Wholesome vidya images
Wholesome vidya images
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She looks like she enjoys CBT.
Cunny bating time?
>I type like I enjoy CBT.
Ankha is my wife
Crossed legs
Enjoy being alone tonight, user.
I can't understand why girls kiss guys. Men are disgusting. Extremely aesthetically unappealing, don't smell as nice as girls, just awful.
Wait a minute.... those characters...
maybe if you were a REAL woman you would understand
I will always unfortunately be male and trannies need the rope. I just avoid mirrors.
I hope New Horizons has more individual villager dialogue like this.
the only things she's gonna beat is my meat.
Not all of us guys are ugly.
Not true. Masculinity is not attractive. It's useful for mental tasks.
I meant menial but mental is also true, women are fucking stupid.
you're in luck
it's almost like you are attracted to women instead of men, fucking retard
> woman sneaks a hand down your pants and starts beating you off
> slam your hand down there and masturbate at twice the speed while glaring at her
Haha. There are many guys who look good enough to attract female orbiters. You're in denial.
Also as for that smell comment... The fuck you think women smell like underneath those perfumes? It isn't pretty but when it's your girl the nasty scents are more a turn on than anything. Maybe you should realize it goes both ways.
These reek of /r9k/ desperateness or delusion
Is it too much to ask for a girl to hold me and fall asleep with?
I prefer the real Mileena.
>This nigga gets it.
Apparently for you yes.
Try asking girls out and getting to that point.
mileena baiting in the losers with the "you're special" act, i see. gets the lonely neets everytime
this. real women would have fucked three men by now in the time it took to read those and cheated on anyone stupid enough to take them seriously.
women want to act like sluts but get surprised when nobody wants them.
This image makes some of me whole
>try asking girls out
Why ruin TWO people's days?
kinda cringe
This has a very similar art style to most of the tranny comics I've seen posted, but I can't figure out which one is supposed to be the tranny. Maybe they both are
I hate OCs with long big hair. It just feels so lazy in my opinion, and now that you've this you'll notice it a lot more.
Pet? Pat? Pot?
>crippling lonely but know for a fact maintaining a close relationship would make me miserable
You have to actually be severely autistic and probably a megalomaniac to like this shit.
last one
changed is a very shitty game even by rpg maker and puzzle game standards but by god i'd fuck puro so hard
>t. projecting robot
>in relationship with lovely woman
>would still prefer to be alone on the internet most of our free time
I'm broken
Wtf is CBT
your gay
Crash Bandicoot Two
Coding Break Time
That's not Puro.
It's from DragonSnow's new vidya.
also same
is learning coding worth it or fucking horrible?
Sites fuckin dead mate
Same, but the exact opposite
it's a good start to going on hrt and wearing cute socks
Lmao that chick copped a feel on the way out holy shit.
Cortex Strikes Back...
can't beat this syndrome
Yeah, it's both.
Cock Beating Techniques. It's basically advanced forms of mastubation and it's fucking amazing. You should find some local hooker and ask for some CBT sessions to have her teach you.
Fapping will never be the same afterwards.
>no one will have an intimate one-on-one with you just to say how much they value your friendship
among all the shit talking and the like, let your bro know they're pretty cool no homo. a few words make a lot of difference.
Do not trust this user
Hookers are subhuman
I already got the song stuck in my head so might as well get it over with.
Does it help you poop??
>Ask a hooker to beat the fuck out of your dick
Why would you recommend this to anyone
I know, but when I saw the hair It reminded me of my hate for that particular hair design.
>user finds out in the stupidest way possible that he isn't gay
by not being fat and ugly
Oh my Christ this is adorable.