and there you go.

Jesus is this nigga gonna shoot up Yea Forums? Can someone go out and make sure this guy is okay, he sounds fucking psychotic.

Keep that shit on Yea Forums it’s off topic
Did you ever take into consideration that prices are different in each province? Just because I talk about my experiences that means I’m a liar because they’re different from yours?

yes, because you are the only one who has ever been to ontario

He's been at it consistently since 2010. Shooting people would be too much of a change in his daily routine for him to handle.


The topic of the thread is if you should or shouldn't collect in 2019. The answer is clearly no when you could buy even a low end flash cart/modchip to save hundreds of dollars and be able to load hacks/translations on real hardware.

No user, it's about my blog!

I thought it was about Bill Clinton?

I am Bill Clinton.
Alright alright alright.

Its never too late to collect retro games. But if you have to ask, it might not be for you. You could end up getting burned out by it before long. Collecting is all about fun. So collect what you like and not whatever you could find or that is valuable.

Wait, for real? Is there anywhere I could go to see some of his uh... quality content?

I've been thinking about it for years and I've just watched the pricea increase to 30, 60, 100, 200 all the while people tell me "dont worry bro crash soon" but part of me think there wont be a crash and I'll just be priced out entirely if I dont start now.

The easiest way to find him is in Metroid threads. One of the things he started doing more recently is making threads about how Samus should be a robot instead. If you see one of those, it's him. If it's not him, he'll be in there.

The way things are now, I wouldn't even start if I were you.

I don’t blog

you can also post about story content in vidya. He routinely goes on about that. he particularly hates MGS 4 and the ladder scene in MGS3. you will recognize him by bringing these two up and saying If they had good gameplay there would be no story. that or persona.

What game in particular are you talking about?

Also if certain game systems collections are too much for you. Just collect more modern games like the ps1 or ps2 era. Because they're in a sweet spot right now compared to other older consoles.

Enjoy your data rot baby

*dabs on collectors*
Eat shit faggot richfags

that's how bubbles work kids. FOMOing in when the price increases almost 6 times over.
In all seriousness buy LR stuff, collectors editions of 2019 games and keep them sealed if you want to get in. Or cheap games for something like Vita or Psp, or PS3 xbox 360. Wii U would be another good entry point.

But if I dont start now things will get to the thousands per game and I'll be kicking myself for not starting now.

Of course with my luck as soon as I start everything will drop back to pennies.

You shouldn't start EVER, is what I'm saying.

>and saying If they had good gameplay there would be no story
Ah, so that's him too.

There really is no point. Like others said, it's way too expensive. If a company doesn't offer a way to play on a modern system then you're best off pirating them.

You're a weird one user. You know that?

Just start now if you want, you fuck head. Start small and start cheap. You'll realize if you like it for real or not. Nobody is requiring you buy expensive games out of the gate or have mostly valuable games in your collection. A collection is a collection. Even if the collection is just worthless retro games or current gen games.

I am talking about PS2 era mainly.
I'm not going to buy stuff just to have it I only want games in my collection I like. And 360 and up games have patches and DLC and I'm only interested in physical games that arent dependent on a internet connection and a service that can be shut down.
Did you ever start?

It's absolutely not worth starting now as it is. Yes, chances are it will only get worse, but the current situation isn't ideal either.

sure, but scalping can fund buying games you like, while buying new games you will like can save you from kicking yourself over it 20 years from now. Last gen especially was not that bad with the patches shit, and you can always hack the console and usb them if you really need them. although sure, Don't buy HAWX

>Did you ever start?
Yes, I did. It was a mistake. It's a lot like chasing the pink dragon. So I stopped. I'll still buy physical of old games I like but only if I feel like playing them at that moment. Because otherwise I'd just be getting a bunch of games I might eventually play again when I could be spending money on games I want to play right now.

>so I stopped
>but I still buy

I dont get it??

There's a difference between buying physical and being a collector.

I'm not trying to be retarded on purpose I promise but what's the difference?

collecting is buying to have. maybe you want a rare game or a you want a huge library of games or whatever. Buying physical can be that, or can be just buying random games physical ly just cause you want to play it that way. could even resell it.
basically if you buy 100 rare fancy tea sets you collect tea sets. if you buy an ikea tea set cause you need a cup to hold your tea. you buy physical, but are not a collector.

Lemme try an example.

Back when I was still a collector, I wanted to get the RE remake for Gamecube. I liked that game a lot. However,
a) It's not like I was going to play it anytime soon, I just wanted it for the time being to have on my shelf. Why get it now and not just when I actually want to play it?
b) Why would I get that version when I could get one of the HD re-releases?

It's basically what said, having something just to have it. Sure, I like the game, and I only ever collected shit I actually liked, but realistically there was no reason for me to get it at that point in time on that system.

Then you get into having to worry about if a game will get expensive if you wait too long, which is this whole other can of worms that I was tired of having to deal with, which is one of the reasons I quit.

I actually think the Remake remaster looks terrible. I prefer then pixelation to the smears. Also a lot of the shadow effects are missing.

I think I understand. But wouldn't that mean it's pointless to buy any physical game when you can easily hack consoles abs transfer isos?

In the grand scheme of things, yes. Personally I just have an autism for playing a physical game itself on its original hardware.

REmake may not have been the best example.
The PC versions of the old Silent Hill games can be modded to look fucking beautiful and have widescreen support. But I'd still get them on PS2 anyway for physical.