New Call of Duty Modern Warfare gameplay

The king of modern shooters is back.

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sorry lad no BR no buy

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Nice try Activision, but I'm not buying your asset swap game.

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>The king of modern shooters is back.
How much does Activision pay you fucks to say dumb shit like that?

Looks pretty good.

Gunplay looks great. I just hope is not another clusterfuck meatgrinder mp again. Spawn immediately die to a helicopter.

i dont like that zoomer gunfight shit

I stopped buying when they started pandering to nigresses

is this still going to be $60 on launch + pay to win?

Can't wait to buy the new OP weapon for $19.99

>was actually hype about some of the previews because everyone was saying it was gonna be more realistic and a lot more serious, squad focused
>it's a fucking rehash with animations from fucking cod4 still
idk why I was remotely hopeful

Name 5 better ones.
>inb4 all 5 are br games

they said there wont be paid DLCs that split the community
dont know about the limited weapons shit

A satisfying animation is a satisfying animation

The fuck are you talking about? Since when is COD pay to win?

Is this bait? Fine I'll bite. STALKER series, FEAR series, EYE, HL1 and I'll throw in Red Orchestra into the mix to have a multiplayer game in there.

Holy shit, the shotguns work at longer than 5 feet.

and tired gameplay mechanics are tired gameplay mechanics
we've had 20 years of CoD games that consisted of sprinting around the map like headless chicken. I was hoping for a change, even if I haven't touched CoD since 4.

postin in shill tread lamo

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HAHAHAHA get a load of this counter-culture faggot dropping Yea Forums's hivemind garbage on us. Fuck off back 2 reddit, nigger.

so yes?

>CoD shill tries to use Yea Forums lingo
Ebin. You ain't getting a sale that way, faggot.

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>Yea Forums essentials to fit in
Fuck off faggot lol

desu just reminds me of Medal of Honor from a few years back

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>Optics have actual magnification instead of zooming the screen in

Alright I'm buying.

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Holy shit this loser is STILL salty from Killing Floor 2 being a massive failure lmao. Neck yourself you worthless incel

Shame it's always dead on PC

Cool reddit word. But no, I just play KF1 instead of KF2.

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maybe cause PCfags are smart enough not to buy these every year


And it's IW so there's a 95% chance it's locked at 90fps, 65fov, p2p listenservers with aim-assist and no anti-cheat.

Mainly because it's shit and has been since MW2.
People shill these shit games every fucking year and every fucking year they're still shit.
Yet somehow retards still fall for it.

Nice blogpost kiddo, nobody gives a shit about your reddit fantasy

The screen still zooms in you retard.

There's a chance that it could have a decent playerbase if they stop fucking it up. Look at games like CS:GO, Rainbow 6 Siege, Overwatch, etc. and you can clearly see that the FPS community is there.

The problem is just that all the developers who make CoD have no fucking idea what they are doing when it comes to PC since they have all focused so heavily on consoles for a decade.

You're REAL lucky we aren't in the same car

I'm going all-in on this shit on Bnet. Finally something fucking normal for once.

Seriously though, how much are you faggots getting paid for this?

Why do they hate big maps so much? I've never bought any of these games simply because they only favor quick run & gun play style.

Does tripwire even pay you for all the shilling or are you just mentally ill?

>Pc fags
>Top seller on steam right now is No Mans Sky

But the screen still zoomed in you mega tard

What the heck is that supposed to mean?

Why aren't they showing singleplayer

Is it really bad and they're trying to hide it?

BF let's you turn off FOV ADS scaling so maybe this will

>saying CoD shit is shit means that I'm a Tripwire shill
The logic is very weak in this, especially if you're trying to tie it in with me mentioning RO earlier, because either you or the other shill asked for better shooters than CoDshit (lol like that's hard to surpass).

Prey 2017 is the top seller though


Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18 Steam Search.png (693x482, 129K)

how about
>Killing Floor
>Day of Defeat
>Any COD from BL2 and older
is this list good enough for you or you're going to spew more shitty buzzwords?

It's not a good time to show kids dying in the middle east by terrorists. The campaign is 2 edgy.

>I s-swear I'm not that guy even though I'm using his memes and shilling tripwire at every turn
Oof the mental illness

None of those are even modern. What the fuck are you on about, loser?

>Generic "coalition" and "allegiance" factions for multiplayer
>0 voice acting

Nah fuck off cunt real COD has cushty music and some guy to get you in the mood for fighting

>>Any COD from BL2 and older
CoD started to go to shit with 2. The health regen was the start of the end.

1/10 it's the best I can do for you, shill-kun.

>Playing KF1 instead of KF2

Good taste.

Insurgency Sandstorm, Killing Floor 2, and Day of Infamy are modern shooters.
All 3 are vastly superior to anything CoD has released in the past decade.

>4 dead games and CoD
Wow sure got me buddy.
>Day of Defeat
Is this guy actually serious? What a contrarian haha.


takes a while to find players since cod is fast paced, and campers/snipers rule these maps

More like pay 2 lose. That's one of the worst guns in the game (PC). It's a scuffed Auger.

100 percent guaranteed to have some kind of gay lootboxes in it. No, thanks.

Only Sandstorm, but it's terrible. You couldn't even name 1, I think you proved his point pretty well.


fucking boring. show off some fucking hardcore search and destroy.

For quite a while, the new crate guns are always op, then nerfed when new crate weapons added. They also used to put you in lobbies with people without that weapon so you would destroy them making them then want to get it via crates

>what is spurdo

>implying there has been a good shooter recently
Alright how about
>Rising Storm 2
>Killing Floor 2
>Insurgency Sandstorm
>Hunt Showdown (Early Access)
>Deep Rock Galactic (Early Access)
both of those games are pretty fun especially DRG

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I recall it's full of pozzed shit as well, like the female Muslim commander.

>Sandstorm is terrible
>but codshit is good

That would be great, but I doubt it will happen.

Does anyone who isn't a consolenigger or a zoomer even still like CoD?
The only people I still see talk about CoD in 2019 are zoomers and white trash losers who can't deal with the fact that they fucked up their life so they keep buying these shitty games to try and relive their high school days.

CoD isn't good, but sandstorm is terrible. Again, you've proven his point well.

It actually has 200 person BR and 50 v 50 TDM on the same map.

What's up with all the projection from the incels?

Just because they are past their peak doesnt make them any less fun user. People still play all of those games. Im sorry your cocainated ADHD ass cant enjoy anything else.

Still has tiny as fuck maps and no vehicles. This is why i dont play cod anymore. This playstyle is dated as fuck.

DLC better be fucking unlockable ingame. I want to like this.

Looks so bad this game is a shitty diaper

Good lord Activision shills don't even try to hide it. Get better at your 'job" if you want to get your 2 shekels.

Because there are better shooters on PC.

It's crossplay with a port like BO4 done by Nixes or whatever.

How are you people not sick of this shit yet? Same shit over and over with visuals that try to look as real and boring as possible.

Nothing glorious about modern warfare. Its just ugly and savage nonsense.

>done by Nixes
So it'll be shit?

>The king of modern shooters is back.
they're making the real battlefield 3?

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Because its fun when you're good at the game. Mowing down hopeless retards for hours is fun.

That was epic, epic for the win!

Its gonna be different this time

Okay now this is epic
Based incel

Not really, that also gets pretty boring after awhile.
What really gives multiplayer games longevity is content, and in the case of PC games that means mod tools and community servers.
CoD is a consoleshit series though, so it'll have neither of that.


Just look at the thread. Shills.

what about the s6 stringray, its apparently the one that caused a backlash

CSGO casuals don't know that feel

Hello viral-kun~

Could you tell mr. Kotick that if he wants to sell us his game he has come to Yea Forums and do it himself.

>content drip
Spotted the zoomer

Yea, zoomers are all about those mods and community servers and totally aren't consoleniggers.

Buy my fucking game you losers.


Don't know what it is but the gameplay looks off to me, it looks clunky or maybe the maps just look too small, may also be the console using a shitty FOV like always

Nobody gave a shit about mods back in the day except autists. Whoa, iceworld is so fucking fun bros! Neck yourself

Right now the most over powered guns on PC are: Maddox, Rampart, Cordite, MX9, Auger, Tigershark, Paladin and the Rampage (DLC shotgun). Only OP DLC weapon is Rampage which is used a lot but it gets countered by Rampart FMJ2.

Treyarch sucks at making CoD now. Is like they put 12 year olds in charge. It has so much dumb shit on it. Just lool at this.
How is this call of duty?

Fucking everyone knows COD gets shilled hard in here.

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BF4 was a direct upgrade to 3 after they fixed the networking

You think COD gets shilled a lot?

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Yea, that's why literally every major online game on PC outside of MMOs and F2P games had tons of mods, from CSS to CoD UO/2/4 to BF 1942/2/2142 to Enemy Territory to Crysis to Warcraft 3 to C&C RA3/Generals/Zero Hour to TF2 to HL Deathmatch (which literally spawned like 5 different games, three of the biggest being Natural Selection, Day of Defeat, and Age of Chivalry) to Unreal Tournament to Quake to fucking Doom.
Look dude, I get that you're a consolenigger, stick to consoles and stop trying to talk about PC, your opinion is irrelevant.


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>Showcasing shitty 2v2 duels
Guessing the objective mode gameplay like WAR in WW2 is gone or severely toned down, shame since it was the only interesting part of the game

>any time someone talks about a game I don't like on a video game board they must be a shill
This is mental illness is a prime example of why it's good to get out of the house every now and then, folks. NEETs take note.

And notice, the threads literally die immediately after the game releases and never pick back up again.
Because only a select few consolefags actually still care about CoD on Yea Forums nowadays.

That was back in August when pre-orders and closed beta went up on Battle net. Of course people are going to ask if its any good. FFXIV on the other hand... Every single week, day and hour. You don't understand what shilling hard means.



>That was back in August
You can literally see the dates in the image and most of the posts are from October.
Are you blind?

Games are not mods. Neck yourself

Is that why every single one of those threads pushes the same
>wow, why are people shitting on this COD? It's so innovative!
And why every single year we get threads saying
>wow, I haven't played COD since MW2 but this looks awesome, I preordered!

Until the game comes out, and suddenly these threads vanish because everyone can see that the game is still a fucking turd.

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>quickscoping in an official gameplay reveal
Absolutely cringe and 12 year oldpilled

August 11th 2018 - Oct 16th 2018. A total of 4.3 posts per month. That's nothing, you just seem hateful of this franchise.

Natural Selection, Day of Defeat, and Age of Chivalry were total conversion mods for Half Life/Half Life Deathmatch you dumbfuck consolenigger.
Go the fuck back.

Whoa, you must be on to something, kiddo! Maybe you should go tell Kotaku or Reddit!

Yes, posts with that specific picture.
And now lets post the greatest of them all, Black Ops 3's shilling campaign, almost as obnoxious as Borderlands 1's shilling.

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>controller gameplay
why even bother?

And they're all shitty dead mods. Thanks for proving my point, dumb-dumb!

Then how do you explain other games being posted threads hourly on Yea Forums when its my first time seeing a MW thread in a couple of days?

This one almost got me. I was gonna buy it

Holy shit, now THIS is mental illness LMAO

Not that user, but you're not fooling anyone. Crawl back to the marketing bureau whence you came.

>not squad

Do shills think anyone actually falls for these aside from zoomers and dumb white kids?

Yes, which are posts that are from people who are obviously not from here.
You can tell even by the way they speak.
Like this guy
You can just tell that he's not used to Yea Forums.

And also the fact that this kind of blind "fanboyism" for COD only happens within a segment of the year, between the first trailer's release, and the actual game's release, the moment when all threads suddenly disappear because, with the game out, you can tell that the game is yet another yearly rehash full of empty promises and microtransactions.

And lets not forget last year when the shills insisted that BO4's battle royale would kill Fornite.

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Why do Amerimutts randomly point at the race of people?
Is it because you try to shame others for not being racemixed abominations like yourselves.

Doom wads still exist fag

Not that user, but you're not fooling anyone. Crawl back to the marketing bureau whence you came.

Sounds like you're mad that CoD fans have fun and hype every year. Guess what dude? I'm gonna buy this game and play the shit out of it :)

>those """"factions""""
The definition of soulless. Bring back MW2 factions with their intro and victory themes.

Nah, it's well-known that the primary audience of CoD in 2019 is niggers and white trash who wish they were niggers, but primarily the latter just because there are more of them.

Right? He hasn't spent 10 years angrily responding to things he doesn't like on an anonymous image board like us. Heh, what a fucking newfaggot!

Fuck that shit. I want to see some of the campaign. Since it's a remake/reboot of CoD4, I'm slightly hyped after watching the reveal trailer.

Why would anyone play this when R6 Siege exists

Who are you trying to fool with your corporate speak, marketeer?

>200 person BR
what?? source.??

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Speaking plainly to the person who has a folder dedicated to CoD threads.

Says the one who is implying there's COD fans in Yea Forums despite the robotic behaviour of the handful of people who claim to like COD.
For example, the moment this game comes out, we will not see a single thread about this game.
As I said, because the turd that this game is going to be will be exposed.
And it's obvious you are marketeers because you hype shit up for no reason at all.
Hell, the damage control you put over the backlash against Infinite Warfare was just embarassing.

>robotic behavior
>constantly whines about people talking about video games on a video games board in order to fit in with the hivemind
oh lmao sweetie

No, he has spent 5 years damage controlling a franchise that's a joke literally everywhere on the internet.
Maybe that's why you shills focus on Yea Forums, you know memes are born here and then spread elsewhere, and think you can meme COD into having a reputation again.

It's also funny how you actively avoid anything negative, such as ignoring the fact that all CODs over the past 6 years have had horrible multiplayer maps, and that they are filled to the brim with microtransactions.
Or that they die in no time on PC.

wow I joined a thread about a game that I'm excited to talk about. You joined a thread so you can pretend to be a retard.

Oh no, he's retarded!

Except you don't talk about videogames.
Where's the discussion in these threads?
There's not, you always say
over and over again.
You will repeat this until the game comes out, and when it does, you will bail out.

What are you so excited for?
The ripoff of Siege that this game is?
The fact that Infinity Ward is so desperate for a success after releasing failure after failure that they are unironically going
Maybe the upcoming SJWfest of a campaign with nigger women soldiers and White Helmet apologism?

Get a load of these retards. The optics clearly have higher magnification that the rest of the screen

I swear to god if it's just another CoD with 2 factions I'm gonna swear off this series. It might be such s trivial thing, but I miss looking at more than 3 character models and hearing more than 1 generic steve Blum wannabe announcer

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Except you don't talk about videogames.
Where's the discussion in these threads?
There's not, you always say
over and over again.
You will repeat this until the game comes out, and when it does, you will bail out.

>4 factions of samey looking soldiers instead of 2
What a change.
These games are made by boardrooms, not by passion.
Just look at the video in the OP, COD is desperately chasing trends, it's all it's been doing the 8th gen.
First they tried ripping off Overwatch, now they try to ripoff Siege.

Oof, you got baited into breaking several rules in one post! Impressive! Enjoy your vacation, timmy :^)

is it always 2v2? the stream reveal was as well, i saw that for like 5 mins.
I hope it's not.

You can tell these 40 year old pajeets are used to shilling in Reddit so much that they bring in their lingo from other websites here.


Stop responding to him. He already accidentally exposed himself and he's probably not aware of it yet.


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everything looks weird and sped up

>implying these were the same

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I'm tempted to just buy it to scratch the arcade fps itch I've been getting lately.

Oof! Weird projection but okay, Tim Tim

why does it look like fucking counter strike

>wierd flex but ok
You'd think Activision could afford proper marketeers.

Yea Forums has always loved CoD you reddit revisionist faggots

no its just one gamemode.

Yes, up until MW2, when they fucked it up and killed the franchise.
The death of alterIWnet marked the death of Call of Duty.

None of those are modern shooters


Like that they made the optics aren't glued to the screen

It's going to be one of those "every gun is OP" type of shooters. Killstreaks won't help alleviate the shitters. It's going to be a slaughter.

I miss when CoD used to alternate between having large maps/vehicles and being tightly woven headless chicken fests

Wow it looks exactly the same as every other CoD except now there's ebin smoke clouds that obscure your vision everytime you shoot
I'm thinking CoD's back baby

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I played blops 3 thinking it would be like titanfall 2 and all I got was OP black market guns

Cod mods were pretty much all half added shit. Promod was autistic as fuck.

Kind of reminds me of some russian/korean knock off, but doesn't look too bad.

>call of battlefield

Christ I seriously hope you’re just playing retarded

>playing BR custom servers of 2 with poorly added killstreaks and bizarre super mario themed maps
>there was no cap to how many helis could spawn

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Almost hope this game does well solely so that other companies start to implement cross play.

Probably. The said the same thing for bo4 and then added the pay to win stuff right before xmas

Spoken like a true consolenigger.

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Funny because this is supposed to be the one with a new engine and everything, and COD normies are complaining it's too different.

> Call of duty KINO is back on the menu
TIC TOC treyarchdrones
/codg/ is dead again

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>stalker is a better shooter than modern warfare
better game overall yes but its actual shooting is kinda dire in comparison

If the shill wants to sell CawaDooty to me, you have to make sure the "most disturbing game" pr talk is partially true, and the campaign is SOF levels of gory. You got Raven stuck making COD bullshit, so at least let them make it entertaining.

WW2 isn't dead on PC

that's the latest alive one. PC bros seem to play ones with best GFX and ww2 has had best gfx so far.. this looks like it might be as good as WW2 so I hope its played on PC but if its only then it will prob die. ww2 was also on steam ofc.

right now I have a list of cods to MPplay if I get a PS4/5

ghosts/cod4remaster and probably this.

I refuse to play the call of duties with "futuristic stuff" for extended periods of time like ill play the single player and abit of a online beta or in bo3 case the MP 15$ account. but I don't like making a habit of that as "futuristic" in call of duty eyes is literally nerf guns.

haven't tried infinite warfare MP much but just looked like destiny and tacky in its own way.

BRING IT TO STEAM some one start a petition.

the network upgrade to BF4 happened after BF4 came out you naff fool at launch BF4 was worse than bf3 lag wise.

then they patched the networking 3-4months in then like 14months in they upgraded it to BF1 engine.

just a FYI BFV is way less laggy than even BF1/4 its engine is way way more tuned and responsive.. but hey women amiright!?

BFV is just a bad game

They never will user. Realistic factions aren’t appealing to zoomers.

have you played it? it's actually quite good.

honestly, do we really need a new engine for an FPS game, let alone one-trick pony like COD?

okay so it looks and plays differently but seriously, why can't they move on to a new IP? this is becoming way too redundant.

>WW2 isn't dead on PC
It has lower peaks than Rising Storm 2, Squad, and Insurgency Sandstorm.
Hell, the ORIGINAL Insurgency has higher playercounts than CoD WWII.

I haven't played a CoD in ages, but I'd be lying if I didn't think that looked smooth as fuck. The gun sounds and feel remind me of Bad Company 2 and thats what I have been wanting. I just don't like how CoD only has tiny maps and its matches are over in an instant. Do you know if its going to have a co-op campaign and/or the usual zombie stuff?

Do zoomers still like cod? Thought it was fornite. CoD is a borderline boomer game now.

It would be fucking hilarious if after all these years about bitching about an engine change fans ultimately don't like how the new CoD "feels" and demand it goes back to using the same old fucking quake tech.

>playing ww2

Attached: Screenshot_4.png (954x641, 402K)

Why are the graphics in these games always so awful

Because they're designed to run at 60 fps on console

this shit looks like a f2p game

>not only a shill pic, but one with reddit in it

ttk looks shorter than ever wtf

Looks like festering dogshit

You just suck

looks amazing, can't wait to get my copy

Wait, is that the actual name? Modern Warfare? wtf

Fuck that, where the hell is my CoD3 PC port