ITT; bosses that made you give up on a game

ITT; bosses that made you give up on a game

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He's not that hard, just wait for the final boss's final form

>lol I have a regeneration move that I activate in the middle of the fight that you can't stop without taking damage.

that vanitas secret boss at the end of kh birth by sleep, my autism made me power through the game even though I wasn't having fun with most of the fights but that faggot finally made me remember that you're supposed to have fun with a video game and I just stopped
that's the only KH game I played but I hope the other ones are better than this shit because otherwise I feel bad for KH autismos

He only uses that once, just heal up before to live through it

He abso-fucking-lutely spams the shit out of it.

>He only uses that once
That's not true in the slightest.

Area is worst than the boss

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My memory is shit but I've beaten the game twice and don't remember ever thinking this dude was that hard. I remember really liking his background music though.

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Maybe I had him confused with someone else then. Also, if you're using Estelle, you should switch to Karol, since Estelle is pretty much useless once Karol learns his altered healing artes and becomes the better healer

The dragon with 5 heads is harder.

If you're just underleveled, there's a free piece of DLC that gives you a few items that boost everyone's level by 5 or 10, so you can do that instead of grinding.

>endlessly spams heals
>can break out of your combos because fuck you
>constantly spams his super
>unlike you, he doesn't even need to hit you first to activate it
>it's a fuckhuge AoE
This is so fucking stupid. There are combat rules in the game and the boss completely ignores them.

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Fuck, you make me remember that Phoenix fight in Berseria.

Didn't want to go through the effort to grind together a full reflect team. I hear the bosses in new game plus for strange journey are among the hardest ever put in a turn based rpg.

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>Not using Raven as main healer and Karol as backup

Karol does decent damage and heals whenever. Raven has good heals and good endgame spells. If you have the PS3/def edition, then Patty is a good backup option.

Barthandalus the 2nd or 3rd time you fight him, when hes the face

Just use mines, and dont try to heal with cure magic, only potions. Hes the easiest secret boss in the series next to that fuck in KH3

The rest of the game is pretty shit after him anyway lol

I probably could've beaten him if I kept trying but I just wasn't having fun at all. I should probably mention that I was playing on critical because the friend who made me play it told me to. I don't know if it was just me being retarded but some of the bosses didn't seem to have any rules, sometimes they would get combo'd and somtimes they'd have super armor for no apparent reason and push my shit in as a result. Maybe that was a side effect of critical mode, I don't know.

Fuck this game, but fuck that dwarf for having magic that hits harder than mine.

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The only one I will ever admit to

>Huge ass AOE unblockable mystic arte that 1 shots most of your party members that he can activate at any time instead of having do a combo like you do
Who the FUCK though this was good boss design?

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It would be a shame if you saved right before

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That's the game that taught me to have several save files instead of one like a fucking idiot.

I wanted the sweet greatsword from one of their souls with the awesome thrust loveseat, but I'll be goddamned if I run through that place again getting trampled.

Loveseat, fuck autocorrect.

>crits your healer
>makes you start over the entire last area with damage sponge mini bosses
>also unskippable cutscenes lol
i may go back because someone told me devout wins the fight for you but its such a chore

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there it's stopped.
It's only a problem if he's in overlimit doing it.

I don't think I've ever quit a game due to a boss.
But this utter fucking cunt on Nightmare difficulty drove me insane regardless. I can only imagine the game literally wasn't tested on that difficulty at all judging by the amount of grinding that was NECESSARY to win.

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Which this fuckface is constantly in.

I stopped playing Bravely Default at the boss of the Fire Temple because I was too proud to lower the difficulty off of hard and he'd just one shot my team at a certain point in the fight.

not really. If you don't get hit so much he doesn't generate overlimit that fast. The real problem is on unknown difficulty brilliant cataclysm will almost certainly wipe your group and you need to control repede and use gale dog to avoid it to have someone alive to recover with.

I can dodge, but my allies sure won't.
It's less "problem" and more "shit game design".

you need to be better at getting his attention then and using party orders. I used all ranged except for either Yuri or Repede that I was playing. I did that because the further they are away from him the more likely his mystic will miss them, and he won't build overlimit off them.

what game is this? I see this particular screenshot posted a lot

Final Fantasy Tactics, it's a mandatory 1v1 which immediately follows another battle and gives you a chance to save in between that also locks you from returning to the world map against a character with 100% accuracy attacks, meaning it can be mathematically impossible to win if you somehow didn't get any of the good skills.

>*puts the fun train to a screeching halt*
Never beating this shit. Fuck this guy.

That sounds like a real kick in the pants, I'm sure I'd drop the game if that happened to me without knowing, goddamn.

Damn it here is the picture i totally forgot

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>Mystic Arte the size of the whole field
>Instant cast Meteor

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I never found Orphan to be nearly as tough as everyone makes him out to be. Laurence, Ludwig, and Cursed Abhorrent are way more difficult.

It happened to me, bros. Never picked that shit back up, and I had really been loving the game until that point. Fucking Tactics.

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Grand Jewel from Legend of Dragoon - whole game you get used to cheesing bosses using your Dragoon forms until this motherfucker comes along and has a special ability to gimp your Dragoon form. Plus it would heal itself

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Seymour on top of Mt. Gagazet in FFX. Got too used to using Tidus' Flee ability to just get through areas and was way underleveled. Restarted my game and actually fought all random encounters that time, demolished him like he was nothing.


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>whole game you get used to cheesing bosses in dragoon forms

That isn't true at all. In fact the base forms are much better than the dragoon forms just based off of their sheer versatility of being able to guard or use items whereas the dragoons can only attack and most of their specials are kind of shit with the exception of Rainbow Breath/Rose Storm/Final Burst/Shana's healing spells. I always found myself beating bosses in normal form and only switched to dragoon when I was about to win for quick burst damage/to look cool.

>superboss summons seven clones

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10 year old me didn't know that, was just too focused on getting everyone to max SP level to use the Special option. I never really focused on updating my additions and tended to use the same ones over and over since they would be stronger that any new learned additions. Except of course for GUST OF WIND DANCE

Literally impossible

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That thing was easy.
It's the part with Selvaria that's utter fucking bullshit

Demiurge is disappointing as fuck for the game's secret superboss. If you got a full lvl 99 party (which is easy to do in NG+) that you planned out, he's not that bad, really. On top of that, you're able to break the game so fucking hard that Doomguy can 1v1 him like it's fucking nothing.

alexei isn't too bad until he goes into overlimit and casts fucking tidal wave

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>combat system is based around stringing together combos
>don't even have the tools necessary to form anything but the mos basic combos until literally 60 hours into the game
>normal enemies die 1/3rd of the way through any combo
>bosses can decide to become immune to stagger and just walk away in the middle of your combo
combat in vesperia is fucked and bosses being essentially immune to the only remotely interesting part of the combat system - which doesn't even become remotely interesting until 2/3rds through the game - was the dumbest shit. people that praise the combat in vesperia are either delusional or just get off on equipping the 1 damage per hit trait and going to town on some trash mob for muh epic combo video.

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Yeah he's pretty bullshit if you don't bring rita. My initial failed party was yuri, judith, karol, and repede. It was unwinnable. I ended up swapping out judith and repede with rita and patty. Once you switch Rita in he's a punching bag. It's just a poorly made fight that requires Rita honestly.

I'm convinced part of the love for Vespy was because of muh jap exclusivity.

i dunno, i got the definitive edition and played through that because i know two different people IRL that swear by how great Vesperia is. one of them gushed about the game and says its his favorite RPG, and neither of these people are weebs. if it weren't for me knowing these two people, i'm sure i would've just dropped the game halfway through. i have no idea what it is they see in Vesperia, it was simply not a good game and i want my 150 hours back.

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I never give up, I just take very long breaks.

I think most people liked it because yuri actually went around murdering people unlike most limp wristed anime protagonists.

>150 hours
nigga it takes like 60 hours tops to finish the game. wtf were you doing?

>150 hours
I'm sorry for your loss. I jumped on this after hearing talesfags tell me this was the greatest title in the series for nearly an entire decade. I've never dropped any Tales before, but this was the first I couln't even bother to finish.

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my nignog

>60 hours tops
no way is that game beatable in 60 hours without the NG+ modifiers unless you already know exactly where to go, what to do, and don't give a fuck about any side quests and just want to blitz your way through everything. see the post directly below yours where user only got past the alexei fight in 70 hours, i was probably around 70 hours at that point, too. it's a big fucking game and lots of things take up lots of time.

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The fight with the masked man before this one. Ended up in the fight way underleveled missing omega abilities. Didnt feel like grinding.

Game was kind of a sad trip anyways.

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>people salty because they couldn't git gud
the game and its combat are fun, you just suck at it.

Why do people complain about great maccao? he's easily the best first monster in the series

>the game and its combat are fun
Sure, if you struggle past the vapid story and poor character interactions to make it to the end of the game where you're finally given all the tools to make it fun.

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>I can only imagine the game literally wasn't tested on that difficulty at all judging by the amount of grinding that was NECESSARY to win.
This is actually correct. The harder modes were added in at a later time and were just straight number tweaks across the board. They apparently never tested the whole game on these new difficulties and just called it a day. As a result the tutorial area on hard/nightmare is fucking brutal. Getting all bracer points in it is also near impossible on nightmare due to having to beat him during the night break in scene which is extremely reliant on luck on nightmare.

Mystic arte was annoying, but I am playing this and I only died once on this fight. I generally control Karol, just keep yourself healed (with healing smash) and raise accordingly.

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>gives an aura which doubles enemy HP and also gives special effects like double damage, more projectiles or resurrection on death
>cant fight into crowds anywhere near as well because of it, makes holding down chokes near impossible as soon as any rotten enemy appears because they just barge right in through your railgun fire
>they themselves also have huge HP bars and massive attacks to fuck you up good with even while they're alone
>but they wait to spawn until there's already a massive crowd to give their aura to anyway and just let their friends do all the work for them
literally fucking stopped playing because i couldnt progress anymore

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shit art