>your favorite Japanese game studio burns
How do you react?
Your favorite Japanese game studio burns
I post in the sticky about how people who are sad are idiots because I am epic and disconnected.
All my favorite game studios turned to shit and now I don't have any favorites anymore.
and nothing of value was lost
It is already in flames.
They probably have insurance or something, so no big deal.
>33 people died
>No big deal
will probably lead to your next favorite game cancellation because Japanese are too retarded to have external backups and all the data burned
user, this is about a game studio, and in this hypothetical situation no one died yet (which is typically a more likely scenario assuming no one threw gasoline all over the place so it spreads super fast)
The reasoning behind it was that they supposedly stole his ideas for anime
OP's post doesn't say anyone in the studio dies, the shit might just get burnt down when its empty.
I thought he was a train autist. What anime did they plagiarize?
>tfw more worried about what anime may get cancelled/delayed than people who died
but I then found out they're only working on shitty movies right now so I don't care
>Sega AM2
That's ok, the building was empty.
Given Platinum's games never sell all that well I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to burn the place down as part of insurance scam.
How does someone end up this deranged?
>it was a 2chan namefag who did it
I knew namefags were mentally ill.
What in the literal flaming fuck
I knew the internet had to be behind this
kek, had heard bits and pieces but didn't think it was this dumb (and I believe it)
>it wasn't an anime otaku but a train otaku
WHAT THE FUCK? I swear if this is legit, that's just, WHY?
This guy is exactly like Barneyfag, Hasbro is lucky they aren't just run from 1 small building with no security.
Jesus, it's like ACK attacked an anime studio.