>"Sis, this is my boyfriend Ren Amamiya, we've dating for some time now."
"Sis, this is my boyfriend Ren Amamiya, we've dating for some time now."
Other urls found in this thread:
>Ren Amamiya
Are you asking for translations because thats not what it says at all.
Of course not, because that's Sae saying it to Makoto.
Can't wait to play through this a 3rd time. Thank the gods I don't have to wait until next year.
Based and Sae-pilled.
How would one dissect this sentence grammatically? Something along the lines of "Because you wouldn't let me make it, you must have made it for me?"
my japanesu isu velly baddo
and stimpy
I can't wait to start up P5R and name him Akira Kurusu once again, just like God intended
I can't believe I'm gonna pay $60 for this game again
I wouldn't do that if I were you Makoto...
Epilogue of Sae Greentext being posted Tomorrow evening. Last part, don't miss it
At least you are not a huehuehuehuehue like me
Pic related, is the price of a new game here in Brazil
This, I'm going to buy it and like it, but I fully admit I'd complain if anyone else but Atlus did it. It's okay when they do it, and I'm not quite sure why it doesn't bother me.
It's gonna have a boatload of content and revisions. It'll have even more extra content and changes than Golden did. Not like its literally the same game.
The only reason I would buy this game again. It would be a much more emotional roller coaster than the shit we got from Anne.
I know. Like I said, I don't mind, but still, maybe it should have a slightly lower mrsp, like $50. But anyway, I just hope to hope that it changes shit instead of purely adding. Haru NEEDS to be added way earlier, and some other stuff really should get rewritten
I hope the changes to the story and pacing are extensive, those were among my biggest complaints
What is happening here?
husband Makoto, that's your husband.
and soon he will be the daddy of your babies.
The original story is exactly the same. The 3rd semester is essentially an expansion pack.
Hopes ruined. What a massive missed opportunity
But we see Haru much earlier picking up trash.
Nothing but consensual, clean, affectionate hand-holding and maybe some intense making out just off-screen.
>main story unaltered
>still won't just release R content as an expansion DLC like P3 did
Eat dicks.
She will probably be referred to as a generic NPC like she was in Hawaii (especially since one of the major plot points is finding out her name). The actual story beats will remain the same.
When does this ship happen?
____んじゃなくて、作ってくれたの Didn't have/make __ make it, ___ made it for me!
idk the context
>Implying I'm not fucking Sae in Royal
>expansion DLC like P3 did
Oh good, then I can sell the original to foot some of the bill for Royale.
There is no "because" here.
She's saying that she didn't force [someone] to make it for her, they made it for her of their own will.
I love Anne.
I thought Persona 3 FES was released exactly the same as Royal; a separate disk that had the base game and extra story. No purchasing separately.
cute post more
I never said she said because you fucking nignog
The money is one thing, but ffs, I don't have the time or patience to slog through this fucking game again.
And to be clear, I really liked it. I just don't see why this couldn't have been normal DLC that you start from a separate menu option, or load an endgame save.
Actually that line is something like:
"I wasn't unable to make it, I was able to make it!"
Isn't Royal released only as a full package? As far as I know, you can't buy just the new content and have to get the whole thing like how P4G did it. FES let you just buy the additional content separately so owners of the base game didn't have to buy the whole game twice at full price.
No it isn't, asshole
>FES let you just buy the additional content separately
No, it didn't. It let you PLAY it separately from the main menu, but it was a physical disk. Like Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen.
One of the posts I replied to said "because" you fucking nognig.
The game came out 3 years ago in JP and 2 years ago for EOPs. I'm sure most people don't remember the nitty and gritty, or aren't emotionally attached to the characters/world anymore.
How many dollars is that?
so why did you reply to my post then you fuckin jungle monkey
Yes it did. Not in western releases since the complete package was the only one we got, but Japan let you buy it separately.
>physical disk
Yeah, DLC was the wrong word, but you know what I'm saying.
It was an accident
Let's not fight.
No, the versions in japan were the expansion on a disk that had the base game, and the expansion on a disk that had the director's cut of the base game. The west got the latter.
You could not buy The Answer separately, or the director's cut content. You had to buy a disk that had the the original full game and the expansion, or the original full game, some minor changes, and the expansion.
la rata.................
Are you confusing Append with FES? From what I know, Japan had 3, Append, and FES, with FES being the combination you're talking about. It makes no sense releasing both FES and Append from what you're saying.
You're going to have to go and disprove the whole internet on that, then. Even looking at wikipedia's section for Persona 3 FES confirms it.
Every version of FES, no matter the region, comes with the base game and cost as much as a full price game. It's exactly the same as The Royal, and even The Golden.
I'm done here.
>Persona 3 FES (Append Edition) is a slightly different version of Persona 3 FES. Unlike the standalone version, the Append Edition requires that you insert the Persona 3 disc in order to play the expanded storyline. All other features remain the same.
>The game was released at a cheaper price for people who already owned Persona 3.
It's almost like that's exactly what I said, stupid. FES Append is the director's cut version.
hey dumbshit, the disc comes with just the answer and you need persona 3 to play the director's cut
Megaten's wiki disproves what you're saying though. Don't fucking walk away when you're arguing on flawed info. I'll gladly accept any corrections, but you're saying that both Append and FES are the same thing when they're clearly not.
but what if you stack P3FES on Sonic and Knuckles...
I just fucking like persona 5, and the game had a lot more polish than most games these days. That's why it's all right
This is going to be like a more underwhelming Golden. Its not going to address the game's problems.
Boob beboop
Wait... for real?!!
Patrician taste
Atlus would never do it because otaku don't want damaged goods, and I say damaged goods and not used goods because what happened to Shiho is clearly rape, or at the very least sex through forced coercion
What if they add a Sae romance
But only as the path to the secret bad ending where you cheat on Makoto after Sae seduces you and it empowers her Shadow self to dominate Joker
You could always just not have the Shiho path end with romance.
>clearly rape
That is one of my favorite pieces of art.
>fat autistic losers aren't allowed a single moment of even simulated happiness
I got a fun JRPG with interesting side plots and they got a waifu simulator. We both won, unlike people mad about them.
I mean under jap law it's statutory for sure, and the fact is she didn't want to fuck him and felt forced to.
would you mind deleting this
>it's the autism's fault that I eat like shit and never exercise!
The main story is unaltered but the events through the year change and by the looks of it palaces won't even be the same if the videos are to be believed
user that's not the point he's making. Videogames are allowed to be escapism.
>the only people who don't endlessly shitpost about fat autistic losers are fat autistic losers themselves
Bet you don't even exercise yourself, champ.
Just leavin this here.
>simple molestation and groping is consider as rape now
What happened to this world.
Except I do sunday, tuesday and thursday
I always assumed from the implication that he did in fact fuck her and that's why she tried to kill herself.
Holy shit are they doing it?
I don't think she would commit suicide over groping.
He clearly raped her, if not several times.
Her reaction's too extreme for it to have been just groping. My mom's deathly afraid of men dunno how she even managed to marry and has been groped and harassed when she was younger, but she's never had this level of a reaction.
Umm user Shiho wasnt raped. She attempted suicide because she realized that kamoshida was using her to try and force himself on her friend.
But kamoshida got btfo.
Watch Valentine's Special episode of anime
They are at an opera house together. Of course they are.
Escapism to the point where you need video games to substitute for your loneliness isn't healthy
>gets called out
>My mom's deathly afraid of men
Even you or your dad?
Just walking in and doing curls for 15 minutes doesn't count.
Depending on level of stress and person
should've got her instead of new girl, but her persona can only learn assault dive
Thanks Marche, you can go now.
Sure, but I don't have any better ideas
>multiple people saying you're a faggot
>double down on your faggotry
How many soiboi and fedora pics do you have saved to project your own insecurities onto anons?
>She attempted suicide because she realized that kamoshida was using her to try and force himself on her friend.
Didn't the game make it clear that the whole reason he went after Shiho is specifically because Anne basically told him to go fuck himself?
What would you guys do if you can date human Morgana in royal?
Jeff's biceps are terrifying.
It was a build-up of all the stress, blackmail and the final nail in the coffin where he definitely did rape her.
Used to be terrified of my dad, since he was just a really shitty person all around who treated family members like personal servants. She toughened up a lot against him, but she's still scared of even prolonged eye contact with other men. She's alright with me, but only because I'm basically her walking diary.
That's literally what video games are for, and why everyone plays them.
Nigga teenagers have killed themselves over concert tickets they don't think rationally
Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru
Shiho isn't mentally retarded though.
>Jeff's biceps are a goal to strive for
One day you too will learn the power of carrot cake, weighted chin-ups, cheat curls, and plyometrics.
>my echo chamber agrees with me so there!
>rape her
Keep repeating it won't make your headcanon any real
lol look at all these incels, angry that they're reminded they're lonely
Speak for yourself, champ
I'm already doing cheat curls. Gotta get that maximum growth.
Bruh, his Biceps look like they'll pop any second.
Do they need to flat out say it? It's super implied. Its even shown how strong willed Shiho is. She wouldn't try to kill herself unless it was something that couldn't be taken back.
He went after shiho because he was pissed Ann rejected him. And probably told Shiho that if Ann didnt fuck him he would kick her out of the team. Considering the super low self steem that shiho had at the moment she probably tought it would be better to off herself and not be a hindrance to Ann. Otherwise kamoshida would have said he assaulted Shiho when the change of heart happened.
That's what happens when you train like an athlete
So just your assumptions, that's what I thought
P5 is such a tonal mess
>we gotta stop this rapist
>we gotta sneak into the palace or I have to pose naked!
Ironic, coming from a Redditor
Denying it won't make it any less true, kiddo. It's just a fact that the majority of video games players use it as escapism. Maybe you'll realize when you're older.
based projecting ResetEra
They god damn better
Didn't he also hit her like he did Mishima?
I don't have a PS4 but I bought a physical copy of Persona 5 to support physical copies and will be buying a physical copy of P5R to support physical copies
Get off Yea Forums, Jeff.
Go make sure Jesse isn't doing stupid shit.
Play it on PS3 or emulate it
beep boop
I guess it works, unlike the bullshit post-christmas content in Golden. That was literally fanfiction-tier.
Has V-Shred been laughed off the Internet yet?
For fucks sake atlus, lazy pieces of shit
I'm already calling bullshit on this because there already seems to be some changes like Goro's new dialogue during the interrogation scene in the first PV.
In the West, yeah, but IIRC Japan sold The Answer by itself as an expansion pack.
so i just finished my 2nd palace run and i'm at 26 hours into the game. Holy god am I going at a snail's pace or this game is just that long. Doesn' tmatter though cuz its super comfy for me. Is the royal version a whole new game or is it an expansion?
P5 is about 100 hours for the first run. Royal is going to be an expanded version of the game with a new scenario set after the final boss or so it seems.
Joker a name now?
This your first time seeing a Persona game rereleased?
She looks so happy
I mean, there's always opportunity for change. They should at least fix some of the pacing and add more development for characters outside of social links. or make it so makoto doesn't carry the team once she joins
>he's still this optimistic
Poor, misguided soul.
Yeah, it must be a mistranslation of sorts. Maybe the overall story will remain the same, but there will be details changed (like the one you mentioned).
did they show new screenshots or more? Where does this come from?
Umm are you okay?
Yeah, well, Atlus will say fuck you to all Ann lovers because they doubled down with her relationship with Morgana.
It wasn't even funny in the main game and now you'll more of that.
(Why did they even do this to Ann in P5? They never went that silly with the previous games, not even with Teddie.)
Why do you still have faith in Atlus remakes?
Morgana is the mascot character, but he isn't purely a gag character the same way Teddie is.
Please post the other parts....
Wtf... why do lovers arcana always has to suffer stupid shit like this?
Dont be stupid.
And that's the main issue. Either you make it a funny character or you make it a cool serious one. This in-between bullshit was pretty bad.
Teddie was way more fun, and even had a better story.
Morgana just really sucks.
Teddie's story was pants-on-head retarded though. It makes even less sense than Morgana's.
Oh and if the theme of Persona 5 Royal is about everyone accomplishing one's dreams, and since we already know Morgana becomes "The Handsome Man", I hope Ann lovers are prepared to be cucked and put into a chastity cage.
It fucking sucks man.
>tfw there'll never be a teammate who actually gets together with someone ever again
Hoped that Yusuke or Ryuji would find someone but no every girl must belong to the MC
>yosuke shows the most compassion and actual care before rise's kidnapping and immediately at her rescue
>she instead latches directly onto you despite you doing nothing beyond what everyone else did
I hate this self-insert perfect MC bullshit, especially the harem part.
It will be probably be the first time Atlus goes for a cucked relationship. The fucking balls.
They would never dare to do that to any of the female characters in the game but since Ann was always at the bottom in the popularity polls, they might've said "hey, no one will complain so why not?"
Persona 5 Royal my ass.
Anne's trailer never showed off her dream did it? Ryuji was getting scouted for university track team, Yusuke was people admiring his mothers portrait and her getting the due credit and from the promo images Morgana's is definitely becoming a human and Futaba's is her mother alive and presumably married to Sojiro
Ann's dream hint was in the middle of her trailer and it's hinted to be something regarding Shiho.
So i just realized you could bring a persona of the same social link to get more points... interesting... i wonder how much time i've wasted without doing that.
>Shiho gets Alice persona
>Goes with you into Kamoshida's Palace instead of Ann
>Beats Kamoshida within an inch of his life
>"W-w-w-wait! Stop! I'll do anything!"
>Shiho, in Alice get up, cocks her head and smiles. "Anything?~"
>"Yes! Please! Name it!"
>Shiho skips over towards him. Morgana, unnerved, takes several steps backward.
>"Okay, then? Could you, pretty please..."
>Brandishes her dual knives with slasher smile
>Cue screaming as Joker looks away, flinching, and Ryuji jawdrops, clutching his crotch in sympathy.
Yosuke was mostly fanboying over Rise but he did give shit, same with Kanji and Naoto, he worries over her and tells the team to let her shadow go wild so she doesn't have to bottle it up.
wait what? Rise actually appears in this game? Holy
You obviously don't know how Atlus remakes games. Every Persona remake, bar P3P, has been stupid, and P5R has the same director as P4G. It's going to be bad.
In P5? Yeah.
This is 100% true and always bothered me about P4.
do I get to wife Sae in royal or not
I hate how people get so miffed over virgin losers enjoying things. Girls don't look at me, guys all make fun of me and im a social retard.
Let me enjoy my vidya at the very least.
Is this where she cucks her little sister
Big-titty white bitch is always best hoe
sauce me, my dude
Nothing by the same artist
>named him Akira when the game first came out and we had no “official” names yet
>mfw his name was actually Akira
I just can’t accept Ren.
>OVA with every love interest getting a scene
>It's all in first person and they talk directly to the camera.
Why do they do this? It feels so awkward.
>"I wasn't forced to make a baby with him. He made a baby for me"
You are welcome, miss Niijima.
I made up the the baby parts but everything else is actual translation, by the way.
Now you've got me thinking of Morgana as Stimpy and Ren abusing his metaverse powers in horrible, horrible ways.
Holy shit the amount of misinformation in this thread
Makoto is the best girl.
Is your waifu's inner self a bike transformer? Thought not.
That is literally a joke you braindead shitposter.
Not doubling dipping if you don't add a Sae romance, Atlus. You burned me with Margaret so please don't do it again.
That relationship barely counts my dude
I'm happy if they let people who already bought the game just start with New Game+ unlocked, and compendium + social stats transferred over.
The grind in the game isn't terrible, but that perk is pretty acceptable for playing a 100 hour RPG again just to see new shit.
>joining the main character automatically resigns you to incel status because all pussy belongs to him
Shit sucks. I wanted to see my boy Ryuji get some why can't they just make so that he has a designated thot that he gets with unless the MC cucks him.
Some otaku get off on that. It's the closest thing to affection from a woman they'll get.
st-stupid makotofag
You accepted Yu over Souji. You'll come around eventually.
no. it's Ann.
>best mage
>most friendly
>best looking
>aoe everything late game
Ann is also thick as mud.
For me, it's Evil Sae.
Honestly the MC pussy-slaying babe magnet was the hardest to believe in Persona 3. P3 MC was like the proto-emo virgin. It's even more hard to believe when you maxed out his "Courage" and SEES elects you as the obvious choice for leader even tho Akihiko is available for 70% of the game
You left out the part where it goes from "embarrassment" to "this asshole let someone's mom die, exploits students to death, and is a greedy asshole"
If they disregard Ann like that I will be very upset.
That game was made for a desperate attempt at making persona have good sales again, so they went all out with the self-insert fellatio
I mean ffs you cant friendzone any girl and cant spend time with your male team members
What is happening here?
Did she dose him? That last few seconds camera pan seems to suggest that he is about to pass out.
nobody accepted makoto over minato
it might be the same here
I think in P3 the gist was that he was the most empathetic person they knew so they all felt something for him, compared to P4's calm and applicability and P5's suave charm.
I kinda like this. Seeing Shiho castrate Kamoshida would be amusing.
Never write video games.
Sounds like P3 MC was the official friend zoned nigga, the P4 MC was as vanilla and self-insert as it gets, and P5 MC had a Superman/Clark Kent dichotomy. Pretending to be a mild-mannered virgin in the streets but running around everyone's subconscious as the Chad of all Chads. At least that kinda made sense in a DmC Devil May Cry, kind of way.
I like that Q2 didn't ignore this and when they hear the name Rise Kujikawa, they're all "wait you mean THAT Rise Kujikawa" and it leads into a discussion about how they should try to avoid accidentally causing paradoxes
If you don't enjoy the idea of a former victim brutally eviscerating her attacker, I don't want to be on the same wavelength as you.
>can't fuck sae
all i wanted from royal
whether or not we would enjoy that depends on if the writer is competent, which you clearly are not
Pretty sure this seems false, considering Kasumi needs to be squeezed into the main story, as well as Sae and Goro being more involved now.
>Liking edgy fucking trash
Ann was a victim of Kamoshida too and ascended above window dressing for a single palace by NOT killing him, showing that there was anything to her besides being defined by Kamoshida's actions, unlike Shiho. That's why Shiho's never getting a path in the game, because she's a plot device meant to facilitate Ann's character growth.
Also the dialogue you write sucks ass.
Reminds of my first playthrough of Desu:OC when I named the MC Kazuya, unaware that was his canon name in the manga
Fuck kasumi and her retarded name.
Being a Pokefag, first thing that comes to mind is Misty since that's her Japanese name
>this is my boyfriend Ren
lmao are you gonna bring Stimpy too?
Mehh misty gets a pass because she fucks red in gold&silver
But this new bitch is clearly an attention whore! Fuck her!
Anne is all I need.
lel,have you even seen the trailer
I'm hoping they give the ability to put different skills on the party personas- giving Ann just like one more element would help her immensely.
Ann needs Spell Master
Makoto needs Debilitate
Yusuke needs Charge
Ryuji, Morgana, and Haru are fine as they are I feel.
Morgana being "The Handsome Man" is also a joke?
You know it's over, right? You know that the only writing Atlus is going to do is make Morgana human form DROOL over Ann constantly over and over.
How is she gonna react then?
You lost Annfag. Get cucked and fucked.
This, don't mind starting over but I'd like to keep my shit please.
Misty and Red hook up after the time skip in Gold/Silver?
Oh Damn
So you haven't seen any of the character trailers at all? Because they all end with their greatest dreams coming true; Ryuji getting accepted into college, Ann becoming a real model, Yusuke getting the Sayuri hung in a national gallery, fucking Futaba's is her dead mother appearing in Leblanc. All of them taking place after New Years and, combined with the ending of P5, implies that Yaldabaoth or something else sinister is creating distortions in the material world in an effort to pacify the Phantom Theives in some manner. Tell me, what was Morgana's greatest wish again?
Go be stupid somewhere else.
nobody cares
I forget where, but I heard that save importing wasn't coming but that you'd at least be getting something for having data on your system. I'd be content with just bringing one registered Persona over.
This is some Deviantart shit
character trailers?
They've been drip feeding trailers featuring new things for each of the PT for a few weeks now, and there's been some magazine scans showing off 3rd form Persona. At the end of each one, a scene is included that stands out among the rest of the trailer that hints at the plot of the third semester.
>this is what makotofags actually believe
Yes I know that. I know that Morgana's dream was to become human.
And so, what will he do, after he's become human, you mongoloid?
Who does he likes?
What is even the translation for the screenshot of the Handsome Man? Again.
"And then, Lady Ann and I can... Hehehe"
"And then, Lady Ann and I can... Hehehe"
"And then, Lady Ann and I can... Hehehe"
He says this to YOU the player, perhaps dating her. In one screenshot, you're already KEKED.
>And so, what will he do, after he's become human
Considering the clear direction they're hinting at that ESLs such as yourself can't detect? Fight some secret villain, get turned back into a cat again, and lament.
Is Makoto uploaded yet? Can't seem to find it on YouTube
God I want to make that heavy mascara drip down her blushing red face after I propose and make her cry tears of joy.then energetically facefuck her until she's a panting mess
I don't believe so, no. That channel is where I've seen all of them so far and is pretty quick on the translations and uploads. Considering Makoto's popularity and the few PT remaining, she's probably next on the list. Here's a random mag scan of Yusuke's new Persona, a downgrade stylistically if you ask me.
Nigger if you are going to ask these dumb questions you might as well not get any answers
Look, it's better if you just accept the whole situation. I know that right now you're in denial, but it'll pass.
Atlus wants Morgana to have Ann, there's too much hints, too much tension going on, Morgana becoming human, that duo attack etc.
Ann wasn't even rejecting him in the vanilla game. In Royal it'll be Shiho and Morgana, the player will be left all alone. Lol.
But Morgana also has a duo attack with Haru, all the PT have duo attacks with each other, it seems like.
Nigger you're retarded.
My god, these "ultimate" personas are looking horrendous.
Why is that? P4 Golden ultimate personas were so much better and classy.
Ahahaha. Cope harder, Annfags. My Morgana will have a piece of that White bimbo.
After the scenes with Morgana cucking you all, I can't wait for all the memes that will ensue.
Ann will be the ultimate whore of the Persona franchise: Kamoshida, Ryuji pairing memes, Morgana... ... wew. It's tough being a lovers arcana lover. I can't imagine having to deal with all the orbiters, the memes, the scenes and Ann loving it all!
They're hit or miss for me, I really like Ryuji's.
P4's had the benefit of lower poly count limitations meaning most of the changes had to be texture changes only, which is why Naoto's grew a red coat and why Yukiko's was just "gold everywhere".
SJR was a good remake no matter how much people seethe about Alex or (optional) difficulty adjustments
>peep toe heels
Why do these kinds of shoes get me hard so easily?
>Morgana fags exist
>Somehow worse than the character itself
Nah, I dont believe it
For real, senpai?
That's been the case with every character in history, their fans are always the most obnoxious parts of them exaggerated. He probably got cucked in middle school or something.
Well it was still much better because the recolors at least had taste.
All these needless details on Ryuji's persona. The stupid headphones, that dumb weapon, the glasses, the cap etc. Just why? It looks modernized-stupid. (I mean it makes sense considering Ryuji is a dumb character but still.)
Yusuke also had it rough, and pretty much confirms he's disco gay
>tfw no re amemiya bf
Makoto trailer is UP BOIS:
If I had to pull an answer out of my ass, I'd say it's because P5 is a lot more brash and rebellious than P4 was, so the Persona designs mirror that.
Makoto's is in 2 hours
Because you're a footfag and these are like feet cleavage
How the fuck did I allow myself to get rick rolled bros
It's overdesigned crap.
I can't believe they totally ruined Ann's great personas with this and somehow made it the "ultimate". It should've been the other way around.
Fuck you Atlus.
Because you are a dumb phoneposter
The real one is dropping in 90 minutes
it's obvious bait and you dumb niggers are falling for it
>tfw no ren amemiya gf
Sae and Makoto fighting over Joker!
68 bucks, only a little more than it costs in the states.
so can i mating press Sae in royale and giving sony money or am i not
pls answer
did somebody punch her in the eyes
That isn't his name. And no, he wouldn't date that ugly ho. Maybe give a sympathy fuck to the older sister but that is a big maybe.
Still doesn't excuse full price tag. Owners of P5 should be able to upgrade to Royal with a $30 DLC or something
>Ryuji and Makoto interacting
Well that's a thing now
Persona 6 when though?
Braless sideboobs are the patritianest of the fetishes.
>We can finally date the superior sister
What if Persona 6 is a collaboration with Pochi and the MC is pic related
Forgot pic
Ryuji and Makoto is the patrician ship.
Her character exists just so Ann isn't defiled.
What am I looking at here?
Persona protag in the making and his older sister who once got beaten up by Tatsuya
Real talk: Should I play P2 after SMT IV ? I really enjoy playing it on my 3DS, and I heard that Persona 2 is an amazing game.
You're confusing your lovecraftian entities there, sport. Better luck next time.
Real life ain't FFTA you fag
What is this then ?
Me too bros.
If I could have her alone in a locked room..
Holy incel Batman
Have sex
Keep ‘em cucked Atlus!
Mid 2000's bitches loved emos tho. The whole point was that he was an emo loner who learned to love life and the bonds he made with others in one short year before he died. Yukari and Aegis are his only canon love interests tho. And, it's a misconception that Minato is the leader of SEES. The game doesn't wank him hard like P4-MC. Mitsuru called them together and commands them, P3MC is just their strongest member and the field/battle commander.
>Disney Ann
I actually approve.
>they're not even improving the shit parts of the original's writing
Man I really want to romance sae n shit but it really seems like this is going to be almost the exact same game again for full price
Even pokemon's third version shit usually has more new content than this, have atlus always been this jewwy?
>Get hired to coach
>You're an Olympian medal winner, you know what it takes to win
>Coach a bunch of weak and ungrateful children
>Try to help out local girl team
>Get accused of driving someone to suicide and diddling kids
Do we have a release date for Japan or the west for Royal yet? What's the difference like? Honestly thinking about getting it in Japanese, since I already know the story it will probably be good practice.
similar price in kurwaland. also equivalent of $60, but the wages here are at around $600.
October 31st
That's it
Final Part being posted tonight
>Olympian Medal Winner, knows what it takes to win
>Didn't even get gold
Nah champ
If you mean the actual P2, it's generally considered to have the best writing in the series, but the actual gameplay can be a slog to get through. Though you're already liking SMT4 so it may not be that big an issue. The main issue is the lack of a western release for PSP Eternal Punishment.
>If you mean the actual P2, it's generally considered to have the best writing in the series
Yeah I loved the Fuhrer
This but unironically
Me too. Especially her whiskers. So cute!
Jesus christ they ruined Susanoo which was one of the few good ultimate persona. At least Ryuji's ultimate is fine. Have they shown any others yet?
Total cutie
Damn this one is just horrible.
I'm saddened by the fact that they'll ruin this perfect design.
>The original story is exactly the same. The 3rd semester is essentially an expansion pack.
So there's no excuse for it not to be DLC.
It's from the anime, not from Royal
Can you at least transfer your save game from p5 to p5r?
HA, no
Is that a Pink Panther reference with the cat?
Because Persona 5 was a great game, and you want to spend more time with its characters.
Its the same thing with Total War Warhammer 2. The dlc was delayed for months and people were pissed. The base game had already provided hundreds of hours, but we wanted more. We were begging them to let us give them money
This is true
Shame Makoto's new trailer didn't show off a new combo attack, they just showed more of her attack with Ryuji instead of one with another character.
It’s amazing that the average discourse on Yea Forums has fallen so low that people don’t need to post the image anymore
It would have been a good opportunity for a port but it’s hard to be surprised that they won’t since Atlus doesn’t into computers anyways but as a remaster it mostly sounds a little weak; maybe this’ll double as a PS5 version?
i can smell the type 2 in your post.
PC players aren't interested in weeb games, there's no need for Atlus to take time and effort to port their games there.
The main issue with Royal is that it's too soon after P5, especially since Joker in Smash reignited the interest in the base game. However I could understand that Atlus wants to get it over with asap and start working on something else
>"Yeah me too haha"
we're all praying Royal has the option and they just haven't shown it yet, but the anime did it and went all the way with it, so that could be a good sign
The manga makes the implications a lot darker but I don't know how much clarification the anime gives
If we were going just off the game, I don't think Kamoshida raped Shiho. I think he might have if she hadn't jumped, or was telling her to consider sleeping with him but didn't actually do it.
The manga implies his sexual abuse of Shiho had basically already started when she jumped but all we have is creepy fade to black and implications
Don't worry user, it's all almost over
Tonight is the epilogue
One last hurrah to close out the story
Don't miss it
not to be rude but ann's attitude in the rest of the game gave me the impression she'd be an easy lay regardless
I'm pretty posititve Shiho got raped. The game all but tells you with the whole "Made her take your place" line Kamo gives. It's so bizarre that people deny it.
you guys are fucking retarded, of course the original story of "you got here, you met these people, you changed their hearts and then go to jail" part is the same, but it's blatantly not the same fucking plot, we've seen a dozen completely different/altered scenes already that have nothing to do with the original
it's blatantly obvious they will add a way to save Akechi and it will very likely have to do with Kasumi, the entire new original character they just added, which will also make most scenes new and not the same as the original
"main story unaltered" goddamn you people are fucking stupid if you think the main story will be the same just because the devs responded in japanese through a translator that "the main plot will be the same" like no fucking shit, you will still fight yaldy at the end and all that, that's what they meant
>Made her take your place
As in he shifted his attention from Ann to Shiho and then immediately after he started creeping on her instead, she jumped you dimwit. She was emotionally unable to cope with even the proposition of sleeping with him. He told her "You have to do this so I leave Ann alone" and she ran and jumped
Easy, user
I already figured all that
Obviously the story won't be 100% the same, but it'll still have all the major beats the original did.
I'm sorry it just annoys me to see people trying to downplay Atlus' work as "lazy" when it's clearly anything but lazy. The entire reason it's called the Royal is because they are really proud of what it's shaping into
So she jumped because Kamo was being mean to her and WANTING to fuck her rather than the final straw being him raping her? It seems like you're grasping at straws to somehow pretend Shiho wasn't raped, when that's clearly what the devs were implying.
>He told her "You have to do this so I leave Ann alone" and she ran and jumped
Pretty sure the last we see of her before the jump is Mishima telling her that Kamo wants to see her, and the next day her taking the dive. He raped her that day, and she tried to kill herself the next. She didn't "run" or whatever you're trying to say
>to somehow pretend Shiho wasn't raped, when that's clearly what the devs were implying.
prove it with something besides a line of dialogue YOU think means that.
lmao enjoy Komoshidas sloppy seconds cuckboi
>Prove something without the proof that proves it!
Why are you in such denial? That's the obvious interpretation of all this.
>Kamo wants to fuck Ann
>Ann says no
>Kamo starts abusing her friend
>Ann still says no
>Kamo gets fed up and has a "talk" with Shiho
>Next day Shiho jumps
>Later says that Ann was "too reluctant" so he made Shiho "take her place"
What's not to get? It's a clear chain of progression. Just because it isn't DIRECTLY stated doesn't mean it's not what happened. You can use your old noggin to work things out.
What? Shiho decided to take the plunge because Kamoshida yelled at her? He slapped her around a bit? She'd already been shown to endure that. It'd take something more to make her jump, like getting raped.
That guy's either straight up trolling or he's a completel dumbass, don't worry about him
Seeing these threads, why is ann so unpopular? I'm still playing but looking at all the designs and stuff, I feel like ann is more superior than the other girls. Maybe the geek glasses girl but still.
Silly Ratkoto
Except here the minimum wage is like, ~300 dollars.
Because you forget she's there after a certain point of the story, even Ryuji manages to remind you that he exists because of his arguments with Morgana.
Based angryposter
Nerds can't relate to blonde supermodels, they'd rather have the nerdy girl next door or the uptight overachieving loner.
He's Joker.
People forcing adaptation names for MegaTen protags has always been autistic. You gonna start calling Demifiend 'Naoki Kashima'? Or Hero 'Kazuya'?
>give Persona protag a cool name
>then make a dumb name canon
Three fucking times in a row. Unbelievable.
Yu Narukami is way cooler than Souji Seta.
Akira Kurusu is cringe.
Well at least you aren't defending Makoto Yuki
incel older sister roped the next day
>already have a joker but reuse the name
>already have a makoto but reuse the name
Is ATLUS trying to pretend everything before 5 no longer exists?
I can't beleive I'm gonna watch 30+ hours of cutscenes once they're uploaded to youtube.