What’s your boldest video game opinion?

What’s your boldest video game opinion?

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story is as relevant to games as it is to porn
gameplay > everything else

I like videogames

There won’t be another Smash game, and Nintendo will just make yearly fighter passes for SSBU like Fortnite does with its season passes

That you're gay, OP.

want some links to actual gaming sites OP?

I like a nice story in porn though

This would be fine as long as first party characters get upgraded into fighters.

He literally already is
As in he appeals very much to both Boys and Girls

context in porn makes it more enjoyable what are you talking about

You got a primary source there, hombre?

This is just a phase that will pass, right guys?

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Pretty obvious
What were they going to do with the next game? They pretty much reached the peak

This, it was intentionally part pf his design since OOT correct?

Because men are the default already duh.

if you mean heterosexuality as the mainstream's choice, then yes, it will pass

Exactly. Good context, good details, enough plot but 10 minute scenes of dialogue and cinematic shots? Awful.

Then explain the rise of incest or cuck porn?

Dialogue can be a part of gameplay.

Slowly walking between fights is hardly gameplay.

Fanservice is rarely ever good and any game that values loli or big anime tiddy pandering over actual gameplay is peak incelbait.

>nintendies will unironically defend this

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Kill all jews

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>tfw user always tells me what to think and defend
Fuck you user

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A clickbait article?

Except nintendies literally will defend this if it actually happens in the next game because it's literally fine when nintendo does it

i don't see the problem. gender neutral doesn't mean insane tumblrshit, it just means a character that could be conceivably male or conceivably female.

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Power Stone styled fighter

thats because most fanservice games are just shovelware anime junk

>getting mad over peoples possible reaction to something that hasnt happened


It's a LARP-post from 2016, no need for anyone to get their panties in a wad.

Cinematics and cutscenes take away from the gameplay.

It's not even what it means in this instance, as the quote is being taken out of context. Nintendo wants the character to appeal to both men and women. Link doesn't need to be a man or women to achieve this, thus has a gender neutral appeal. Not that the character will appear gender neutral to avoid any uncomfortable feelings.

images should be banned but only on Yea Forums

>The Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma has explained that, aside from Twilight Princess, the development team has always aimed to design Link as a “gender-neutral character.”
the article was written in 2016, before botw and was in response to the fact you can't choose to play as a female or male Link.
>"As far as gender goes, Link is definitely a male, but I wanted to create a character where anybody would be able to relate to the character."

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Neutral as in ambiguous, not ''I identify as an attack helicopter''.

blizzard never made a good game

This isn't bold at all, most people on Yea Forums tend to agree
It's why games like TLOU, which gets praised to high heaven on quite literally every other site imaginable, is absolutely never discussed on /v

Retards should be banned and not only on Yea Forums.

The reason to make Link "Gender Neutral" is so that women can still self insert into a previously male character.
This means that not only is Link(M) canon, but Link(F) is as well.
>Increase in female Link lewds
>Female Link SFM
>Link (M) X Link (F) artwork
I can see this as nothing but an objective win for degenerates such as myself.

Fallout is a shitty series.

>ban everything i dont like

this is your mind on liberalism

Imagine, game opens with a cinematic of a horde of orcs steaming over a hill. Pans over to see your character and a couple town guards manning the defense, music dwelling, tension rising. Cut to combat gameplay.
Now imagine all that done in game while you're looking in the wrong direction because you're busy looting or seeing if you can put a bucket on someone's head.
Cinematics can definitely improve games if done right.

Hello Carmack how are you today

Old games were decent comp games for their time. Anything after fallout 2 is garbage.

But Link has always gone for the girl... does that mean girls will only get to self insert as a knife-eared lesbian, or they'll make Zelda gender neutral too

or name him prince Zelder

People actually believe this.
Had a friend try to say that any game he couldn't start playing in under 2 mins was not worth playing. Fucking retard only played multiplayer deathmatch or darksouls.


This should have been the only post in this thread, fuck OP.


What's bold about pandering to the latest brand of mental illness to be socially accepted? It's like corporations "supporting" pride month.