Platinum games released a new blog.
Where they literally say they are doing an "anime game", also some haircuts for the girl and the most important thing of all at the end: alternate outfits.
Astral Chain
I Platinum doesn't get broke from this game
I am excite
Even if the game flops (it won't) is funded by Nintendo, they can't go bankrut from this.
Faggots bitching about the girl using shorts can shut up now and what the fuck is that on the right? Imagine an actual cop looking this edgy.
If it flops, it’ll probably scare third parties from putting out exclusively on the Switch.
Between Daemon X Machina and Astral Chain, there’s a bit of testing the waters.
I’m ready
Wonderful 102 would be a far safer option, prove me wrong
W101 flopped extremely hard, accept it already. Even the most hardcore W101 fan will tell you a switch port first would better before a sequel, the WiiU destroyed that game.
In before an entire arson related mission is removed from the game or something equally unfortunate.
More like the journos destroyed that game.
Everything was against that game:
>Terrible Demo that scared away potential buyers.
>Chibi style that also scared away normalfags.
>Gameplay is too experimental for its own good.
>No marketing.
>Did I already mention the WiiU?
It was a good, soulful game. I genuinely enjoyed it
You are one, the public is many.
Why have so much customization in an action game?
Why not?
You are going to play the game on hardcore difficulty right? Surely you're not a casual?
The "iris" also gives mind read?
I'm glad I beat it but the gamepad gimmicks mean I won't be touching it again. Pikmin 3 is the only forced (inb4 wii mote controls, gotta use gamepad for go here function) gamepad game I can be bothered to replay.
>he doesn't play every game on normal mode
>ywn live to see the true Pikmin 4
I'm doing a first playthrough of W101 right now, and I feel like the camera angles and QTEs can be too frustrating at times. I heard people complain about instant deaths in Bayonetta which never bothered me, but W101 seems to be way worse in this regard. Seems like almost every stage or boss has something that instantly kills you and sends you back to a checkpoint. long hair option for the girl?
Only thing worrying about me is the cuffing mechanic, the E3 demo you could tell that the guy playing was getting frustrated with it
That guy suck ass playing, gamexplain also suck but when they played they found out that the "cutting" move can cut the "gattai" line some chimeras do from any distance.
Easy for story playthrough.
Harder difficulties for second playthrough and beyond.
Start on normal
go on to harder on next runs
go easy if i wanna mindlessly crush shit
There's at least 15 hairstyles for the guy. The blog only shows 4 for the girl. We haven't seen the rest yet.
I only like 1 and 4
Gamexplain hasn't played the game. That was Nintendo staff showing the game and explaining it to them. Same for Arekkz. Nintendo hasn't let anyone play the game yet.
>Only one "black" guy hairstyle.
Guess I'm playing as a woman again. do realize AC is not third party right
This game was the highlight of Nintendos e3 Tree House stream
It's gonna sell millions.
Options are always good
I will probably play it on hard but maybe not hardcore.
Similar hairstyles were grouped together, and there's one more after the black style based on the scroll bar.
But you should play both anyways because of the story and voiced line differences.
As long as I can have my pretty black girl with silver hair I’m fine
>alternate outfits.
Well fucking finally. I was starting to think DMC4 and 5 were the standard for extras, which means no costumes. Turns out they're the exception.
>wanting sequels instead of original ideas
you are the problem.
>hard but maybe not hardcore.
There isn't a hard listed there. Only Casual, Standard, Hardcore. Though it would be unusual for a platinumgames game to not have an unlockable difficulty.
The game has skin color choice, you don't have to settle for a black hairstyle when you can just be actually black instead.
It’s not being developed by Nintendo as far as I know.
Oh well then yes I will play on hardcore.
The very first trailer showed the dog costume. That's not some extra side mission either, that's some normal gameplay because you can pick trash whenever for money.
>Similar hairstyles were grouped together, and there's one more after the black style based on the scroll bar.
Oh okay.
>But you should play both anyways because of the story and voiced line differences.
I might depending on how I feel by the end of my first play through.
>pretty black girl with silver hair
My brother.
I guess but I would still like more.
Am I the only one who pretty much never changes from the default character in games like this? For MMOs I usually play a big black guy with an afro/wacky haircut, but in games where they use the default character that's viewed in advertising. Games like this and Mass Effect; they ask me to create a character but I'm NOT that character. I'm not Commander Shepherd looks like this, Astral Chain man looks like this, etc. Am I nuts?
Yes and?
You have autism, it's ok I'm just like you
In Xenoblades Chronicles X my protag was all default setting and his name was Cross
can anyone basically rundown the premise of this game? it looks sick but honestly i cant into jrpgs or turn based. help me out yea?
Big yikes.
It's not a JRPG or turn based, it's a Platinum action game
>i cant into jrpgs or turn based
I didn't know that at the time. I figured you played some relieve stages as a police mascot. I also forgot that Bayonetta 1 & 2 had a docen unlockable, and expensive, costumes. Should've trusted P* to nerd out with their games.
>i cant into jrpgs or turn based
It's not a jrpg or turn based though. Its an action game where you do combos and shit while trying to not take too much damage for good ranks. There's some detective stuff between fights too.
i know its not a jrpg i was just throwing that out there. i just dont want it to be like xenoblade 2 cause i tried many times to get into it but never could
It doesn't have anything in common with Xenoblade. Have you never played games like DMC, Bayonetta, MGR, etc.? Story isn't the main focus, the game is built around the action gameplay.
man im suddenly really excited for this. thanks amigo
I wonder if this is all the hair styles. How many did the dude have?
I hope there's a way to turn off the slowdown on sparks and zandatsu. Also hope there's a way to shorten the zandatsu animation in general. Maybe like a NSIC thing where it goes away on the hardest difficulty.
Ok, I see a pic was posted. So there's gonna be a lot more styles than just this.
Both Bayonetta and W101 (wonder line drawing) removed slowdown on hardest difficulty, maybe they could do something similar here. The slow motion in Astral Chain is mostly to tell you when you can activate a sync attack, so its not even something like witch time that lets you get more attacks in. It could be removed. The slow ends quicker when you press the button faster anyways.
I'm curios if Platinum will actually go through with making this a trilogy. I'm not invested in that to happen yet but I am interested to learn if platinum will finally have a series that isn't constantly struggling.
They only said they have the idea, not that is already planned to be a trilogy (and that means not blue balls cliffhanger).
Looks good, but default hair style seems to be the best style for both so far.
It's a level based action game, progression is linear with a few optional gameplay segments.
I just hope the game plays well and sells well
Watching that dev play made it look like instant GOTY
I just hope it has button remapping
>announce bayonetta 3
>2 years later announce and release another game
>haven't even shown bayonetta gameplay
I'm curious to see what the game looks like when a combo video autist gets a hold of it. Demetrius is pretty bad at games in general, and even when Taura was showing the game off in the boss fights he made some clumsy choices and didn't use all available moves. Trailers and pre-release footage are never good at showing that type of stuff.
DMC5 has them shook
Because they announced it when all they had was that little CG teaser. They had only just started work on it, there was basically nothing to show at that point and likely won't be for another year.
Now that DMC is back what do we need Bayo for anyway? It can stay gone
I don't think I ever had a problem with the QTEs, but it's fine to fail them the first time because of the fun failure scenarios. If you're really going to get into the game, like 101%, you're not going to Pure Platinum the game on your first playthrough. Your first run is meant to teach you how to play the game with subsequent stage replays testing your knowledge and application, which is why you don't have access to all your abilities from the start. It would just be too overwhelming. But trying to get Pure Platinum on everything, even on Very Easy, is tough even for someone who has played before. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the game mechanics and fundamentals of ranking just on Very Easy.
not everyone likes to juggle pacific floating punching bags, some people want games with enemies that actually do something so DmC5 won't do for non casuals
wow, rude.
okay nincel
off, look like I hit a nerve, are you ok?
I'm playing through on normal, but on a bunch of fights I miss a pure plat just because I get hit by some small enemy I didn't see. The camera and having too much shit on the screen are the main things annoying me. At least Astral Chain looks to have way better visual clarity.
The combat gimmick in this game is such a turn off for me. I can't be the only one right?
>That bird
So alt costumes are confirmed?
post launch
Daemon runs at like 5fps, it deserves to flop.
wow, those are all awful
>So much as mentally registering games when their reveal shows no gameplay.
The industry has picked up a love of revealing games at the start of development, if there's no gameplay, delete it from your brain.
Well that makes me hopeful
God I hope they don't keep witch time at the higest difficulty in bayo 3 like they did in two. I get that it's because witch time was made central to the combat in 2 but that itself was a mistake.
Its basically a combination of wicked weaves (combo enders) and team unite morphs (AI attack separate from you).
>hairstyle N igger
They said in the treehouse stream that you could obtain costumes. A previous devblog showed a different shirt. This blog shows two more screenshots of outfits, possibly confirming that you get costume slots to combine different parts.
I like the slicked-back hair on the bottom row, third from the left. Looks nice.
Fun Fact: Astral Chain will be the first Non-Zelda Nintendo game to win GOTY since Metroid Prime back in 2002
Oh great, the last thing this world needs is even more media that glamorizes police. What the fuck Japan
I want the rival's cool helmet
Is more simple to say is anith6er "chaos legion".
>The creatures you fight gain a smoother more armored look when they are under control
Seems a bit Eva influence
Some crossover outfits would be nice too. Like a wonder suit or bayo's outfit. Bayonetta did end up in W101 and Anarchy Reigns too, so it seems possible.
Why, that eagle is an actual cosmetic?
No one gives a shit for kyoani, its time to let it go
I want to eat that burger!
I don't have a Switch but I'm going to buy a physical copy to support physical copies
3rd on bottom row, sexy police reporting for duty
Are they ever gonna release the Collectors edtion in the US, being EU only is dumb, god damn it NoA get your shit together
Girl needs a bigger butt.
I don't know, dude. It kinda speaks to the situation we see ourselves in to trow a parade celebrating something that should be the norm and even a given.
I ALWAYS go hard mode if possible for games i really like on my first play through so that way i can challenge myself and enjoy the game longer due to actually having to try.
is it confirmed locked 30fps?
No, gameplay so far has been 60fps according to reports
well that's good, last I heard it was 30fps which seemed like a horrible choice for a hack'n'slash like this
so basically the "astral chain" = wicked weave
The new footage from e3 looked fine
For the combo enders and dodge attacks yeah. You can also leave them out so they auto attack on their own, you can command them to use skills, you can chain jump to them, and you can manually move them to chain bind/bounce enemies.
Fun stuff, fashion has proven to be a well accepted form of end-game progression, so it adds longevity at the meager cost of hiring some extra artists and 3D artists
Going with number 4, center top.
Who's throwing a parade?
What? I'd heard 30fps.
>Bayonetta 3 trailer is shown
>P* studios: Wait, what the fuck, we're not working on-
>Kamiya barges in
>"I've got an announcement"
>game is probably going to run at 40-50 fps
>Bayo 3 is probably going to run the same
I hope I'm proven wrong, but it's really disappointing these games are held back by weak hardware.
40-50 isnt bad desu, and its much less noticeable in handheld
doesn't bayo2 run at at mostly 60?
if they keep the grafix around that level it should be fine
I really hope they can get it locked at 60 fps. Platinum figured the WiiU out decently enough.
I wonder if Bayo3 is taking so long to come out and it's only being released after Astral Chain because they want to fully understand the hardware in order to achieve 60fps
I'm still really looking forward to this even though I haven't bought a Switch yet.