Disaster Report 4 releasing in the west Early 2020

Disaster Report 4 releasing in the west Early 2020

Anyone else hyped for this?


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Redpill me on this franchise bros. What kind of genre even is it

looks like an early access asset flip you'd find on steam

sounds like a disaster.

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This reminds me of that shitty game I Am Alive that everyone forgot about.

fucking zoomers I swear to god

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It might be fun to throw a grenade at that giant bowling pin.


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hardcore kusoge. shitty but entertaining in its absurdity

Isn't this garbage? Like one of the worst in the franchise? Why even bother localizing this one?

Putting on my tinfoil hat, I can say that it's because they want it to fail, so they can have a "proof" that "nobody wanted it, and nobody will care for this franchise, so stop asking us once and for all, you entitled shits".

>page 9 already
See? Nobody cares because they never cared to localize it since before

Fucking D R O P P E D


Doesn't look that entertaining.

What kaiju are confirmed?

*gets killed by yakuza*

where are the giant monsters/robots/aliens?

Always wanted to play it, Im glad they revived the project after Fukushima. And NISA based af for bringing it over here.

Fucking Yea Forumsiggers not knowing how to appreciate games with budgets lower than the usual bing bing wahoo or activision shooter.
Genre: Disaster Report
Rating: Based and Redpilled

>the shills arrived

Attached: sasuga BASED NISA.jpg (1040x1316, 291K)


Apparently this is one of the weaker games

Wow user you're so BASED!

Attached: PGUyiqR.jpg (320x320, 24K)

Can you have sex with those JKs you rescue?

>What kaiju are confirmed?
Was that game any good? The one with the gundams, evas and kaijus?

How about you stop talking like a redditor and giving the rest of the fans of Disaster Report a bad name? Why would you even compared it to Nintendo or Activision games when the former also works on a low budget, and no one on Yea Forums even plays the latter?


>Redpill me on this franchise bros. What kind of genre even is it
Its a survival game, AFAIK the series of games of its type
It all started back in the PS2 era, in 2002, "Disaster report", the first game put you in the shoes of a reporter that got trapped in a city during an earthquake, your objective was survive and escape the city, you had to deal with aftershocks and other dangers.

That game was really creepy, with the human meat and all

No, this looks like shit

The demo was trash, but it'd be fun if it cost no more than $20. Can't believe they spent so long on this

I think it was actually deemed the worst game of the year in Japan

absolutely haram

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This is one of those games I'd enjoy playing, if I didn't have to pay for it. Even more when you know fucking >nisa is going to fuck it up like they always do.

Natural disaster survival stories are kino.

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That they are.
Pic related only to the last volume or 2.

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would rather just rewatch tokyo magnitude.

except that game wasn't shitty and had some really neat ideas, shame it didn't get the aaa treatment at the time.

Damn, Im just reading this, thanks user, it looks awesome

Is this a Roiland Emmerich film game adaptation? Looks shitty as fuck, kinda in a funny way

Is this just an earthquake or are there kaiju?
What are the chances of PC port?
What is the gameplay like besides running?

Glad to spread the word. I read it a long time ago by chance then liked it so much I went out and bought the manga. It's only 2 volumes long but it's great.

I don't know what triggered you but top seething, nigger.

>What are the chances of PC port?
Already announced.
It's PS4/PC/Switch.

the nips hated the game, apparently it was really shit walking simulator

Fuck yes, thanks user

Walking AND chit-chat simulator.

Thank you so much!

Christ when was the last one, like ten years ago?

I did not expect this. Neat.

should i give up on a city shrouded in shadow on english