Where's Chapter 2, Toby?!

Where's Chapter 2, Toby?!

Attached: tumblr_pj2up6cuaa1rx91jbo1_1280(1).jpg (625x582, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:


furshit cancer shoot yourself

cute goat


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When it's ready.

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Can't help but feel mildly concerned every time someone posts a cute plush on Yea Forums, since I assume someone is going to jerk their junk all over it.

i plan to but i haven't yet

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He's working on it

Post the rest.

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Is it possible for Yea Forums to find something cute, but NOT sexy?

Attached: 9lgl8de.png (1388x1060, 509K)

Cute IS sexy

Attached: DrP-sraV4AAKQel.jpg (848x1200, 116K)


cutest onahole!

>Goatfags posing as the actual prince of darkeners
Aye Susie get a load of this fucker.
Kris I honestly hope you're not falling for this shit.

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>Hug Ralsei

That would be Noelle actually.


Noelle is for mindbreaking

>Ever getting that dragon puss if you side with backstabbing goat

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let's all agree that ralsei is the worst character

Fuck off with your twitter eceleb shit, this is a smash rosterfagging board.

goat ass > chalk eating retardo puss

Hat Ralsei > Gay Pink Horns Ralsei > Villain Ralsei

ralsei is canonically gay, but only in the switch version.

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Yea Forumsquatches provide several such examples.

Attached: eat_yosho.png (850x637, 166K)

Prove it fag

Actually the worst character is Jevil. He can do anything therefore he can be the worst character because he can do that.

Attached: ralsei face reavel.gif (112x180, 28K)

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What are you waiting for?
Get to it

What does Yea Forums think of gays?
honestly I have no problems whatsoever with them

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>Edit posting
Confirmed that this user thinks Jevil is best character.

it doesn't go far enough

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I edit posted because I CAN DO ANYTHING

Attached: CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS.gif (192x240, 78K)

At least it'd be better to go villain route since you get to be with evil goat that will make you a cake instead of asshole child that just wants your soul.

Post yfw ralsei ends up being the main antagonist

Attached: a68.png (520x678, 301K)

amazing, somebody asked you to masturbate onto a plush doll of a child goat and you actually managed to be EVEN MORE pathetic than that

pretty obvious twist desu

Attached: don't trust ralseis lies.png (800x800, 129K)

The main antagonist is just (you) again

got mine in after waiting ages. The little glasses are so cute

Does he come with a hat?

>fluffy prince img pack

The Soul is the main antagonist, he’s using Kris to get to his real body, the character you make at the beginning.

Final battle is you vs. Kris’s party with the descisions you made determining whether or not they beat you and who survives.

>be goat
>be black
>turn pink
Why black goat turn pink???

I got mine too user, its adorable.
And going on my shelf

it's too much hassle cleaning up mayo off that material 2bh

I can't believe how hard I want to suck his dick.

wait this is porn isn't it


What did you expect

yes ralsei gets his gigantic ass fucked because this artist draws beach balloon asses

He Casted shadow magic to turn himself into a minority so he could defend his actions by calling anyone who opposed him racist

post pic for proof

>please spoonfeed me googoo gaagaa


I don't know how you fuckers don't know this shit by now

Anyone who posts Yotsuba porn gets instabanned
It's the one thing mods do right

>funs over because I have autism

Watch your mouth I'm an Aspie
Do you even know what reverse image search is?

Toby was perfectly clear about the circumstances surrounding the game. None of your complaints about the time it's taking to come out are justified.

What'd he say


Attached: Somsnosa.png (1000x1200, 350K)

Not really ever since newfaggot mods stopped making it be a public ban

That sounds hard.

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yes, but only if it's funny

I fucking hate this new shit surrounding lolis, what's the point of saying the cute and funny part? It's not clever, it's not funny.
Cunny is a shit word used by subhumans

I agree completely. Fuck Yea Forums.

nobody mentioned lolis but you, dude

get a load of this guy

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Fuck you faggot you know exactly what I meant

If Toby doesn't find some trustworthy people to give him a hand then it'll probably be quite a while, but I'm sure you faggot ass furniggers will keep yourselves entertained.

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i'm still waiting for proof faggot

Wait that's where cunny comes from? I thought it was baby speak cunt.

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I thought it was the other way around

he already got a team

Attached: toby.png (573x243, 24K)

Wait wasnt drawn by sssonic3 or something. Why does he only draw asses as literal fucking circles

Gonna need some 34 of that, stat

his name is kounta kinte


Ralsei deserves domestic abuse

when he's ready

Attached: ralsei cake - Copy.png (999x385, 51K)

>Thought this would be a thread where user drops this tweet immediately
>People will still miss it
I guess it'll still be forever 'til it drops anyways.

Also, reminder that Toby already said that he won't release Deltarune until it's TOTALLY finished. No half baked chapter by chapter releases. So it'll definitely be forever 'til he's finished.

do people in this thread really want to fugg the little goat character?


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I am kind of a mess but that is actually really bad.

so do you want a link to the full picture or not...

>that pic where ralsei is holding a condom big as he is with two god cocks in the foreground

I'll pass

Link it since the other user is a faggot.


what image are you talking about

I find it's better to just focus on other things. Deltarune won't be finished any sooner or later, and time will only go by slower complaining about it. So, just enjoy your own life and other cool games, and when Deltarune finally does release, you can appreciate it alot better.

Here you filthy degenerate


and another one I like


Attached: Smug susie.png (500x381, 254K)

Absolutely based. Not sure why that other user passed on it.

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hussie ?...
hussie is that you ?

>People think Ralsei will be the villain
It's like you didn't play Undertale.

Toby likes ONE thing. Subverting your expectations. That's literally every single fucking thing that happened in Undertale. And now you think the trite, obvious thing will happen. There's no way Toby would want to subvert that expectation. Nah.


It's glaringly obvious that Chara is gonna be doing big bad Chara stuff, but what isn't obvious is who is gonna die and who is gonna be a traitor, perhaps Asriel's visit is just one big ruse on the path to heartache.

Whatever happens, I know Toby is gonna knock this one out of the park.

here's the proper link because sucks cocks

>I thought it was baby speak cunt.
It is, but there was such a rash of cunny-meming a couple months back that mods began nuking posts as spam or loli discussions. So then people took a tweet used by the AHiT dev to describe the game("cute and funny") which had already loosely been used as a catchphrase for loli shit and started using it in place of cunny. It's pure dumb luck that you can contract the two from [c]ute and f[unny] to get the original word.

V users are subhuman

No wonder you're here.

In your opinion, which game has better character designs? Personally, I think Deltarune Blows Undertale out of the water. I feel like a lot of it has to do with the animations, they just give so much, well, character to the characters. I also find the colors much more interesting in DR

Why was this and UT so popular?
How do you recreate that magic?

By not trying to make Undertale


lmao imagine hating furries like an edgy 12 year old in 2019

lmao imagine being a subhuman degenerate typical of the year 2019


Draw more Toriel porn. Or at least r63 Ralsei.

Shut up, furfag


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>people think ralsei won’t be the villain
It's like you didn't even play deltarune

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How does this faggot and Ryan (HuniePop) find a team but not Dan Salvato

By making your own thing.
Copying anything makes it soulless.

I'm not gay but I've fapped to these linked pictures before.


That's good to know

Hopefully with their help DR won't take much longer than UT did

They're busy gaming

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I still don't really understand what the Deltarune enemies are meant to be but the king looked kind of cool.

Wow rude.

Don't you a Trump rally to attend and bash old people?

I thought the whole theme in Deltarune was that your decisions don't matter?

THey're meant to be monster versions of Card Suits. Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, Clubs.

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goddamn it i need my hylics 2

To be fair a lot of DR's characters were lifted from an actual artist's work, with the strong theme running through them it's easily better and that's without counting all the extra polish enemies have gotten in their depiction in DR

I like Lancer the best, he reminds me of something from SMRPG, just this themed cartoon ambiguous humanoid. The spade face is so distinctive

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Wrong pic

Attached: deltarune.png (1006x672, 71K)

>The Soul

Makes me wonder what aesthetic the rest of the game is gonna have. I doubt it's gonna be the same look.

It's probably going to have different themes if the dark world is bullshit

>halfway through the game you learn that the dark world is bullshit
>as in, it was literal wallpaper everyone had put up over the settings in UT for the next time a human showed up, to try and force a different scenario to play out
>you catch Toriel and Alphys trying to glue the wallpaper back up with snail slime in a panic, off somewhere on the screen that Kris isn't facing

Attached: frisk pie.png (466x420, 227K)

One of these days I'm going to make that pie

you're in for a surprise

>tfw no ralsei like bf whom i can protect and cherish for life
Whats the darn point, guys?

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ralsei has a big butt.

>Entire party is fuckable

What did Toby mean by this

Normal humans don't travel those roads.

It's not gay if he's cute

>Etika will never play Deltarune chapter 2

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He does not.

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Pretty sure this is the definition of a “slippery slope”

prove it

Not all of them. Just the ones that will sexualize video game characters.

i'd prefer if ralsei turned out to be a dom and not a sub

Ever heard of the Mose utopia experiment.

Yes but it's rare

I blame cartoons for making me attracted to simple designs and porn and juvenile media for making me fetishize innocence

At least I don't feel guilty fapping to something like Lady Bow

That'd be the real gut punch

Ralsei exists to be dominated

Here. Its not big.

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Jevil ate a slice too

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It might not be big but it IS girlish and that's good enough for me

Prove that its girlish.
You're just dishonoring the name of the prince.

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>I want to fuck it
>I don't want to fuck a man
>Therefore it's not a manly ass

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>no peepee
Ralsei's a gril?!??

idk he seems pretty big to me

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counterpoint: ur gay lol

The same way you recreate all magic, imperceptive-kun

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Whose fault is that?

Ralsei has the same proportions as BotW Link. Confirmed guy.

Toby's for not releasing it earlier.

i thought deltarune wasn't gonna be episodic and we're just meant to wait for a full-release in a few years? i saw people saying we'd be lucky to get it by 2021 and 2023 was more realistic

The time between the demo and full release of Undertale was 2 years, give or take. 2021 actually seems like the more realistic expectation, especially considering that Toby is working with a larger team now.

It's not episodic, and 2021 is indeed the optimistic estimate, though I don't think it'll pass 2022



Why do people draw Susie bulky? I prefer slim Susie.

She's pretty meaty in official renderings

Based and lolipilled

Toby knew exactly what he was doing when he designed that goat

if that isnt a sign that this board has been compromised for years i dont know what is

Of course it has. Moderators don't even know the rules of the fucking board. There was a sticky about how e-celebs are not video games and you'll get banned if you post them, but it was taken down in a few days. Then a week or something later Etika died and some retard fucking stickied it. The people who actually sign up to be a moderator on here have some agenda, whether it's to sterilize this place or trying to enforce their idea of a "perfect" Yea Forums.