No lootbox

>No lootbox
>No multiplayer
>No visible sjw bullshit
I don't get it. How will EA inevitably fuck this up?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dark Souls inspired

6 hours long, no replayability.

By making it boring

by being EA

Making it Force Unleashed

>believing EA about any of that
I guarantee it won't have any of that on launch, but they'll add it all in within a couple weeks/months along with a patch to destroy any normal play progression to force people to buy the brand new cash shop boosts.

It looks boring.

My hope for this game is that the hardest difficulty setting makes it feel like Sekiro.

The Shadow of War aproach.

This. I really don’t get how people are thinking this looks good. I guess Star War fags will eat anything up

Came here to say this.

>You know what kind of Star Wars games we haven't had in a while?
>Third person Jedi action
They sure love putting out shit

I'm hoping they won't just so that they have something to point to when the next big disaster hits. Like "See, we're not all bad, we made this! We deserve the sole Star Wars license, everyone loves it!"

It just looks like a big PR move and I'm okay with that.


>No visible sjw bullshit
they toned down the violence, before enemies limbs would be cut off with the lightsaber and you could slash a guy in half, now their body stays intact with bright streaks across their body

they dont want the game to be 18+

50/50 its one of these two, either EA is gonna shit the bed after the launch when people aren't paying attention and go full microtransactions/lootbox stuff for materials like Dead Space 3 to get around the tedious grind, or they'll play it cool, release a critically liked product with no fallout or scummy moves to blog about so that they can get back into Disney's good graces after the sword of Damocles got a little lower.

Shadow of War did the reverse though. The devs even admitted they had to remove the micro transactions if they wanted anyone to touch the post game because other wise any savvy player will just assume the publisher wants them to pay up if it gets slightly difficulty instead of just gitting gud.

This is marketing.

>defending EA, the literal worst game company to ever exist

Disney nuStar Wars


>spouting nonsense because you hate a company

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Yeah but there hasn't been a really great one since the Jedi Knight games. Not that this one looks great or anything.

r/QueueToSuckEACorporateCock is that way, my good man

But they didn't have any microtransactions to the review copies no? And then they were added either day 1 or a week later? And then backlash made them remove them due to what you said.

That one gameplay video made it just look like a terrible game.

You know, I never believed that shills were on this site until this post

>defending EA, the ones that made loot boxes and microtransactions - the literal worst game design creations of all time - the norm across the industry

>believing any of this shit carrying into release
fuck off shill

and yet they removed loot boxes from battlefront 2 and removed season pass from battlefield v

I will definitely buy this game on sale for 5-10 dollars in 2-3 years.

Nothing about it looks particularly interesting or good so they don't really need to fuck it up.

Hey fellow Redditors, EA sure sucks right? They're literally evil XDDDD upvotes to the left please

remember, nothing means anything anymore

You know, I heard those guys on reddit breathe air, you should probably stop doing that, after all, you wouldn't want to be like them, right?

Honestly? This. It just looks boring. But I think that is entirely because of how "cinematic" the game is trying to be. Cutscenes every other step, exposition and dialogue from nearly every enemy as you approach them which slows down your momentum as you stop to listen. Slow on rails invincible vehicle sections which are basically just interactive cutscenes. These things are not inherently bad, however they do stifle a trial gameplay and absolutely kill replayability. Modern AAA games often forget that games and movies used to be distinct from one another. The purpose of a game wasn't to make a movie or tell a story, it was to play the game. The reason so many people simply choose to "watch" modern games, instead of play them is because the gameplay is so thin that it's actually more satisfying to just sit there and watch.

yeah FUCK EA
I know they will add LOOTBOXES and MICROTRANSACTIONS and add a SUBSCRIPTION to the game even though they said they wont

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Tbh, they already fucked it up imo by making it a watered down version of Force unleashed instead of continuing the Jedi Knight series.

Not even saying that Kyle Katarn shoud be the protagonist or anything.

But the content is yet again incredibly dull and bland, nothing of interest or that wasn't seen and failed in previous title.

Another Jedi, another le learn Force power, another le starkiller sith(genderbent...), le help the rebellion...

It just blows my mind when I remember both Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy, how these games were simply original and entertaining in every aspect while respecting the established lore.

How can't they make something as good or better? These games were extremely simple with a pretty irrelevant story but very fun to play.

>believing anything a corporation says
Good goy

Not even a shill. I'm just disappointed in Star Wars under Disney and I'm hungry for good content and I miss good games.
I know,
>Good content

Long story short, I need people to shit on it so I never get tempted to buy it.

>being retarded

>resistance vs empire again


they already fucked it up because the gameplay looks terrible

No dismemberment.
Too short.
No multiplayer

>every character is gay or bi
>quest line evolving exploring the positives of homosexuality and pedophilia
>strongwoman companion that never shuts the fuck up

what else?

All words have no meaning. Literally literally means not literally. "This but unironically" can be ironic. Bots are now 100% capable of mimicking human conversation and reply to each other.
This is used by multiple companies, governments, and independent users and groups for the purposes of marketing, social manipulation, and straight up fun. Nothing anyone says means anything. Everything you read is a lie and 100% true. Everything is fake and everything is real.

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Star Wars 1313 died for this.

Where does this meme even come from? If anything loot boxes are Valve's fault


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>generic TPS cover shooter died for this

I don't care if you buy it, it's not my money, but I will make fun of you for buying a shit game

>Long story short, I need people to shit on it so I never get tempted to buy it.
>i need people to constantly talk about the game, so that i will not buy the game
who exactly are you trying to fool, shill?

I won't buy it because I know it will be shit after looking at gameplay videos

From what we know
>No dismemberment
>Set at the time of a new hope
>No sith or darkside powers
>Slow as fuck "darksouls like" combat
I'm already super disengaged
I'm hopeful that because it RESPAWN it might be redeemable but at the mometn it looks pretty fucking dull.

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On the contrary, this would actually make me pick it up, and I hate EA with a burning passion. Doing shit like an AT-ST boss fight with DS/Sekiro inspiration sounds kinda fun.

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>s*y w*rs
it was doomed from the start

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EA were making shit games long before any of those things were popular

>hating on Star Wars

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EA doesn't call them loot boxes anymore. So they can still put put them in the game and say they didn't lie.

This is just essentially a reboot of Force Unleashed.
It's almost exactly the same time period because it seems to be the only "safe" era in which you can invent shit and handwave it off later.

No one wants to do stuff post OT because it hurts the sequel trilogy's place in existence.

>Never ever Kyle Katarn level kino ever again.

The demo looked boring as shit too which I'm sure doesn't help.

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Force Unleashed was based

There was a bit too much force wank for me, but I enjoyed it for what it was.

The lightsaber looks like a glowstick that's been lit for 20 minutes and started dying

I enjoyed both but boy were they short as fuck. Especially the 2nd one, but it had such a cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool fucking feature where stormtroopers would ragdoll from force powers but hang onto stuff for their lives.
Found this example from googles

>no sjw bullshit
>click on the image
>white mail looks fugly
>black gender fluid on the back
>no he is totally not there just to ratio, trust me

on the one gameplay released there was no visible gore or blood, looked fucking shit

forgot about that one

They could repeat what they did for Titanfall 2 and send it out to die being crushed by both Battlefield and CoD yearly releases.

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Shit gameplay and unlikable characters.

>no visible sjw bullshit

its an EA game, its going to be absolutely infested with sjw themes.

that is fucking retarded

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Guys I'm stuck on the Jedha mission. How do I get past the TX-225?

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>no character creation
>boring fucktard protagonist
before you say shit i don't give a fuck he's a white male that's not why he's boring it's fucking retarded not to have character creation i would've created white male any way

It's a disney wars product, it was fucked from the start.

Shoot the driver's needlessly exposed head.

Yeah I have no ranged weapons so I ordered Moroff to lay down suppressing fire and that seems to be working.

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its just a helmet on a stick

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The actor is gay.

>TORtanic nowhere to be found
bad list

TORtanic is trash, of course it isn't on the list, but theres too many good star wars games anyway. The picture would be too big if all of them were put in it.

Given how poorly shopped that image is, it might as well be. The hatch isn't even open.

I don't want to be a Jedi.

>here's a light saber
>You can't cut anything with it
No thanks.

>EA, uh finds a way

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I think I prefer using vibroblades in this game. I'm still trying to learn how to parry.

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> can't create your own character
> stuck with generic white boy #5 again
> can't make based Twi'lek

In a universe with tons of viable alien species, kinda lame how we always get stuck playing as humans.

it'll be a watered down force unleashed just like new god of war got watered down

It's Star Wars, it was gonna be shit regardless

remember force unleashed? same thing.

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tortanic is unironically a million times better than both the new battlefronts. And it wasn't very good. And the mobile shit is bad even by mobile p2w standards

Have you guys noticed you have faster cooldowns for Force abilities on Ahch-To?

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>dog shit and better than cow shit

>this autist again

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Okay fuck Nar Shaddaa. Rodian and Gran bounty hunters spawn endlessly and Iv can't get the paramour achievement with Kara Safwan.

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You forgot one:
>no realistic lightsaber

I'm actually looking forward to this game, but the demo had enemies with 1 hp. I hope there are difficulty options.

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even if the never ever add any type of micrtransaction or lootbox shit.
im done with anything startwars
the game looks boring as fuck
same shit as any other goty bait game like last of us or god of war.
and on top of that... IS FUCKING EA, you must be retarded if you think im gonna give them my money.

>No visible SJW shit
There absolutely is. They got some ugly negress as a sidekick character instead of some QT black girl. Its the most fucking infuriating trend with these niggers. You have have a black female sidekick and people will love her if SHE IS FUCKING ATTRACTIVE. But they have to pick the most unattractive and masculine looking black women.

>Chandar's Folly mission
>Trying to avoid storm zones
>Being hunted by Inquisitors


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>DIsney Wars is so trash that disneyfags have to RP to try and spark discussion

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Why must there always be some coon ass motherfucker in everything?

Rehash fucking souls inspired so a fucking no for me i dont want more of the same and that stupid fanbase to mix with already fag star wars fans. A fucking abomination

>Blenjeel mission
>Fucking around looking for a Jedi temple to learn new skills
>Find Sith temple instead and learn Duneblast

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They said the same about battlefront 2
They said the same about battlefield V

Dont fucking fall for it again.

You can see it's an uninspired 3rd person ripoff a la Uncharted.

How can you not see it? It's just yet another shitty 3rd person movie game cashgrab.

They fucked up by having a generic white guy as the protag in a universe that has more humanoid creatures as Jedi Knights.

>Cantonica mission
>Disguised as a fathier jockey
>See some executive from Sienar Fleet Systems
>Slice his legs off

See, there is mutilation in this game!

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Believing ANYTHING EA promises is literally asking for it. They lie about every fucking thing and pass it off as “lol we were just kidding, we didnt mean it like that”.

I mean, you're talking about an extremely boring franchise.

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Surprise mechanics

>Meet a Force Witch on Nyriaan
>Try to seduce her
>She drowns me by forming an orb of water around my head

Fuck this game

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>Instigate jailbreak on Fest
>My dudes aren't armed
>They get mowed down
>Negative light side points

Attached: Fest Galactic Assault.jpg (1920x964, 3.12M)

>If I bring up there's no lootboxes, even though that doesn't even seem feasible for this type of game, people will surely buy it!

Fuck off, EA.

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I've made it to Saw's camp on Wrea but how do I recruit Cycyed Ock? I need him to back me up with his vibrorang.

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Respawn really though of everything! There's so much to explore on Ring of Kafrene and it feels so vibrant! My favorite hub area so far.

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>removing loot boxes from a 2 year old game
W-Wow! They're the good guys!
>removed season pass for a game that flopped
W-Woah! They're listening to feedback!

>Go to Chrome Citadel for a sidequest
>Grindalid Slumlords summoning slice hounds non-stop

Fuck this game.

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>believing EA

>Another day at the Wanton Wellspring
>Dude wants me to smuggle nerfs to Ibaar

I thought I would do cool Jedi shit in this game

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they didnt remove the season pass from the game, it didnt had one on release

>even though that doesn't even seem feasible for this type of game
Have you forgotten Shadow of War already? There's always a way. Game still doesn't look great.

How much is the marketing fag paid?
I work only weekends and lurk here every other day. I could use the extra bucks.

>Fucking around on Darlyn Boda
>Kill a toccat
>Bring it to the Yarkora Haruspex so he can tell my fortune
>He's bugged and just stares at the entrails

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I'm more amazed they're wasting marketing shekels here in 4chinks rather focusing in ribbit.

so much cool scifi written into the universe that never gets used

>Hanging out in a tavern on Lokud 7
>Blow all my credits drinking Merenzane Gold
>Take up hunting

Okay this ain't bad

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>get btfo

You think they aren't? Reddit is 90% corporate shilling. It's disgusting.


but when was the last good one ?

also color palet as soulless as it gets

>No visible sjw bullshit
But that is wrong, they are going to charge for a download of it which is SJW, see Karl Marx' labor theory of value and
>waah support the developer!