>perfectly fine thread deleted for no reason
Anyone excited for these guys? What teams will you be using?
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
Based mods delete capeshit
Mods, delete this too
>moon knight
eh. jared leto tie-in
Don't be an ass
If it doesn't fuck the levels too badly, I'll be switching to the characters that thematically fit the mission the best, like Spider-Man in that prison break out since it's filled with his villains.
Anyone else notice the original spiderman is inferior to all the other versions?
If you spam a 1 minute trial mission over and over for 1 hour, you can outlevel the entire main story. So levels is not an issue.
That's normally the case for most heroes
>The panel announced that new playable characters Cyclops and Colossus would arrive as part of a free update to the game on Aug. 30, followed by a series of alternate outfits for all of the playable characters in the game after launch through Q1 of 2020.
Why is there so much fucking soul in this game’s development? It doesn’t feel like 2019 anymore
Decent ass, but I love Psylocke's fat ass.
Okay, but why?
wait, so costumes through to rest of the year.
and it sounds like it might be more than one alt per character
Muh Jared Leto solo movie. I still like the pick either way.
>Cyclops and Colossus would arrive as part of a free update
Fucking nice, that means two more slots open for the X-Men DLC, which means a higher chance Magik is in, which means my dick will be happy.
Are the costumes free updates too?
They really should go a little more ham on the villain pics, 6 is pretty measly.
WOOOOOO Moon Knight
Maybe we'll get more later.
I wouldn't hold out much hope for Magik, she isn't as popular as JEEEEEAN, Beast, Gambit, Rogue, Cable, X-23, or even Angel.
Morbius isn't really a villain.
Those of you who've got the game, how are the difficulty and performance?
Magik does have the benefit of being used constantly in the comics. But team ninja might pick her just for the moveset
Thanos aside, all of the playable "villains" confirmed so far are currently anti-heroes who frequently ally with the heroes in the comics.
Kill yourself you faggot redditor
I just wish the game looked better and was available on more platforms, two problems which exist solely because it's a Switch-exclusive title.
>"eh" is Reddit-speak
I wish you zoomer summerfags would die out, honestly.
I'm tempted to spend some extra cash to get it from JP or AUS a few hours early so I can play coop with it tonight instead of Smash.
any hope that it's just a temp exclusive? I literally see nothing about this game that utilizes Switch's shit.
Published and funded by nintendo
It's not going anywhere
>me and the boys
you said this about Octopath
Just look up the development info yourself.
No I didn't
The look of the game has more to do with budget and style than being a Switch exclusive
>it's peter parker but black
fuck off out of my board stupid subhuman with literal shit taste
SE themselves published Octopath traveler in Japan. Nintendo just took care of the localization. In this case the game itself only exists due to Nintendo. It's like the PS4 Spider-man.
But Miles is good now that Spiderverse salvaged his character
Wish they got that’s VA for this
Cope nincel, just a matter of time before this game crashes and burns and they put it on a real system
ItSV Miles was great but PS4 Miles is decent enough
I guess theres talk Nintendo wants to keep going with this franchise.
So it's a fact that all the spidermans in this game are trash tier. They're based around utility and combos, and utility only works against fodder tier characters, and combos are irrelevant when you can just wipe enemies with a better character.
Glad someone is keeping the series alive
Fuck yes, Ninty knows what's up.
>which means a higher chance Magik is in, which means my dick will be happy.
Man of culture I see
All I know about this chick is that she has a cool sword and is related to Colossus
How long until it unlocks.
3 hours for fags like me
You are an actual IRL retard aren't you? I never said I liked the other spidermans. Original is the only one I like, but the other ones are stronger in this game. You need to kill yourself because you are a waste of air on this planet. You're just another food stamp collecting bum with no education who lives with his mom. Get a job and a life.
Keep the art style and reuse assets and push development onto more new characters as well as more levels, and give me an X-men Legends 3 in the same art style while they are at it. The visuals in this game will scale extremely well onto the Super Switch.
Playable Ebony Maw when?
>2 hours and 40 minutes
May as well just watch a movie, what a short game.
The window might legitimately decide whether or not I get this game. It's couch night tonight for me and by next week I likely won't be able to convince anyone to try the game if the Smash patch rolls out and distracts all my friends.
>tfw watching Infinity War while I wait
So it's definitely unlocking at midnight est?
I played about 20-30 minutes of the game and found it really low quality and pretty meh. Memesters calling this a phone game are kind of accurate, it feels like a very polished phone game more than anything else. Even regular enemies are damage sponges, half of your attacks regularly miss enemies or only hit 1 at a time. Also the fact that this has a season pass makes this less attractive to me. Don't feel like playing a very basic feeling game and then having a $20 roster update dangled in my face. The game feels slow and barren enough as it is, why the fuck wasn't this shit in the game from day one
Should be.
>basic enemies
>damage sponges
Nice try shitposter.
I just want my daughteru
What's the deal with Moon Girl? Isn't she some smart Inhuman?
You mean except for Miles and Gwen?
Kamala's great but
>Smartest person in the world
>Small awkward child
I know you're baiting, but I honestly wonder what sort of pathetic individual could actually like Moon Girl as a character.
shrug, I played it, just saying how it is. Enjoy your $59.99 plus tip ;^)
OK I need to ask a few questions here, last thread died before I was able to:
>What are Inhumans and what's different about them to mutans?
>Why is the Marvel Universe so indifferent of mutants but then willing to treat them like the bad guy when they fight back or just try to survive?
>In fact, why the FUCK is Marvel so damn anti mutant? A bunch of sentinels can show up to try to kill every mutant and where the fuck are the Avengers or anyone else to save mutants from literal fucking genocide?
>Why is Marvel trying to act like Cyclops keeping his race from going extinct is somehow on par with Hitler?
It just sounds like Mutants are basically the lowest of the low, basically expendable and irrelevant despite the fact that they help save the world/universe countless times. And yet they get NO respect. Why?
They're the black people of Marvel
Pretty much all of those things depends on the writer of the current run. Contiuity outside of individual runs is autistic to remember at best, so it really comes down to how they want the world to be portrayed in that story
TL;DR comic books.
>What are Inhumans and what's different about them to mutans?
They have dormant abilities that get activated from Terrigen Mist.
>Why is Marvel trying to act like Cyclops keeping his race from going extinct is somehow on par with Hitler?
Writers tried to make him the villain in a garbage way.
Other questions can be answered by inconsistent writing.
>I played it, just saying how it is.
Then you clearly didn't play the past games or even other beat 'em ups prior to to this.
>20$ roster update
You're paying a third of the game's full price to get at the very minimum, 12 characters and more missions. More than what UA1 and 2 offered.
I'm so mad this is a Switch exclusive. What a waste.
Luke Cage, Miles, Blade, and Black Panther of course!
>What are Inhumans and what's different about them to mutans?
They are basically just not-mutants. The Tetrigan Cloud can unlock a human's dormant Inhuman powers OR turn them into a grotesque monstrosity.
>Why is the Marvel Universe so indifferent of mutants but then willing to treat them like the bad guy when they fight back or just try to survive?
>In fact, why the FUCK is Marvel so damn anti mutant? A bunch of sentinels can show up to try to kill every mutant and where the fuck are the Avengers or anyone else to save mutants from literal fucking genocide?
>Why is Marvel trying to act like Cyclops keeping his race from going extinct is somehow on par with Hitler?
Because Disney didn't own movie rights to X-Men, so Inhumans are your new favorite characters now.
Are any of these 4 confirmed? Definitely want Blade and Punisher. Moon Knight is cool looking but I don’t really know about him
Confirmed at the SDCC panel. Release in September.
It's already established he's a shitposter, I don't even know why you bothered when everything he said is bullshit
>What are Inhumans and what's different about them to mutans?
OK, here's the rundown.
During the stone age, Earth was visited by the Celestials. The giant fuckers like to treat the whole universe as their science lab and made the the early humans their lab rats. They tampered with the human genome, which led to the creation of the X-gene, as well as the Deviant and Eternal races.
Fast-forward a few millennia, the Kree empire come to Earth to repeat those same experiments, hoping to create powerful soldiers to fight the Scrulls. Their goal is to create more Eternals, but they fuck up and create bootleg X mutants instead, the Inhumans. The big difference is that their powers don't develop naturally, they have to be exposed to a gas called Terrigen which envelops them in a giant cocoon that activates their powers. The Kree abandon the whole thing and leave behind the Inhumans, whose civilization is far more advanced than their human contemporaries. So the Inhumans decide to hide their society for thousands of years until the Fantastic Four find them.
>Moon Knight
Alright, that's pretty based. Might pick up this shit now.
It's official, and for the matter being, they may not be the only playable characters in the Marvel Knights DLC:
Give me Man-Thing
Moon Knight is an ex-mercenary who becomes the avatar of the ancient Egyptian lunar deity, Khonsu. He has multiple personalities and spends his vigilante career stabbing thugs and punching ghosts.
>decide to hide their society for thousands of years until the Fantastic Four find them.
I hate this so much in any media. When it turns out something/someone ALWAYS existed but you just didn't know until much later, it's such a cop-out in writing.
the x-men logo they're using is the 90s one
so its more likely we'll get more x-men from the cartoon
so probably Gambit, Rogue, Iceman, and Jean Grey
sad that x-men basically stopped as a series after the 90s for a lot of people for some reason
not even Morrison X-Men gets referenced in games
not even the New Mutants get remembered
Next Evolution was pretty damn good but only 2 seasons then poof. Wolverine and the X-men also got canned and most of the writing on the comics for X-men goes all over the place. So what can people hold on to except the 90s show when everything else either gets auto cancelled or just sucks because the writers are retards?
Whats some good comics to read for him?
You shouldnt be mean like that to your friends here.
What's gotten into Nintendo lately?
>A bunch of characters to play the same shitty levels over again
Oh joy. Why can't they add more levels? More actual shit to do?
They add more missions in the DLC packs
Built for rough anal and thigh jobs
Why are games constantly getting more stupid and dumbed down?
20 fucking years ago we had X-Men Legends and that had gear equipping, stat leveling up and fully customisable and upgradable power ups mixing and matching. On top of large diablo-esque maps with far greater environmental destruction and interaction. With secrets to find and explore.
This game has almost none of that. An absurdly streamlined simple beat emup experience. Why are we going backwards?
>runs like shit
>looks like shit
They're literally adding more levels with the expansion, I don't know what more you want
Games got popular
he just wants to not like things user, let it be.
>This game has almost none of that
Literally the only thing this game doesn't have is different powers to swap from, the rest of the shit you mentioned is a thing. That being said, the main issue the original devs had is that most of the other powers you could select sucked dick
Is there a trivia machine in this one? That shit was my favorite part of these games when I was younger.
No I want X-Men Legends 3. Ultimate Alliance was never good.
I played MUA3 for an hour and already I'm getting the urge to emulate XL2 for psp on my switch instead
then fuck off xfag
>cant decide whether to buy this or pic related, both coming out today
Moon Knight (2014) by Warren Ellis
Moon Knight (2016) by Jeff Lemire
Refer to if you want older stuff.
>No I want X-Men Legends 3. Ultimate Alliance was never good.
>he thinks they're actually different games
Pirate custom maid
Wasn't this out for PC ages ago?
Legends had large maps. UA is linear corridor trash.
Sex sells and they know it. Which is why they quit censoring shit and have a tight leash on Treehouse localization now. It's very much a good thing.
Why isn't the juggernaut playable ffs
Don't fucking lie, X-Men Legends 1 is literally a linear plot game. XML2 isn't really much different, at best you could say they had slightly bigger maps on average but most of the time nothing was fucking there
If you hated it so much you wouldn't be in these threads falseflagging
It'll be Emma Frost
Why are you crying?
Don't tell me you're poor and your parents only bought you a ps4 because you don't have a job
I have the game but I'm too fucking tired to play it right now.. I'll play after a sleep
That is because legacy heroes are always an artist or writers pet project to give them some type of creation. Basically they do the poochie effect to make sure their OC's are superior. There is a reason that the best legacy heroes are the ones that break away and become their own hero, of course that is rare as it is.
>still no moon knight netflix series
why do people hate money. Normies would LOVE this shit.
>he wants it to have two seasons then get cancelled like the others
Evolution and Wolverine and Pals still focused on the main X-men though
>netflix series
It would be Disney+ at this point.
literally yes
but okay I would like him in the MCU desu fug I was thinking small time. I just get butthurt because this shit was announced for netflix YEARS ago and nothing came from it. I just want something. He's a COMPLETELY different angle. We've been to street level, space, galactic level shit already. We NEED moon knight level shit.
Holy shit from the Wesley Snipes movie? Is this a cameo?
Normies aren't going to be able to follow the mindfuckery aspects, especially if they base it off of the Lemire run, and the showrunners/producers aren't going to allocate enough budget for the supernatural elements to really shine. The fact that Iron Fist was such a trainwreck cemented me not wanting a Moon Knight tv series even though the format would likely be better than a movie+sequels.
This makes me genuinely miss marvel heroes online.
If you're not baiting then Blade is literally a Marvel character, user
>Normies aren't going to be able to follow the mindfuckery aspects
And yet Legion is on its 3rd season.
It got an official english translation, other one you had to machine translate.
Most likely gonna become an MCU movie. I forget who wanted to write/direct it though.
yea desu they are gonna need a big budget to go from cabbie to galactic space to full albino batman
Can someone honestly tell me how to make the spiderman characters useful? The stagger game seems to ruin them completely.
Incel who doesn't have sex.
I would but I haven't played yet
She's technically smart, but is stubborn, naive, and lacks experience. She's unique among the other nuhumans because she actively HATES being inhuman, and her inhuman power has only caused her problems.
Her inhuman power isn't being smart by the way, that's all her. Her inhuman power is swapping brains with Devil Dinosaur, causing him to tard out in her body
What makes you think I'm baiting?
Moon Girl's own book is OK. She's just insufferable in any crossover aside from Venom.
This game was clearly balanced with actual co-op play in mind. I've been stuck on the Dormammu fight for about an hour now because the AI doesn't know how to dodge all the MMO raid boss shit this boss spews everywhere infinitely so they die every time and it's impossible to solo because bosses regenerate their stagger defense faster than 1 character can damage.
So the AI is braindead?
Yes, the AI will just stay in a bosses face and attack while it's clearly charging up powerful attack you need to avoid. It was fine up until the Dark Dimenson since the game itself was easy until this point but the difficulty leap here is brutal and the AI can't keep up. Wish I had friends to play with.
Fuck, this is what I was afraid of. I did not want to have to play it multiplayer but I knew the AI was going to be a problem since it doesn't let you switch between characters like the old ones.
Can't you just play it online?
You can switch between characters with the d-pad but that doesn't really help.
>doesn't let you switch between characters like the old ones
Wait, really?
MoonWing, Iron Lantern, Speed Demon, Spider Boy
Are there even 4 good DC characters.
The Comedian
Dr Manhattan
DC characters are shit.
So how is the COOP and is there any actual end game or will I play it for 10 hours and never pick it up again?
>Gorilla Grodd
>Classic Harley Quinn
t. Alan Moore
>Lists Rorschach but not The Question
Get out. Also, watch the DCAU and Batman The Brave and the Bold.
seems like you only like the watchmen. Fag.
This makes me happy. But makes be fucking sad that Capcom dropped the ball on MVCI.
Just imagine if MVCI wasn't in development until after the infinity war bullshit was settled, and had its roster based on MUA3 appeal.
>Dr. Manhattan
Suffers from same issues as superman, but more godly.
I know he's based on someone else, I just don't care.
It's about the best DC ever had to offer, that and Batman, literally the height of DC characters, and really the only one that compares to good Marvel ones.
>The Question
>Green Lantern (Kyle)
>Bane (Venom-using suit-wearing luchador Bane, not Dark Knight Rises For You meme Bane)
>Flex Mentallo
Are there any recent gameplay vids to check out besides E3 and Treehouse? I've never played any of these but I like the concept
>It's about the best DC ever had to offer,
Never will I understand why Moorefags think deconstructionist garbage is the best anyone can do with superheroes.
You can tell Team Ninja wanted to give her the High leotards and show a little more booty
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
I don't give a fuck if nobody but me would actually buy it.
Just admit, you don't like superheroes or comics. You just like super powered dramas.
>Adding Ted without Booster
If you're going to just add Blue Beetle without doing Blue & Gold then Jaime has way more cool powers to work with for a game.
I'd buy it just for Static and Zatanna
Dr Manhattan was actually interesting though. Superman always sounded like baby's first superhero, with his basic bitch super powers, and a complete lack of depth, he was ruined by giving him any weakness, he never needed to be weak to anything.
It's not the best that anyone can do with Superheroes, it's more a show of how shit DC is, Batman is their only good legacy Super Hero, Marvel is packed full of them.
I like Superheroes, just good ones, so it's almost entirely Marvel, and Batman.
dont have a link but there was guy posting a couple videos of gameplay the other day on youtube because he got it early
Just watch some gameplay vids of mua 1 and 2 desu. This looks pretty similar but closer to mua2's focus on hordes of enemies
You have no idea how hyped i am for this as someone who played MUA 1 and 2 on hard recently. The AI is fucking horrid especially in MUA2 so if they are even marginally better that makes 3 a better game.
Black Canary
There is a trial mode and a couple of hard difficulties with new game+ i am pretty sure
Marvel heroes aren't heroes. They are defective people with powers. The only GOOD marvel heroes are their cosmic ones like Beta Ray Bill, Nova (richard), and Silver Surfer.
I just beat mua and most characters are lucky to have three moves worth a shit
A lot of that stuff had major issues, so i'm glad they are reworking it in 3
>That IGN shitpost thread
What goes through the minds of console war faggots?
Supposedly there is more of an endgame than the previous ones which basically had none. There are trials, new game plus with an unlocked harder difficulty which also unlocks harder trials.
Basically endgame is doing the hardest difficulty trials by leveling up your iso 8.
>They are defective people with powers
And they are so much better.
>There are trials, new game plus with an unlocked harder difficulty which also unlocks harder trials.
When did we learn this? Great news
Just placed an in-store pick-up order for tomorrow at Best Buy. Still have Gamer's Club Unlocked, which knocked the price down to around $50, and two five dollar reward certificates that brought it down to $40. I'm really going to miss GCU after this year...
I plan on having Spider-man in my party most of the time, but outside of that I will swap a few people in and out. I really like Venom, so he's going to be in quite a bit. Thor or Hulk will come in and out a lot. Maybe Strange or Scarlet Witch in the fourth spot. Wish they had some better female characters, I don't particularly like most of those that were included.
The tree house during e3 and subsequent info being trickled.
They are just day time television drama fags that bitch, whine, and kill other heroes. That is why there are so few villains in marvel because no one is really good in it. Give me Reverse Flash or Black Matna any day of the week over Iron Fag
>no Sir Percy, Nico, and Magik for a Mystic Arcana team
>Black Bolt, Medusa, Vision, and Valkyrie have all been spotted in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3’s files.
So this confirms each pack will have more than 4 characters right?
They did mention that they showed off "a few" of the characters for the Marvel Knights pack.
If there are more than 4 characters a pack then the season pass is an extreme value
It would obviously be Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern. Maybe swap GL for the Joker for movie synergy, or just make a Suicide Squad villain pack.
Is the dlc just characters or are they adding new levels too?
Honestly I was expecting 4 characters per pack with maybe a level or two to go with them. This is definitely better than expected, especially since the X-Men pack is a lot more open with Cyclops & Colossus coming for free.
Season pass description says each dlc pack adds story stuff, so probably one level where all 4 new characters meet up.
They're NPCs. I'd be very surprised to see more than 4 characters per pack.
They said that each dlc will include some story.
New missions too
God what a lame character
Every press release has said it adds "new story content" which i assume is levels
He's based you pleb.
T-Minus 1 minute boys. Will it unlock or will Nintendo make a new enemy today?
I'm nervous. I just want an hour and a half before bed and work.
see you boys on the other side
im in
I hate it because i like bucky but now i dont want him to be playable because the game does not need any more gun characters than we already know it has. Theres blade too for fucks sake and theres already elsa and deadpool
it hasnt unlocked for me.
The Punisher fucking sucks, the only interesting thing about him is his logo
I really want this game but don't want to fork out$80 for it and the dlc. I'll wait for it to go on sale with the dlc for $20 like i should've done with mario and rabbids
I'm not
Oh shit why me too
They're probably being held back for free DLC like Cyclops and Colossus down the line.
checked the subreddit aswell. looks like no beans on the midnight release. rip nintendo
Mario + Rabbids only went on such deep sales because it was an Ubi game. They discount their games like crazy. Nintendo themselves are reluctant to discount first party games even years after their release; generally you'll get a sale for $40 once or twice a year if the game is over 6 months old.
most punisher comics are pretty cheesy and uncle-tier racist.
This is Nintendo we're talking about.
You'll be lucky if you can get the game and DLC for 50 bucks.
>stayed up for nothing
Guess I'll keep playing Venus Vacation
It's unlocked, I'm playing now
Just got unlocked, but there's an update that apparently was also locked behind the release date. It's a 5 minute download but goddamn
Marvel to DC is New Vegas to Fallout 3, it's approach is inherently superior to a simple action, it has all that and much much more.
>mods please delete threads about video games
>please let more shitposting fill the board
Cancer, you need to leave.
Is it up now? If not you'll have to wait for commiefornia time
Just started playing
>free DLC of heroes that aleeady have models in the game
Winter Solider in 2020 please
You're not seeing that sort of discount, second hand is your only chance for a fair while.
Yeah, it's up.
Online is so much fun holyshit.
you could use the vouchers
>wake up from nap about 5 min after I can play
>see router lights off except one
>have to power cycle and wait for it to come back
fucking xfinity, at least I'm in
I'm hoping at least a couple make it out of Gambit, Jean, Magik, Emma, and X-23.
Jean and Gambit probably have the highest chance out of that group.
Dataminers found Vision, Blackbolt, Medusa and Valkyrie as playable in the game code, so those are probably freebies too, it looks like all paid DLC inclusions are not taken from the base game, so there's hope for Rogue, Gambit, Magik and Quicklsilver.
They also found references to 5 alt cosutmers per character, so it looks like the upcoming alt costumes are just palette swaps.
>no winter soldier, antman, jessica jones, green goblin.
Not that that's really a problem, the roster is already super stacked, its' going to end up with 60+ characters at this rate, that's nearly double the old ones.
>No Rogue
Unfortunately you're probably right. I could personally do without Jean and X-23. The latter feels like she'll be too similar to Wolverine and really, does anyone like Jean that much?
>Game has way more content than previous MUAs
Get a feeling so complicated.
How does the online work? Are there proper lobbies and searching?
Games not too bad. Definitely feels lower budget though. 7/10 is the perfect description of this game so far, so I'm happy.
I mean there is a Hellstorm series in the works for Hulu. It sounds awful.
Oh nonononpno
People hate the shit out of beast these days.
Enjoying it a lot so far. Venom/Spidey/Wolverine/Star-Lord. Once the MK pack comes out I can go full edge. Punisher/Blade/Moon Knight/Venom.
Overall the announcements from today are more than I ever expected so I'm totally satisfied. If we ever get Goblin and Doom the roster will be as close to perfect as I could ever hope for.
>Has terrible framerate issues
>Isn't even a port
The switch is so disappointing.
I mean they made 4 flavours of spiderman different.
There are better looking games on switch that run better too, Switch is disappointing because optimization is nothing compared to what it used to be, absolutely nothing.
>comfy job where i drive around and dictate how quick i wanna work
>worked ahead to ensure tomorrow is a slow day
>went to bed early, woke up at midnight to play til whenever
>bringing switch to work
Who here /comfy/ boys? Also i havent touched the other UA games but having a blast so far. Is it tabboo to swap friend codes for some coop?
This should in theory run as well as diablo 3.
Dont know how they dropped the ball there.
Emulation one day, or a MUA3 Deluxe on the Switch U
I agree though, I like this game but I can only imagine what could have been if it was a PC/PS4/XB1 game.
Is the online a lagfest like Mario Maker 2's co op?
What makes me angry about it is that once again I'm seeing fanboys defend this shit and act like handheld games NEVER run decently.
They keep defending getting shit on, so they cause the rest of us to keep getting shit on.
Capcom managed to make Laura pretty different from Logan in Marvel 3. Let's just be glad it'd be her instead of Daken.
>Everything that doesn't go according to plan is the console's fault
I swear these people...
You say that like there isn't a very long pattern at this point of games running poorly on the switch.
A system is defined by its library.
I've only seen people defend the art style which is the best a Marvel game has had, possibly ever.
I've seen people on facebook trying to shit on people for acting like the framerate is an issue.
Power-wise, yeah
Character-wise, almost never
One can count on their fingers the number of legacy heroes who not only managed to stick around, or even equal let alone surpass the original.
Also, I'm 90% sure Spider-Gwen doesn't have dimension-hoping powers in the comics because at that point why tie yourself to the concept of being a Spider-Person.
It looks good, but it's not the best-looking Marvel game when this exists.
>muh patterns
Yeah, so bad that fucking Arc Sys could get FighterZ and BBCTAG to work on the system at the price of slightly lower graphics.
It's just incompetence from devs for not bothering porting their games properly. More so with shit like Bloodstained being clearly a last-minute port that didn't get enough effort put on to.
Whose idea was it to give Rocket one fucking attack?
>b-b-b-but these games were okay! That means that dozens of shitty ones don't count!
Honestly that's more your fault for going on Facebook. It's a website for stupid people, there's nothing remarkable about people being stupid there.
Fault of developers designing the games incorrectly, devs are supposed to make the game for handheld mode and then push upgrades to the docked mode, but an overwhelming majority of developers make the game for docked mode and then scale it back for handheld mode making it look shit no matter what.
Games like Odyssey look and run great on the Switch, there's no excuse for this sort of shit.
Facebook is full of niggers who wouldn't even know what framedrops were if digital foundry didn't exist.
Art Style is better than MVC3.
There's nothing remarkable about people being stupid here, either.
And many of them were also old games. How the fuck do you get lag in a PSX game unless there wasn't a clear sign of incompetence around?
It has framerate issues in docked mode, too, and both modes have variable resolution.
>Superman always sounded like baby's first superhero
Ironically Watchmen is baby's first "mature" comic.
It'd probably happen less if the switch community wasn't so quick to both buy shitty quality ports and jump down the throat of people who speak out about them.
I didn't say that this wasn't the case.
I didn't say you did, I'm just providing more details to the level of bullshit going on in this game.
Iron fist
Captain America
Beast does it to himself, he's a smart dumb fucker
Will there be a shirtless Hawkeye alt, with bite wounds?
>just beat ultron
its been pretty fun so far but it hasn't gone down or up at all its pretty straight forward
There are more alt outfits coming, but dataminers confirm that they are all palette swaps.
how hard is it? I'm considering buying the digital voucher and getting this and astral chain or daemon x machine and astral chain
Because it's always a fucking do or die situation for Switch owners.
I can't tell the amount of times that users have admitted they don't mind paying extra price to have full games physically, but Capcom and others still shit out "have one cart, download the rest" deals, and if people don't buy them, it bites them in the ass, because companies will think there's no interest instead of being a distribution issue and pull support off.
It's why I'm hoping the Witcher 3 on Switch succeeds, since it could convince other devs to use 32GB cartridges, even if it comes at a expense.
Buy X or else no Y is a fallacy that consumers need to stop falling for.
They should have more respect for themselves than that.
Do they give passives or stat changes like the costumes in the old games at least?
its actually really easy its highly unlikely you will game over in the story mode
however you will die here and there in the infinity trials if you're underleveled
>palette swaps
Doubt it.
>taskmaster won't be in the game in any form
Why even bother
hm. So do you recommend buying it or wait for a deal?
its definitely a fun 7/10 or a wait for sale game
also heard its not that long either but i played for like 6 hours or so and only got to ultron
Could see him as a boss in the Marvel Knights content, with a slim chance at playability. I want to hear Blum voice him again, and MUA3 has kept EMH/MvC3 voices for the most part (and JYB Iron Fist is a fine change).
My biggest fear is that anybody that got recast in MvC Infinite is the new default since Ghost Rider was like that. I like Ben Diskin but his Nova was just bad compared to MvC3's.
Next year most likely, to tie in to the Black Widow movie
I think they kept the GR voice because he’s already doing Hulk instead of bringing back a guy to do just one voice. Which is a damn shame because Richard Grieco is the best voice he ever had.
As for Nova I wouldn’t put my hopes up, Troy Baker is an expensive guy.
Is it me or is Spider-Man not fun to use against single targets? Hopefully his other 3 abilities make him more viable
Real shame cause he's my favorite by far but I've had more fun playing Gamora and Wolverine against bosses and those strong mooks
>Ultimate Alliance 3
>Astral Chain
>Daemon X Machina
>The Ninja Warriors Once Again
>Ghostbusters Remastered
I can't handle all this vidya.
Didn't even realize Infinite/MUA3 Blaze was Fred Tatasciore, probably because they filter it to hell and back. Not just the voice/intonation, but the minimal (but still audible) filter on his voice in Marvel 3 is perfect. I'm pretty sure everybody who played that game loved when they got "I would pray now. A lot." before a match.
>Troy Baker is an expensive guy
Capcom got him in 2011, Nintendo could get him today. Fuck's sake, SE's Avengers spent 5 minutes at E3 to pimp out that their cast features him and a few other big VAs that are everywhere and in a ton of games.
I love games where I get slightly better gear every five minutes, it totally isn't tedious
big steppy
Someone make a room...
I really hope Daemon is good. I got Zone of The Enders 2 vibes from the trailers but the demo didn't click with me, then they showed the game and improvements during the Treehouse and I'm hyped again
be the change you want to see, user
Just about to fight kingpin.
The game started pretty badly but now it’s really grown on me and I’m enjoying using certain characters.
The laundry list of improvements they went through at E3 directly based on feedback on the demo made me really want to support the game. I already thought the demo was solid enough if a bit janky.
he's my main and i find him good against pretty much everything since his air attack just drains health bars
no drops on my system senpai
opposite for me, it's inventory weekend so I work until 2 am friday night, then come back and work all day saturday. Wish ninty wouldve called me to schedule this shit better
Dude for real, the first level felt so... stilted? And I think some audio glitched out and didn't load in the cutscene where everyone went to grab the infinity stones. It was just silent except for some sound effects. Made the whole thing feel really stilted and slow.
My thing with that is during the Nebula infinity trial I found it damn near impossible to hit her with it. Ended up overshooting by a lot and I just switched to Wolverine to get the fight finished.
I played up to the first infinity trial in handheld and there have been plenty of drops, mostly in boss fights. Pretty much the whole game during combat feels off, I think the frame pacing is bad or something. Probably better docked.
Is anyone else having trouble finding people to play with online?
Search usually turns up no results.
2 things:
Is Juggy playable?
Can the damage numbers be toggled off? That font is fucking horrific
Shit is there no way to change difficulty once you start?
There is.
Press right shoulder button on chapter select.
Richard’s GR voice was pure sex even back on the old 90s shows.
Square Enix and Capcom are different from Nintendo, they don’t splurge on voice actors apart from Kid Icarus Uprising.
his Y is way better against bosses as well as his B
his X is pretty lame
Thanks I started out on the lower difficulty and wanted to check out how the higher one was.
Just bought it and holy shit how big is the download. Crash Team Racing was done in like twenty minutes this is saying an hour and twenty.
Huh. Wonder if it’s because I’m not far in the story.
its 13GB
Crash was 5
was my main in Marvel Heroes
Fuck. That's the reason why I only rented MUA2 instead of buying it (couldn't get a code).
I guess I will still get this though.
I found no room as well. Tried searching at the post venom boss fight checkpoint.
am playing only docked, could be it
Are you able to replay story chapters with the same cutscenes? I'd imagine yes, but I'm retarded and never have played a MUA game
It’s strange but playing this game online feels like playing PSO for the first time. Really need to join discord, host decide to leave just because someone picked Venom before him...
>The latter feels like she'll be too similar to Wolverine
Isn't there like 3 different Spider-Mans? I think X-23 would be plenty different from Wolverine, she was in Marvel Heroes and Marvel vs. Capcom.
>does anyone like Jean that much?
She has more fans than you'd think.
i skipped cutscenes i had already seen so i think so but i didn't do it from chapter select
Wish you could pick a character before joining a game.
Had no interest in GOG characters at all but Drax was fun to play
WAIT they are bringing Ninja warriors back? holy shit!
Basedtista does it again.
You can’t because what happens if someone already picked that character. We really need a Yea Forums discord, people keep using their ultimate when the boss isn’t even staggered.
sit down power bomb when
Completely redone sprites/backgrounds, co-op, music remixes, and two new characters: this thicc shortstack with stretchy arms and a giant mech that takes up a third of the screen.
It's out on the 25th. See the active thread about it here:
Someone please make a room I am tired of playing with these fucking retards...
>wide hips
>flat ass
>every reviewer said that the game was a big step down from the first
>but it has 9 x-men soon to be 13
This is pretty bad.
Do we have to level every fucking skills and every fucking characters separately?
What reviewers you seen? None have said that.
game informer said that.
Everyone is basically shitting on it.
>shitting on
the first one was rated lower than that
How are the rpg elements? Is it legends 2 tier?
Come on dude, no one is shitting on it reviewer wise they all have been fair.
Its a 7 game through and through and that’s what most fans expected.
Game seems to be very gear dependent going by the aussies who are in extreme mode.
Was a little when I first joined a room, but it seemed to stabilize. The game is 90 percent button mashing so it seems to work out fine.
havent found the option for auto level up like the other games did you have to manually level up each ability
they're pretty simple you have your 4 abilities that each have like 4 levels, you have the alliance chart which applies to everyone here you level up things like health, energy, def etc
later in the game you get isos which are gems you can equip that do little buffs like 8.0 more damage on light attacks or +5 def etc
Just played for like an hour. This game is a pile of shit
The lighting and shading in that game makes everything look like ass
I thought we would get more free characters patched in since it was the same team who made hyrule warriors.
I was expecting bosses though not background setpieces like Cyclops and Colossus. Not that I'm disappointed since those two are my favourite marvel characters but I was thinking we'd be getting Ebony Maw or some shit
Why did you get it then?
There's 4 more coming that we know about on top of that.
Cause Yea Forums said it would be good but actually it sucks!
Overall game is amazing however solo mode is pretty meh, if you don’t have NSO I suggest skipping. This is probably the best game to showcase NSO right now.
>can't do basic research or wait a single fucking day
Just beat the raft level. So far the game is good enough but I have a few gripes.
I hate that we have to grind xp cubes to lvl other heroes maybe this won't be as bad late game but I am an alt aholic and like switching up teams based on my mood.
The raft felt slightly more linear than MUA1 which was linear as fuck. I mean I felt cramped in the narrow hallways. Also it felt like boss rush mode which may be due to a prison break out. I wanted more time to kill mooks for fun.
The sound is wonky as something are super loud and others quiet as all hell.
Everything else is great. I love the customization with the lab/hexagon and the trials are neat touch.
Cant you do it from the room menu before you pick ready? Or is that only in level at shield points?
What does Resilience and Mastery upgrade?
The game is pretty addictive so far but I’m wondering how much more fun I will have once I finish the story.
No, because Peter Parker is one of the greatest characters in comics. Not replaceable now, and never will be.
So you are retarded
Can't believe my boy made it. Real character list now.
>peter parker is one of the greatest characters in comics
From what I have heard story is really easy, only trials are hard if you are under leveled or something. I'm sure it was designed with the fact you would be trying different heroes in m mind.
Res is energy defnese
Mastery is special attack power. So your skills
Anyone got any footage of costumes yet?
I just unlocked the spider-armor and am working on getting the elektra/black widow one but im betting the black widow skin just makes her blonde.
Holy shit! Is that even part of marvel comics? That art and writing looks like pure ass.
How come they are not fighting anyone?
I hear it gets harder when you play with people, so I'm hyped for the playthrough with friends
comics are for children
Do you have to reach a certain point for online play? Made it to the ninja ghetto and the option is blanked out for me.
black widow has her white outfit
different model or recolor?
You unlock it on the raft.
Well I'm past that and it isn't available. Maybe I have to go back to the main menu first?
Gwens figure in that suit fucking does things to me.
How the hell do you beat doc ock trial? Second phase I can't damage his tentacles at all.
Black Racer
I put Scarlet Witch on my team and now it's hard to concentrate
Your entitled to your opinion as long as you agree Kamala Khan is the worst character to ever be created.
I just quit. Gonna come back when I level up.
Recolors only, additional character outfits coming post launch. Will probably just be more recolors.
combine attacks.
Slam combines with explosions for example, tornados combine with some other shit i forget, i think its rapid fire.
has to be a glitch it is lvl 10 and my guys are 11
As a Pakistani, I have to disagree.
synergy only just come back a few levels later it was annoying when you first unlocked it
Holy shit I didnt realize you had to do team attacks to damage them. I am a moron.
Looks promising
have to keep in mind your normal attacks do pretty much nothing but refill your abilities there
It's not the same team. Koei Tecmo isn't just Team Ninja
Team Ninja makes Dead or Alive, Ni-oh, used to make Ninja Gaiden, and now this
Omega Force makes the Warriors games, but apparently Team Ninja did co-develop Hyrule Warriors and FE Warriors
Kamala ain't the worse
Based shootan Squad
>Rocket Raccoon
>implying that whore isn't showing off too much skin and shouldn't be decapitated on national tv
Elsa until Blade?
????? source?
>cinematic snap to enemy gameplay
Squeenix should have cancelled this
Get out.
>all these VAs returning from MvCI
>we could have gotten an expansion that had this artstyle and had Captain Commando doing quips with Captain Marvel
She has nice hands...?
>JYB is Iron Fist
>Yuri Lowenthal is back for Spider-Man
This voice cast is based. I wish MvC:I had gotten the same love with their voice direction.
Well this one actually looks like all flash no substance
>Normal humans taking multiple hits to do anything to
There's a time to video game and a time to be cinematic.
Been playing it since midnight. The screen can get a little cluttered and the camera is pretty bad, but aside from that its fucking awesome. It feels more like the 1st game than the 2nd, and as far as difficulty goes that's entirely up to your ability to beat the learning curve. Once you get the hang of synergies you've got it made.
im pretty sure the models for black widow and gamora were ripped from mvci and just pushed through a filter in this game.
I hope the main website gets an update to include DLC characters, because I wanna replace Cap with Punisher once he's out.
You're an enormous fag if you can't appreciate the Punisher. Comics aren't for you
Nah, the models here are based.
Looks ok
He’s just an emo max payne.
Which in itself is an accomplishment.
Have to look at the other characters, and if there is variety in combos.
Speaking of the Punisher, how is Punisher season 2?
Uh... Just like MUA3 ?
A valid criticism would be about the strange animations.
Better than I expected.
As long as cap’s sections are like a beat em up I’ll be happy.
I thought it started out strong with the first 3 episodes but fizzled. I never watched the last 2 because I got bored and forgot to finish.
I don't think you're familiar with what emo is or with who Max Payne is
>Created for diversity and feminism reasons only
>Is a character that a fan of sjw dyke captain marvel and not the original
>Comics mainly about her hanging out with friends and talking about social issues and the rare times she actually does get into a fight she wins in one punch because sjw writers think her losing or her nearly on the brink of death is bad
>Her creator was so obsessed about making a character based on politics that they didn’t even bother to give her a arch nemesis like every other hero (she just fights other heroes villains)
>Parents die..........not really jk they are fine
>Gets praised way too much damn for a lot times doing jack shit except for being a muslim woman
>Creator left her own character due to her shit selling comics
Strong at start and finish, kinda weak filler in the middle
I need to know, too. My brother and I watched the first season and I think he wants to watch the 2nd one. I don't want to waste time on a bad season, but this is something we often do and I don't want to hurt his feelings.
???? You realize cyclops and colossus arent on that list right?
Hopefully the co-op is good, has potential.
They're free next month
I’m a huge sucker for capeshit, co op games, and customisation.
In spite of the awful character designs I want the game to be good.
Please tell me she's a good muslima character.
Does it have a lot of Frankening
America is worse
Here and there. What Franking is there is pretty satisfying
She can be if they gave her to a writer that actually cared about comics and character development, not politics and representation
(and if they fixed her awfully lazy looking outfit)
Me too user, me too.
You mean that mexican girl? I hear she was pretty bad to and her poor selling comics hurt marvel
It's solid. Not as good as season 1 but still worth watching.
She hulk has been in the fantastic 4 before.
Nintendo said those were "a few" of the characters in the pack. Anything's possible.
characters per pack
im still holding out for it to be more
>4 characters per pack
>Next 2 are X-Men and FF
>She-Hulk's not X-Men
>Fantastic Four -- self-explanatory
Unless she's a random freebie like Cyclops and Cyclops, it looks like no She-Hulk.
I know but I'm saying it's pretty unlikely they'll put her in over any of the core four.
>4 characters per pack
That's what we're assuming. Nintendo is implying there's more.
That's Locust.
Some people tried to make her look like some innovative shit, when she's just another Chapulín Colorado reference like Bumblebee Man and Smile Man.
No, I mean is she a muslim because if she is she's automatically shit.
Maybe in the next one, assuming sales aren't so pathetic that a next one even gets made.
Alright cunts, I'm stepping out to buy this and will be back in 20. How's online? Will you fuckers carry me to the end?
is it true its only 4 abilities per hero? any buffs or debuffs?
Will She-Hulk be about in the game?
Will she look like the original or look like modern.......which is pretty much just male hulk with long hair and is ugly
Read It's possible there may be more than four characters. Though, she'd still have to compete with the like of Dr. Doom and Silver Surfer, so there's that too.
Post pic. I never heard of her.
yes and each one has 4 levels to them
there are buffs and debuffs for some character's ability and in gems
Isn't it past your bedtime?
would it be so hard to implement a power stone mode into these games
yes i'm gay and fucking retarded please kill me before i suck you off num num num here i come!!!
MUA3 isn’t though. It can be legitimately difficult, infact I’m picking more MUA2 vibes from that game and I’m not liking it
Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montréal don't make good games
who is surprised
Yes she’s muslim. (she’s also pro lgbt, pro feminism)
I don’t know how that works since i’m pretty sure if you said any of those last two things in front of actual muslims in their homeland you probably wouldn’t be alive to see the next day.
Solution to people picking your character online is to play falcon
Beast Boy
Blue Beatle
RedX :^)
6 seems like a decent number honestly
Marvel Knights
>who's in already
>Cloak and Dagger
>Jean Grey
Fantastic Four
>the team
>Silver Surfer
Excellent, so I can write her off outright, and anyone that tries to say that she's good.
Morbius is fucking lame but the others are all based
I'd be very happy with this list. Please be right user. I wouldn't mind swapping out quicksilver for jubilee though so I can create the animated series tram.
I liked it a lot. His daughterfu is hot as fuck and Billy is the best character.
>Have to wait until fall to be able to use my Daredevil, Punisher, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider team
i was thinking maybe half of the x-men should be heroes and the other be villains
Iceman, Gambit, Rogue. Then Silver Samurai, Sabertooth, and Omega Red
There are just to many good choices for X-Men
and i still want New Mutants eventually
Fuck that shit, just make a Legends 3 and have just include everyone, or at least a roster of 60.
This looks like they tried to merge infamous second son with marvel ultimate alliance. It doesn't look good.
what about super skrull or is he already in there?
he's honestly my 8th pick for a F4 dlc
Namor being 7th, She Hulk being 9th
>african hero
>it's white
I refuse to believe that’s from a actual Marvel comic
>what the holy menstruation
It get's even worse
It should be illegal to even sell shit like this.
Girlfriend and friend came over to play tonight and we game overed at Sandman lmao wtf I thought this was gonna be baby difficulty
Doesn't some other company that's not Marvel have video game rights for Namor? I heard that's why he never shows up in any video games.
i thought that was for punisher with thq
but then thq went bankrupt and then got revived
i find it very hard to even game over in non trials on normal
What's the control scheme? Is it playable with Gamecube controllers that don't have LB, or do I have to buy three new controllers?
why does this dialogue read like a tumblr post rather than actual thoughts a person would have?
Okay faggots, post Spider-Gwen. I need that slimthicc booty.
fucking kek
If it makes you feel better I'm very apathetic to her and most of the new crop of Marvel diversity hires
>if you don't like my shitty character you don't like comics
God not only is the Punisher shitty his fanbase is too, Punisher is the lamest and most uninteresting character Marvel has in their library.
Its bull that they announced Loki coming back and not Doom.
Release date for Marvel Knights pack confirmed
So, is the game a flop?
>74 metacritic
>resolution flipflops in handheld and docked
>framerate is shit in handheld a bit less shit docked
>that literal damage control 10 review
This is how you don't take them seriously.
did sales come out yet?
What does the very first dialogue box say, chum?
Don't expect much
>game informer said that.
>Everyone is basically shitting on it.
They gave thousand year door a 6.8 based on nothing to do with the game . Also, show your receipts
>Alternate outfits confirmed in Q1 2020
Gimme MCU Wasp.
So exactly like the first one then?
>"Curse of the vampire"
A Halloween-themed story huh? FrankenCastle better be an alt for Punisher then.
No, I'm already max level.
>I-its only got a 74, what a blunder!
>First two games averaged 6/10 at best
Shows how many non-fans are in the thread when they can't even remember how niche and shit on the original games were.
>duurrr you need to be a fan to understand how shit the game is
The game can't even keep native and the frame.rate is shit. This is not a decade old game
>niche and shit
Nothing niche about them. Pretty shit though, honestly not sure why there's so much discussion around this one.
Do you think Dynasty Warriors is still popular?
>jared leto tie-in
by that logic, blade would be a boyega tie-in
I don't think Dynasty Warriors has ever been popular, what does this have to do with anything?
I'm not. Means I can pirate it and any future DLCs.
These games are pretty much on par with DW but on a smaller scale.
So are Blade, Moon Knight, Punisher, and Morbius actually part of a group called Marvel Knights?
That's absurd. They are absolutely nothing alike.
Either way it's the marvel factor that automatically makes them mainstream and not niche. You can't possibly believe that anime chinese history has the same draw as comic book hero crossovers now, be real.
You cannot defeat me avengers this truly is the age of ultron
lmao no, if you think Marvel as a franchise has that much kick to be able to just sell a boat load of a bad game, you're delusional. MUA1 and 2 had very mediocre sales, so did nearly every Marvel movie tie-in game.
>Nothing alike
>Mash buttons to beat up borderline helpless NPCs while damage numbers fill the screen and levelling up the large roster of characters
Well if you laughed your ass off then I guess your nonsense is somehow valid now.
I really did not expect to have a Dynasty Warriors analogy thrown at me, this board is so unexpectedly dumb sometimes it's baffling.
Moon Knight absolutely is, Punisher was a villain of theirs for a while. I'm not sure about Blade and Morbius
>press buttons
>things happen
Wow all videogames are the exact same thing holy shit mind blown.
Dude, you're playing a third person brawler where you mindlessly beat up waves upon waves NPCs by mashing buttons. How is this NOT like DW?
In pretty much every single way beyond that ridiculously broad comparison. I don't understand why you're so invested in this argument it is seriously one of the most retarded things I've seen in a while.
There are tons of games that could fit into that description.
Name them. Name a third person melee brawler where enemies spawn in the hundreds and you pretty much mindlessly throw out a limited number of attacks and then tell me it's not like DW.
The enemy and level design are completely different from Dynasty Warriors though. The stages aren't big open battlefields, but corridors with some minor puzzle elements, and then there's the gameplay itself.
You have way too many enemies running around with super armor that need specific attacks to stagger them, rather than just random mashing, and then there are the boss battles always with unique mechanics. All of that is completely different from DW.
"Marvel Knights" is more of an imprint than an actual team, though since they did make one, the members were:
>Black Widow
>Luke Cage
>And Moon Knight
As far I know, Blade and Morbius are only in the DLC because of their edgy aesthetics, fitting with the imprint.
Ah so the description gets a little more specific. Now we're focusing on the number of enemies spawned and the mindlessness of it all.
To prove what exactly? I'm not entertaining your argument unless you take a second look at what you're doing here. I think you're confused. How on earth is the spawn rate and ease of play of these two games related to their appeal towards markets?
Do you noy understand what the word "niche" means or what?
No argument I see. Great, thanks for playing.
At least gave me a reasonable answer.
You are insane m8.
so when are we getting this on pc
Never and it's for the best.
played for a couple hours and it's really mediocre, like a PS1 game with updated graphics. combat sucks, A.I. sucks.
you should only care if your a capeshit afficionado and by that i mean a shit taste lordmaster.
i enjoyed 1 and 2 so i had some hope for this :(
don't listen to shitposting user
Well, I hope the additional outfits at least have texture changes alongside minor model tweaks, rather than just outright recolors like the ones in the base game seem to be. Hyrule Warriors ended up with 4-8 outfits for each character (depending if they were added in the base game or the 3ds vesion), but several of them had changes to the texture or minor model changes, not just color swaps (in addition to a few exceptions with actual unique models).
>every opinion that doesn't align with mine is shitposting
sorry, but the game is a 5/10 at best
Oh, yeah, here's what I meant. There's no big model change for any of these (aside from one wearing a mask), but several of them add a skintight outfit where there was nothing for example.
>Earth's Mightiest Heroes voice actors reprise their roles
You gotta appreciate the little victories
why are you putting words in my mouth?