Piracy = Theft

Each pirate is a lost sale, even moreso if they download the same game multiple times.
It's also illegal.

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Piracy is piracy. It's not theft. It's piracy.
Its also proven to be of utter inconsequence to developers, where its found that most pirates wouldn't have even considered the game in the first place.

What's your opinion on freeware

don't care lol, stop me if you can fag

That's nice, who cares?

dab on corperations

nice b8

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idgaf I love free games/software/music/films lol

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Well ok, then it is... still don't care

Property of your country's government.

I buy things I pirated and liked

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you already got 3 yachts mr. goldenberg, you don't need another one.
let me enjoy myself now with this free game.

I don't care

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yeah right faggot, I only download games and movies that I have previously owned and paid full
if I paid 50 dollars for a vhs movie in the 90s I should have the right to reacquire that media digitally, especially when the digital rerelease is less expensive than what I paid for back then

so suck my balls dipshit cocksucker

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I'm going to pirate myself and you guys can't stop me

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>anons falling for obvious bait
is this just another layer of bait?

>I should have the right to reacquire that media digitally
You don't own anything except the license to play the media on your specific copy for private use
Copyright is a bitch

Weren't some indie developers asking you to pirate their games instead of buying them on G2A?

>Each pirate is a lost sale

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Sounds like a China commie to me.

>same game mulitple times


Bros let's pirate Mass Effect Andromeda 1000 times each so we bankrupt EA

Piracy is just failure of marketing

and yet in the case of vidya it is also a method of consumer protection

>implying piratefags would've bought the game they pirated
absolute 100% retard
it's only a lost sale if they pirate to see if the game is good and buy it afterwards, but only if your game is shit

who cares what it is faggot

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Don't care.

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>Pirate a game multiple times
>Bankrupt a company

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I've downloaded Mario World so many times since the 90's!

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Not really. Most people who pirate games or anything else wouldn't buy it in the first place, so it's not lost sales

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I'd say pirating a game thats out of print is fine. Re releases don't count as reprints.

You think people got rich by paying for anything they didn't have to? Fuck off.

Piracy is just making backups in bulk.

joke's on you
I'd download a car in a second if I could
imagine how much easier it would be to own an rx7 if you could just download a new pristine 13b whenever the apex seals blow

If there was still a rental market, THEY'D be the ones pissed about piracy. Piracy acts as a free rental, not a free purchase.

I typically purchase the games I download. I've got all Contra games on my PC and the collection.

But I've been pirating Mario World since release!
Why isn't Nintendo bankrupt!

wouldnt steam be ok with this?

Yep people playing your shitty game and getting paid with “exposure” will surely pay the bills

You wouldn't download a bear!?

>he doesn't want an army of bears to protect his rx7
get out of here with that weak shit

would you download me, user?

probably not
but with enough whiskey in me, and if you had soft lips and long hair, who knows?

My hair goes down to my neck

>Each pirate is a lost sale
This is very wrong

for me, it's i pirate things i buy

It's moral theft.

If you hire someone to mow your lawn, and then don't pay them, that's considered theft.

Game piracy is exactly the same. Someone used their time and effort to create something, and you're enjoying it without compensating them. It's theft.

>Each pirate is a lost sale
Yeah, clearly if someone is willing to download something for free they're willing to pay for it.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as piracy, is in fact, prohibited filesharing, or as I've recently taken to calling it, sharing with your neighbour. Prohibited filesharing is not a crime unto itself, but rather another piece of propaganda of a dysfunctional media industry propagated by publishers and harmful laws like the DMCA.

Many computer users make unauthorized copies everyday, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the act which is widely performed today is often called "piracy", and many of the people who do it are not aware that it is basically sharing information with your neighbour, and not stealing.

There really is piracy, and some people are doing it, but it is just robbery at sea. Piracy is an act of theft: an action at sea in which goods are forcefully transferred from one ship to another. Piracy is important to be aware of, but unrelated to unauthorized copying; it can only occur at sea. Piracy is not normally used in combination with unauthorized copying - the two acts are typically separate. All the so-called piracy on the internet is really just sharing with your neighbour.
Unauthorized copying should be completely legalized.
>lost sale
Paying for a download is not a sale, it is giving a donation to a business and they don't even have the decency to admit it. I started pirating when PC went digital only.

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Video games are also invented by Shaitan (just like music and other degenerate pastimes) and are justly prohibited by Shariah law.

Giving a donation to a business it not buying anything. Just pirate
If you own a physical copy then you own a physical copy which they can't do anything about
I have never seen anyone claim to own the IP just because they own a physical copy, that is a straw man. You do own an official copy if you own a physical copy with the entire media on the physical format that doesn’t require Steam or some other shit client. It isn’t a license since it cannot be revoked, the IP owner would have to get the government to raid your house to revoke the physical copy, which they cannot do therefore it isn’t a license. EULA only applies when legally applicable, it is legally applicable to digital distribution but not to physical copies.

art museums & libraries

This, also you have to pay your hand every time you fap.

I see more moralfags complaining about piracy than pirates.
It also applies to coffeefags where there are more screeching no fun niggers saying it tastes like shit than actual coffeefags

>art museums & libraries
Voluntarily offer their works to be viewed. And most museums buy or make some kind of monetary obligation with the artist beforehand.

Tell that to epic games. After all they paid for my copy

Yes, because piracy literally doesn't cost them anything but shady key resales can cost them money by refunding fraudulent sales.

For as long as publishers keep their "surprise mechanics" in their games I'll keep getting "surprise discounts"

I don't care.
But by all means, continue financing the things I like.

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>moral theft
No it isn't.
When someone mows your lawn, they are using their finite time to mow your lawn.
A download has infinite supply and absolutely no scarcity. It would be moral theft if you hired someone to use their finite time to make a game and didn't pay.
Charging for digital distribution is unethical, immoral, kikeish, and should be illegal.

>A download has infinite supply and absolutely no scarcity.
The scarcity isn't the download, idiot.
It's the time and effort required to create the game to begin with.

Video games are basically a drug concocted by Satan to lure impressionable youth into wasting their time instead of doing something useful. Who's worse, a thief or a drug dealer? Because video games are in fact drugs, user. Or should I say Beelzebub?

I salute you user!

So what you're saying is
It's okay to pirate video games
Because they are bad.

It's okay to literally go out of your own way to play a game
Because you shouldn't be playing it at all?
The fuck kinda logic is that.

None of this matters because theft should be encouraged as a resistance to capitalism. It's needed private property reform

>something useful
like what?

deal with it

The most pirated games are also the most successful ones. Piracy literally improves earnings

youre presupposing the sale. the sale is delusional, no one was going to buy it. either way, no one gives a shit.

God, shut up stupid idiot. There's worse things going on in in the world


Yeah, I was really gonna buy that copy of Ride to Hell if I couldn't pirate it.

>either way, no one gives a shit.
You CLEARLY do, otherwise you wouldn't bother pirating it.

I don't give a fuck.
I'll never pay for digital only games.

no, we are saying that piracy of everything is fine, and you can suck our cocks if you dont like it.

If it was fine, you wouldn't have to add "Suck our dicks" to the end.

Irrelevant, you are paying for the download which is infinite and has absolutely no scarcity, it is nothing more than giving them a donation. Commissioning a sculptor to use their finite time to make a sculpture and outright buying a sculpture are two completely different purchases.
Get that corporate cock out of your mouth.

no thats why i dont bother paying. pirating is 1 click, i dont even unzip or install my pirated shit it runs the way i get it. even creative and production software.


and that game that isn't available anywhere else, also, whose company has been long dead for 20+ years?

huh faggot?
yeah, your wrong, asshole.

THAT is preservation

i bet you pay for "steam games"

They weren't going to buy it anyway. Besides, you don't really provide anything of value other than braindead entertainment for a few hours. If you want to make money, why not make something educational, or provide a product or service people need. No one gets in huff about rampant porn "piracy", and the only meaningful difference between porn and video games is that video games aren't as affected by obscenity laws, so you can advocate for yourselves more easily and also prey on children. Really, BUYING video games is morally wrong.

>tfw shill keeps sucking

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>Piracy used to imply theft from a group of people, more often than naught, by force
>Pirates would obviously not pay for shit and resell their plunder
Vs today
>Buy a digital product in our technological post-scarcity society
>Replicate it and redistribute it, most commonly for free (seeding)

I'm guessing (((((they))))) realized "Piracy" is a more ominous term than "Duplication"

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Wait, if I download the same game multiple times I affect the sales of the company multiple times?
Holy shit, BRB, bankrupting EA and Activision


But *I'M* the shill.

How can it be a lost sale if I was never going to buy it in the first place?
If I pirate the same thing 5000 times does that amount to 5000 lost sales?

i used to pay for games until they made it so the only legal way to play is to pay for a download, fuck them i switched to piracy
>get into an industry where the product is infinitely reproducible and non-scarce unless put into physical form, even then that physical form is the only thing with scarcity and only thing with monetary worth, and stop offering it in that one way that has scarcity and even have a campaign against it using literal brainwashing
>complain that it doesn't follow the economic model of a physical product or actual service with scarcity

what risk? ive been doing this since 99. no one gives a shit.

What you gonna do about it faggot? Report me to the FBI? You moralfags are dumb animals with no mind of their own. kys desu

It isn't buying, stop calling it that, it is in fact giving a donation to a business.

Charging for a game is technological reversion, torrent technology distributes 1s and 0s for no cost.

>Inb4 You wouldn't download a car.

But donation implies a "selfless" contribution without a return

The reason why piracy is a problem for companies is because their business model is flawed. Consumers pay for licenses to play the games, not to own the assets and stuff. But because there's no way to give players access to games without giving them the assets, companies have to give away more than the license entitles the customers to. If game streaming was a viable option, all publishers would've moved to it years ago.

is it piracy if I bought a game, love the game's soundtrack, and downloaded rips of the soundtrack (which are still in the game's format), instead of doing it myself or buying the game's soundtrack separately? I own FF7, I could pull the jewel case for it out of my closet.

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Piracy may not be stealing but it is basically socialism and that’s why I don’t support it and why I’m surprised Yea Forums does.
>good thing exists
>others worked hard to create good thing
>you did not work to create good thing
>you can however still obtain good thing through labor and effort (labor leads to money leads to purchasing good thing)
>instead you decide you are entitled to good thing and obtain it for free
>if you are entitled to good thing then everyone must be
>good thing is now obtained endlessly by those who neither created it nor labored to obtain it

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Oh no, the billion dollar companies in the entertainment industry aren't getting a fifth of my paycheck! Tell you what, making living affordable on a 15k/year income then we will talk because I can't even afford a car and work 30 hours weekly while going to school.

How about I pirate your wallet and your wife? You don't mind right? After all, like you said, it's not theft.

You aren't getting anything in return though. If I give a donation to an actual charity and get a sticker in return, that is more than what you get from giving a company a donation and getting a download of a game as consolation which can be acquired for free and in a superior manner via torrents.

turning the internet in a less free place is a mortal sin in my marrage of church and federal global government

what a legend of rhetoric. i would salute you but with those skills ill bet ur one of them devious merchant types.

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>Each pirate is a lost sale, even moreso if they download the same game multiple times.
brb bankrupting EA

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Paid digital distribution is Marxist, see Karl Marx' labor theory of value. If you don't like socialism then you are against companies charging for a download, right?

>>others worked hard to create good thing

Regarding your first part, that's a bad mindset. You don't spend money necessarily to give a developer a "donation", you do it to show that there's a valid market interest and it's worthy for other developers to follow suit and innovate instead of sitting stagnant and mimicking the same shit all the time.

That's where you're so obviously wrong, bucko. The ease of obtainment and non-existing cost is the only reason I and many people play mediocre games at all. We have nothing to lose by trying them. Imagine PAYING for some of the shite that comes out nowadays, good god I'd be so ashamed.

Piracy IS marketing
I'm sure lots of people (including myself) subscribed to FFXIV because they played FF games on emulators for free
The cost of XIV + 6 months sub is more than what SE would get from selling those old games, so they win in the end

If the government grants us libraries to borrow books (and now often movies), I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to demo or try out games. I can safely say that most demo's have sold me on a game rather than turned me away while early access does the opposite because there's little surprise in store by the point of release and the magic's already lost on me.

People always accuse me of being a retro game reseller because I advocate playing games on original hardware with a flashcart or ODE method. Obviously that not true.

But this "all piracy is illegal" stuff is legit probably some homo who doesnt want his Saga to drop below $700 now that Rhea and Phoebe are killing it.

>paid digital distribution is Marxist

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This only apply if the game is physical. Does not apply to digital games user.

Hookers aren't cheap and are too hard to pirate, but vidya isn't.

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>Does not apply to digital games user.
why not? Labor was spent by the developers of a game to create it, pirates obtain the game for no labor cost, implying entitlement to the fruits of that labor. It doesn’t matter if it’s a “copy” of the original product, it is an IDENTICAL copy with the same value. If you believe you have a right to obtain a game you took no part in producing for free, you must view yourself as entitled to it, correct? Piracy = digital socialism.

You're still spending time and energy actually playing the game, though.
You played the game, because you desired to play the game, therefore, you had DEMAND for the game
They made a game, spending their own resources to do so, so there would be a supply to meet that demand. If they didn't make the game, there'd be nothing to pirate to begin with.

Economics dictates any supply should be recouped proportionally with demand, or the system collapses.
Your demand for the game was above zero, otherwise you wouldn't have played the game, but no recompense was made. That's theft.

Video games are overprice and not optimized anymore. There is no reason to pay full price for video games that are bugged to all hell and released anyway. Sekiro is probably the last game I bought full price were I wasn't disappointed with shitty bugs or an incomplete story.

DLCs and pc masterrace fags were the death of video games.

The Epic Games Store one gets me every time.

I don't mind. The "theft" part is for money grubbers, or JEWS as I like to call them.
If you develop media solely for the money, and not for enjoyment, as well as to help spread appreciation for the art...
Then you deserve to get 'pirated' on

okay, retard

Is it just me or has Yea Forums gotten slightly more retarded than usual, maybe it has to do with whatever the fuck is happening at /r9k/.

This thread is a good example of that retardation.

I don't care, you're on wrong board, go to >>/biz/ to cry about your dumb financial choices.

What's happening at /r9k/?

Piracy isn't illegal lmao, it's barely even grounds for a civil lawsuit.Eat shit jewcels.

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And what if I am playing something that I cannot buy? What if I want to play Scott Pilgrim or Legend of Korra? Those are no longer for sale and begging for them will do nothing. What if I want to play a Japanese PS2 game? How is me buying a PS2 from Japan and a copy of the game going to support the makers? The games are too old to get new so why not? It's not as clear cut as
>each pirate is a lost sale
Isn't it?

You can do both, though.
Most people do.

can't get it back if the service dies out, idiot.

tons of OG xbox games DLC just GONE.
you HAVE to "pirate" that shit.

>15 Estimating displacement rates of copyrighted content in the EU For games, the estimated effect of illegal online transactions on sales is positive – implying that illegal consumption leads to increased legal consumption. This positive effect of illegal downloads and streams on the sales of games may be explained by the industry being successful in converting illegal users to paying users. Tactics used by the industry include, for example, offering gameplay with extra bonuses or extra levels if consumers pay.

That's fine.
Piracy when no option to buy exists is fine.
Out of print games are fine, fan-translated games are mostly fine, That's all cool.

It's the
>I pirate because I can, look how cool and anti-establishment I am!
people who are idiots.

>moving the goalposts
piracy = digital socialism as explained above. downloading something that literally isn’t provided commercially anymore is not the same thing.


pirates are like less than 1% of all people who buy a game, unless its a shit tier game that sells like 10k units or less.

i've never heard any REAL complaints that piracy was "killing a system" and made a system die out.

sorry OP, you fucking lost this one.

Labour is not inherently worth anything. If people decide that your work isn't worth anything then that is capitalism working as intended.

Imagine that I make a chair and nobody wants to buy it, that's the exact same thing as pirating video games. Should people buy my chair just because I put work into it? Of course not and besides even if nobody buys it that still means I have something I can sit on if I desire to do so.

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I'm brazilian and I buy my fucking games
Fuck of ameritard

your the one moving the goalposts

either everything is pirating or nothing is
faggot =^)


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Tim's already paid for the game for me

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You're right, this is a serious problem. I propose everyone stops buying video games immediately, that way the developers won't have enough money to make them, and no one will be able to pirate them.

Piracy is not theft, it's piracy.

>Imagine that I make a chair and nobody wants to buy it
>that still means I have something I can sit on if I desire to do so.

Just so you know, these statements are contradictory.
All labor inherently has value, even if it's just to the person who performs said labor.

And if you want to play a game that someone else has made, then that game has value to you, too.

Developers get paid when they make the game. The only thing is that Mr. Shekelberg won't get another yacht.

so in your example, it’s okay to just steal the chair?

I can't imagine that there'd be too many people like that. First you'd need to know where to get the game, how to fix any issues brought about by pirating and then to maintain them. Your average schmuck wouldn't want the hustle.

>lost sale

3/10 made me reply

Go ahead, and please tell me if you find any.

>EA is still in business even though I pirate their games and delete them just to download them again

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>Developers get paid when they make the game.
You're right.
But you're missing the part where they get paid based on what that game is expected to make in return, and those expectations are made, mostly, based on past sales.

If someone makes a game, and everyone pirates it, then that game's sales are diminished, and the next time its time to give money to the developer for a new game, they're going to get less money, and therefore make a worse game.

the epic game store makes monetary obligation with the artists beforehand, pirating EGS exclusives is legal

>either everything is pirating or nothing is
you can’t seriously believe this

We're talking dosh here you fucking retard.
Of course not.

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>you wouldnt download a car

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It's not a lost sale because the person wouldn't have bought the game in the first place without piracy.

Money is a representation of value

>if you swim across this river you're avoiding my toll booth, and that's illegal because I write the laws

get fucked

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money only exists because you add value to it.
if your game was worth a damn, it'd be worth money.

>when the pirate version is better than the legal one

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In retrospect, who wouldn't download a car?

Imagine the car industry imploding over night when people get cars for free online.

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The epic store makes deals with the PUBLISHERS. And those deals often only sweeten the pot for companies who were going to put their product on the store to begin with, they're not designed to completely cover the costs of development, or potential sales.

this sums up the argument. Avoiding the toll isn't illegal. I may use that toll bridge if it's worth my time.

Pretty much every console game ever

Wage theft is worse and you don't whine about that, do you?

you mean romhacks or some shit?

just because the game is not expensive or straight up impossible to get in original form anymore it doesn't mean you're entitled to getting your copy by pirating it
also you could stop being a little fucking sissy and just do it without making excuses

Stop being autistic.

The amount of times this applies with denuvo is ludicrous.
Fighting piracy has become "I'll shoot myself in the foot, that'll make them think twice".

Well, if you do not like this logic, you can always use the logic of the law. Did you know that Pokemon games are illegal in some countries because they promote the infidel concept of evolution which is not only illegal but a very serious offence in the eyes of our Lord? Have you played Pokemon? Congratulations, you've broken the law just as any pirate did. You did an illegal thing and you'll be burning in Jahannam forever. While we're at it, many games that have an image of a cross (like oldchool shooters with red cross medkits) are also illegal and playing them is a sin. Can you say you were free from this filth?

how'd you survive the roof tossing?

Pirates should be lynched.

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mostly referring to undubs but DQ8 3ds comes to mind with the uncensored patch and the patch the brings back the orchestral OST

Why, I've remembered that nothing is true and anything is permitted.

You're wrong, but even if it was theft. I do not care. Stealing from corporations like Ubisoft, EA or Microsoft is not morally wrong, and I do it gladly.


>that shitty fad to put multiplayer and co-op in everything was meant to stop piracy

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Piracy is inherently capitalistic. Capitalism only works because people tend to follow their own selfish drives. Through piracy the consumer can attain the goods they want for free with minimal risk. As a customer, acknowledging that this method of serving your own self interests exists, and then forgoing it because some faggot told you it was wrong, is the ultimate act of communism.

>roughly $10.50 an hour.
Minimum wage? Stay at a job longer than a few years, banks like that. Build your credit score so you can apply for a loan. They'll probably make you open a credit card. Buy shit with it and make payments on that. The lower your credit score the more money they'll trust you with. Take that loan to a dealer/ private seller then make payments on that. Its the dance of life. Your first car isn't gonna be new working minimum wage m8.

Remember that, through piracy, Arfoire can grant every user their own neps to serve as their personal pleasure slaves. And of course you are free to customize your neps to your own personal desires since they are no longer bound by restrictive drm.

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It makes sense really. How many people would have bought the newest street fighter collection if there wasn't a cult of people keeping the franchise alive through fightcade? If no arcade roms existed people would have just thought of the old games as shitty relics from the past that aren't worth playing again. There'd be no youtube videos of tournaments and shit to get them interested.

He'll just steal your hand when you salute.

>Super autists deconstruct the source code and upload an open source version of the game for people to play forever, legally distinct from the original game

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Confirmed to have never worked in games. You get paid a salary wtf are you on about?

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It's not called piracy it's called file sharing newfags

But the publishers invested money on that too. If a game sells more then it indicates to the publisher that there’s demand for games like those, and they’re more willing to invest in those games or developers.

Like even if the money never gets to the developers themselves, publishers still need to churn a profit. That’s just the way the industry works.

yeah you do.

There are movies I would go watch if the tickets were free, but would not if they cost even 1 euro. Desire doesn't come into it.

I remember when my teachers had to explain to kid me that sharing is illegal. Never got a good answer besides "dude trust me"


Nobody's saying they have a right to it, though. I pirate all the time because I don't want to spend money on media, if its not available, I go without.

If you don't want me to pirate your games, sell them to me. What's that? You won't? Then why the fuck shouldn't I pirate them? You won't take my money in exchange for the products I want because I live in Europe so what am I expected to do?

you can apply this exact same argument to physical theft faggot.

Pirating games that aren't sold anymore isn't exactly stealing sales. Unless you consider second-hand companies, resellers and scalpers to be a legitimate form of business worth my fucks given.

>most pirates
Correct. Most, but not all
This 'minority' that you speak of is already consisting on several lost sales
Just own up instead of being a faggot putting four sided excuses to justify your shit
You're still a fag but still

user you are contractually obliged to buy these games, what the fuck are you telling me you haven't met your gamer quota?

So another publisher will work with that studio instead.
I've worked at AAA and I've worked in f2p, one game I worked on for 3 years was almost designed not to make a profit, we employed 120 people, and sure, we had to fire 30 of them when the project ended, but we're back to 120 within a year again.
Games are doing fine, I feel no guilt.

>Want to buy Megaman X
>It's only sold in a Megaman X collection bundle
>But I just want Megaman X so it's okay to pirate it.

>I want to buy a red BMW
>No, this exact shade of red
>I can only find it in another shade, so it's okay to steal it

>Desire doesn't come into it.
Yes it does.
Otherwise you wouldn't want to see it. Any desire, even the barest minimum, is more than zero desire.

>pirated undertale lisa and stellaris
>bought them years later at some point to replay them, except instead of the undertale game it was the deltarune OST

but i did pirate a fuck load of games on the 3DS which i'll never buy because they're all $20 i imagine and weren't as memorable, also it'll be harder since it's either to the sd card or physical copy

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>watching a football game over the fence is the same as property theft
Sure thing big guy

Thank you for helping me prove my point that piracy is OK :)

Excuse me but who lost their copy of Megaman X?

>want to play an old game that I can't buy directly from the manufacturer anymore
>decide to just download a ton instead of buying it off from someone else online or otherwise

>want to play a game I already bought but at a higher frame rate or resolution
>guess I'll just download the ROM and play it on an emulator

We live in an age where you can literally just watch the gameplay in a game from start to finish. You watch trailers too. If you’re that interested in checking out the game after that, why not just buy the product? You don’t need to pirate a game to know whether or not it’s worth buying.

Okay Anti Pirate Guys answer me this. If I buy a remake of re-release of an old Nintendo game, is it OK to pirate the original to play romhacks

I'm honestly fucking shocked people haven't called streaming/let's plays piracy yet. Makes you wonder why? Remember that looking at a web site with an ad blocker is also piracy.

If physical theft were as easy and low risk as piracy, you'd better believe more people would do it.

What if it's not worth the price? Would you buy Sekiro if it was $900 plus tip, or would you pirate it instead?

And that would make it right?

Fuck devs, fuck publishers, and FUCK MORALFAGS.

Iirc telltale considered longplays of their games to be piracy

>Piracy bad

Attached: 1560755226377.png (1000x1000, 18K)

If it was the social norm then it would be.


fuck this piece of shit industry filled with garbage.

Nobody said they feel entitled to it. You need them to believe that to make an argument, but they don't.
If I can get something for the least money possible without risk, I will. I don't feel bad about it, and I won't ever. I work in vidya since 2012, everybody I know buys games, I see literally no damage.

if you have purchased a physical copy of a game, you own a license to the data contained on that physical media (read the EULA). Once this license is purchased, you may use the data in any medium.

Downloading CP for free = Supporting CP industry
Downloading vidya for free = Destroying vidya industry

Explain this one, Yea Forums. You can't.

Telltale were such idiots.

>It doesn’t matter if it’s a “copy” of the original product, it is an IDENTICAL copy with the same value.
only a retard believes this
it is only handled this way because otherwise it would not work

when you can flood the market with the same shit countless of times it no longer has any worth
that is basic law of supply and demand

Don't forget the people who buy the game because their friend pirated it and recommended it. Or the pirates who buy games they like. Notch wouldn't be a billionaire now if people hadn't pirated minecraft and popularised it.

I don't pirate any games.
What I do is wait for the game to show up in Gamestops used section for like 10 bucks and buy it from there. I get to play the game, the developer gets no money from me, Gamestop potentially makes profit from someone else's creation and it's all perfectly legal.

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piracy isn't even piracy. Piracy involves pirates in boats stealing shit from other boats out in the sea.

"piracy" is just filesharing.

filesharing is not illegal.
filesharing is the basis for computers even existing.


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>You played the game, because you desired to play the game, therefore, you had DEMAND for the game
How can you misunderstand this basic concept. You are very wrong. I don't care enough about most games to take a chance on them. Pirating one is a 'why not, nothing to lose' whim. I would never make any sort of commitment towards anything I am unsure about.

>That's theft.
Maybe, but it's not a lost sale.

Honestly that sounds fantastic. The only people still making games will be doing it for the love of making games. It's the best case scenario, so let the industry burn.

>Each pirate is a lost sale.
The only people who actually believe this to be unironically true are 50 year old + boomer ass shareholders who don't know anything about the market.


Literally the entirety of economic theory is based on the idea that ever single person makes rational decisions and for each through-put there is a sufficient out-put to match it. Both of these things are fundamentally incorrect in reality. When people choose to partake in buying an object they weigh up the opportunity cost of taking that action and when something is free, IE. literally the only opportunity cost is their time, then they will jump on it. In strict economic theory, literally everyone would pirate.

Rationality has nothing to do with it. In fact, entire industries, the video game industry included, depend on consumers NOT making rational decisions, because if every decision was strictly rational, they'd spend money on nothing but food, shelter, sleep and sex.
Every action you make is in the spirit of maximizing perceived utility

>In strict economic theory, literally everyone would pirate.
In strict economic theory, NOBODY would pirate, because there'd be nothing to pirate.

No it isn't. In my country it'd be illegal if I sold a downloaded copy myself, but filesharing itself is A-OK.

>Rationality has nothing to do with it
It's literally the basis of how modern economic theory is defined and understood.
>In strict economic theory, NOBODY would pirate, because there'd be nothing to pirate.
There are many virtues that exist within a strict economic system, but perfect products and perfect designs are definitely not one of them, otherwise nothing would improve. A perfect economic system would be a lack of an economic system; supply and demand are ever fluctuating by design and the only way that wouldn't be the case is in a perfect post-scarcity environment.

>Each pirate is a lost sale

No it's not. I was never going to buy their game. They should be happy that more people are playing their game who never would have otherwise.

>he doesn't game on pc

Attached: alita disdain.png (400x489, 345K)


Do you not? That's what allows wage theft to happen.

Here's a free game.
Code for the game Control on Epic Game Store.

Came with muh grafix card but I'm not going to be using EGS and don't particularly care for whatever game this is.

Why do people reply to bait, it just encourages them to keep doing it

>Each pirate is a lost sale
I've pirated plenty of games I wouldn't have bought anyway. If I hadn't have pirated they wouldn't have gained a sale

Oh, cool, thanks user.

>Implying that up until fairly recently, the act of being stronger as an individual or group did not give you the right to take what you wanted

I seem to recall a lot of pillaging and plundering from my history courses. Shit, that's still the case in less 'modernized' parts of the world.

So it's actually fine to pirate them since you destroy their creators that way.

Ok corporate cock sucker. I'm not paying for shitty EA games. Devs that already make millions, i couldn't care less about their games being pirated. Stop moral fagging and go back to your rent free tranny.

Don't mind me, just pirating this labor by owning the means of production and "copyright" laws!

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A better question is, is it ok to merely pluck an exact duplicate of the chair out of thin air?

If I buy an old game does the money even go to the people who made it or does the store keeper profit?

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You can see them trying but failing. Streaming games will never be a thing.

How is it a lost sale if the thing I want costs $250 and I’d never pay that price for a fucking anime

pirating games from shitty companies is a moral right

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>It's also illegal.
not where i live(sort of)

Not his fault you were born poor, not go and work for mr Shekelstein you lazy bum.

see if I give a fuck.
As a vr user who uses vive and index whats oculus doing is great:
They finance nice official games that are exclusive only to oculus owners so what I do is just pirate their shit and use a program that lets me play their games on good systems.

Nibbas dont want me to play their shit so I won't have to pay for it, it's fucking great.

Is it still a lost sale if I wasn't going to buy it anyway and only pirated it because "fuck it why not"?

Because a digital game has no scarcity and is infinite.
Paid digital distribution = Marxism - see Karl Marx' labor theory of value which is what you're using to try to justify charging for something that is infinite. You're a Marxist. Piracy is part of the free market, torrents digitally distribute games for $0.
Look up Karl Marx' labor theory of value
and the supply is infinite once it is made so it is worth $0
and paid digital distribution shouldn't exist because people shouldn't be willing to pay for digital distribution

Games are more expensive than ever when you take into consideration we went from paying $50 max for a physical copy that is better than today's collector's editions to paying for a download license with rampant DLC and mtx, early access aka paying to test a game or doing it for free when devs used to have to pay people to test their games, etc
DS and 3ds are a good example on how kikeish the industry is these days. DS and 3ds had $20 MSRP on release day physical copies that have the game on cart, the box, and even a manual, yet people find it acceptable that they are being charged more than a few cents for a fucking download.
Low cost =/= cheap or a good deal. Using the logic that digital sales are "cheaper" means that a restaurant charging $5 for a sip of water is cheap because it is only $5 without taking into consideration what you get in return.

>rarely pirate vidya
>pirate music and movies all the time

Anyone else?

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>Piracy = Theft
Are you fucking serious? Your don't copy that floppy logic doesn't work for anything but what's supported by companies in current time.

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>Labour is not inherently worth anything.
no, but the worth of all things is imparted to them only by labor
things not worth anything wont be made or will be made and have no value
if a thing does have value however, only the materials it is made from and the labor which made it have given it value, and thus the total of what remains of its value after material costs are subtracted belongs to the laborers who produced it.

online arguments are practice for real arguments. it doesn't matter if the op was bait or genuine

>tfw gamedev
>tfw pirate anyway
>tfw dont get mad when people pirate my game
do whatever you want

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guaranteed replies bait thread, Gotcha

You just make it sound even better than it actually is you dumb kike.

The download option issued in every computer says otherwise

It's not theft if a third party like Epic has already paid for your copy. Then it's free :^)

Illegal? Yes
Theft? No
Kys back 2 reddit with the bait threads

Go virtue signal somewhere else you bootlicker

Except, it's not illegal. At all. You can sue someone for it in civil court. But there are no criminal charges you can bring against someone for pirating your stuff.

I got a secret anons.

I bought a Wii U only to hack it and turn it into the ultimate Nintendo emulator to play NES to DS to GCN to Wii games for free. I hoard all of my roms on it and bought another Wii U so it's future proof. I have it right next to my hacked 3DS, PSP, and PS3. Now I'm waiting for a unbrickable Switch hack too

t. poorfag

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I don't know man I feel like watching superbad again

You're an idiot who has no idea what they're talking about.

Supply doesn't just refer to the product, it refers to every resource that lead up to the product, including, in this case, the time and effort of the creators.
DISTRIBUTION of digital products is, yes, infinite, but SUPPLY involves the time, effort, computers, internet, company building, all the way down to the catering and bathroom water, and those things are very much not infinite.

When you buy a game, you're not paying for the ones and zeroes that come through your copper wires, you're paying for the hundreds of man hours that someone, somewhere, took out of their very short lifespan to give you some chance at enjoyment.

>Don't pirate PC games so much anymore
>Pirate the SHIT out of console games

>Don't pirate movies, just come up with a new email to make a new trial account on whatever streaming service when they have what I want to watch, which is essentially the same thing, but everyone's okay with it for some reason

Why are so many taking this shit bait?

>unbrickable Switch hack
We're basically there.

user meant no bans online and undetectable like the Wii U. The risk is too much, the availabilty of the hackable Switches, methods to hack, and emunand use isn't worth it yet. Give it 2 more years.

>user meant no bans online
I don't think that's ever fucking happening. That only happened on the WiiU and 3DS because Nintendo weren't as wise to the whole gig as they are now

>piracy is illegal
sorry m8 i live in a free country

>but SUPPLY involves the time, effort, computers, internet, company building, all the way down to the catering and bathroom water
Are you fucking retarded?

sexual activity with a minor is illegal as is marketing and selling it. downloading cp gives the creators and publishers of said content the incentive to create more cp, ergo supporting the growth of an unlawful and harmful industry.

as i understand it, the modern video game industry is generally a hierarchy of corporations funneling money down to different in-house and contracted studios and individuals that demand a certain wage and benefits. less money made from the game=less money for the corporations=less work for those devs in the future. the only people who get directly affected by piracy are trannoid indie devs, for obvious reasons.

i don't give a fuck though. pirate whatever you want because companies don't have feelings and trannies aren't entitled to your money

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Not really. Hacking my Vita made me stop buyong games for it.

Ofc piracy is a crime.
Its just nearly impossible to enforce, and the feeling of ease/free shit outweighs the feeling of guilt/risk of trouble.
>t. Unironically did a cyber-criminology thesis on it

Supply *implies* product, but it is not the product.
You need everything that comes before the product, and you need demand to pay for the things that make the product, therefore, everything up to and including the product is referred to as supply.

Products don't appear out of thin air, and basic economic theory accounts for this, basically.

No, supply in economics literally just refers to the amount of a product available.

>In economics, supply is the *amount of a resource* that firms, producers, labourers, providers of financial assets, or other economic agents are willing and able to provide[...] to the marketplace

It's literally the first fucking line, dude.
It's everything. It's not just what's available to buy.

Yes, it says right there that it's literally just the amount. No mention of the process involved in creating the product.

I buy my games on pc and pirate on console.

Attached: shrug shachiko .jpg (809x1000, 403K)

Process is implied in "producers, labourers, and providers of ficnancial assets"
Also, later in the page, it mentions time and necessary skills

I made a small indie game which I sold on my own website for a time, then on steam eventually. Five bucks, but well over half of the people who played it pirated it.

I still made some money, and I don't care about the pirated copies. They wouldn't have bought it anyway. I'd rather people enjoy the thing I made, then never play it at all. I make a living from software development, it's what pays my bills and feeds my family, but this notion that piracy is taking out of my pocket is just incorrect. I honestly feel that way.

You know what, let me just pretend to agree with your idea of supply as it doesn't matter to the original argument.
How does any of that matter for digital goods?
With physical goods labour and material goes into every single product people buy. With digital goods the labour and material goes in once and then the producer can just generate infinite copies at no cost (technically it costs some electricity I guess). Why should every single one of those possibly infinite copies reflect the resources used to create the game instead of just the resources used to create the copy?
If we do assume infinite copies and every single one of those copies is sold at a price reflecting the creation of the original game does the game have infinite value? That doesn't seem right to me.

QA fag detected
Abandon thread


Because people produce products to make a profit.
That's the entire goddamn reason for doing it to begin with. Even if you only do it "Just for the art", because it's super hard to love what you're working on when you're always fucking hungry.

The only streaming I'll need is a trial for Netflix once Mindhunter S2 lands.

>If we do assume infinite copies and every single one of those copies is
That's a fucking stupid thing to assume, because nobody's buying anything an infinite number of times. You're confusing "Infinite" with "indeterminate", which applies to everything, physical, digital, or otherwise.

they're not fit, they just can't find food

You're not answering my questions.
Of course products are made for a profit. But with digital goods we have the issue of having an original work and then we have copies of it. You're advocating for charging for the copies reflecting the resources that went into the original work.
I consider that nonsensical and just trying to hamfist the rules that work for physical goods into digital markets.
What we should so is charge for the process of creating the original work directly. Yes, I'm advocating for things like Kickstarter and Patreon, although the way they currently work is pretty terrible as there's no guarantees what's shown will actually be delivered.
(Digital) copies would be free as the process of creating them costs basically nothing.

Fair enough, read that as indeterminate then. Even then we do have this huge difference in physical and digital markets.

>(Digital) copies would be free as the process of creating them costs basically nothing.
Services are still a thing, though. Performances are still a thing.
You're basically advocating for the ability to walk into any concert without buying a ticket because it "costs basically nothing"
And even then, it ignores the basic tennant of economics, which is that price is determined by demand. If you want a thing, even if you only want it for the briefest moment to see if you'd like it at all, that means there's demand, which means the creator deserves compensation.

>Even then we do have this huge difference in physical and digital markets.
We really don't. All digital distribution means is that the ratio of people who WANT the thing and people who can BUY the thing are approaching 1:1. It means demand isn't affected by scarcity of supply, which is where anyone selling anything is trying to be.

Stop calling it this. It's called file sharing. There's literally no difference from sharing the physical media to file sharing.

I downloaded RCT2 yesterday because I don't wanna go through my 300 pc games in the attic to look for that pinkish CD in some random cover. I am not advocating piracy but there are cases where it's ok

>Services are still a thing
Yes, I am very much advocating of treating games as services. Well, not games but the development of games. Pay for the service, not the product.

>And even then, it ignores the basic tennant of economics, which is that price is determined by demand
It is determined by supply and demand, but I guess we can't argue about this because you have a twisted idea of what supply means.

>which means the creator deserves compensation
Of course. We are just disagreeing how the compensation should be handled and possibly what exactly it should be for. I advocate compensating for the cost of development by financing the development directly. You advocate financing it via charging through copies. I consider that ridiculous.

>We really don't
The only reason we don't is that we have draconian laws making it so. Do you really think anyone would pay for copies when it would be perfectly legal to just make them yourself?

>which is where anyone selling anything is trying to be
Yes, I'm sure anyone trying to sell anything would like a monopoly on a product with infinite amounts of said product to sell. This is literally all copyright does. Hand out monopolies, granted, it's a monopoly on copies of something you may have created. I don't see how that makes it any better though.

file sharing is a name youre using to make it more normal and sound less like a crime. its still piracy

What happens if no one buys video games?
What do you think is going to happen when a company pays for a project and sees zero dollars in return?
Everyone in this thread seems hung up on the terms "donation" and "false scarcity", but no one is addressing/providing a solution for the elephant in the room, which is that SOMEONE needs to buy the games, or else we wouldn't have any since the company sees zero incentive to keep funding their development. It's a weird predicament because its's not a typical "pay for labor" exhange, making most of these metaphors unhelpful. There are three layers to this that work in a loop.
>Publisher sees demand for (product) and pays for/commissions development from devs
>Devs create (product) and are paid for their labor
here is where it gets dicey, since it's a gamble that
>Consumers buy enough of (product) for the publishers to see incentive to pay devs again.
And so on. What's the alternative solution to keep games going?
anyone who says "sure, let retards pay but I won't" is just a parasite making rationalizations for their behavior.

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>Each pirate is a lost sale
This shit never fails to make me laugh. Top bait, sir.

>Yea Forums pirate music
nobody fucking care
>Yea Forums pirate movies etc.
nobody fucking care
>Yea Forums pirate games

>Pay for the service, not the product.
That's literally exactly what we do already. That's literally what I've been arguing in favor of this entire time. When you buy a thing, you're paying for the work the developers did, and you're enabling them to do more of it in the future.
If a lot of people buy what you're selling, that means you make a product, which enables you to make a (theoretically) better product, and (theoretically) make more money, and say competitive in an active and changing market. That it. That's what it is, and that's what it should be.

I like to download some indy game then copy it about a thousand times on my huge empty hard drive then delete it. Losing a thousand sale really matter to those faggots!

Guys, I pirated OP's image. Get it quick, before the mods take it down!

Attached: 1563498150791.png (432x305, 16K)

You think capitalism is moralistic?

Attached: cracking up.gif (500x510, 75K)

>Stop pirating software! It's theft!!!11
>proceeds listening to music on youtube which is uploaded by anyone but the artist

Attached: zizek unimpressed.jpg (400x400, 23K)

>b-b-b-b-but it is a victimless crime!
Yeah, well so is smoking weed.
Into the jail you go

>Zizek poster thinks he's worth listening to.

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if it belongs to the government it belongs to me.

You know, this might come shocking for an intellectual of the very sheltered ivory tower in the north, but I'm not as much into doom and gloom as you, Mr Sprengler.

Attached: zizek confused.jpg (565x531, 27K)

>Each pirate is a lost sale
I know it's bait, but why would anyone ever honestly assume that?

always remember: pirates are online niggers
>entitled getting things for free
>mental gymnastics to justify their actions
>chimp out when called out

Attached: 73534.jpg (189x267, 8K)

>Zizek poster
>criticizing others for being sheltered

Attached: 1539765352178.jpg (300x358, 31K)

I don't care.

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this. based and clownpilled

Never pirated a game I wanted to buy, but now for games I did like, I'd probably buy the sequels

It's not illegal to engage in political acquisition of foreigner shit OP, it's just simple politics. Sorry to break the news to you my friendo. :^)

I'm bored so
>Each pirate is a lost sale
No, that's a sale that never happened. By that logic refunding a game is also piracy because it's a lost sale.
>even moreso if they download the same game multiple times.
So if I redownload game on Steam I'm pirating it? What about playing the same game disk on muliple consoles? That's like ultra piracy.

Sorry, user. No (You) 4u.

>piracy is illegal
Yeah no shit. Do i look like i care though?
I remember burning game source folders into CD-RWs back in the day and sharing them with friends. I also emulate 3DS games. Good luck stopping the flow of information, corporatecuck

You can't post duplicates, did you mod the picture? Do I need the original file or is that image a stand alone?

>If you hire someone to mow your lawn, and then don't pay them, that's considered theft.
No it's not you cretin it's breach of contract.

He said should, cocksucker.

Jones Jr did it better


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>Each pirate is a lost sale
>for EA, Ubisoft, and Blizzard


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That's gay as fuck

>buy game
>10 years company shuts down
>can no longer play game
>money literally stolen
this is legal
>pirate game
>10 years company shuts down
>I can still play game
this is illegal

Attached: 2EBF078B-2C2C-4CBB-8DC2-B4520C2C80CA.png (239x186, 44K)

Little kids do not pirate
Also a retarded pirate would not have a friend, at least not one that would pay for the game. His friend would also pirate it, which is yet another sale lost

LIttle kids wouldn't have even heard of minecraft without piracy making it popular among teens.

>buy game at launch for 60 dineros
>all money goes to dev
>buy game used for 10 bucks
>all money goes to shop
>pirate game for free
>no money is transferred anywhere

Attached: ia28olwpoaa31.jpg (750x768, 39K)

>OP literally made a "download the same game multiple times" joke
>thread's nearing bump limit
Yea Forums will bite anything. Hey Yea Forums, i'm a transgendered apache attack helicopter!

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This. The local full service massage parlor charges some 200 dollars for a full ride. Sometimes you need to prioritize your spending.


Attached: mozzarella titties.jpg (1077x782, 125K)

Good for you :)


only this guy does.

>Each pirate is a lost sale
Yeah we needs pirates to steal properly so the sale isn't lost.

Attached: 2 slices of pizza.jpg (135x90, 3K)

Big publishers are anti-demo now because giving people an idea of what the game will be like pre-sale might tip them off that the game is shit and not worth buying.

Easier to trick people into a sale if there's no demo.

I never saw value in bragging about pirating digital software and media files. This discussion is just virtue signaling.

Just copy and share files discretely

>Big publishers are anti-demo
Despite them still existing or timed version and other stupid takes on it.

you don't own sales so it's impossible to steal them. You also don't deprive someone of access to their own resources so it really isn't theft.

Attached: piracy-is-not-theft.jpg (345x270, 15K)

Doesn't matter, I will pirate Skyrim another twenty times for this post

All 100% legit backup copies I swear.

Attached: Too_Late_Nintendo_2.webm (960x540, 2.59M)

that sounds like communism, comrade.

I literally would‘ve made this exact same post word for word. Uncanny.

you're not even paying for download, but for a temporary licence to allow you to temporarily use something. a licence that can be revoked at any time for no reason whatsoever, to force you to buy a new one. if there's any form of thievery in gaming industry, it's digital only distribution of revokable licences. shit like that validates piracy much more than "it's too expensive!", since through piracy your copy can never be disabled to force you to buy new gen trash.

imagine paying for something free.

>same folks who condone piracy still save ehentai scanlation pics.

stop being hypocrites

Reminder if you don’t exclusively pirate games from awful services and you make a big deal trying to justify otherwise, you’re the Faggot.

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Downloading isn't illegal, it's distribution that is.
Otherwise I could just burn Super Mario to a floppy disk and hand it to someone and turn him into a criminal.
Also people tend not to argue legality unless they are autistic, what really matters is ethics.
If you bought a game ten years ago and lost the disc, is it unethical to download a pirated copy?

Don’t care. I’ll continue to do it for as long as I can get away with it.

If you ask Nintendo, yes

I believe a better system would be for a percentage of each sale to go to both the developer and publisher until the revenue exceeds the initial pay to the developer for said game. Then they receive most if not all revenue from sales which is to be determined by the developer and publisher before hand.

What happened to Yea Forums? Why new children are so pro establishment?

based piratebros

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t. capitalist pig

So is taxes.

U and a script that deletes and re downloads Balloon fight over and over.
At my internet speed and the fact Nintendo charges 5$ for the rom and each pirated copy is a lost sale.
I am effectively losings them 500$ each second which means 18,000,000$ an hour.
Iv been ruining this thing for days now.
I am the reason why Pokemon Sword and shield look like shit.

I am also gonna send this program to my friends and i estimate after a year Nintendo will go bankrupt and even go in to dept trying to repay all those billions of $ lost from piracy.

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