
Attached: bear.png (812x795, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:


rob is racist

Sure is videogames around here

literally who?

christ americans are so fucking autistic

The new twitter layout fucking sucks and I can't change it back.

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i don't care about zoomer streamers

>twitter screencap thread
Kill yourself.

>Twitch streamers
dont care

>that nlss where he only said "nigger"
jesus christ that was awkward


blacks and muslims literally aren't human

I can't even search by only people I follow anymore, how the fuck do I lookup porn now

>sex gifs

i don't know who viscousspheroid is but that's a real "i work from home" name and that thumbnail is pure "gen x trying to fit in"
bet he has an instagram full of him looking like a retard

Fuck off


Why do liberal amerimutts talk like that?

>/pol/ not allowed!!
>e-celebs are though

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"Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.18"



take those with you faggot

who are these people
are they all just underemployed youtubers
nothing in this image has provided me with the motivation to google them

Does this let me only switch it for certain sites or is it all or nothing?

why do all nu male types talk like that

>this can read and change site data on: twitter.com

>that stream where Kate walked in on an Isaac run and NL spent 28 straight minutes screaming at her for having sex with the cats
I mean, he really should've just cut that part out

>statement ended with a question mark

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These fags ALWAYS type the same way. It's like it's embedded into their DNA

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Who? what? NLSS? Nigger no one knows these people.

this thread will have more replies than likes/retweets than those tweets

why can't people just shut the fuck up and play videogames for the amusement of others?

I am grateful everyday that Nick is a depressed sick homo and cant infect nlss or unity with his faggy sjwness and I really hope baer stays away from the stream or at least avoids politics on the nlss.


Why is this thread still up

>made twitter for first time this week
>follow artists etc
>suddenly format is fucked up and side bar is huge

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>tfw only watch EggDad's solo vids/solo NLSS streams because all of the people he associates with are cringe
Yeah I know I'm pretty based.

>follow artists
>no option to only show images on feed
>artists flood images with gacha and food anyway
Twitter is so shit for art and I hate that japs decided to use it.

No one knows who these people are.

I really like when grown men talk like 15 year old girls on the internet????

Exactly. I could fucking read the "i guess????" from the goddamn thumbnail. They all have the typing equivalent of the Commiefornia valley girl speak, which I default to when I read their garbage.

Just about every NLSS thread I see a post like this and feel like I'm being bamboozled. He's the reason why I stopped keeping up with Egg years ago. Then a few months back people started saying how happy they are that Nick was gone. Literally every time I see a post like this I go to a random newer NLSS and his stupid fucking voice is still there. He's still there. WHEN WILL HE ACTUALLY BE GONE

but he's right. those niggers and shitskins should go back into their shit country of origin and try to fix that.

>then you're terrible I guess???
>I guess???
??? = please comment telling me i'm right

Delete it user.

posting twitter screencaps or obvious pol bate threads should be a mandatory permanent ip ban.

...I don't get what the fuck is going on in this image?
Who is getting mad at who for what reason?
Cause they seem to all have the same opinion but seem to be...passive-aggressive towards each other?
What the fuck?
Am I just a turbo brainlet here or do I need context...?

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Nice context you fucking faggot.

>if that's your thing?
>i guess???
>WOW it's as if
just needs a friendo.

Actually, incels aren't humans

Wait what happened? Who is racist now?

He hasn't been in an nlss for months retard, just check the most recent one.

Okay I know mods are up since I saw like 3 videogames threads being deleted, can they also get this one and fucking permaban everyone in this thread including me please.

NPC response is to hate Twitter without questions.

What video game are we discussing in this thread?

Dan and Josh are pretty based.

Or at least were back when I watched. Nowadays I only ever watch an occasional NL vid or a few episodes of a series. I love the man but I don't get as much entertainment as I used to watching someone play the same game over and over.

Why do sőyboys and SJWs love saying "y'all" even though they are nowhere near the south and Texas is conservative?

northernlion is one of like 3 approved Yea Forums twitch streamers
die zoomer

Who the fuck are these people? Why were the mods so protective of projared when that scandal happened and some literal who tweet thread isnt taken down?

>caring about being banned

Who the fuck is this and what the shit is a nlss?

"y'all" is mostly said by low IQ people. So, you know, most Southerners, blacks and SJWs.

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Only actual rednecks and meme-obsessed cucks defend Trump

he has the excuse of never editing his videos, nick just openly sobbing into the mic while asking if he made a huge mistake made my fucking skin crawl

>Yea Forums is only a small collection of faggots who also watch garbage that I like
Sure, buddy

Is there a better app or something or api?
I could make script to grab my feed media and filte rout photos.

Why does Trump trigger both sides so easily? If Trump has two scoops of ice cream then sexually frustrated hambeast feminists flip their shit. On the other side, if you even make one joke about Trump then his JIDF jump into action and defend him. Has Trump even done anything good or bad? I know Obama deported more spics than he did in his first four years, so why are liberals so assblasted about him and why are conservatives happy about him? Has the wall even been built yet? Are trans rights abolished?

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i don't recall giving you permission to watch twitch

People always (rightfully) give Nick a ton of shit and I'm glad he's dead.
But the actual worst is Austin by a god damn mile and you all know it

>thinks it's acceptable to watch other people play video games instead of just playing the games yourself
>calls other people zoomers

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Both are true.


The Brits are just as bad on Twitter

It's about the personalities and the bants, autist. Which is why streams featuring Liquid|xXNoVaXcellent69NoScopeXx yelling subscriber names between playing fortnite are fucking awful.

this. the truth is a bitter pill to swallow but will ultimately set you free

Nobody actually cares, it's just government-run bots screaming at each other.
Prove me wrong.

they need a gender neutral second person pronoun

the problem is faggot OP posted an out of context twitter screencap thread on Yea Forums about some dudes opinion on twitter because he knew it'd flare up 4chans trump supporting retards to start posting about their stupid fucking politics bullshit
so yeah its not your fault


Oh boy twitter bullshit, I wonder what irrelevent bullshit we're going to argue about today. Let's aruge over this instead.

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Trump is going to be remembered as one of the better presidents in our life time, simply because the rest of the field of presidents in the last few generations have been completely inept and incompetent. Looking at the state of what people think the president is even supposed to do is the biggest sign of that. Most people literally thought being the president was like being a fucking king that had unlimited executive power.

he doesnt need defending, hes done nothing wrong.

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Dude meme politics are so cool support trump and be right wing
honestly everyone who follows trump and uses Yea Forums is a fucking piece of cancer that needs to be cut off

>Trump is going to be remembered as one of the better presidents in our life time
This is your brain on /pol/

based and rollin

only reason I enter these threads to see if theres any good roulettes. dont know why it took so long for someone to post one.

i eventually searched that phrase, and it's some clique of nobodies centered around a binding of isaac streamer that i can only assume misses his mortgage payments

Don't browse /pol/. You're just to stupid and biased to see the truth. I don't particularity like Trump as a person, just a president.

was there even a complete sentence in that post you schizo

sure is video games in here

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>Booming economy, lagest growth of jobs during a period that's largely seen as a black hole for jobs and changed the landscape for his political party
Totally won't be remembered though, like who the fuck was Reagan amirite?

Reminder that Banjo is STILL in Smash

Streamers are are a great way to unwind when you don't want to play a game yourself and hanging out in chat and donating is the equivalent of going out with friends. I'm still in the company of people I like and instead of wasting money on stupid alcohol, I can donate to my favorite streamer and feel good knowing I'm furthering the career of someone that brings me great joy and a lot of entertainment. I mean, what's the difference between a small donation of $30-$50 and spending that at the bar? I don't feel like shit in the morning if I donate unlike the hangover I'll eventually have...

Don't listen to that retard, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Making fun of someone for liking a streamer is just ignorant and shows how out of touch you really are. Seriously, my dad makes fun of me for being 20 while still being into video games, watching people play video games and still being a virgin. He routinely asks me if I've finally lost my virginity or found a girlfriend each time I come home. He emasculates me in front of my friends by saying stupid shit like "At least you guys get pussy, right?" and "Maybe you guys can set him up with some girls!" He blames democrats and "nerds" like me for the sissification of America and the West in general. I can't even blame him for raising me incorrectly because my older brother plays football at a D1 school while majoring in mechanical engineering.

He used to play baseball while he finished his degree so I tried to show him how competitive e-sports were while I was watching Smash evo and he just asks "Aren't you a little too old for Nintendo?" This shit gets so fucking annoying and it's actually having an impact on my mental health. He actually started calling me "Virgy" in public and around other people instead of referring to me by my real name. Fuck him.

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ryan is actually a cool guy

what type of man expresses his thoughts with the vapidity of a fucking preteen girl
have some self respect

>who the fuck was Reagan
A puppet who sucked off kikes.
let's go

Well shit, consider yourself lucky user

/pol/ hates trump because jews

>streamers are my friend
Dumb frogposter.

What the fuck

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People watch 90% because NL has the personality of a cult leader. Everyone else are mostly losers, Dan Gheesling and MALF are cool though.

Haha sure is funny how NOW challenging a politicians national loyalties is is "racist" and not the 2 years the MSM spent accusing Trump of being a russian stooge lol

Imagine being a liberal and being so fucking braindead you're constantly taking the opposite position you held a week before simply because the TV told you to

based waifu wizard

malf looks and sounds like he ingests s o y by the truckload.

does he? i only watch his isaac videos and i like his outlook on life, hes got his screwed on right.