Law firm opens Switch Joy-Con drift class action lawsuit investigation

>Talk of Switch Joy-Con drift has been part of the discussion with fans since day one, but a recent thread on Reddit seems to have reignited the anger from fans all over. Some players have experience Joy-Con drift, with their joysticks reading input that the player isn't doing, and others haven't had an issue. Those who suffer from the problem are looking for Nintendo to offer up a fix, and now a law firm is taking matters into their own hands.

>The law offices of Chimicles, Schwartz Kriner & Donaldson-Smith are looking to hear from Switch owners who have experienced Joy-Con drift. If you're one of those people, they want you to fill out their form with all the details. If enough people pool together and there's sufficient evidence of a wide-spread issue, the law firm will consider filing a class action lawsuit.


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I'm curious on how this will turn out

I went out to get some electrical contact cleaner just today for this issue. Let me tell you, it worked wonders. My sticks haven't been able to make such smooth circles in months and they reliably reset to neutral again. Pull up the little flap and spritz some in there and you'll be good to go. A large majority of people's issues would be fixed with this one little trick: it's just dirty, clean it.

Remember to fill it out if you had the problem. If this gets enough traction they'll guaranteed fix it on the Lite.

Yeah, I love NIntnedo but this problem is fucking bullshit

How many other controllers you own have stopped working because they got dirty?

for now, i mean i know it works but those contacts get damaged over time because Nintendo endurance logistics are retarded.

Good. I spent a lot of money on these shitty unreliable controllers.

fuck shitendo

what are the odds of this case actually going anywhere?

Pretty high. You remember the 360 class action lawsuit that forced microSHIT to extend the warranty on consoles?

Remember the ps2 disc read error lawsuit?

I even joined a class action lawsuit against Lexus (I own one) and was given a check for 300 US dollars.

If you or a fictional loved one have a Joy-Con with drift, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Joy-Con drift is a rare issue linked to Nintendo exposure. Exposure to Joy-Con drift in your home, or someone who actually takes their Switch on the go, may have put you at risk. Please don't wait. Post for a free legal consultation and financial information packet. Switch owners post now!

mine does that but it's because I dropped it :(


It’s official, Joy Cons cause mesothelioma

That's pretty based.

There was a small batch of launch DS4s that used a different material that got sticky after like a month

Is this about deadzone? I don't own a switch. Isn't it natural for controllers to fall apart after a few years?

Yes but these fall apart after a few months at least. They cost $80 too.

no. no it isn't

Good. It’s a real problem and Nintendo hasn’t done anything to fix it.

Based lawyer jews

Nintendo is above the law.

I mean shouldn't we have expected this? It's not like having the c sticks out in the open all the time, or even in a pocket, wouldn't have they eventually gotten some damage? And nintendo should have known this by now, so why haven't they done anything about it? Kinda makes me afraid for the Switch Lite. C stick broken? Better hope you still have your warranty or you're fucked.

>fictional loved one

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filled it out

Nintendo needs to be held accountable and fix this fucking shit

Hey dumbass. The contact cleaner stops working after a month and they drift again.

is it ironic that the nintendium doesn't work the way it used to?

dude we are talking about switch controllers
Switch has only been out like three years and some joy cons stop working months after you buy it

>lawyers literally trolling for lawsuits

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Anybody have issues with some buttons just flat out not working after a while? One of my shoulder buttons stopped working even though I rarely used it. It's annoying as shit because I can't reset in training mode now.

>How many other controllers you own have stopped working because they got dirty
Xbox controller, Xbox 360 controller, Ps1 controller, PS2 controller, Ps3 controller, Nintendo 64 controller, Gamecube controller so far.

>nin-toddlers are so cucked they expect controllers to break after a few months

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take care of your shit man, wtf


It sits on a shelf or gets used. It's not like I fucking jack off on them.

What do I have from some law company sueing Nintendo?

ran out of it by the end of the DS

You mean like Dualshock 2 and 3 controllers?

Probably the worse picture you could have posted. Or did you already forget the PS4 stick pads that were peeling away weeks after the console first launched?

I had to replace joy cons just a few weeks ago on my launch model after some drifting. i've had to replace 2 dual shocks in that time.

Don’t make shit up, kiddo.

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actually nintendium is still in effect for the actual console itself, people have dropped the shit out of a helicopter and it was fine aside from a few scratches (the joycons shattered of course)

>Don't make shit up
My Dualshock 3 and Sixaxis controllers are both fucked. Didn't have this issue with my PS1 controller.

>Isn't it natural for controllers to fall apart after a few years?
No you fucking retard
My PS1 controller still works
My PS2 controllers still work
My Gamecube controllers still work
My Xbox Duke still works

The only ones that broke down are:
>Shitty third party Xbox 360 controllers from Gamestop
>Wii remotes
>Joy-Con drift
That's it

But he's right. Especially if you heavily use controllers. These things aren't magic. They were down and break.

Bruh, same. Got myself a pair of grey joycons for only $15 dollars because the guy was selling them as broken, made a bet that it was just drift and bought it, lo and behold it was. Sprayed some contact cleaner and they've worked beautifully ever since. look up broken joycons on ebay every so often and you'll eventually find some for cheap, that is if you're willing to go the contact cleaner/replace the analog stick route.

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Man, I live a charmed life. Im still sitting at zero problems from launch

Then spray some more one it starts happening again dumbass

I call bullshit. I have owned all of those systems, with 4 controllers for most of them, and not a single one has ever gone to shit. I had a couple xbox controllers die when they got beer spilt on them, but thatts not even close to the same thing.

The switch problem is fucked.

The joycons are designed to snap and take the full impact. The're actually quite impressive if you look at them, the analog placement makes it so if it falls face first the corner of the joycons take the brunt amd protect the screen, if it falls on its back worst case scenario is it hits the bottom of the switch at worse cracking the back plate, but that's just 4 screws to repair, and if it falls on its sides again the joycons snap to take the impact, there's also the fact the screen is 3 centimeters thick so it will never crack. However the top of the switch is the weakest part, the vents are garbage and crack easy as fuck, so if that gets broken you need to replace the whole front fucking screen, it's the biggest oversight in my opinion, would have been alot easier if they made it clip along with being connected to the back plate.

>I call bullshit
Good for you nigger, that doesn't change the reality that I have a shit load of controllers with sticks that are no longer properly aligned just from standard use. This is common fucking shit. I have friends who have the same issues. Controllers are not magic. They degrade with use ironically this means you literally do not play video games

We did it, reddit! We finally did it.

>you need to be an american

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this isn't a real name, you made this up. the article is fake.

Are you dumb or just retarded?

He doesnt go out much , thats all

>Issues that impacted tens of millions of consoles
>Issue that impacts 1%

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>Thinking joycon drifting is a rare one in a million chance defect
How to spot the nintendie defense force.

What the fuck is drift?

I honestly don't get this.
Switch is more than 2 years old at this point and it seems that these drift issue happens more frequently on the first batch.

Switch standard warranty is 12 months right? Can you sue anybody if the shit you bought broken after the warranty ended?

>Joycon drifting is rare
No it's not user. Pretty common. Have gone thru 4 pairs of Sticks on my Joycons cause of how quick it is to start drifting. The issue is not the analog stick in of itself but the way the Joycon itself is built. Something about it eventually creates an issue for any analog leading to a Upward or Left leaning Drift though this does bring up the question what the most common direction of the drift is for people.
The controller moving in a certain direction even though you're not touching the analog stick.

This is just lawyers looking for a payday from angry idiots deluded into thinking they'd get anything out of it. You see it happen all the time in the stock market all the time when investors get butthurt for holding onto a losing stock after bad news.

The only people who get rich from this are the lawyers. The only time you might see real money is if people were irreparably harmed by the actions of a company. Not because their controller didn't work so good.

>The controller moving in a certain direction even though you're not touching the analog stick.
How would you move a controller without touching it though?

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>drifting is rare
fuck off retard, it happens to almost everyone with a pair
no "nintendie" defends this shit, just retards. actual nintendo users always complain about the joycons, fuck they are such missed oportunities. if they were more durable they would be great controllers


lawyers are such scum

The contacts are detecting movement which is not there due to debris buildup.

>Can you sue anybody if the shit you bought broken after the warranty ended?
No, not really. Otherwise thousands and thousands of lawsuits would be far, far more successful. You can only sue if you prove there is a massive defect that prevents the device from performing it's intended functions. Since you can use other controllers, this will likely get settled out of court for incredibly cheap, or laughed out.

>source is reddit

I have a left joycon that doesn’t connect properly wtf do I do

Gonna be on my 3rd DS4 in 3 years. Snoy is no better

Something is giving input to the controller that you're moving the analog stick in a general direction when you're not touching the controller. Generally its not much of an issue but it became more apparent and annoying once Smash Bros came out since it does affect the game more than something like BoTW.

you live in a country where people win cases because restaurants serve their coffee hot
Companies that sell faulty products are open to get sued

Why are you people so closed minded?

I'm tired of playing Mario Kart in bed and having my cart desync from the controller's inputs and drift off the track

Switch controllers were a fucking mistake

This won't go anywhere

Uh-oh what? This is a good thing. Or are you pretending to be sucking nintendo's corporate cock for (You)'s?

I've still got launch wiimotes that work perfectly. Only controllers I've ever had eat shit are 360 ones. Every last one has had issues with the left stick drifting to the right and fucking up the deadzone, and a couple had dpad problems too.

>pro controller
>unplayable drift after 4 months
>gamecube controller
>still going strong after like 7 years

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Any specific guide you use for doing this?

>tfw my 17 year old GC controller that’s survived four Smash Bros games of abuse is just now finally dying

Most of not all of them.
Dirty controller is no 1 cause of failure

Doesn't the DS4 have an utterly garbage charger port? I recently had to buy a new one after my previous one finally died after years of having to charge it in a certain position and I'm already starting to see issues.

the pro controllers are not the ones with the problem you literal retard

It’s about as retard proof as it gets

You’ll need a drifting joycon, Elertrical contact cleaner and optional a 1$ new unused toothbrush

Remove the joycon from the switch
Find the control stick
Under the control stick you’ll see a little flap
Lift up the flap til you see the white base of the joystick
Stick the straw of the electrical contact cleaner into the open flap and spray generously around the base of the joystick
Remember to spray around the entire joystick at least twice
Take your new toothbrush and lightly scrub down the area clearing away excess dirt and crumbs while rotating the joystick
Give it 10-15 minutes to dry
Use the switch calibration control stick option to see if drift is gone
Repeat if necessary

I’m aware. I’m just sharing an anecdote about declining quality in Nintendo products over the years.

extremely low, given it's covered under warranty and the repair fee is nominal outside of it, in addition to being a fringe issue and something easily home remedied

in short, a joke

Do pro controllers get drift?

Nothing is going to happen because drifting is simply wear and tear of the controllers. That shit is so common on almost every controller, even on the highly regarded 360 controller, you need to prove Nintendo specifically designed it as a flaw instead of how it's suppose to work to even have a case.

these turds are basically unusable after a meter.
it use to be here your controller bro now its here our controllers bro

Every single controller get drift. You can type in any controller name and with the word 'drift' and you would get a significant amount of people complaining about it.

>law firm is looking for money

more news at eleven

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who the fuck said anything about the DS you dumb nigger


Okay, but how much would I be awarded? If each of us is only getting reimbursed 5 dollars or something (usually you get jack shit in class action lawsuits) then is it really worth it?

You know what I mean. Is it as quick and prominent as joycon?

I've never once had a controller stop functioning properly because of dirty. Only time was when I was abusing my controllers out of anger when losing. They all still work to this day, sans the Genesis contollers. But I'm told that's more of a console thing than anything.

Looks like Joycons are more prone to drifting than most controls out there since it seems to be an issue with the Joycon design in of itself.

What is joycon drift? I'm having the problem of "up" on the left analog being way too sensitive, though maybe I just need to calibrate

I don't remember MS getting anything like this for the RRoD

Then why didn't you use the one with the actual drift problem instead of dragging the pro into this for no reason?

I don't have drift but still a fucked up left one
shit makes it hard to read an up input despite tilting all the way


If you buy any Nintendo product you deserve nothing but failure

I have four pairs of joy-con and had to replace the joysticks on three of them all due to drifting. None of them are really that dusty or dirty at all so I don't know what's really causing the drifting to occur on my part.

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>isn't it natural for controllers to fall apart after a few years?
are you retarded bro?

serious question

*two pairs, I meant I have four joy-con in total

>She said-a she a was-a 18!

>can never find this case
>playasia forever out of stock
I don't want to pay some Ebay jew $40 for the Octoling print, it hurts Yea Forums

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i dont even know what the fuck this thread is about

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