Have you experienced this before?
Have you experienced this before?
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man, i really hope that new Switch in Aug fixes this shit.
Yes and this needs to be addressed by Nintendo before the Lite comes out, which won't have replaceable controllers. Signed it.
What would come from this? Deadzone calibration?
This shit's gonna get spammed by "RISE UP!!!" shitposters, but if you are experiencing the drift, fill out their little questionnaire. Especially if you hate Nintendo like I do
People get drift-hands from the shape of the controllers so they’re suing
No, but I haven't used my switch in a year. I probably would if I actively used it.
>last thread died at 50 posts because tendnies don't want this to spread
Are there bigger cucks?
Nintendo has a long story of lawsuits and most of the time, wins. Even if they win this time, I hope Nintendo address this issue with the newer models.
Yes, once but I got it repaired. My cousin got it twice, even after getting it repaired.
I have no idea why the Joy-Cons break down so easily, I heard that the design of the internals surrounding the analog sticks end up scratching the contract pads, but I'm not sure.
Could you imagine if the n64 controller showed back up today?
Yeah, Nintendo repaired it for free and I could play my Switch for a week as they repaired it
Yes. My bet’s on the idiots who’d join a bullshit class-action lawsuit instigated by a jewish lawyer only out to profit off of a on-issue for the majority of Switch consumers. Enjoy getting roped into a tedious legal system which will ultimately end up in the case getting thrown out, though.
It's because they're cheap.
>whining about nintendo while no one pays attention to you
How come there was no lawsuit when 360 analog sticks wore out in a year or less?
>Switch Joy-Con drift
It's just general hardware failure, which they will not be held accountable for. If Microsoft could get away with the RROD which was egregious, catastrophic hardware failure due to a patently flawed design, then there's no fucking way something like this is actually going to fly in court.
imagine being this defensive of a corporation trying to jew you with $80 joycons that stop working properly within a fucking year
no, because im not a sperg and can play video games without holding controllers in a goddamn vice grip
Yes, a few months ago i had to clean it
That is exactly why. I charge kids 15 bucks to fix their joycons. Making a fucking killing lol.
i had to Google it and it's some kind of sticky joystick response to the controller pad
hello newfriend
lel, cucks.
Looks like food from the thumbnail.
can they do the same with the ds4 thanks. fucking got one to use on my pc with the christmas sales and the right analog stick started drifting up within 4 months
Not defending nintendo, but since when have console controllers not been low-quality pieces of shit that could break in just a year?
Well, obviously. I'm just proposing a realistic ideal resolution.
Microsoft made some really awful design choices.
Joycons ruin the Switch, i only play it docked now with the Pro Controller because all my joycons drift and i refuse to pay another 80$ only for them to start drifting in less than a year.
>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be seen playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.
Switch drift is BS and Nintendo needs to fix it.
But you fuckers are overdramatic. It happened to me and I took care of it. The fix is 5 dollars and easy to do.
It isn't something specific to only the Joycons. Other console controllers also have the same issues, and probably at a even faster rate. The issue is simply how the graphite interacts with the buttons. It will wear and tear, and leave residue particles, which interfere with the inputs. Any other alternative is far more expensive and prone to other issues besides drifting.
I'm a Nintendo fan and i have to agree, Wii U was much better.
No, I don't even know what drifting means
Ds4 isn't meant for the PC. You should have gotten a Xbox controller.
Kek. Let's watch Nintendo squirm out of this one.
Imagine being so fat at computers that there is food
Never. But most people usually end up having to buy a second controller for local play so if one starts acting up, they just use the other controller so they don't really notice it.
Imagine being this much of a faggot.
I prefer the dualshock though and it works perfectly fine on pc these days with either steam or ds4windows
360, Wii U Pro
Need I go on faggot?
Are you retarded?
Do I unironically have grounds to sue whenever I purchase a shit quality product?
I thought you could only do this when the product has been misadvertised or if you've been lied to etc. But if the product is just shit isn't it just shit?
I just used WD40 Electrical contact cleaner
Drift gone
I feel yeah construction wise it should’ve been better but class action lawsuit worthy? Nah
Am I supposed to know what "drift hands" means
You can sue anyone over anything. It’s up to the judge whether or not you’ll win.
I've not experienced this issue, mainly because I bought a pro right away due to my large hands, but a friend has had his left joy con repaired three times at a local repair shop that claims they can fix the drift. Luckily he only had to pay once and they "fixed it" again the next times for free.
But this will go no where. Red Ring was worse and MicroShill didnt get in trouble.
This guy had the right idea.
I see them announcing Pro-Joycons that basically rip out the IR camera, fix the drift and increase button size 12% while having the same dimensions as the current version
I was careful with my controllers and never held them with cheetofingers and the analogues would still sometimes go off-center and the ABXY buttons would sometimes get registration issues if I didn't press them down a certain angle.
>Wii U
Hard for them to break when you never use them
You can literally sue over anything. Whether a judge will hear the case or a lawyer will even take the case is a whole other matter. This is why social media witch hunts became a better idea for women. You could sue for sexual harassment, or say something on Twitter. Which is easier and costs less?
I'm telling you this for your own good. HAVE. SEX. Get fucking laid. FORN-I-CATE. What's that? You're a pathetic virgin and don't know how? Here's a hint: TAKE A SHOWER you filthy fuck. Shave your fucking neck beard and for fucks sake, BRUSH YOUR TEETH.
it quite honestly sounds like you're the one that needs to have sex
>ps1s and 2s have disc reading problems
>original ps3s and 360s melt into ashes
>nintendo now makes shovelware hardware to go with their shovelware library
Did you use it on the sticks or the charging contact
I got my Switch in the beginning of this year and it had drifting straight out of the box. This shit is intentional. Joycons aren't $80 because of the "high tech" inside them and even if the tech is as expensive as they claim, it should not be malfunctioning in such a way for the absurd price tag.
Lol this
What the fuck is drift-hands?
>see class-action where you can technically sign up since you own the product related
>sign it even though you don't quite understand the problem, just so you can get like $5 if things work out
If you do this, you're a fucking nigger.
What exactly is drifting? I've been thinking about getting a switch.
I've played on like 4 sets of joy-cons between me and my friends.
No problems whatsoever.
I really believe this is just a loud minority experiencing the issue as with many complaints regarding peripherals.
Buy a switch and play it for a few hours to find out.
>play games with crumbs of food on your fingers
>surprised when the controller starts to act like shit
I bet you faggots eat at your keyboard too. Bet you'd find a snack worth of crumbs in it.
Didn't they offer warranty/repairs to a greater extent than Nintendo does though? I remember getting RROD after a few years and it got repaired (or replaced).
>didn't know you could do this
>just did
lol, I'll spend the money on PSN cards, too.
yes, broke within the first year
didnt even use them often
Go back to complaining about Metroid Prime, Dobson.
Its more like nintendo has a knack for shitty fucking controllers. The dreamcast styled xbox controllers are by far the best. Sonys controller was ass until the ps4. And the only good nintendo controllers are the gamecube and wii u pad.
>Switch controllers are so bad it's starting lawsuits
What the fuck? Between this and the pro controller dpad what the fuck is going on at Nintendo?
The manchildren playing this toy are dirty. The device must be so greasy, you could fry tendies with it.
So under the joystick are the sensors
The Joycon don’t have decent covers like other controller to protect these
sensors from dirt dust dead skins cells etc
Leading to a “ghost input” or drift
Luckily the issue is easily fixed with electrical contact cleaner and cheap toothbrush.
It’s more annoying and an inconvenience than a system breaking design flaw like the RROD.
yes with both left joycons I own.
I opened it up and fixed it though.
I had it happen
Fixed it with come canned air
watch as it isn't addressed and you end up needing to entirely replace your Lite
which will combo just great with Nintendo's shitty save support
I just cleaned the whole damn thing
I use this same stuff on 50,000$ Government Server and haven’t had anything break yet
Electrical contact cleaner and a dollar tree toothbrush are always in my repair bag.
>"have sex...wait NO! AHHHHHHH!"
Not exactly a good comparison considering that Nintendo got in trouble for that back then.
I bought it on release, and haven't had this happen, but my brother says they got one at work and the one there does have drift, so I don't know how it happens. Can't even say that I used them carefully, I have a bad habit of treating my electronics like shit (have had drift on 3 Xbone controller and 1 PS4 one)
But how a joycon problem affect the Lite version?
Oh ok, as long as its fixable I'm not too concerned over it. Thanks for the info user, very helpful.
holy shit hes taking her under a bridge or tree to fuck her. pretty hot desu
You don't touch the stick yet it still registers as you moving the stick.
Do you have the original Yea Forums version where the counterpoint was like "you're an SJW" or something?
>bunch of retards dont use the product the right way and get hurt
>company's fault
just clean your analogs underneth with some compressed air faggot
That won guy won his case against the 3ds i remember. He said he inventes the 3d stuff they used and got like %2 percent of the profits from them. Hes probably loaded af on his own island now. Not that its that relevant to this.
I haven't experienced it, though my Pro Controller sometimes registers the slightest movement, enough to fuck up Zelda because any stick input disables gyro controls until you let go of it again. Not an issue in Splatoon 2 as the stick doesn't disable gyro.
I barely use the joycons for a whole lot, though, just in handheld mode and it's usually not for stick-heavy games.
Because they're more than likely going to use the same cheap hardware for the sticks
Okay I brushed my teeth and had a shower, does this mean I'm not a virgin anymore?
No console I've ever used has had an issue this obnoxious this quickly, if ever.
I had the thumb pads on an xbox controller start to wear away after 9 years of use, and that was it. No playstation controller issues over several consoles, no gamecube problems, wii/U, nothing.
Welcome to the world of lawsuits.
Anyone got that anime video where it makes fun of lawsuits, with a grandma who sues a company because she was stupid enough to microwave her cat, causing all microwaves to come with a warning on them? It perfectly captured the absurdity of retards
the joycon stick, particularly the left one, are prone to getting a ghost signal to one side.
It's super easy to fix, if you aren't prissy about opening the thing. You need the triangle screwdriver, but that's it. Unless it's really fucked, you don't even need replacement parts. Still, it's a design flaw and they should be responsible for it.
Oh yeah
The Internet completely over-inflating this issue
If anything I had to get a Joycon repaired over my “+” button that stopped working yet just fixed it myself for a stick drift issue
I don't have the video, but that was from "Yakitate!! Ja-pan"
>1.2 million pairs of gloves somehow costs 80 million dollars
The fuck were they silk evening gloves?
They already changed the D-Pad and fixed some 3DS and DS issues with new releases, why this time it should be different?
The right stick a little bit, the left one is fine.
I never used my joycons.
>lawsuit goes through
>Nintendo complies to use better hardware for joysticks
>Jump the price to $90 per pair
>"Prease understandu very high quarity hardware it cost us lot to make yes yes?"
Joycon drift? No.
System overheating and needing force reboot? Yes.
>I never used my joycons.
How did you complete the setup of your Switch
Touch screen.
at least this shit is bad publicity for nintendo, who cares way more about their public image then Microsoft.
I had some drift issues, but it was from a dusty dock.
I got double joy con drifting and it fucking sucks
mine's unusable right now. heavy drift on both sticks. waiting for replacement sticks i bought on ebay. no buying more joycons.
I'm pretty certain that was a real case in the US. They have disclaimers on EVERYTHING whereas our damages/insurance regulation require people to have a bit of common sense instead. Unless our professor memed us.
t. non-american law student
how does this even happen? the switch is a wasteland, theres nothing to play except mario odyssey. how do you use it enough to have the controller break?
>Sonys controller was ass until the ps4.
The hell? The ps1 and ps2 controller are really good, especially for fighting games unlike the ps3 pad.
Thx bro
link for those interested youtube.com
What about other game?
I did, I just bought a new one and return my old one to the store claiming it was already broken.
The problem lies in the joystick. The pro controller can also suffer drift.
Yes, my launch-day switch's left Joycon started fucking lots of things up after roughly 15 months. I'm on my second pair now.
I imagine it was mostly postage.
It hasn't happened to my Joy-Cons but it happened to my Pro Controller which fucking sucks ass because I use my Pro Controller for PC games as well
Spl2n before the online jewing started. That was a killer for the joycons.
This shit happens even if you take good care of your shit. My hands are always clean when I pick up my video game shit, and one of my joycons got affected by drift.
The difference between me and the morons in the OP are I actually bothered to look up how to fix the issue and it was literally as simple as blowing some air under the little rubber cap under the joystick. Works just fine now.
Good, fuck Nintendo for releasing shitty products and charging customers to get them fixed. They should be sued for the dock as well, as that's a major cause of Switch defects.
You've obviously never played Mario Party 1
hasn't happened to me but that's because i take care of the things i purchase
>smash tryhards are breaking their controllers
just use a real controller fuck. i rarely play mine undocked unless it's tetris while i'm shitting. and that uses the "D pad"
It's literally unavoidable so long as you play using them at all. I've never had another controller malfunction in my life yet my left joycon started having this issue a bit after Odyssey came out through regular play.
i play on my switch almost daily since launch and works fine for me buddy
Blessed post
You're full of shit then.
I have about 5000 hours combined in Splatoon and 3U and my pad still works perfectly with the exception of the battery draining fast. How did Nintendo fuck up so bad with the Switch?
wtf is this?
It's an incel finally having sex.
Post a screen of your playtime then.
Yes. Congratulations user, you are welcomed into the pantheon of elder Chads.
playtime of what?
i'm in bed
Pretty fake
Unfortunately the contacts can sometimes rub into the surrounding material, leaving scratches that eventually causes drifts. That's what happened to mine after using half a can of compressed air to try to dislodge any dirt.
You can still fix it by completely disassembling the controller and replacing the joystick, but of course it's a tedious process that requires proprietary screwdrivers to even open the damn things. It's kinda shitty that they'd continue to make more joycons with such a prevalent flaw in quality.
I filled it out and I do love Nintendo. I'm just extremely disappointed in the controllers' quality while everything else they've made has lasted must longer.
The fuck does that have to do with the post you replied to, nigger?
>I do love Nintendo
onions cuck faggot
Microsoft squirmed out of RRoD shit, Nintendo will end up squirming out of this one.
They CANNOT be this retarded right?
I would expect them to fix it considering the joycons aren't removable. They cant be this stupid.
I had this happen.
All I had to do was update my joycon and recalibrate. It was fixed and never happened again.
Are people fucking retarded?
Sure it shouldn't happen, but it's so easy to fix.
Microsoft had to extend the warranty on 360 consoles to multiple years.
I dont know what it is, i assume the sensor has problems finding itself on the TV after extended use.
I'm going to chalk this up to cheap parts and cheap housings.
Time crisis 3 gun had no ghosting at all and that shit came out in like 2000.
Used it last year, shit still works lol.
No they gave extended warranties, and paid for the whole RMA.
It was just shit quality heatsink and thermal paste. That's all it was.
Yeah. My left joycon started drifting recently. I lifted the plastic a little and cleaned it with compressed air and it's good as new now. I didn't have to open it. I guess it was just dust.
No, but I use my Pro Controller whenever the game isn't either specifically optimized for Joy-Cons or else absolutely needs a solid D-Pad, so I don't use them much.
Wonder how much money they'll lose this time.
>They CANNOT be this retarded right?
They let it fester for so long that they are getting hit with a class action lawsuit over it now
They already are that retarded
So like is it the analog sticks drifting or the motion controls? I haven't had this issue yet.
Yes, I have a PS2 controller with a stick that no longer centers and a sixaxis PS3 controller with a stick that no longer centers.
I experienced this shit two (2) times. First one just 3 months after buying it. They replaced my Switch for a new one and I thought it was bad luck.
But no, same problem with the new one after 5 months.
If my third switch fails again, I'm done with this console.
The sticks. Debris gets stuck near the contacts which causes unintended inputs. Once you get it you will be unable to make perfect circles and the stick won't go back to neutral properly.
It's not too different to what happened with N64 controllers. On those, the gears and bowl would wear down making the controller unusable. That could have been prevented if Nintendo applied some lithium grease to the parts.(which apparently was done with some early Japanese controllers)
Holy shit, and these things cost like 80 bucks to replace. I see that the era of Nintendium is over.
The era of Nintendium was over after the Gamecube, and even that system gets problems with disc reading eventually. The original DS's crappy hinges was the official end.
Even Nintendium did have a few cracks though. Notable ones are the NES's cartridge reader which wore down, the Famicom Disk System which dealt with fragile, unreliable disks and the N64 controller stick.
>Nintendo is doomed guys... any day now...
SEETHE more PCück. Now go launch the Epic Games store to buy more exclusives from Sweeny
I experienced this with the wii u what
It's more the fault of Mario Party 1 for not allowing more in-game rotations per stick rotation, meaning the only actual way to win pretty much any stick-spin minigame is if you palm it, which not only fucks up your palms, but is also why most N64 sticks are loose as fuck
No, and before like a week ago, I never heard anyone on Yea Forums mention it at all.
i filed the form, hopefully it goes through with enough people
i probably wont get my joycons replaced since nintendo would never do that but hey maybe i'll get a $10 eshop card out of this
takes one to know one
Apparently the Canary Mary race in Banjo-Tooie was originally going to be played using stick rotations like in MP1, I can only imagine all the fucked up hands.
I'd love to think that Rare witnessed all the shit going on with MP1 and scrambled to change the races to A-mashing, which would explain a lot
It's almost certain it was related to the Mario Party 1 controversy since that happened right during Tooie's development.
probably, but i only play rhythm games, so i never use the sticks.
Distribution, fines, court fees
>actually have to wash yourself with soap
>if you don't wash yourself you smell bad
>parents only washed you for a few years before expecting you to do it yourself and they didn't give you a lifetime supply of soap
WTF this is bad design I'm going to sue my parents right after I get back from the smash tourny what other nintendo bros are with me?
haha i was playing in the splatfest when i posted that
>The fuck does that have to do with the post you replied to, nigger?
when does it ever?
I don't know if this is common with 7th gen controllers or something, but my NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii and Wii U controllers still work to this day. If every controller you get breaks down after a year, you might be tossing it at the wall one too many times user. Just a thought