If you remember this your childhood was awesome

If you remember this your childhood was awesome.

Attached: xbox 360 2012.png (650x366, 404K)

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it was 7 years ago

I sure hope you mean teenage years.

i had a ps3

Now Xbox is a dead brand. God bless Phil Spence

I was 20 in 2012

My last console was ps2. After that i moved to pc and never regretted it.

>wow bros remember the 360 the good ol days

fucking zoomers

>7 years ago
Back then I was a teen with friends and ambition
Now Im just so jaded

Out of the way newfag

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Fucking disgusting
True Kino was the launch interface for the 360.
> Snappy
> Worked well
> easy

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reminder that there are 18 year olds posting on this site that were 12 when this came out

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>Got the 360
>Menu UI changes from this few weeks later
>Tell my friends I liked how it looked before
>"uhhh why does it matter?"
I'm glad you guys have taste

Fucking retard. Don Mattrick shit on the xbox brand and then set it on fire. Phil is now fixing it.

I'm literally 72

i thought this looked cooler

Next people will be telling me about the Windows XP start-up, or the PS2 interface was the good ol' days.

Shit. Remember when you turned on your console and your game just fucking started?
That's the perfect interface.

>put USB drive into 360
>transfer music to hard drive
>start playing Linkin Park "In The End"
>listen while playing Team SWAT on Halo 3
comfy times

have sex

I eas like 23 when 360 came out lol

It was the same for me too.
you could still use a version of the blades in-game with the xbox button, but it was never the same.

This was the best time. I wish they'd bring back the ability to choose your gaming communication style like they used to have. That way those of us who like to talk tons of shit during matches can get matched with others that do the same and not have to worry about telling some random to "get fucked" and then say hello to a ban because you used no no words.

only ancient gamers will remember the xbox 360

the sound it made when you navigated through the blades was so fucking satisfying, I remember downloading the new UI update and feeling a bit betrayed

Prove it

If you were a child when Xbox 360 came out your childhood was trash.
Only good childhoods are 90's and earlier. Everybody born later than that, sorry kids but you got fucked by the cosmos.

This was me in fucking high school. Fucking retarded zoomer.

God I miss this dashboard it was pure kino


> Launch 360
> Perfect Dark Zero Demo online mode
> Hexic HD
> On HDD pre-installed music ("PRESSURE", "AND IF YOU LOVE ME")
> Double Agent Demo

Fuck dude. Take me back. Absolute Kino

>cancel xbox live ive had since beta a month before 360 comes out
>buy 360
>can't fucking recover my gamertag
Still mad. Id have like an 18 year icon

>Phil is now fixing it.
By giving away the charred remains to PChads.

I grew up jerking off to crusty porn mags in the woods.

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Perfect dark was trash. My first good 360 game was condemned

Hoping someone would post these.

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God, I hate you buzzword faggots.

Has anyone made this theme accessible on homebrewed systems yet?

I miss this too.
I miss just talking shit and laughing like a fucking idiot with random people from all over.

I think it peaked with UNO, in terms of communication. We'll never get the wild west of online gaming like that again.

flat design is so fucking disgusting

Original xbox was the best. Especially when you were in the menu and if you let it sit for a while you could barely make out people speaking. Freaked me out the first time I heard it.

imagine being that old

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ya, 4 years and no games later

real xbox dash coming through

Attached: unleashx-dash.webm (640x486, 2.91M)

That's why you would only play the demo and not buy the full game.
A lot of the old 360 demos had an online mode.

>being under 30

This was the best console user interface, the XMB was really good as well. Why were these not kept and improved? The latest ones suck fucking dick.

Imagine being so autistic that you get triggered when someone posts a single word that you don't like.

god i hope i'm out of here by then

You won't be if it still exists.

If you remember this, your childhood was awesome.

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>Getting mad at 'Kino'
I know what new word I'm using in every thread now.

Am I the only one that used to sit in the blades menu, and press the stick left and right just to hear that "woosh" sound you got?
I used to talk to my friends online and do that for quite a bit.

If you remember this your childhood was mediocre.

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I will never not be mad.

XMB was great, but people hated it for some reason so it got axed.

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God, I can't even point things out to faggots without them pointing fingers defending their childlike zoomer words.

You're free to go now ya faggot. This isn't a prison to me. I'm active, have sex and a family :)

Why do you have to be so triggered at Kino?
Are you afraid of getting owned by so much triggering Kino?
Why does the triggered sperg keep feeding into the Kino filled epic trolling?

Jesus get better friends, regardless if they cared or not they should at least be more nonchalant about it.

>gets triggered by triggered and kino
>uses the word zoomer

I remember it and I lived in foster care for 14 years.

I feel sorry for the family

Most of my friends complained, personally.

People forget about how shitty that UI launch actually was.
>Random crashing
>Not being able to find anything

The best thing to come out of any of the updates was party chat.

Not enough ads for me famalam. How am I supposed to know what games to buy?

I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking this.

Or just the internet

> skeumorphic design
Things are better now.

This was the good shit. Minimalistic > all this fancy shit

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I think I remember. I remember I had sonic generations and all my friends on my friendlist had a specific zone theme behind them.

What people don't realize is that normal people just shit talked for the fun of it.
Non-spergs, non-journos, and normal people just laughed it off and became friends.

It's like shit talking between rival football teams. It's just fun and only idiots take it seriously.

Why? I work and am a very active family man. Not sure what your feeling sorry for.

>and am a very active family man

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The original files? No because they're completely tied to game compatibility. You can downgrade with old phat models, but anything newer it is not supported. There is only a look alike homebrew but it's shit looking.

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He thinks everyone is as ugly as him.

goosh goosh

Have sex and you might understand. As an incel you think everyone on an anonymous video game discussion image board are lonely and depressed like you. This place sure beats the thpusands of normie facebook game groups or reddit.

If you were 11 then, you be old enough to post now

I sure do remember the worst launch console in history. The ps3 may not have had games but at least it didn't fucking break for no reason.

>The ps3 may not have had games but at least it didn't fucking break for no reason.

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Viva Pinata and Fable, that was about it


>Have sex
You're the idiot for marrying like that bitch has some magic pussy.
You got suckered hard.
Talk to me in 30 years nigger.

well you type exactly like a """""normie""""" anyway

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>hur dur i feel sorry for your family because you don't live up tomy homo erotic fantasy of a manly man

Why are all you old fags even here?
Don’t you have lives to live?

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Born in '94, I have fond high school memories of this because my social life after school revolved around my neighbor who was 3 years older than me, and he had 4 fucking 360s and 4 TVs for massive Halo parties.

And that seals it

lol been with my wife for 6 years. Best decision of my life to marry her. Even if we divorce tomorrow, it's already been worth it.


Is it normal to look back on all this and have it feel unreal? Like, I know I was there to experience it, but for some reason I feel detached and I wonder if it happened. Is this just part of getting older?

Oh man. You're delusional.
Just wait. There's about a 60 - 70% chance I'll see you crying on here in the next 30 years.

That's what getting old feels like.

Nah man. That's the first part of acceptance.
Next comes the good feelings of having the privilege of experiencing what you did at the place and time that you experienced it in.

You have to leave.

ill probably be dead in 20. You sound like some faggot that got cucked and never got over it.

Good for you user wish you luck

Nope. I'm just not fond of placing losing odds bets that will cost my half my worth and 5 - 30 years of my life.
Simple stats. It's no longer the 1940's gramps.

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My wife puts in more than half. You're doing it wrong, bud.

>falling for obvious bait
Jesus christ, fuck le 20 but le boomer zoomers XD

the original blades were better

>Implying that I would get married
What about her debt though?
Did you take her entire net worth into account? I honestly doubt it.

How about a pre-nup? It's like you want to get raked over the coals.
Let me ask you. Would you bet everything you have on the black square on a roulette table in Vegas?

>Halo 2 will turn 15 years old in a few months

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>60 - 70%
I agree that marriage is risky and unnecessary and super gay, especially in the US where fucking alimony is a thing. The divorce rate is around 50% though, not 60-70%.

But still, it's retarded nonetheless. By marrying someone you're basically betting half of everything you own that you won't cheat on your bitch and you better pray she doesn't grow tired of your sorry ass.

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imagine being so much of a zoomer you don't even post the original dashboard

your wife make more money than you?

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My jagged 360 has a blades theme theme on it.
Ultra comfy.

This UI was so much fucking better than the Xbox One's.

Playing pet shop boys while flying helicopters in Mercs 2, That music was made for that game.

Can we just get the glossy visual designs back instead of this minimalist trash? There is no originality behind them whatsoever.

and the blades were far superior to this meme shit

i liked my fancy new vegas theme i had for the new UI though

I miss Games for Windows Live.

Well, I miss the hate mail.

I was upset we had to wait so long for SSFIV to be on PC once they shut down GFWL. Then when it came out on Steam, I realized I had to be friends with someone before I could send a message. That meant people would add you, bitch, and delete you. On GFWL there was no escaping messages.


Why did the Xbox one ui get progressively worse, the current one is a submenu hell hole, i don't even care about mixer why does it need to be a main tab.

Depends on where you live
If you live in Cali, it is definitely that high.

The most shocking thing to me is that you can't even unsub from live or game pass from the console, those options are buried deep in Microsoft's account management website for some reason.
Learned that the hard way when the game pass was a dollar.

fucking Mercs 2...
Goddamn what a nostalgia bomb.

Life is short and i dont live it like a fearful jew. Believe it or not, some wonen are decent.

It was, it's today that sucks.

>Some women are decent
I think a lot of women are decent people
I'm just not willing to bet half of everything I own, as well as taking half of her debt, on if she is decent or not.

But life is short right? All of my happiness and half my net-worth on RED, please.

I guess that makes sense. A lot of females in cali are the typical blond bimbo with fake tits and dreams of being a lead actress, correct?

Saturn menu and spaceship were the best. I used the saturn a lot as a music player

Menus suck with this current gen, is not just Xbox.