Pick two of these Bandai Namco characters to be in Smash.
Pick two of these Bandai Namco characters to be in Smash
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Ok. The Prince, and the motherfucking Prince.
Heihachi and KOS-MOS are probably the most likely if we get any new namco characters.
I'd rather have Jude or Velvet as a Tales of rep, just to diverge from the usual swordfighter.
Chosen Undead and Agumon
i choose dig dug 2 times
they all suck ass except prince and digga nigga
Agumon 2x
Dig Dug and The Prince
I like dark souls and Katamari the most but I'd have no fucking clue how to make a satisfactory moveset out of either.
Kos mos and Nightmare
Lloyd and Agumon
any two from these
Prince and Dig Dug
price and dig dug
Klonoa (Imagine the porn)
and Dig Dug because retro good
KOS-MOS, and pic-related
I pick anime man in power armor with giant robot
Fuck Lloydfags
agumon and beelzemon.
>Why yes, I would choose Klonoa and KOS-MOS. How could you tell?
both are for inflation
incredibly based and especially redpilled
>why yes, i would like to pay extra for more xenocringe garbage. how could you tell?
atleast dig dug, give me more inflation fetish porn.
>soulsbabbies keep shilling Chosen Undead in rosterfag threads
>he's not even top 5 in here
Lloyd and I don't care. Whoever makes more people happy. He's the last rep I need to have all my favorite games/series fully playable in Smash.
Based as fuck
Heihachi and Dig Dug
if more lloyd fans were like you I wouldn't be opposed to him getting in. that being said my most wanted Bandai Namco character is still Agumon and my most wanted character overall is still Phoenix Wright
wouldn't be as opposed*
You're entitled to that opinion user. If it doesn't happen in Smash at least Phoenix seemed cool MvC3. I should really get around to playing those some day.
>No SRW Rep
You fag.
mappy and bravoman
good luck to you too, humble lloydfan
Heihachi and Kos-Mos, but honorable mention to Prince.
I'm a digifag but this is the correct choice.
Just Agumon is okay. The other ones can go fuck themselves.
Chosen Undead
>not the prince and miso as independent characters
taizo hori
the rest are shit so there's no debate here.
>Not based Browning
agumon or kos-mos
swordies get out reeeee
Don't get me wrong, Haken's still fucking great but Sanger's one of the de facto faces of the OGs alongside Ryuusei and Kyousuke.
I still don't think anyone would be as good as Kouta. He's the only one that's still /m/ as fuck even outside his robot
>KOS-MOS and Mr Driller
any other answer is gay and means your gay
>A version of Roar that "borrows" moves from all of the Toku heroes throughout the Compati series
Damn it, I want this now.
One of your picks is gay.
Your other pick is gay.
You're gay.
>+14 other cousin alts
It's known fact that KOS-MOS is Bamco's default crossover character.
and that has no impact on her getting in or not
Out of those? KOS-MOS and Nightmare, although I would prefer to have Maxi or Sophitia instead.
Why is Heihachi always the choice around these places? He's not even the main character of Tekken. Jim or Kazuya would make a far better choice.
Capcom often uses Chun Li and Morrigan as their crossover whores, yet Mega Man, Ryu, and Ken all got in and they did not
Nintendo picks the characters, not the company who owns them.
I like dick so yes im gay but wanting anything but mr driller and kos mos makes you gay, and this is coming from a gay so it makes you extra mega gay
Capcoms mascot/crossover whore is megaman
but keep coping
Pokemon vs Digimon would be pretty neat
Mega Man is Capcom's Mascot
Ryu has more crossovers then any Capcom character
Ken is literally just Ryu with Blonde hair
He's the most iconic
I never played tekken and i have no idea who the literal whos you mentioned are but i def know who heiachi is. He was in SC2
>Morrigan has more crossovers than Mega Man and Ken
>Chun Li has more crossovers than Ken
Yes thank you for proving my point
Chosen Undead
Anyone else is unlikely
I choose Don-chan and Valkyrie.
Klonoa and The Prince with every single cousin as alts
>the prince's alts are all his cool palette swaps like lucha
>miso gets all the weirdos