I don't know what to play

I don't know what to play

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Russian roulette

with my dick

How about a video game?

Whatever you want.

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You shouldn't be playing anything. How about you actually improve your life instead of wasting thousands of hours sitting in front of a screen just to get your dopamine fix. You make me sick.

I don't want to play video games anymore but I'd still rather play video games than do literally anything else.

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but which one

No, this is the rule:
either enjoy yourself or improve yourself, preferably both

also these

I don't know what to play either. I just got a bunch of Switch games today, too. That was probably a mistake.

Half Life 2: Update

T. Hedonistic faggot with no ambition or goals

Let's just talk on discord, op!!!

Damn I sure wish I could get some CUNNY around here

Literally me.

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I'm not, my problem is I never have fun
it's why I'm here

but I don't know what I want

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>I don't want to play video games anymore but I'd still rather play video games than do literally anything else.
Thanks for describing my life user, I was wondering how to put it into words.

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sounds like you have bad taste in videogames

Tell us what games you have and we'll tell you which one to play.

cringe gay weebfag retard

post lewds of the dumb demon

Chrono Trigger


Give me some fag games user

Let's have sex

a game of pretend

Just eeny meeny miney mo your backlog

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>do that
>"uhh, not this one"

I know that feel but mines getting worse

>play game
>have fun
>quit before finishing
>never launch it again

>buy a game that's meant to be played with friends
>never play it because friends don't care

>install a bunch of games
>never bring myself to play them

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>having friends
wow look at mr big shot over here everybody

I'm not sure if I can even consider them friends anymore at this point
I haven't seen any of them in two years and we only talk occasionally on telegram chats, and even then it's just shitposting.

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who is this brown nugget

what fucking "country" do you live in that still uses telegrams

My autistic approach cannot detect sarcasm or humor so I'm just gonna assume you're serious

it's the name of a software that's basically a less cancerous version of WhatsApp

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>get bad posture from playing for few hours
Haven't played ever since

if you just do some stretches and minor exercise, you wouldn't have any posture issues no matter how much you sit on your computer

what kinda playing we talking about here

Play some Brawlhalla. It's free.

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Jahy is fucking cancelled

You're fucking canceled, bitch.

Half-Life 2: Update with MMod

You're fucking canceled, bitch.

This is your average Jahy poster.

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god i wish i were a Jahy poster

YOU'RE fucking cancelled, bitch.

damn she was built to be





god I wish that were me

I mean who could blame him? The loli is cute AND she's cosplaying as my Pokewaifu.

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Play Final Fantasy Adventure (GB). Rom's under 200kb, emulates perfectly on just about anything you have from phone to pc to psp, lasts a good couple hours, it's the first mana game. The translation is eh, but it's a solid game regardless.

It even plays well on KB&M. You have no excuse.

I entered the thread to laugh at the OP but this post speaks to me

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I want to cuddle a cute brown loli. Especially of she has cute little bare shoulders.

Stop that.

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what's wrong with doing what he said

still no idea what to play
kinda in a mood for some point n click adventures so I'm downloading monkey island again but that's pretty much the only one I've ever played in this genre

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>point and click
"play" a """moba""" or vn

mobas are gay and I'm not really feeling like reading a VN, but rather play an actual adventure game, just point n click because I'm feeling really lazy lately

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play Lost life

>point & click
you mean you're in the mood to read guides, because that's what 99% of point and clicks are.

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Just play Diablo 3 with Joe Rogan in the background.

Diablo 3 is heavy on button mashing though. At least recommend Diablo 2.

I haven't known what to play since 2017.

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Brown skin is so ugly

And so is skin cancer tan

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>Brown skin is so ugly
Found the homosexual. Fuck off degenerate.

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Oh yes calling me a homo because I dislike brown, very VERY original. Completely ignoring that fair skin is a thing, for a chance to call me homo.

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Scratches is a good point and dick