The is not only the worst WoW expansion so far, this is the worst Blizzard product yet

The is not only the worst WoW expansion so far, this is the worst Blizzard product yet.

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What makes it worse than everything else you dislike from Blizzard, user?

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Playing XIV made me re-realize how fucking abysmal modern WoW class design is, especially for DPS

You don't like mashing 1 until you have the resources available to press 2 while watching the cooldown on your 3? Over and over again? What's wrong with you?

nah, you're just burned out

xiv has good class design but the gameplay is so shit the game is not fun to play

>0.05 Overwatch lootboxes have been added to your account.


Seems like they went too far with the ability pruning, to the point that a lot of classes and specs feel the same. I am still shocked that they haven't released it for consoles, as I thought that was the whole point of simplifying rotations and getting rid of abilities. I guess it was just so they would have less to tune. SMDH Ion is making Ghostcrawler look like a genius.

yeah, burned out after playing an expansion for a month casual style.

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Delusional fuck, FFXIV is even worse.

You've either never played XIV past level 30 or you've never played modern WoW

hello blizzdrone

WoD was worse, and Hots it still the worst thing blizz has ever made

garbage chinkshit tickrate makes XIV unplayable trash

if FFXIV's tab targeting didn't suck cock it would be perfect

Diablo 3 at launch was worse. Diablo 3 was easily the worst game a major studio ever put out that had a decent budget. God damn that game was bad before reaper of souls.

>I am still shocked that they haven't released it for consoles
Their goal is to release WoW on mobile at some point. They don't even care about consoles anymore either.

After WoD i thought it couldn't possibly get any worse. Then Legion came out and it was pretty decent so i figured they learned their lesson. Then BfA hit and holy shit was I so wrong about WoD. BfA is so fucking bad its unbelievable. At this point I am convinced they are sandbagging because they want WoW to die so they can go full mobile. I've played since launch and never quit except for a brief period during Cata but BfA got me to cancel my account.

BFA ends with Azeroth awakening and merging herself with Sylvanas. Sylvanas becomes a Titan.

what does WoD do better than BFA?

the PVP system was far better and classes didn't all feel like BUILDER/SPENDER all the time. I used macros for 4-5 different classes and outside of CDs they all are the same, some just has more range than others.

Why would that ever happen?

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and It's only going to get worse, user.
>Thrall ends up rejoining the horde to aid in its 3rd? civil war.
>Jaina goes back to being the hippie she once was but this time she is like tots diff.
>Alliance npcs end up just brushing every bad thing the horde did under the rug... again.
>Sylvie is the last boss of BFA and is not killed cause plot armor and being a writer's waifu.
>N'zoth and Co pretty much end up remaking the Black Empire.
>Meanwhile the plot reminds everyone about the massive fucking sword still stuck on the planet.
>New expansion gets announced.

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We really haven't paid a lot of attention to that sword nor made much of an effort to stop the planet from literally bleeding out, have we?

No, you havent. But thats mainly cause the company wanted to use that sword as a plot device for the expansion after BFA.

So it's just a filler expansion?

>N'zoth and Co pretty much end up remaking the Black Empire.
You'd think the Pantheon would at least try to help us a little, after saving their supposed all-powerful lives.

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Most classes, though worse than Mist of Pandaria before it, felt fun to play. Pvp gearing was fun. The raids weren’t bad, and dungeons felt unique. The problem all stopped. Had they continued to add content, things would have smoothed out eventually.

With no reason to do anything in the world, no reason to re-run dungeons until they added mythic difficulties, and no new dungeons or scenarios, it atrophied itself.

BfA has a glut of content, but it’s all same-y grinding bullshit designed to slow you down and last as long as possible. No different than before, right? Classes are as brain dead as possible, so now you have the same brainless no fun rotations on brainless no fun content.

They arent at full power last i checked and gotta keep Sargeras jailed. Plus the last time they tried killing an OG it just hurt the planet and they had to send their minions to do it.

>gotta keep Sargeras jailed
and they gotta keep an eye on Edgy Boi who wants to kill Sargeras.

WoD was far worse. The class design and gearing design is ass-backwards, but nothing can be worse than that shit stain of an expansion.

The west just isn't capable of making good games anymore.

lmao ok wow white knight enjoy your fucking shitty hyped nazjatar that will be forgotten in less than two weeks because everyone is already tired of the fucking grind and the game having no barrier to entry nor a reason for one because it is so fucking braindead

Not all specs were better. Gladiator was fun yea, but fury warrior and arms warrior were complete shit back then and fury is actually fun now. Raids were alright in WoD (highmaul sucked though imo). But BFA has great raids so far too. Dungeons are much much better in BFA, much larger variety and more interesting boss/trash mechanics

I played fury until a few months ago. Fury now is watered down Frost Dk with more mobility from Legion, so I think it’s mega shit especially since the damage doesn’t scale as well as Frost did.

I came in to it late and was absolutely shocked to find that the expeditions were PvE only. I had assumed that they would be small scale PvP battlegrounds because you know of the whole HORDE VS FUCKING ALLIANCE THING JESUS FUCK BLIZZARD COME ON

Ever since WoW released it's been a cycle of awful expansion followed by good one, it's like they don't bother trying until sub numbers start to tank
bad (flying, arenas, butchered the illidan plot, flooded the horde with elves, etc)
unforgivably bad
peak WoW
not even finished
decent, they obviously put a lot of effort in to places like suramar

do you expect anyone to argue with this? this is the first time in WoW's history that the entire fanbase is in pretty universal agreement about how awful it is

MoP revisionism is the worst meme

Throne of Thunder, year 1 of siege, and class *design* was stronger.

>I came in to it late and was absolutely shocked to find that the expeditions were PvE only.
That's wrong though, you can queue for PVP ones

did you play frost dk in legion? It was a 3 button rotation and sometimes a 4th button. Yea most rotations are kinda samey but comparing fury to frost when it doesn't even have an execute phase feels disingenuous to me

no. im not just burned out. this game actually went to fucking shit. they took the idea of the MMO and poisoned the whole fucking thing

Yep, exact same. I'm not subbing to wow again.

>At this point I am convinced they are sandbagging because they want WoW to die so they can go full mobile.

I honestly thought the same, straight up feels like they are sabotaging their own game.

>Wanted to kill myself after only two days of Nazjatar and Mechagon
>Only logged on once in the past week to do Operation Mechagon
>First wing of Eternal Palace is gorgeous but I'm unsure if I want to even spend a couple nights doing Normal

I guess I'm done with this game. Man, Guild Wars 1 needs a true successor. Something with an actually interesting class system and a bevy of challenging PvE content that isn't grindy but actually tests player skill. And where you're not chasing a gear carrot that breaks the game as power curves steepen, just cosmetics. Imagine Guild Wars 1 with a Mythic+-like system, combined with maybe Magic-like drafting for skills before going into those affixed dungeons. That'd be dope as fuck.

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yea man I loved thunder forging, so fun! And every class having all the same shit was also great! Fuck class uniqueness right?

watch them put in paid lootboxes with a tiny chance to contain mythic tier epics to attract all the gambling addicts now since the shit is unregulated as fuck and a free for all

The only times WoW ever felt like a "good" mmo to me was leveling my first vanilla characters and 5.2, and maybe a little bit in the middle of wrath

Wtf is unique about any class now? Warriors and Shaman have rage, everyone else has energy, and all classes have builders, spenders, and dps cooldowns. Name one (1) thing unique about the game play now.

MoP WAS good though, and I knew it while I was playing it. Short dungeons, ridiculous power creep (spiky damage), and horrible PvP thanks to PvP power and defense were the only bad things about it. The zones were awesome, the raids were awesome, the class design was awesome (fucking Tigerseye Brew and manual Storm Earth and Fire control on WW was amazing gameplay), the challenge modes were a great leadup to M+, the scenarios were really cool, the story was actually okay unlike the trash before and after, and the goddamn soundtrack was PERFECT.

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I did. Icy Talon build ( my fav), Obliteration, and Frost Breath. Was top three dps all through out the entire exp, never played Tomb. Obliteration was the execute phase, or Breath. Either way it was manage the buff, (talons, or..uh...the glaciar aura I forget now, or Enrage, build with capping, spend. Maximize uptime, pool before dps burst, minimize time off target.

Exact same shit, but Fury is 20x easier because you don’t need to manage positioning and mobility. It fucking disgusts me how same-y it is.

I said that only about the story. Every other point I made still stands. Try again, dicklick.

I was never defending new wow. Just because BFA sucks doesn't mean that MOP magically stopped sucking

I won't say it was good, but I it's the only expansion I played the whole time without quitting

ITT FF14 shills

BFA is Legion but better. Yea Forums has been shilled to hell and back from bitter FF14 trannies trying to prop up their lame JRPG and ERP simulator.

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Idk, I mean my lock was fun, the dungeons had neat mechanics but were easy. The dailies were actually decently unique vs collect and kill. I mean I didn’t even *like* Pandaria and I found a lot of strength in the design and systems.

>It's Legion but better
>Except without the class quests and variety

lemme guess. It was your first time playing wow huh?

>rating all expansions
>rate one really highly
>"yeah but it not BFA" when criticized
Kill yourself retard
Welfare legendaries
Instanced Farmville
Death of random world chests in favor of fixed personal spawns so you just follow the wowhead map
Scenarios are also trash, mindless tunnel vision garbage that were only ever run because they massively over buffed the rewards
CMs were terrible because vengeance was one of the most grossly imbalanced additions to WoW ever, and gear scaling is hellish for any spec that needs secondaries like fire/fury
Unfortunately LFR fell into Cataclysm's pool because the mere existence of it sullies any expansion
Also t14 sucked.

>BFA is Legion but better

Enjoy your 100 (YOU's), you fucking nigger faggot. Legion was a heap better than whatever BfA is trying to be or is.

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Legion class quests sucked. I don't know where redditniggers got it in their head it was good. I genuinely could not tell you what the plot of my main's order hall was. The only one I know is monks because it was so garbage it was a meme.

BFA is also garbage

same here. when I started a profession in XIV and saw profession abilities it hit me

Legion was overrated. BFA has all the good things from Legion and then some.

Fury is actually the most fun spec in the game.
but it's also a 7/10 spec when you look at it from an unbiased perspective.
when the best spec in the game is a 7/10 you know how fucking disgusting everything else must be

Frost DK was amazing all the way through.

>literally even worse RNG
Legionbaby cope

Not if you're a mythic world first chad
I'm in germany literally getting free meals and holiday just to play this childrens game

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>BFA has all the good things from Legion and then some.
BFA did nothing but take away from Legion. Are you retarded?

>babies first character
Yeah okay retard. Frost DK was the very definition of a crutch in Legion between Mirror Ball and IBF death strike. Cata and WoD frost were both better

Literally every fucking expansion gets revisionism.
If you went back in time to when MoP, WoD or even two years ago to Legion and showed them how people now completely ignore any of their faults so they can talk more shit about the current expac people wouldn't fucking believe it

The same thing will happen to BFA

The only thing that makes sense is that BFA is a filler expansion. They added nothing new, just recolored shit and rehashed old ideas but added more grind.

Next expac better be fucking amazing or this game is dead.

I actually agree. I’m the one that posted about it being less complicated Frost Dk, and it’s true, it is a fun spec, I like doing random BGs with it and grinding. (Well did before I quit) That said it is simplistic and simply maximizing uptime, which isn’t super fun for me since I’ve already done that.

No, I played during vanilla, wrath, cata, mop, and wod

>Muh RNG

Kek, nobody cares.

Class quest, retard. Also affliction warlock is the crutch you were referring to in Legion.

Pandaria was amazing

t.warlocks, monks, paladins, disc priests, and warriors

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I can understand people not liking it but the amount of disdain it generates is absurd. I can only imagine it's either jaded ex-players trying to bolster their current MMO of choice (which seems to be FF) or people joining in on a self-sustaining meme so they can fit in.

Good thing we have user scores on metacritic for an unbiased view on the quality of expansions.

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the current crop of class designers suck that's why

the death knight class designer claimed dk's are meant to be slow but hit hard, when dk's have always been fast, even back in warcraft 2 they were the fastest unit

>BFA is Legion but better

I'd say it's Legion but slightly worse, but has new ideas that make me think the next expansion will be at least better than Legion

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>user scores

That is accurate, for the launch of those expansions.

Overwatch is far worse, it might actually be the single loudest death rattle of the company.

Wait but playing a warlock didn't make me forget how bad and antisocial MoP was for an "MMO"
>Oqueue begins to spam

What’s even more fun is that they don’t hit hard at all, just frequently.

I fucking hate the "DK's should be slow but hit hard" shit because they constantly nerf DK mobility but then they still get shit on by half the DPS classes in the game because "hurr durr it's not fair if they actually hit hard"
I mean ffs they literally have an ability called "Obliterate" that hits as hard as any other fucking filler attack

>Next expac better be fucking amazing or this game is dead.
I wonder if all that leak stuff about 9.0 being a soft reboot of the game and factions getting dissolved will come true

would really help the story and game play if they could just stop with the shoe horned hord vs alliance shit all the time.

Id be very surprised if bliz had the balls to change the game that much though.

Legion launch was objectively worse than BFA. It's obvious people just don't remember how bad it was
>many legendaries grossly imbalanced like launch prydaz literally being a DPS loss for enhance shamans as it fucked with swing timers
>at launch bad luck protection was broken such that people who already had a legendary were getting a ton of bad luck protection and rapidly ended up with multiple
>even after this was fixed legendaries were painfully rare
>hidden 4 legendary cap where blp stopped working
>m+ wasn't worth pushing ever, just chaining +2s to fish for legendaries
>AK needed the character at cap to start accumulating making alts a mess
>alt specs just plain awful between legendaries and AK
>35-54 point trait massively important for M ToV
>M EN just underwhelming as fuck, last boss easiest in the raid
>DH ruining battlegrounds (all of legion btw)
>dude Maw farming lmao also keystones deplete permanently

The simple answer is no. The game has been in a downward spiral for almost half of its total lifespan. If Blizzard truly cared about fixing the game they wouldn't have continued to dip so far in quality, doing less and less every patch or expansion, showing blatant contempt for fans and talking down to their complaints or suggestions all while simultaneously shilling $20 mounts and $50 basic services you'd get for free in other games. The current playerbase are notorious drones who won't quit playing even if a big fat ass sprouted from their monitor and shit in their face every time the game booted up. This is who Blizzard cares about; the sort of people who will gladly pay a sub fee, buy every expansion no matter how terrible and shell out $300 for microtransactions per month. Plus the hit the lottery and earned the favor of pic related, thanks to shit like Overwatch hitting all the right social justice buttons. If you enjoy WoW you should really just hit up a private server and not bother giving Blizzard a dime.

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>Xavius was such a poorly designed fight that shadow priest is still fucked because of it
sasuga Blizzard

>wtf blizzard why doesn't grip+obliterate kill every clothie
You're almost as bad as Ret pallies

There is immature favouritism among the current devs too, there is clearly classes like druid that are the absolute favourite & the others less so

this is because the newer devs were hired for their experience in playing WoW & it's not a good idea to have fans make games

is that picture from a blizzcon?
I know that person. Or used to. She's from Oregon.
I knew they were a big video game dork but didn't know she was that involved. I don't recall her being anymore obnoxious than the standard typical fat girl who hangs out with guy friends and is into nerd shit, but she is definitely a lesbian.

if Blizzard wants to force classes into an archetype, they should make them actually fit the entire archetype instead of just the negative parts of it

Shut up nigger, S2M got nerfed from Illgynoth 1 phasing and Helya

>there is clearly classes like druid that are the absolute favourite & the others less so
nigger that's blatantly not fucking true. feral on launch of BFA was an absolutely unplayable trash fire, worse DPS than healers while being the most complicated spec in the game. balance was ALMOST just as bad but they had an OP azerite trait that salvaged them from trashfire to garbage. but then that trait was nerfed and they went to trash fire. resto was acceptable.
druids are absolutely not a "dev favorite"

>druids are op as fuck at the beginning of Legion
>the furry/brony class designer gets moved from the WoW team to the Hearthstone team
>druids get nerfed into the trash in WoW and suddenly get incredibly broken cards in the next 3 Hearthstone expansions
really makes you think

DKs are yet again demigods in PvP right now. You cannot ever justify buffing their mobility while death grip exists. It was just as bad in legion when grip off target +pillar would force every defensive on 2-3 players every single minute in Walking Dead

>people using how 'amazing' Legion was to disparage BFA
>clearly only talking about post 7.3.5 rather than the entire expansion, including the incredibly rough early stages and 7.2

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>the newer devs were hired for their experience in playing WoW
I seriously doubt the current devs play the fucking game

>Melee classes that are slow and have no way to avoid CC shouldn't deal big damage if they find a way to close the gap on a Mage
t. a mage

Was Suramar available from launch?

I would say bliz cares about nothing more than getting every penny out of the game before it dies. But they have nothing to replace it with. Normally when you do this you launch the sequel to get new players.

Continually running wow into the ground is just going to leave them with no money.

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So since I have no life anymore, I have played through both FFXIV and the latest shitstorm that is BfA.
BfA is so obviously filler it's almost pathetic. The engine is incredibly dated at this point, and all cutscenes / zones look like they could've been shipped with the base game years ago. The story is nothing to write home about either, the beginning makes ARR look like a masterpiece. Endgame is so grindy it's basically begging you to spend money in the game. A lot of people hoped 8.2 would help, but it didn't and now the expansion is dead.
>ability to change classes at will
>a good story written by writers that actually give a shit
>relatively up-to-date engine, best looking mmo to date
>best mmo combat
>fucking sprint

Please anons, don't fall for the meme. Buy FFXIV and enjoy patrician gameplay. WoW Classic will be fun for the first month, then unsub quickly.

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>You cannot ever justify buffing their mobility while death grip exists
maybe if every other class didn't have a billion ways to avoid or invalidate it

>Warlocks in such a piss poor state that people refused to invite them in groups to such a point Blizzard made an official response to it
>Ions balance response was to buff the spec that used self-healing as its main damage dealer and then complained about how it was OP for the rest of the expac

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Ion raids mythic (not fast, but he does it)
There's a joke that they nerf mythic bosses when his guild gets stuck at it

>Endgame is so grindy it's basically begging you to spend money in the game
Is this a copypasta

>i can name a temporary period they were briefly not insanely overpowered therefor they weren't the most consistently overpower class in the game for a decade

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didn't that happen in Uldir? Elitist Jerks got stuck on Mythrax for like 3 weeks and then it randomly got hotfix nerfs for no reason

they are the top aoe mdps, st rdps & heals atm, while having stealth, top mobility, instant brez (something they took away from dk's while giving dk's brez a runic power cost at the same time)

but nah no favouritism huh

It's happened in like, every major raid since at least Hellfire Citadel lol

no but feel free to spread it. nobody should spend money on blizzard until they start caring about their audience again

If that was the fix to stop (or at least lower the priority of) targeting melee with the aoe debuff then i'd argue it wasn't no reason

>complaining about counterplay existing when chains is literally undispellable
And yeah let me run away from a DK on my spriest, totally doable

I thought the meme was that the dev favorite class was mage?

Maybe ghostcrawler. Ion plays a shaman and Druids, especially rdruid, have always been gods

There will never be a worse, more damaging expansion than Cataclysm. I will never forgive Blizzard for literally, LITERALLY deleting Vanilla WoW.

It wasn't really a Meme though, Ghostcrawler straight up admitted that Mages are the most popular class among devs by far, and it was during a time when like every Mage spec was in the top 5 or something.

According to ghostcrawler tweets, he never mained mage and isn't sure why that meme caught on.
Up to you if you believe him or not (i don't).
I hated him back then but i'd trade him back in a second. He also did a relatively decent job at communicating why changes were made, the thought process behind them, while Ion is far too autistic to communicate in ways humanity can understand.

How did let Blizzard let literally every single one of their IPs turn to shit, and at the same time nonetheless.

>We promise that we wouldn't do the stupid AP scaling mechanic that we fixed towards the end of Legion again!
>We promise to make things multi-spec friendly like we did towards the end of legion (AP near-removal and legendaries dropping like candy).
>We're improving the leveling experience.
This part though happened at the end of legion with scaling. However, scaling itself wasn't the issue, it was the fact that they slipped in a much longer xp grind in the process.
>We learned from the early mistakes in Legion, boy scout's honor!

Also every major patch in BFA seems to be plagued with bugs and balancing issues that they should've seen coming, at least with Blizzard's know how. Some user in here earlier mentioned only logging in a few days for the new play zones and it was the same case for me. Hell, there's FREE player testers on the PTR who specifically write out detailed reports in the manner that Blizzard requested and shit like the clusterfuck that was fish-zone made it out of beta with no indication of fixing the major issues.

Who the fuck is running Blizzard's day to day operations right now? Big-wigs with thumbs up their asses besides, now it seems like the infrastructure teams of WoW are running around with their heads cut off.

I don't know why people thought the post 7.3.5 state where they just gave out AP and Legendaries like candy because the final tier was done and they didn't give a shit was going to become the new default

>Ion raids mythic
They haven't even beaten Crucible of the Storms on mythic yet. He is currently stuck on Queen Azshara fight on Heroic mode. Your going to see a nerf for her fight happening soon.

They literally had QnAs over this and directly addressing the issues. Then they came out with Azerite gear which not only came with its own set of problems which embodied early Legion issues, but they double-downed on it with a "Here's a new ring! Enjoy ;O)" when everyone was already breathing down their throats.

Oh, and don't you have a cell phone?

Azuerite was never anywhere near launch legion's issues with legendaries
>not 100% random from all content, droprate in line with a good trinket or tier piece from past expansions
>cost effective to have spec specific pieces but can take genetic traits if you swap a lot or just cough up the money
>getting a bad azerite piece doesn't affect your chances to get another one
Legendaries were the worst thing in the game period.

Don't know how the other stuff was relevant, but I don't remember them implying that they were removing AP scaling into BFA.

Also legendaries dropping like candy were replaced by them being scrapped because the system was awful. I guess you could argue azerite gear was a replacement but at least they were all spec agnostic and dropped a lot more often than legendaries at every period prior to 7.3.5

this is why the game sucks now
>i want my clothie glass canon to be tanky as a warrior plz

don't ever listen to the fans

it's still better than ff4.0

classes were more unique & fun in MOP, this is an objective fact

well when it gets worse almost every fucking expansion thats the natural effect

ff4.0 was 9 years ago, and is a completely different game now

BfA has 0 redeeming features
There is literally nothing good here.


All I know that I want to fuck all the exotic females in the Warcraft universe.

I wish human females were real...

Legion would have got a 9 if legendaries were targetted, key stones didn't get destroyed & class balance was a little more polished

it goes to show a couple of small design choices & minor balance issues can ruin a good expansion

HotS is nowhere near as bad as BFA, WoD, or launch D3

nicest looking zones and music
imagine thinking wow doesnt have the best graphics and most comfy areas with the best mounts ;)

That's not Diablo 3....

There are people talking about reasons that WoD was good so they can say BFA is worse in comparison

It'll happen

Where exactly?
BFA is still worse in comparison though, I definitely agree.

Cataclysm was hands down the worst expansion

The post level 80 content was completely unfinished, the main BG was cut & one of the main features path of the titans also got the boot

MoP has way better music and most of the zones look average at best. Only Stormsong Valley and Zuldazar really stand out compared to the best looking zones from previous expansions, Nazjatar especially looks fucking horrible

Besides you, other examples in the thread

People will rose tint everything, even if was overwhelmingly agreed at the time to be shit

I mean, sure, it's only fair that any given comparison is going to have one expansion come off better than the other.
I honestly don't know how they could fuck up a future expansion so bad that BFA is looked upon as the superior of the two.

people said the same thing about WoD. It's blizzard they will find a way to make something much worse

wow being seething shit doesn't magically make your brand loyalty weeb faggotry better

t. never played hearthstone


>Delusional fuck, FFXIV is even worse.

I posted one of those, and I mean, yeah I hated WoD, but I enjoyed parts of it. It had potential. I felt that way at the time as well. Small doses made it manageable, every day was impossible.

I fucking hate BFA but I like the BGs balance with things like AV and the AB update. I like the music and art design as always, I haven’t seen the 8.2 stuff though.

To say everything in a given expansion is bad is childish. WoD had more good than BFA, which isn’t hard to do.

they share 90% of the same flaws, because yoshi plays a lot of wow & diablo 3 himself & copies even blizzard's bad ideas

xiv gets a free pass because a whole generation of console gamers think it's a new experience

It's hilarious that Blizzard hires retards like this guy and present out there in public as though they're some kind of authority on video game design. Based on what? What are his accomplishments? He's a lawyer

Blizzard are 10 miles up their own arse, and it's thanks to the reputation of their old games, made by people who don't even work there anymore.

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Hots is good but the QM system is fucked because the game doesn’t try to make people of the same mmr play together. You can be master and have some bronze5 in your party, it’s not a problem for the game...

Hearthstone is by far their worst game, then right after there is Diablo 3.

i wouldn't be surprised if they let sargeras free to help with nzoth, whenever that is happening

take that but put legion in its place instead

WoD was a bad expansion but it will always be better than BFA because:

>The story is self contained, the only overall lore impact WoD had was reviving Gul'dan

>The content wasn't forced.

WoD may be dogshit, but at least you could avoid all the dogshit and do whatever the fuck you want. BFA forces you onto a treadmill that you can't get off of if you even remotely care about character progression, and the lore is so fucked now because of BFA that there is no way it will ever be recoverable.

>He's a lawyer
Exactly why they put him into the position he is in. He is able to talk enough bullshit to convince all the Blizzard retards that everything is fine, no matter how bad things get.


The tank and healing designs are complete dogshit though

>bfa bad
No it was fun until dragon soul. Also class gameplay were so good.

Why hasn't any MMO been able to replicate the fluid movement of WoW? That's literally the only thing I liked about it.

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>What are his accomplishments?
While he is absolutely terrible at producing fun games, he was the guy that established Elitist Jerks and theory crafted maximum DPS builds. Also he raided with the prime WoW devs. Shame none of that rubbed off on him.

If the fucking mods moved the FF XIV thread to /vg/ why don't they move this one?

Fucking queers I know you're here cocksucker, get some cancer.

It's been a while since I played, but FFXIV feels about the same to me. Only jumping is a little different.

The mods are "WE'RE GOING HOME ;_;" fags.

who is this semen demon?

What? Not even close. Gw2 is closer to WoW than ff14. FF14 movement just feels so slow and clunky, that's why they placed teleporters throughout a city and gave everyone sprint. Even flying doesn't feel as smooth

Dungeons in MoP were fucked by dialogues and there was a lot of times where you were forced to wait that the npc finished to talk their shit to continue, even un challenge mode.

Also pvp sucked hard because of the ton of CC. Ok i admit I had a lot of fun with mop general but in other hand everybody was able to do everything and that fucked something in the game.
Revert those class changes was obvious in the expansion that followed.

I'm just going to have to say that I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

FF14 movement just feel slower and clunkier than wow at any point. Moving around the overworld just doesn't feel as good.

No, he's right. A big part of it is the way you sort of slide across the ground when you strafe and shit. The animations definitely do not feel as good in FFXIV as they do in WoW

Pretty much this, he would be pretty good at shifting the blame of WoW's declining subs on other issues

Burned out because shit class/spec design and balance coupled with "no fun allowed (unless you play ".
Everything about BFA thats enjoyable doesn't involve actually playing your class/spec outside one-strick pony crap like knocking players away to their death.
>Class/spec is finally competitive
>random hotfix nerf forces you to completely change your gear and stat priority just to have any chance at competing with a DH spamming eyebeam on cooldown.

How incompetent are these devs they have to make arbitrary weapon restrictions and make itemization as terrible as possible to remove any player agency what so ever.
People in charge of class design are literal sociopaths.

I'm legally considered retarded but i always thought it was incompetence mixed with the side benefit of selling boosts to rerollers.

same applies to legion, the broken ises zones were fantastic from the broken shore and azsuna

aside from broken shore and azsuna*

Except it did rub off on him. This is the kind of guy that cares absolutely NOTHING about gameplay. As long as the numbers are justified in his mind, everything else comes second.

From a financial side, yes. Its fucking scummy and even Path of Exile devs do this kind of two-faced bullshit to promote MTX sales.

it did rub off on him, its part of the reason the gameplay in terms of rotations is so hard tuned
every spec has a rotation literally micromanaged to shit by blizzard now
thats wow in general actually, they lock you into their specific idea of how you should play because its easier to develop that way instead of providing choices

Suramar was the only place worth a damn to look at.

WoD had extreme lack of content, you had basically nothing to do, but BfA is offensively bad. Like everything you have to do in BfA feels like shit.

>new xpac usually has new abilities that are fun to use

>this removes abilities/fun stuff


bulluncing game huerd, plesd understab

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I unironically miss Garrison because of all the nice perks involved with it and all the fun flavor NPCs. Sometimes you'd just walk around it just to see who's patrolling at the time.
Draz'alor is by far the worst designed city hub in any expansion. All the mailboxes are located in areas that aren't resting areas, and you have to take a leap of faith just to access profession vendors. Its full of completely useless areas with no functionality or even npcs, and also full of hostile mobs that you'll accidently aggro trying to save yourself from fall damage with Heroic Leap.

before you had cool abilities to look forward to. now, you ding and you get...nothing. and abilities were PRUNED.

why not add fun stuff? azerite traits are shit.

execute and obliterate are completely different though. From what I remember, you had obliterate to spend runes and then you had frost strike to spend runic power. You never ever pressed howling blast unless you got a proc for it and that aoe thing you just pressed on on cool down. And it's not like positioning mattered that much, you usually had plenty of time to get out of stuff with wraith walk or you could just use anti magic shell

>unless you play
Dude I played a shaman, Ion is equal opportunity when it came to fucking up classes.

I don't think you know what that word means

Yea its pretty bad but I think WoD was waaaaay worse.

it boggles my fucking mind that even after gutting 60% of spells they still have a hard time trying to balance classes
they used to give you a bunch of shit and have you figure it out for yourself
now its literally "press these 4 buttons and keep buffs up"

No they're just stuck eternally doing the Argus fight except with Illidan soloing.

Yes it is. The game is pure garbage. No items, no exp, retarded objectives. Yea noty. The only good thing about the game was that some of the characters were pretty fun.

They had mechanics completely unique from one another.
Or did the meaning change while I was away?

>guys we pruned abilities to make it "easier for players"
>also we added a bunch of PvP-only abilities, including previously pruned class-defining utility

wow lore has never been good. If you played it for the lore then you should have just stuck to the books or read Lord of The Rings or something. And you're not forced to do anything in BFA either, there are so many welfare gear options, that I have no idea wtf you're talking about. In WoD you didn't even have a choice since there was no content and you did a single raid tier for a year straight

>bad and antisocial MoP
Don't blame the pandas for you not having a guild of friends you silly sadsack.

Diablo 3 at release was fucking shameful, but yea I think BfA might still be worse.
The ONLY thing it seems like anyone at all likes about this xpac is zandalari and dark iron dwarves, and thats buried in gated rep grinds.

Its because the lead artist from A-team Blizzard before the B-team swap moved onto the HotS project.
Its the reason all the female characters in WoW now look like 40yr old women's studies graduates, while all the women in HotS look amazing.

The shit class design of BFA just pushed WoW over the edge and really made the games problems visible. WoW has been slowly becoming shittier overtime for many years.

>increased time-gating
>catch-up mechanics make your accomplishments useless
>playerbase is bad the game (most pugs are shit, blizz fault for not teaching players how to play well)
>addon BLOAT
>Lack of challenging/engaging content for solo play

Are you claiming MoP was anti-social because of an addon to cheat the social-aspects?

the extent of welfare gear in BFA is atrocious
on top of the methods of getting it being tedious and repetitive (who the hell wants to actually do warfronts or island expeditions) it kills any sense of accomplishment for getting a piece of gear since nobody in pve gives a shit about your gearscore unless you also grind out mythic+ or link achievements and prove your worth that way

>no path available
>you can't use that indoors
>you can't use that in dungeons
>you can't use that in raids
>DH can double jump and glide exploit all they want.

"Top players" don't care about in-game measurements anyway. They always gravitate towards third-party measurement crap like gearscore or io.score as a way to artificially gate the community to make themselfs look better than they actually are. In-game socialism through third-party resources.
>I have XYZ ilvl and achievement
>Yes but do you have my completely arbitrary and uninformative scoring system?
>kicked from group

>Yea its pretty bad but I think WoD was waaaaay worse.

Depends on how you judge it. At least in WoD is was super easy to have alts and in somewhat decent gear. With the Azerite farming at launch and essence unlocking now BFA is way more unfriendly for people that like running alts.

Both WoD and BFA are bad though, just in different ways. For me at least it was the first xpac where I had a max level of each class so at least that was nice.

Blizzard needed to get tough & ban some add ons a long time ago

Some? Try most addons.
Blizzard needs to ban any addon that isn't cosmetic or reading information from the chat or combat log.

Unfortunately we're talking about the same people that ruined the character stat panel in BFA so you have to download an addon just to see important stats like your movement speed.


i dont think culling the 6 people that still play is a good idea


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N'Zoth's queen-slave Azshara is about the only good thing about it.

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The Upside of WoD was, that you could make goldcap with atleast 8 alts and a maxed garrison on each character, fairly easily. I was too lazy for it but a pal of mine nolifed for like a month and swam in cash and I think he is still making decent garrison money to finance his wow sub.