He doesn't dual wield

>he doesn't dual wield

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weaponpill me on dual wielding

It's incredibly hard and almost no one in history did it

Dual wield is only good for procs.

>need a whole other talent tree for dual weilding when you could be minmaxing or using those points for sheilds

assassins did it
dual wielding knives is trained in some asian countries militaries even today

The main advantage of dual wielding knives is that before firearms it was the best way to fight in close and tight combat spaces where swords or stronger weapons would be difficult to use
Plus a skilled dual wielding knife fighter could block a sword and stab with the other hand

They were also easy to hide, much like why you see assassins of today using handguns and not ak47s

shank two niggas at once
shank one nigga twice

Why dual wield when you could use this sexy piece of moon?

Attached: 6d8842c7ab49c4d67ddaa66c568e13c5.jpg (750x1360, 63K)

also secondary short swords instead of shields to parry with. bonus points in that you can stab with your "shield"


2 weapons means you have two times as much damage.
What's not to get?

>dual wielding
>can kill literally twice as many shitters as 1hander plebs

yeah this was quite common I believe
shields were expensive and heavy

does /k/ have medieval weapon threads?

>have to waste an equipment slot on another weapon, everyone else only needs one and they're set
>swinging with your non dominant arm is not only weaker, but also less accurate
>twice as prone to being disarmed like the double cuck you are
>let's face it, you're a scrawny dexfag, you aren't wielding anything of notable size, so you're still getting outranged
>still get fucked over by shieldchads
Is there anything more pathetic than a dual wield weeb on the battlefield?

but how do you defend?

stupid little bitches hiding behind a shield

what's the matter? can't tank a fucking hit? pussy

imagine not loading up on the biggest shield and armor you can find and laugh at your enemies' pathetic tickles

>weapon slot
>non dominant arm strength
Real life logic and videogame logic dont mix, but what do you expect from someone with no weapon in a fight

>Pretending like shield bashing isn't a thing

I can do that with my foot you weak faggot.

Go throw a baseball with your dominant arm. Now try and throw another with the same precision and power using your other arm. Unless you are perfectly ambidextrous (you aren't) you will not achieve the same results using your lesser used arm. The same logic applies with using any sort of tool, utensil, or weaponry.

yes, thats why dual wielders trained with both arms retardbro
throwing with both hands will still do more damage even if its not as good as your dominant one, than with only one.

However its still considered to be one of the most difficult things in melee combat

dmg>spd until you hit the damage cap

more so if theres subtractive damage reduction/armor, usually dw incurs an accuracy/damage penalty too

Anyone have that image of sonic standing before a freakishly huge monster and he tells it he'll defeat it because speed is superior?

Its a meme. Probably worse than just single handing a 1 hander. As mention before it has had no real major success in war

ultimate life form
dex = strength

Attached: bloodsausage.jpg (1200x1600, 401K)

>dual fags

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I love all of these anime poses because of how shitty they'd actually be in a real fight. Like, you can just kick that guy in the jaw.

STR > all
that's why I only exercise my arms.

Attached: never skip leg day.png (436x892, 419K)


I dont get it. How does dual weilding make you faster.

Are there any games at all that don't apply a penalty to the offhand weapon?

Real men use 1h and shield or 2h, dual wielding is a meme style for dex zoomers.

Only dual shielding is accepteble

All you need; everyone else is wrong or overkill

I only use my fists, Does that count as dual wielding?