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Other urls found in this thread:

>gets a low score with the nintendo AND marvel bonus

you faggots say literally every console exclusive has a bonus also imagine taking ign seriously at all

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Not surprised the Japs ruined this, the original devs should have done it.

This is the same ballpark as MUA, MUA 2, X-men Legends 1 and 2. If you were expecting more then it's because you were too young to have played these games and probably too young to be on the internet unsupervised.

2 points off for Nintendo bonus, another 2 for Marvel's

literally a 3.8 game

Original devs got booted after MUA 1. That team doesn't even exist anymore.

>Nearly 8

I haven't played god hand but this scoring is the stupidest shit ive ever seen

>7.8 is a bad score
seems fine for a co-op beat-em-up
don't you know user, anything that isn't a 9 is shit

I’ve never understood why people think a 7 is poor. That literally means it’s good. 5 means it’s average. Nowadays, no matter the game, if it doesn’t get at least a 9 it’s considered a flop. I don’t understand. A flop would be a 2 or a 3.

the game was pretty niche, not really surprising. It probably is one of those "if you like these games you'll love this" game

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Newfag, these games are 7-8 tier

Attached: marvel.jpg (717x386, 89K)

Americans think its bad because their grading system has 70% defined as the "average", and average in america is considered bad

Oh look, Yea Forums pretends MUA was ever rated high

It's more of an 8 than a 7

>watch the review
>the dude sounds like a onions drinking faggot
>sucks the game and marvels dick at every chance it gets

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I think every fan of this series expected about as much. Nice try though OP

What you're forgetting is that the average is actually really fucking bad. Just think about how many games are out there.

>no actual combos
>leveling up is just for higher numbers, no actual powers out abilities plus what you get in the first few levels
>most heroes feel and play the same
>Only 10 hours long with no replayability
>no unlockable costumes, only color swaps

Fuck, I really wanted this to be good. Hopefully Sony's The Avengers will be video game kino like Sony's Spider-Man was.

7.8 is a good score

It's from Square, not Sony.

You were seriously expecting OoT level scores for a game that is basically watered down musou and most of the charm comes from making your dream team of heroes to jerk your nerd boner?

Attached: 1430318305189.gif (300x169, 861K)

The scale is 1 to 10, not 1 to 16, Ameritard. Stuff doesn't have to be a masterpiece to be good.

Really? 50-60% is average where I’m from. Interesting.

I could've forgiven a lot of this if it had replayability but I guess not. Last time I pre-order anything.

for some reason I couldn't unthink that this was going to be a side scroll beatemup.

As a capeshit fag, I have hopes for The Avengers. I adored Spider-Man, probably the most I’ve gotten into a game since I was a kid. If Avengers was like Spider-Man, just with unique characters and higher stakes, it would be incredible. Only time will tell.

>no unlockable costumes, only color swaps
>Team Ninja, the people who got rich by selling clothing DLC for DoA, isnt bothering to make extra costumes for the characters

Attached: 1422062714050.jpg (236x210, 66K)

the first two games were beat'em ups, this one seems like its leaning towards the musou side

What's the difference?

less enemies on the screen

>Sony's The Avengers
Your console-warfagging is showing
The Avengers is being made by Square Enix via the nuTombRaider studio
So it'll probably be shit

There will be alternate costumes but supposedly they're coming in Q12020 as FreeLC


>alternate costumes by next year
By then a lot of people would be done with it, even if there is DLC characters planned for the following months, maybe ill pick it up once all post-launch content comes out

Yeah, I sort of agree that the timing is weird
But you gotta make that clammy DOA nerd money I guess, especially since the MUA3 costumes seem to be free

Yeah, the US is fucky with its education system

>no unlockable costumes, only color swaps
Wait what? Why? It's a god damn superhero game for fucks sake. I legitimately don't understand why there wouldn't be alt costumes unless they plan to sell them later.

>97 97 97 high scores are all that matter
>78 is fine. Stop listening to critics

Actaully being excited for that qte slop with models as ugly as the MVCI rosters?

>Nintendo Bonus
More like Nintendo Bogus. Doesn't exist, there's no proof of it existing.

He's shit posting, don't worry about it. We already know that Deadpool gets a chef alt.

Well shit. I was hoping itd be good as a fan of the earlier games

too much water

bragging about high scores is more about bragging about recognition.
you can still enjoy games with low scores.

2 more points than it deserves.

>no alt costumes
>only color swaps

Attached: 1557931078621.jpg (640x794, 157K)

Too much wate--Marvel?

As always the first game will always be the best in this series no matter what. The amount of soul that was poured into the first game was the last remnant of pre-MCU marvel and shouldn't be forgotten.

Attached: 1556031277606.png (820x467, 121K)

It's doing about as well as the earlier games, so all signs suggest you'd like this one as well.

so can i play as punisher yes or no

Wait, he misunderstood the quote
It's that the game will get free alt costumes THROUGH to Q12020
so it's very possible that it'll get new costumes at a regular cadence,
It's also not clear if it's just one costume per character

Just buy the DEFINITIVE Marvel experience instead of this nintendo tripe. You DO have the only relevant platform, right?

Attached: 1563477727042.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

>Sony's The Avengers

Holy shit, are Sony fags this stupid? That Avengers game has nothing to do with Sony, how did you even came to that conclusion?

>"Sony's The Avengers"
I know it looks like a movie game but the developer is Crystal Dynamics and the publisher is Square Enix. That means it's a live service movie game, which honestly makes it kind of worse.
Either way, fuck off Sonyfag, you blew your cover because Google is too hard.

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If what says is even partially true, I probably wont. Team combos and customization of of the previous titles are what drew me in to it.

If costumes especially are DLC locked, even FreeLC locked, I'm not interest

>Square Enix is a japanese company
>Sony is the number one console everywhere (or so they think)
>Game looked photo-realistic
>therefore it must be a PS4 exclusive

Attached: fr.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

>most heroes feel and play the same
>leveling up is just for higher numbers, no actual powers out abilities plus what you get in the first few levels

I really hope you're shitposting

You mean Spider-Man 2?

Yes, but it'll be released as DLC along Morbius, Moon Knigth and Blade.

Attached: 1516004397439.jpg (988x1059, 159K)

Fuck you sony faggot I hate you

Except in terms of Marvel experiences, this is your only recent option until Avengers: A-Day and that's looking a bit pear-shaped when they refuse to show gameplay outside closed doors until August. What you posted is a Spider-Man experience, and it certainly is a good game but also a different game than this both in conceptual design and characters.

>(or so they think)

People will defend this like they've defended TSA
If the avengers game scored 7.8 nobody would hear the end of it


Reminder that IGN started as IGN64 and half of the staff are nintendofanboys.

Liking God Hand is literally contrarian you fucking retard. Everyone outside of Yea Forums knows it is garbage, it's a retard hivemind reddit opinion to like it.

Wait until the ports are announced. People will suddenly stop defending it like TSA

Anyone have proof of no alt costumes?

Prove it

>no punisher on release

I have a Switch, a PS4, and a good PC. I got Spider-Man PS4 the day it came out and I'm getting MUA3 right after work tomorrow.

Attached: my-image (3).png (1216x668, 872K)

IGN is the worst metric by a mile. They have onions and fake nerds reviewing their games. Lest we forget too much water meme or the blatant sucking off AAA games. Not saying MUA3 is a masterpiece 8/10 is pretty accurate people are upset because IGN ratings is really only

>White Male shit game
>8/10 average at best
>Holy shit this game has such a great political statement that aligns with my own 10/10

Port to where? The Switch 2?

There's nobody available to port it to other systems

I expected this to be middling, I expect The Avengers to be mediocre too but get high scores because muh narrative experience. People only hate TSA because a shift in camera angle and the addition of skill chips suddenly meant it was the worst game to ever exist.

TSA is good and bursting with soul. More people will defend it when it goes multiplat.

Yeah, that's what you said about a dozen switch timed exclusives.


Attached: NEVEREVER.png (600x580, 572K)

>meanwhile at Sony’s Spider-Man.....

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It's not a timed exclusive, Nintendo is the publisher.

There is literally nobody available in its current production who can port it
>Marvel has no game studio
>Team Ninja is just a development team
>Nintendo is obviously not gonna port it themselves
>Activision lost the rights to MUA back in 2015
Who the fuck is going to be able to port it?

You know you can just google if TSA is getting a port right.

Attached: 1539700926494.jpg (869x1218, 202K)

This one is published by Nintendo, just like how SpiderMan PS4 is published by Sony. The only way Ultimate Alliance 3 will be on other non-Nintendo consoles is if Nintendo allows it, which they won't.

As a pre-order bonus. Watch the IGN review. They confirm costumes are only color swaps.

Im talking about UA3 dumbass

What is with all of these people bragging about their garbage taste as of recently?

Yeah that's why Spiderman PS4 has a 8.7 right white boi?

Peer Schneider

Ign Co-founder and current Chief Content Officer that only plays Nintendo games.

If you say its going multiplat then you must agree that Spider Man will go multiplat as well because its the exact same scenario

Still better than Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite guys come on.

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Wasn't the first game X-Men Legends?

Team Ninja can publish games retard.

Does anyone know if there's a trivia machine like the other games? I've found nobody talking about it.

>have access to holy grail of franchise licenses
>release game near end of console’s life cycle where it’s installbase is at its largest
>do well with it
Go figure
People hated TSA cause they think of Travis as wacky lightsaber man who says “fuck” and makes TarantinoBloodSprays. TSA has by far the most involved combat of the three

Now deduct the snoy bonus, and it's a 3/10

Team Ninja is just the developer, they don't have the rights for this game.

Not surprising, honestly. The other MUA games were mediocre but still very fun.

>10 hours long with no replayability
Which review said this? The other stuff doesn't bother me too much but if it's that short I think I'm gonna wait for a sale or something.

Nintendo hired team ninja to make the game.

>nintendo bonus boogeyman

No they can't. They're a development team. Every game they have ever made was published by another party. Nintendo purposefully chose Team Ninja to make MUA3 for them

Its like saying Team Ninja can port Metroid Other M to other systems

>sony plasters EXCLUSIVE everywhere they can
>huge marketing campaign
>nintendo rarely says it, normally with "exclusive in 2019"
>no marketing
Just wait. It will happen again.

That's no compliment

This entire post is just a false flag. The easiest way to tell is on a new game plus on higher difficulties the game literally changes and new trials get added. For example they literally add some low tier supervillain to fight alongside kingpin instead of kingpin solo with more health and damage. Also the cast moveset in the game is more diverse than they’ve ever been

This must be one the biggest monkey paws
>please make a Ultimate Alliance 3!
>underpowered garbage Shitch exclusive which has less features and is fucking uglier than the old games

>8/10 is low

high iq

Are these games connected at all? I played the first one but I don't want to play the second one because I heard it's soulless.

Can someone who has played 2 give me a good summery of the plot? I remember at the end of the first one Dr Doom got fucked and Galactus was pissed.

Neither does nintendo outside timed publishing.

>67 on Metacritic

With, it would have Marvel Super Heroes (that shitty diablo-like) score if it didn’t have the Nintendo bonus

>This is how Americans think averages work

Then you agree Spider Man is getting ported as well because its the same scenario

Sony loses another exclusive

>Are these games connected at all?
No, I mean its been almost a decade since the last one came out and this is clearly going for the Infinity War plotline

Switch is the number one console in Japan and thats a fact. Deny all you want, it will not make it unreal.

Damn, this boy is seething

>Nintendo doesn't own their own development teams

Attached: 5d6.jpg (250x250, 10K)

Holy fuck that is bad considering nintendo bonus.

They don't own team ninja, but they do own the publishing rights to the game.

Not an argument

>uglier than Ultimate Alliance 2
Now this is what I call bait!

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You sound like you’re just mad it’s only on the switch

>nintendo publishing
>waiting for a sale
Good luck with that.

It's in the same continuity, but only barely references the previous game and only if you go out of your way to talk to NPC heroes in the hubs about it.

It’s not fair, this was supposed to be OUR answer to exclusive third party games!

You are proving my point. People were freaking out that it only got 8.7 even though it was above average. I wasn't saying that they won't give white protag games high scores but games that automatically align with their beliefs tend to be high. I specifically said IGN sucks off AAA games. Let us look at some of their modern 10/10 games and see if it is due to politics or being paid off AAA studio.

had a strong independent woman that they endlessly praised and other political leanings that they approve of.
>God of War
Come on I don't need to say that his falls in the criteria do I?
Gee I wonder if that is politically motivated like I said
>Pretty much any walking simulator with a political message

all zedla games get a 10/10 from ign I think skyward sword even did.

I am liberal and I felt dirty voting for Hillary but I did. But if you can't look at some of your peers and realize they are full of shit than you are falling for confirmation bias.

Of course I own a PS2. What kind of pleb do you take me for?

They should just release it on Android and IOS too, they already have much better Marvel games

With the Nintendo bonus and capeshit bonus, but minus the Koei Tecmo tax

I have a Switch and of even half of that post is true, I have no intention to get mua3

I wonder how many people here waved games like
Mighty Gunvolt
No more Heroes 3
Until they learned they weren't exclusive? It will happen with this one as well.

Yup this poster is a virgin

Not a single one of those was actively funded by Nintendo

I can’t believe there’s literally shills for that avenger game that has nothing to show for it


This small cult of "the Nintendo bonus" is hilarious. What does their shrine look like

Haha you got me good. Man instead of offering a counter argument or attacking the argument itself you attack the person. This shows how right you are. Also people who tend to claim other people are something are projecting my friend. Not going to bother correcting your false assumptions since your won't believe me anyway.

>Konami game
>Inti Creates game
>Square Enix game
>Marvelous game
>Marvelous game

What game company owns MUA3? Tell me user.

>all those replies
You can post the most blatant bait possible and Yea Forums will bite it hook, line and sinker as long as you pretend to be a Snoynegro

how the fuck is an 8 a low score?

Loosely connected. UA3 might as well be its own thing since it's neither connected to the Ultimate universe, and almost all the characters are totally different this time around.

Team Ninja? 505 games? KT?

Marvel and Koei Tecmo

Team Ninja is a development team, not a publisher
505 isn't involved
and neither is Koei Tecmo

I have no intention to buy the avengers game either. The avengers were marvel's "we came fit this character anywhere else so we'll throw them in this team"

They sucked

They will be after nintendo's exclusive publishing deal ends.

Koei Temco has nothing to do with this game. Its just Team Ninja, who was contracted by Nintendo themselves

reviews are heavily inflated, 7 is pretty mediocre.

Mkay virgin

>Liking God Hand is literally contrarian you fucking retard. Everyone outside of Yea Forums knows it is garbage, it's a retard hivemind reddit opinion to like it.
why must you lie user

clearly had too much water

except Koei and 505 don't have the rights to publish it because they're not involved whatsoever

Who's going to port it user? Those 2 are out

Like Bayonetta 2 and Sony's spider Man?

Are you stupid? It’s a 5 at most without the Nintendo bonus.

Spider-Man also got a 7.8 mind you.

Fucking this

>6.8 after Nintendo bonus is removed
>Not low
You can believe whatever makes you feel better user. I wish things were different, I really do

Attached: mc.jpg (436x536, 51K)

Never ever

Like Octopath. Go ahead and parade this game for now, history repeats.

No it isn't, at all. Spider-Man is a first party exclusive. MUA3 is a timed third party "exclusive". You are either a complete retard or this is shit bait. Sent.

Team Ninja just mainly work with KT they aren't actually owned by them. It's like saying Marvelous owns Tamsoft or D3 owns Matrix and Shade. They aren't owned and contract out work all the time. The only thing that matters is who the Jap publisher is.
In this case, the Jap publisher is Nintendo themselves, unlike Octopath which was published by Square-Enix in Japan and Nintendo in the rest of the world or how about Nioh, The KT published game that was totally published by Sony(in the west)?


> -45 thousand after Nintendo bonus removed

This post is a little ironic when you consider this game actually has more features than the original

Square Enix made Octopath.
Koei nor 505 made UA3. Answer my question: who is going to port, the fucking game?

Are you fucking dense, Nintendo helped fund this game. The only way it will ever appear on anything else is if they pull a Microsoft (see Cuphead)

By that logic, another company should be able to port something like say, Soul Sacrifice, which was developed by Comcept and published by Sony Japan

Who published Octopath in Japan?
Here's a hint: It wasn't Nintendo

And unlike this, it didn't have the Nintendo bonus, so it was actually a 7.8 and this is a 5.8.

Man I really got you mad. Repeating jokes and being infantile is proof enough of that. I am done helping you shit up this thread so I will bounce. I am sorry you are the way you are. I really feel sorry for you. I honestly hope your life turns around and you find a woman. Best of luck in the real world. Peace.

Spider Man is made by Insomniac Games, a third party developer.

UA3 is made by Team Ninja, a development team Nintendo contracted. You got these motherfuckers backwards lmao

Iron Man VR will score higher than Ultimate Alliance 3

>muh Nintendo Bonus
Is this the only way Snoys can cope anymore?

You should. It's a good game and you'll enjoy it.

>8/10 is high


t. seething virgin

Nintendo exclusive

It's the only way they have coped for years now.

>all these faggots fighting over whether MUA3 is exclusive or not
So do you think the game looks good or no?

People need to remember that with Jap games, what matters is who published it in Japan.
>Nioh - Koei Tecmo
>Octopath - Square-Enix
>TSA - Grasshopper Manufacture
>MUA3 - Nintendo
Who publishes a game outside Japan is irrelevant.

Just a reminder for everyone to take the ign bonus 2 points off too.

Ign seemingly rates 99% of things 2 points higher then they should. Most likely for business reasons.

>not an average
Obsession blinds you.

I think it’s pretty much everything I wanted MUA2 to be. I didn’t expect there to be a marvel game with free updates that outright add characters and costumes not

No stupid, both games rights are a part of their respective publishers. Sony get exclusive rights to the spider Man game. While nintendo gets exclusive rights to MUA3.


If sonygaf is COPING wether something is a switch exclusive or not, they think it looks great but don't want to admit it.

That guy isn't me. I see what your saying but you're still stretching it when other game reviewers give similar reviews implying they all think the same.

Go ahead and parade this game for now, history repeats.

>People need to remember that with Jap games, what matters is who published it in Japan.
>Daemon Machina
>published in Japan by Marvelous
>everywhere else Nintendo
So this means that's getting ported?

>nintendo bonus
Do people say this shit seriously? I mean, if we are listening to every "xxx bonus" every game has bonus point added(except microsoft exclusives, nobod cares about those).
I mean, ther eis Nintendo bonus, Sony bonus, Ubisoft bonus, EA bonus and so on. So, if all games get fake points, this become a non-issue.

Nobody has correctly answered who in this scenario is going to port the fucking game
>>Marvel has no game studio
>Team Ninja is just a development team
>Nintendo is obviously not gonna port it themselves
>Activision lost the rights to MUA back in 2015

Like TSA, shitty looking timed exclusive.

Defense squad out there in full force. Sorry but you can't compare scores to multiplats ten years ago to ninty better on switch current year exclusives.

It looks worse than the F2P phone games

Spider Man is a good looking timed exclusive for a better game

N-no shut up, that's different. Nintendo never loses exclusives, ever.


>Caring about IGN review scores
Can you kys

>here are some people
>no they don't count
>okay, we'll wait and see like always
>answer me now!

>shitting on Ghost Rider
Movie-only fags get out

Attached: 16313d0fcf43bf3fa36e7cceb3da256fe501e190.png (540x405, 365K)

Lmao no one thinks this piece of trash looks good you delusional nincel

>thinking KT can make a good game

The plots are the dumbest comic book shit you can imagine.

MUA 1: Doom gets supoer powerful. Probably with the Odin force or some shit. Heroes go all over and eventually beat him
MUA 2: Civil War. Choose a side but all it really does is lock you out of Cap or Iron Man. Then it turns out it was all a plot by nanites or some shit. Nick Fury gets infected and you fight him, then nanite Fury becomes playable at the end of the game, which is infuriating when you think about all the characters they omitted but gave us robot Fury.

>he says, while just finishing another port begging post

>Lists people that don't have anything to do with the game
>Get mad when called out for it
How can they port it if they have nothing to do with it? Is Capcom going to be your next choice? Konami? Microsoft?

Though I don’t know how Big Marvelous is that they’d have the resources to port a game built on weird architecture
Is DXM using UE4?

which is why the portbegging has already begun in this thread, right?

COPE more.

>complaining about the score of a phone game on a console

Retards. No wonder gaming is dead.

>y-you must be begging for this trash!


Don't see why it wouldn't. Marvelous have no allegiance to anyone.

But TSA looked pretty good
And was pretty good

>Is DXM using UE4?
Yeah, which is why it looks and runs like shit right now.

You guys told me to wait for Bayonetta 2 to get ported back in 2012
7 years later I'm still waiting, and now Bayonetta 3 has been announced as Switch exclusive


>beat em ups/musou games are phone games now
Is the top-down perspective permanently dead because of mobile shit?
I thought UE4 was fairly well optimized?

>No new powers

Uhh... What the fuck? That's the whole point of this game. In X-Men Legends you level up and constantly access new powers and shit

Just wait, we'll find out in due time.

Porting the game to another system is doubtful. Porting it to PC is something they have experience with. Otherwise they can hand it off to XSeed/MarvelousEU and one of those guys can do it.

Marvelous is kinda pissed at Sony rn for the Senran Kagura incident. They projected a profit cut because of their censorship bs.

everyone knows that anything below 8/10 from a major reviewer is dogshit, not because thats how ratings actually work but because thats how paying reviewers worked
as a general rule of thumb, anything below an 8/10 (8/10 according to reviewers) has major problems at best

Attached: file.png (688x294, 78K)

isnt this typical mua score

As long as it takes for a Bay 3 trailer to last more than 5 seconds to trick people into buying a switch

>seething nincel has to resort to falseflagging about some weeb shit forgotten game nobody gave a shit about
A new fucking low, how sad
Nintendo is a fucking joke and it’s fans are the punchline

That’s not really true. Most of the time characters in MUA/XML only have at most 5 powers worth using and even then you’re mostly using two of those. There’s a reason why each game keeps giving you even less to choose from

UE4 is kinda bloated. The engine hammers the CPU alot and some of the effects it has will abuse a high end GPU hard.

>due time

Bayonetta 2 was supposed to be ported 7 years ago, are you gonna make me wait 7 years for this too

>switch exclusive
i really hope this game flops

sorry small sturrio prease unrostan

I meant PC more specifically by that. I do doubt they'll port it to PS4 if there is a port.

>only games with high review scores can be good

Attached: God_Hand_vs_Party_Babyz.jpg (1007x891, 190K)

The point of the game is the crossover shit
You do get new Powers but it caps at four. You can also upgrade those same powers I think

Someone is still fucking mad i see


It says right on the image that it's not an average.

What the fuck is your point retard? Instead of improving the abilities they should just cut them all together? Kys

Unless its from a niche Japanese company. If those games are below an 8 from a major reviewer, then the reviewers just "totally didn't understand the game and that they're brainlets or the game was too hard for them"

Huh, didn’t know that
So then the best running switch games probably use proprietary or in-house engines?

>nobody cares about
LOL, snoyfags really are retarded.

>Ghost Rider and Storm in shit and low tier
>Ms. Marvel as a waifu
M8, what the FUCK are you smoking to have such shit taste?

Attached: absolutely_haram.jpg (531x471, 77K)

It probably doesn’t have that large of a budget so I doubt it’ll flop
Especially since nothing else is coming out at the moment

>So then the best running switch games probably use proprietary or in-house engines?
Exactly, most of them use nintendo's engines.
I can't think of a UE4 title with satisfying performance on Switch.

>m-muh Sony!
>posts Steamcels
AHAHAHAHAHHAAHA grow up and get laid or something pathetic fat Nincel

Whats wrong with this? God hand is fucking garbage

That's only for someone's individual ideal rating system. With game reviewers, while there is a huge level of indivudality in terms of how they get the point score, they basically try to rate games among the pack within its genre.

The average action game (6/10) is garbage so a 7 is just close to garbage. An action game needs to rate close to a 9 for it to be good

As long as they have good support for ARM/mobile hardware, yes.

>Star Lord looks like a Firefly character now instead of the space Prussian he was before.
>Spider-Man is now Peter Parker out of costume and "Peter Parker that shoots webs" In costume because lol muh awkward nerds XD
>Nova is a kid now because Jeff Loeb's son died and now we all have to pay for it.
>Haha Gwenpool XD so quirky!
>Squirrel girl looks like she fucks strangers at adult daycares.
>Can't escape Captain Marvel unless the writer of the comic also doesn't like Carol being a fascist and celebrated for it.
Nigga fuck marvel.

Attached: star-lord-2.jpg (1680x1050, 922K)

>Despite IGN giving God Hand a score of 3 out of 10 during its original release, the website ranked the game at #100 for their "Top 100 PlayStation 2 Games" list in 2010.

This is out of roughly 4500 total PS2 games.

I really don't understand how IGN still exists.

>AHAHAHAHAHHAAHA grow up and get laid or something pathetic fat Nincel
>this is the best response the snoyfag has
Literally all out of excuses, so he has to cry to mommy now.

Just continue portbegging.

Instead of adding useless shit they should just make characters actually play differently instead of giving them the same 3 garbage meleesets they’ve had since XML1, and they did exactly that
In my opinion they improved the game a shit ton for me

Just wait for MUA3

It's always with the bonus. That means it's exceptional garbage. Bing bing machine loses again.

>game sends you to the main menu after doing a trial for no reason
already annoying


FFS, I'm getting really tired of seeing people link to douchebag Mcjournalist talk about how we need to acknowledge white privilege and immigration reform, while I'm trying to find reliable video game news.

How long do I have to wait

I'm still waiting for Bayonetta

TSA, but that game sacrificed almost all visual flair for 60 FPS
Also DBFZ?
But I think those are the big two that managed solid Switch performance
Right. I guess I’m just surprised since I thought UE4 did have good ARM support since it’s used in a lot of mobile games too
Ideally they make it better. Didn’t Nintendo release their own Switch middleware engine or something

If other timed exclusives switch has gotten is anything to go on, 1 year.

The fact that this game is even SHORTER than Spiderman is a travesty.

But its been 7 years for Bayonetta 2 you lying hack

At the very least i could see a PC port since its the easiest to do

It's the Nintendo Tax in full effect.

This, only literal underages think a Nintendo Bonus is real. But more importantly, imagine suddenly agreeing with scores when it aligns with your biases

BFA doesn't even deserve that level of a score it should be much lower.

You faggots need to decide whether or not review scores matter. If the game got a high score, you'd all be saying paid reviews, but now that it got a low score, reviews suddenly matter.

Attached: Switchstandards.png (662x676, 136K)

Steam version has Denovu

That alone is enough to score it lower

Though that might get cluttered depending on when it comes out since MASS Builder is also in development

It's simple:
If it is a good review score for sony, it matters.
If it is bad for sony it doesn't.
If it's a Nintendo game pretend the score is 30 points lower and thats's extremely important.

sure is summer in this thread

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No one cares about your retarded opinion idiot

>version running on the system it was intended for, and it’s portable
>version running on a system it’s not intended for and it’s stationary

If you post review scores for any purpose other than exposing how bullshit they are, you're a fucking moron.

>2 points
LOL, so that is basically margin of error for reviews.
So literally no difference here.

Always the victim LMAO

Good thing MUA doesn't completely represent modern marvel.

Have you seen the leotard on Psylocke?

The Switch is ruining games because there's a now a dedicated group of people who think being able to play a game while on the shitter makes it better

I don't think you know where you are rookie. It's all about contrarian shitposting here. Any actual discussion expressing genuine opinions is a small percentage of what goes on in this shit hole.

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Yeah, you just want to shitpost

User score difference is easily explained by Denuvo.

It objectively does.

How the fuck can someone be this delusional about Nintendo products? A Nintendo game is defended ALL THE TIME whenever its shown to be actually shit

How else would you explain people whining about "nintendo bonus"?

but spiderman 2 was also on the gamecube.

>muh Nintendo bonus
How is this real? Nintendo exclusives get plenty of 'middling' scores. Only the biggest nintendo franchises like Mario and Zelda consistently get good scores and even then it isn't a guarantee. BOTW also pandered hard to what 'modern' gamers would find appealing.

Meanwhile Sony games get much bigger bonus points for shit like 'muh cinematic experience' and 'muh political alignment'.

Stating facts isn’t whining

It doesn’t make it better but it certainly makes it easier to go through games than I would if I had to play them at home only
It also is nice that there’s a console/handheld that isn’t participating in the graphics arms race and is providing a space where A and AA devs can create more modestly budgeted titles without getting overshadowed and starved out by AAAA annual releases

Why are you fags so happy about seeing video games fail?

>Nova is a kid now because Jeff Loeb's son died and now we all have to pay for it.
Even after all the years, im still pissed for this bullshit.

OP literally screams about "nintendo bonus", proving me right you little cuck.

>damage control
Fuck off shill

Hey mods, can you just ban EVERY person in this thread? You'd be doing Yea Forums a favor in general, thanks


Marvel Ultimate Alliance is like a Musou game at this point. If you played one, you already played them all.

I’ve never seen gameplay from the series but based off what I’ve heard and the screenshots I’ve seen I had guessed this would be its score or lower.

Seriously why not alts? Why are Jap devs so lazy? I bet if you let us change some of these terrible costumes the score would jump at least two point higher.

I mean it is the only company that can rehash the same 3 ip for 30 fucking years and get little to no backlash from fans or "reviewers".

>why are you happy that shitty low effort cashgrabs made by greedy talentless hacks flop?
Gee I wonder why.

>people itt getting butt hurt over a trash dogshit game

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Yea Forums - Yea Forumsesetera
>We hate things

They’re appearantly adding alts for free throughout the year or some shit

>caring about IGN reviews
>caring about mainstream gaming media after Gamergate

Yea Forums is all I need niggas

If Yea Forums's reasons for hating a game that looks good are bullshit, then it's safe to assume it's worth playing.

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That's literally ALL modern games though user

What are the issues?

I hope throughout THIS year. Why the fuck would they wait nearly half a year to add content when everyone who was playing it is done with it?

>Costumes released later
>At no cost
for what fucking purpose? If they can't even make money off it then why delay?

Well they’re also doing literal expansions and not just pay for 3 characters and be done with it(and free characters too)
It’s looking good support wise

Their quote was that they’ll keep adding throughout to Q1 2020, suggesting they’ll keep adding costumes from now until then

>Sony vs Nintendo
>WoW vs FF14
>Steam vs Epic
>Maybe 3 or 4 threads discussing ACTUAL games.
I wish hiro would delete this fucking board already

Choppy frame rate when playing scarlet witch, some areas look better than others and some repetitiveness
same issues as in most beat em ups these days

I can’t imagine getting 50% of the questions right on a test and considering it anything more than an abject failure.

In science, 50% is considered a complete failure because it’s indistinguishable from random chance; if your score on a test barely exceeds “I just guessed on every question” and that makes you THE AVERAGE, I can’t imagine how many niggers and retards inhabit the horrible braindead place you are unfortunate enough to call “home”

Alrighty then. Hope there's something for everyone.

Because the idea of tests in other countries is that they aren’t rote memorization, so 50% is meant to be the 50th percentile on a bell curve

Sounds pretty decent for a Team Ninja game.

Actual random chance is a lot lower than 50 percent if you have more than 2 potential answers. What pisses me off is that Europeans often say how dumb Americans are but our grading scale is a lot harder.

We do have a shittier secondary education (due to shit funding and standardized testing over learning) but our colleges are on par if not better than everywhere else on average.

That isn’t how scoring works. If your score is “50% correct”, the only way that’s the middle of the bell curve is if the average score is to get as many questions wrong as you get right.

What the fuck country do you live in? I’m embarrassed FOR you that you grade tests on something other than “how many questions you answer correctly”

The reason why he hasnt deleted either this place or /pol/ it's because the cancer has to be kept in one place even if it doesnt do its job perfectly also ad revenue from traffic

based and redpilled.

An 8 means that the game is mediocre at best. Account for the nintendo and marvel bonus and it's probably a poorly constructed dungeon crawler with a player retention time of 10-15 hours max then you never touch it again.

I don't even care about reviews but generally if it isn't a 9 and it's a western game I won't even bother. If shills gave it an 8 then it's probably really bad.

Video games don't exist in a vacuum, there's always competition. Don't like people arguing? Reddit is right up your alley.

That’s true, of course, but no matter HOW a test is structured, 50% = “as many wrong as right”. If you get as many challenges, questions, etc. wrong as you get right, you are a fucking incompetent in the subject in question. Yes, your odds of doing so are better than strict random chance in most multiple choice situations; so what? 50% is still dogshit.

I have a solution for this conundrum: stop taking review scores seriously! It's that simple. Next time someone links to metacritic, take the metacritic score AND their post, and proceed to toss both of them into the trash.

Works guaranteed, or your money back.


Spider-Man PS4 is a long game.

>An 8 means that the game is mediocre at best.

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How sad is the world if everyone thinks anything below an "A" is considered terrible.

It's not a big, cinematic EPIIIIIC blockbuster. It was scored accordingly.

Western games are that bad though. If the shills at IGN won't even give an MCU advertisement a 9 then why even fucking bother lol?

Last second embargoes like this hardly ever inspires confidence.

Oh I agree 50 percent is terrible and should not be the average for testing purposes. It makes sense that a 5 out of 10 is average with strict numbers since you are using median average for ratings. Of course you could change all that and I think game journos forget that and instead use mean average.

I get passionate about testing or how we should back away from traditional tests due to being a high school history teacher. I literally make tests for a living it seems and I can tell you in America teachers are pushed to just teach memorization over actual learning.

>Elsa in shit tier
Fix your shitty taste.

Gran Turdismo, God of snoy and Unsharted?

Gaming was better when we were swimming in 7s, AA devs making a comeback!

But most good western games don't score As. I'm unironically pretty sure that in most cases in the post 7th gen world that games in the 80 to 90 bracket are better than games in the 90 to 100 bracket.

Just a feeling.,

I don't like any of those I don't own any Sony console. But those aren't 30+ years old either

This. Whether or not it's actually good is another conversation entirely but by all accounts it's superior to the original titles. They just took the same shit and suited it up.

The point of a rating system is meant to be a flow of game types. Great games get the A. Good ones get the B. Decent would be a C. The bad ones start at D leading to a big fat F. By fucking up the ratings you can't understand what is a passable game anymore. Quit this ideology.

It unironically was. I'd rather AA games over mobile gatcha garbage and uninspired indie pixelshit any day.

thats the point

Didn't Team Ninja make this?

...they couldn't just give it an 8? What distinguishes a 7.8 from a 7.9 or an 8?

This isn’t even a western game retard nor is it a MCU advertisement

I agree on everything but costumes. Costumes is a straight downgrade and I hope they don't try to peicemeal them through dlc for the good ones. Though 4 skills is tough to swallow, in all honesty I barely used 4 skills total in the first two since there was always 1 or two skills that were miles better than the others.

Apparently, every game now has to get near perfect scores regardless of their land they orgin. >_>

Should've made NG4.

The real problem is when people refuse to acknowledge a game unless it's on the Switch. They've become the new petition race. Shoot, when I play on PC I don't instantly hate on any console exclusives. I don't even wait for them to be emulatable. I played Zelda on the Switch without CEMU. They can't do the same for non-nintendo games?

Costumes are free dlc though. So it evens out

Without oatmeal cookie? No thanks.

>when I play on PC I don't instantly hate on any console exclusives

Lol, the worlds a bit bigger than that

wait did I miss that announcement at comic-con? I know we are getting colossus and cyclops for free.

Yeah because 3 went so well right?

Actually kill yourself. I know you're not baiting you trash.

I can't talk for every PC user, but I don't defend the blatant console warring incited by some of them.

Did everyone just forget that MUA was always just slightly above average? They were never excellent games by any measure, people played them to beat up people as their favorite superheroes with their friends.

>Diablo lite hero looter with some RPG mechanics
What did people expect it to score?

It's a shame it's less Diablo-lite and more lineat musou-lite instead.

You don't even equip new gear drops.

The co-op trials were decent at least. Rather that than seeing them try to capitalize on the MCU trend and still make a mediocre game.

Those were only published by nintendo, this was FUNDED by nintendo, who hired team ninja because of their work in Hyrule Warriors, it's still a Nintendo game.

I hear a lot of complaining about how 7's are just fine. I disagree because if I spend $60 Bison Bucks on a game, it can't simply be ok.

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Does the online have any depth or it's just bare basic drop in drop out? I

>>Only 10 hours long with no replayability
>>no unlockable costumes, only color swaps

I won't even bother to pirate this mess. i guarantee costumes will come later as overpriced dlc.

The argument is that 7 is just one person’s impression.
For instance, I would give Spiderman a 7 since while it’s movement mechanics are superb, it’s combat is middling and a lot of its side objectives are filler
But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad game or not worth $60 to some people.

Really should be laughing at Xbox folk here. Imagine owning a studio that still makes games exclusive for Nintendo. The absolute state of Fail Spencer.

>better to make a bad game and not sell rather than a mediocre game and sell

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Costumes are free updates like cyclops and colossus

They’re already confirmed to be free, like Cyclops and Colossus
>implying anyone who brags over low/high scores has played previous entries

Do you think Team Ninja and Ninja Theory are the same studio?

Then don't buy it retard.


Team Ninja isn't Ninja Theory you omega brainlet.

Its mostly just poorfags and company brand loyalty bullshit

They don't even play the games they review

Avengers isn't made by the same studio, let alone team, that made Spider-Man, are you retarded?

Uhh, no it didn't.

Honestly hoping they do more free DLC, make some of the bosses playable like in HW

If you'd rather play mediocre cape shit than mediocre NG you're the problem.

>mediocre NG
No user, it was bad. BAD.

Cope nintendies

It’s going to be an MCU knock off game with brain dead single button action combat
At least that’s what I’ve heard from people who saw and played it.

Fuck off Snoyfag. Eat shit. Literally. Literally eat your own shit you fucking overweight friendless faggot.

Should have been an actual action game on actual hardware.

Don't ever trust reviews though. Even a child shouldn't be this dumb.

Attached: Kasumi costumes.webm (900x506, 2.87M)

Now a days an 8 doesn't hold the same weight it would have had as it would have a decade ago.

How does online with friends work in this game?

They probably planned to include costumes but ran out of time and instead of delaying the game they thought promising costumes later would extend its lifespan.

imagine being so pretentious that you give something a fucking seven point 8 score. for fuck sake just give it an 8 and shut the fuck up

It's ok I make that mistake occasionally too. But I don't embarrass myself by saying it out loud.

I'm guessing it lost points for sexism.

Then maybe after having to make razors edge to try and save face and the experience from Nioh makes them go back to a more NGB like formula.

A 7 does mean good, but I'm not going to pay $60 for a good game. If I'm paying full price it better be fucking amazing.

>It was always shit
keep finding ways to damage control it never stops being funny.

Yeah, big "maybe."

Considering they couldn't even make this interesting, I have no reason to believe they could make another good Ninja Gaiden.

Why are you pathetic faggots obsessed with console wars? I thought you needed to be an adult to post here.

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As long as I can flying swallow and izuna drop with an expanding moveset as you upgrade weapons I'm fine with it over Marvel shit.

You don't know shit about Ninja Gaiden so stop pretending you do.

>buying disney chinkshit
lol who gives a shit about the score?

Please, do elaborate.

Shut up white boi

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There's nothing to elaborate Ken. You're a poser and always have been.

People need to stop making tight net excuses on behalf of their favorite corporation.

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funny image bro


Don’t forget the 2019 bonus and the non-RPG bonus.

>implying a 7.8 needs an excuse

Don't buy it user, you're not the target audience.

What is up with Quill's face?

i kinda wanted this but no gear is a downer


is there the Taskmaster?

Hi anons, like my new costume?

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imagine being a mouth-breathing review score faggot in 2019

No where did I say that. From the gameplay we saw it seems like it might play similar to Spider-Man, i.e. a third person action game. I’d guess Avengers would also be a sandbox type world, similar to Spider-Man.

Pre-order cancel!

He's right, Yea Forums is a literal who website that nobody cares about outside of Smash faggotry. People on this board only pretend to like it because it's a Japanese game that recieved extremely low review scores.

I pirated earlier today, it's ok, if I had to describe it its a cross between Diablo and the Lego tie in games that come out by the metric ton.
The performance in handheld is awful especially when specials and tons of enemies are involved, I don't have the dock near me so I can't test if it's any better there.

>"Shallow, stupid, and very repetitive but as long as you play with friends there’s a goofy charm to what is, for better or worse, the best Marvel team-up game in a long while."
This is the best review I seen this far. Not even joking.

What about people who actually played the Xmen and previous games? Not everyone is a faggot user, some people here do play games.

Stop maining Psylocke and Spider Gwen


One of few posts that understands why numarvel is shit

fixed it for him

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I'd expect its because it has tits and ass in it as well as these people suck at games (If you can

Nintendo bonus meme is really just cope.

>zoomers don't remember 8.8

IGN is based & has far superior taste than Yea Forums

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>Shallow, stupid, and very repetitive

Name a single game in this genre that doesn't fit in this category.

Not going to lie: I had no fucking idea who wanted a new MUA. I got the original bundled with my 360 back in the day and it was one of the most mediocre games I remember

-2 points for having icky depictions of women! Cover those ladies up! Have some respect!

Only Nintendo Exclusives get a nintendo bonus user.

I mean i didn't expect it too be good. I'll still check it out. personally i wish it would've been third party


Cope more, Rockstar is the only company that actively gets a bonus. Most Nintendo games have low review scores but extremely high user scores. With Rockstar it's the opposite

We don't round scores in this business corporate cocksucker.

Not sure if bait.

You faggots like all of the games in that picture, so yeah no amount of contrarianism will change that

Yea Forums says a lot of shit seriously, so its best to not take Yea Forums seriously.

It clearly does.

Besides, I basically live in two places at the same time. Want me to carry a fucking bulky PS4 with me all the time? As people move around more, portability is going to be valued. The Switch is a godsend on that regard.

>Nintendo bonus
Imagine being so autistic that you have to invent a conspiracy to understand why someone else's opinion is different from yours.

It is third party, it was made by Team Ninja and is just a timed exclusive. Frankly, it will probably be better on PS4 and PC since performance is a serious issue with it on Switch.

That was my point, this "xxx bonus" is just bullshit.
On the other hand, some reviews are really paid or blackmailed in some ways, but t'at is mostly EA, Activision or Bethesda doing that..

Don't forget the video game bonus as well

Don't forget the catered to humans bonus

>the cast moveset in the game is more diverse than they’ve ever been
Do you mean powers the characters can use?

"5 is the average" is super brainlet thinking
5 is a neutral opinion, not the average. Most people have an understanding of what they like and don't like, and will attempt to follow that understanding when they make media themselves. When you take that, and add the curation needed to get something to mass market, the actual average for a video game or any comparable production (mostly movies and tv, some albums and other things) is probably a little over a 6/10, because if it somehow makes it to your eyes then its probably at least a little good. Game reviews still shoot a above that because its an enthusiast press, but its not nearly as bad as people make it out to be

Spider-Man games used to be shit too. Why didn't Ninja at least try and make this game stand out more?

There better be real flaws and not Team Ninja making yet another good game and getting shat on for bullshit reasons.

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Did you play marvel nemesis?

Yeah but game reviewers never give anything less than a 6 on a major release, so you have to adjust the scale to account, 7-8 is basically a D-

At least Spider-Man had 28 costumes at launch. This game makes you wait a year just to change costumes.

>Black Bolt, Medusa, Vision, and Valkyrie have all been spotted in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3’s files.

So does this mean each pack is guaranteed more than 4 characters?

>not the average
Not THE average, just average
The average assumes it's somewhere in the middle of the bell curve of quality of all games.
However, average as a quality rather than quantity more implies it has an equal amount of good as well as bad,

No. There's small, two-characters free DLC packs, the first one being Colossus and Cyclops in August, and the paid packs are four characters each, for example the Marvel Knights pack is Blade, Morbius, Moonknight and Punisher, and the FF pack is the FF.

Do you think those 4 will just be thrown in to each one? How does each group relate to MK/F4?

There are some pretty big frame rate issues, especially during some of the crazier team super attacks.

>It's another "Journo opinions don't count unless I agree with them" thread.

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I can blame the hardware for that.

>xxx bonus
skyrim and sims gets that bonus

I'm really enjoying it so far. And I pirated it, so I'm not shilling for it. One of my favorite Switch games so far. Really excited for Punisher, Blade, and Moon Knight.

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And it's a good one too.

Can you point me in the direction of a good tutorial for hacking my switch? And is there a way to keep my normal firmware so I can play online when I want to?

Nigga I'm having both, just need to buy a Switch and UA3

Yeah, emuMMC came out recently and does exactly that.

This guy is more right than he is wrong, especially about Star-Lord. DnA-era Star-Lord has the greatest cape costume of all time and it's not even close.

Dick Rider pulled Annihilus inside out and saved the universe. He is a god damned hero and the one true Nova.

Attached: The-Thanos-Imperative.jpg (600x910, 404K)

They announced costumes for the whole base roster of MUA3 will be released over time. I've got to imagine Star-Lord's will that costume, I don't know what else it would possibly be.

His terrible Mass Effect Bendis-era costume or his OG 70s look.

Thanks friend, that helps a lot.


>retards who suck a video games think its bad
good for them

>there are people ITT that ACTUALLY care that a videogame “journalism” company slapped some arbitrary number on a game that they probably only played halfway through

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marvel heroes is f2p, why spend $ on this?

How long is Jeff Loeb going to milk the fact that his son died?

why do amerifats hate capeshit games but love watching capeshit movies?

nobody else around to hear them clap