>3D game has lesbian characters in it
>Yea Forums hates it
>2D game has lesbian characters in it
>Yea Forums loves it
Explain yourselves.
3D game has lesbian characters in it
Hmmm I wonder
Those aren't lesbians, they are best friends that have an intimate skinship.
Those are not lesbians, fuck off
Well last of us had a 10x more solid story behind it and the relationship fitted in there. Atelier is literally just fanservice pandering to incels and worse. It serves no other purpose but to make sales.
It's completely straight
Fuck off, you yurifags need to be culled.
Let me fix this for you
>3D game has UGLY lesbian characters in it
>Yea Forums hates it because ugly people are UGLEH
>2D game has CUTE lesbian characters in it
>Yea Forums loves it because cute girls are CUTE CUTE
>cute girls being cute, likable, wholesome and pretty, little to none of their identity based on sexuality
>uggo as fuck intentionally repulsive models, entire identity is sexuality, never shuts the fuck up about it, never wholesome
The problem isn't lesbians, the problem is how they're being handled.
>ywn cuddle with Kou in your underwear and hate on 3D together
Lesbians in 2D are just girls who haven't had the dick yet.
Lesbians in 3D are roasted we don't need no man feminists.
>Well last of us had a 10x more solid story
lol, that shit started off as a cliche comedy and ended up being sleep inducing shit.
>b-but the daughter died
That was meant to be sad? How? She died in the most predictable way possible that I thought I was going to get PUNK'D any second by ND because they know how to make fun games. Then the joke turned out to be that the whole game is one big joke since its the most predictable cliche ridden piece of shit I've played. Atelier at least gives you fun SoL stuff and isn't lying about being some grand adventure where you kill God. You just live as an alchemist and do cute alchemist things.
she loves white cock though
Can't wait for all the porn of her getting dicked like a good bitch.
>comparing a top-tier anime qt3.14 with some smelly western lesbo
I know this is bait, but the comparison is unfair.
I would sooner be shitting gold bars than canon yuri being in an Atelier game.
You have an alchemy cauldron in your ass?
What's there to explain? Can't you see that the number of dimensions has some relevance? Should I make a food analogy so you understand? There you go, open wide:
>a cup of tea has three spoons of sugar in it
>I hate it
>a cup of tea has two spoons of sugar in it
>I love it
How's that? Starting to get it yet?
>game has ugly characters and a hamfisted political agenda
>Yea Forums hates it
>game has attractive characters and no agenda
>Yea Forums loves it
it will forever remain a mystery.
these games have always had light yuri themes in them
In your eyes
i became an incel by looking at this picture. thanks, asshole.
>my mouth and ass have three dicks each in them, I hate it
>my mouth and ass have two dicks each in them, I love it
>Atelier is literally just fanservice pandering to incels and worse
this is the only correct thing, last of us was pretty weak.
What's the problem?
You’re truly retarded
2d is based and 3d is shit
It’s very rare for 2D game to have overt lesbianism. Most of the time it’s just close friends
only with /u/-vision
He’s referring to the DLC, which is ten times better than that overrated abortion of a main story. And ten times shorter, too
you are welcome, sir
>He’s referring to the DLC
That was even worse though. It was so fucking boring and was mostly walking segments and cutscenes.
Atelier is a three DEE game
get me promoted, Yea Forums
Lesbians are only good when they are hot. Whether it is media or reality. Same goes for straight people. God, you people are fucking retarded. Why am I so much smarter than you fags?
Fuck off faggot, those aren't lesbians. Regards, a yurifag.
2D lesbians exist for reasons beyond telling straight people how evil they are. Something 3D lesbians can not do.
>Expecting Yea Forums to not be retarded.
There's your first mistake.
What 2D game are we talking about?
Yet people still ignored Gravity Rush
Yes, user, it's the jews who are the problem, definitely the jews, just don't look behind the curtain user and you can keep blaming the jews...
i bought all 3 of her games, though
>t. capeshitter
Isreal can suck my cock but that doesn't mean I have to bite the bait of those in power. Retards like you think you've seen through the rabbithole when in reality the truth was right in front of you and the rabbithole is the bait.
>Conveniently forgetting {{{Robert Iger}}} is the CEO of Disney
Pathetic fucking cocksucker
Absolutely delusional
I haven’t seen cape shit since the first iron man in theaters, kys
I dont think she ever blacked to begin with?
2D or 3D has nothing to do with it. When its 2 cute girls being gay its alright (especially in an eastern game). On the contrary its actually encouraged. But if its 2 ugly girls or guys from a western studio its pandering to the gay agenda and we hate it.
Yes, and I'm sure he says The UberJew everyday inbetween taking lines of coke and not giving a shit about religion. Don't you think that if Isreal could call on Disney money everytime they want, they wouldn't be such a fucking shithole where terror attacks happen on the daily because they're too fucking retarded to deal with their internal disputes. If anything, Bob Iger is probably trying to get more people to blame the world on Jews, so were all still divided on whether or not to blame the worlds problems on black people, jews, white people, or muslims, so that no one can come after Bob Iger.
Eastern yuri is just incelbait, they're only yuri for fap material you retard. Gay relationships in western gaming have a much better track record incel.
I'm playing this right now but it hasn't hooked me yet, I'm at the second month and so far it seems like it's more of a slice of life story with minor yuri elements than a game where yuri is the main focus, like in Kindred Spirits that had a similarly sized cast and plot structure but the game had a completely different vibe.
This incel meme is getting out of hand, I'm not sure of what is the point you wanted to make with your post.
Reminder only the base game was an okish story (DLC sucked and TLOU 2 will be political shit)
Tl;dr, sorry pal
probably because you're sounding like an incel? glorifying gay in eastern games yet lambasting gay in western games is exactly that. You just enjoy fanservice over good characters with reason to be gay instead of just fapbait.
I don't even know what the word is supposed to mean anymore, people use it as a wild-card to replace any insult when shitposting.
When will this game out?
fat legs
2d > 3d
>Cannot read 3 sentences.
God Yea Forumsirgins are fucking retarded.
>You just enjoy fanservice over good characters with reason to be gay instead of just fapbait.
Characters in your average Japanese visual novel are most of the time much better written than most characters from AAA western games, probably even some of the ones from degenerate fetish novels. But more importantly, yuri is one of the last thing people would fap to, most yuri games don't even have adult content and the ones that have is most of the time focused on the romance.
More like
>won’t read 3 sentences of semitic COPE
Haha woops! Looks like you posted an edited image! If you look closely on her ass there is a reddit logo on each cheek!
Here's the original, friend. :)
Alright then, enjoy running around in an imaginary rabbit hole.
Yuri =/= Lesbian.
Despite looking similar on paper, one is tainted by a diseased sex cult ideology while the other isn't.
>yuri is one of the last thing people would fap to
I dont know about that, yuri tag on hentai sites is pretty big
yuri is gay
Most of the yuri doujins aren't hentai, if you only compare hentai doujins futa surpasses yuri in a 3 to 1 ratio (this is only considering the true yuri doujins with the only_female tag and not the ones where they're having sex with a guy and gets tagged as yuri because they kiss in 1 panel).
Shut up you fucking virgin.
It's much more cutesy and it's also all ages. There's kissing and that's about it. I just really like the art style.