I keep waking up to a female demon, every single night. I did not want to believe at first but the other day she took control of me I think and left me some messeges on my Switch. If you would like to know more I have a video of me the night it happened please give me some advice I do not know much abouts demons am I at serious risk here?
My mario maker is haunted
user, I...
are we posting toes?
here is my ingrown toe
Is this just a video of you getting a boner and then playing Super Mario Maker 2?
You are having psychosis, seek immediate help from a psychiatrist
See you in three days
This video is serious please I just need some advice
Go to /x/ faggot
Absolute state of Nincels
Woh no need for harsh language, I have a serious problem here and would like an honest answer
>owning a switch
What is nincels is that like a battery or something?
Then go to /x/, the only demons you'll find on Yea Forums are the ones of the semen variety.
what's happening is that your Aunstor (name of the demon according to my knowledge) is trying to send a message in a media that is connected to it, it's trying to get near you.
What i'm trying to say is that the the thing is telling you something, check the level for clues or anything out of the ordinary.
After that look for a summoning ritual on /x/, ask them how to summon one, Yea Forums has some qualified shamans that know how to communicate with the spirit/demon in question.
Good luck user!
nintendo fans should all be permab& from Yea Forums
Sell it. Make a salt circle around your bed before sleeping.
Drink only water for the next 7 days, nothing else.
Avoid sharp and pointy objets.
What are som good games on Nintendo Switch?
I like smash bro you get to play as link mario dk yoshi and even rob
wtf is this thread?
your device is haunted you have to burn it
But I spent all of my savings on this game I sold my soul it is my fault I deserve this
I thought that was a really weird looking dick for quite a while.
I believe I can help you out.
I can use my "going-inside-video games device" to go inside your Switch and defeat this evil spirit. Just tell me where you're at so I can make my way there and rescue you from this foul apparition.
Please, I live in Kenora my coordinates are 49.7594 -94.4831 I need something done about this
this is just retard bait
ok on my way
Odyssey and BotW are a good start
I bet I can kick your ass
I'm more concerned about that gross ass hair growing on your toe than the actual festering wound
Fuck this thread
it's just hair
you want me to groom my toes?
Most men don't get hair growth on their toes
it just looks weird to me
You should see my pubes
Citation needed.
I go to public baths all the time and stare at everyones toes like an obsessed homo
>Most boys don't get hair growth on their toes
>it just looks weird to me
This is a great thread, reminds me of very old days when Yea Forums used to be good
im sending a cleanup crew to your house. the demon must be contained. i cannot gurantee your safety when they get there so if I were you I would start running for the woods right about now
cut your nails symmetrically you fucking animal
Bro you lit have a pic of a catcready to suck your dick the only thing you can beat is a literally your own pussy... fag
Enjoy your ban faggot
Have sex