Obscure Yea Forums content

How many minor Yea Forums-related comics, memes and jokes haven't been forgotten by time? How much OC hasn't been lost over the years or forgotten in some archived thread nobody will ever look at?

Post whatever old Yea Forums stuff you have here, share it and maybe some old memories will be rekindled or some shit.

Attached: Demoness General modified.jpg (677x729, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Slightly NSFW.

The Demoness generals were a short-lived series of threads starting with the classical "save the princess" line. It soon became a series of threads where rule34 of the demoness were created and shared.

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Breastus Demonicus threads were the shit back then.
I fapped to those threads way to much[/spolier]

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When was the last time someone tried to put one of these together?

To think, we might have been in the same thread fapping to the same pictures back then. It kind of blows my mind!

Attached: 2012.jpg (1920x1080, 894K)

I only have until 2014.

5 years ago, holy fuck.

Attached: 2013.jpg (1920x1080, 784K)

Oh geez. I don't like that. I remember seeing these made like every year. Kinda wish people kept up the trend, but I guess it's just par for the course at this point.

Holy shit I remember the original from threads on Yea Forums years ago. People would end up posting thicc ass dragons in there too. Made my cock as hard as a rock.

Hopefully I have just missed them, but it does feel as if you are right.

Attached: 2014.jpg (1920x1080, 1.13M)

ps: both have penises.

I miss early 10s Yea Forums I would come here every day to laugh at the retarded fucking posts and then have actual discussion now the catalog is just porn and normalfag shit. the closest thing to something funny on here is the black and white gigachad pics

It's not that bad, user. Remember the nostalgia goggles you are wearing.

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Rene "Give her the dick" Descartes is ALWAYS funny

here, have a Ducreux

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There's a dozen different version of this.

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it fucking sucks every thread can be derailed in an instant because of some anime picture faggot who erps in the fucking thread and the lonely horny prison gay neets who reply and feed him. Also the actual 12-16 year olds who post here from their PHONES are VERY apparent and VERY annoying

>this thread

Attached: forever.jpg (599x439, 44K)

Are Winter Balls even a thing these days?

Yeah, phoneposting did leave its mark but threads have been derailed by anime faggots since day one.

Attached: Winter Ball 2012.png (669x722, 43K)

of course, but with the advent of discord it makes this nefarious shit rampant throughout the threads

Everybody knows Tails Gets Trolled but we also used to read different kinds of shitty deviantart comics together. Reading Crash Retold or whatever it was called with Yea Forums was hilarious.

That was her fucking name. I was trying to remember it in the recent save the princess threads. Any of the art still around?

I miss the stupid fucking flavor of the month games Yea Forums would obsess over now and again and create ridiculous OC for it. The first few weeks of Happy Wheels with Yea Forums was amazing until it went mainstream and every level became 'don't press any buttons and watch the character to flips and shit'.
The last game that managed this was probably SCP: Containment Breach but that was given a /vg/ death sentence almost immediately.

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There used to be so many GabeN tributes. Not so much these days

I think I have it somewhere, but now I cant find it.

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There's a blog with a load of art on it.
Just google her name and you should find it.

Does anyone remember the 'Brittlesworth' New Vegas threads and have a screenshot of them. I'm certain I saw a cap of it at some point

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The Pooh game was my favourite.

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>The days of minecraft alpha
>The days notch shilled on Yea Forums
>The days we had comfy minecraft threads

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There's even a wiki for it.


It makes me happy that this little thing seen by a hundred people at most is preserved, even if it is just fapbait.

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I've got a whole folder of the Op image back when that was a thing.

That image should have come after this one.

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Post the others.

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the ishygddt and jimmy rustles era was peak Yea Forums imo

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What's this?

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Reminder that Tortanic is still going.

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A scalie vore comic that was posted in LOL threads a couple years ago

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Attached: 2010-11-25-videogame.gif (601x400, 19K)

there was a really old stickman comic that used to get reposted a lot, it basically had a character playing a gameboy alone in his room who represented the author, and a guy (probably his dad) walks in and tells him it's a waste of time, and then a massive wall of text from the author about how he's righteous and smart or some bullshit. it was a terrible strawman comic that was pretty much this but unironic, anyone know what i'm talking about

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Bioshock used to be new, and a thing

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>this video will be 10 years old next week

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I have a lot of comics, but I can't find one that seems like your description

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I could swear there was a video parody of this entire song on YT, but it seems it is gone now.

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The Legend himself.

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For a brief period of time, people used to spam these really shitty gay Mickey Mouse and Goofy comics. It made for some good reaction images though, like this one.

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Are you thinking of this one user?

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Same with this. Someone posted pic related's muscle girl fetish comics. This is still one of my favourite reaction images of all time.

No, it was called "Yea Forums do" and was more Yea Forums-focused IIRC.

Attached: Take a wild guess.jpg (277x275, 31K)

That reminds me, there was this thread on Yea Forums about some devaintart comic called Soinc/Spongebob/Ed, Edd, and Eddy in the no-end house. It was fucking insane.

I miss public sage, bros...

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It goes in every field.

this picture goddamn

Post the revengence version

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I miss CAD edit threads, he hardly turns up anymore in LOL threads.

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>tfw listening to Chicago's police dispatch with Yea Forums
The best kind of offtopic shitpost thread

Anyone remember [PROOF]?

Google "Breastus Demonicus" friend

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I feel like I'm the only one who remembers Tyrone Shepard, the thread he had on the old archive was cash

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When did we have a mosaic thread last?

Was he related to Tyrone Cashmoney of KOTOR?

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>Not only is sage no longer visible, but announcing a sage will get you banned
Worst fuckin timeline

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I can't even find an image of Moe Lester, but some user was playing Sims 3 and had a mother and her son who unbeknownst to them had a smelly NEET living in their walls. Similar to Chinman.

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This and Galo Sengen is some of the best Yea Forums content I can think of.


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it wasnt obscure at one point

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I miss the old days so fucking much. You guys remember those Monster Hunter Tri threads in 2010? The great hunting summer or something like that. I made a whole lot of friends there, I miss you all.

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>tfw we forgot

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>that zelda concept art
oh god don't remind me of that shit

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they were simpler times, bros. No irony, no politics, just the appropriation of nerd culture

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ill be honest, ive been here for 13 years and i still dont get this comic. i only saw it explained once. something about how the icons interact with eachother

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Thanks for the thread, bros. I hope everyone who posted and lurked enjoyed it too.

In old Dwarf Fortress, cats reproduced very quickly. This could lead to a massive overpopulation of cats which caused a bunch of different issues. Thus anyone who plays the game knows that starting with 2 cats is a good way to achieve misery.

thanks user

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When Mass effect wasn't a shell of its former self

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my last post, see y'all next time

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last post for me too--dont forget, youre here forever.

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You're asking us to remember threads that happened nine years ago.
I have got to get out of this place.

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Speak for yourself, I came here during Japan Time and I'm still around

It's more than that though because your Dorfs got attached to your cats very quickly
The combination of huge amounts of cats + pet bonds meant you couldn't slaughter them without heavily upsetting everyone, causing them to get pissed and start tantruming, which caused others to get pissed more, often ending in mass insanity and the end of your fort

Now you can simply only bring male kittens, which will still achieve their intended goal of hunting vermin without breeding

>tfw 2cat has a double hidden meaning that is hidden from newfags and underage forever
feels good to have something safe

let me dig up so old shit

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>slightly NSFW
Why do you even type this out? Do you really think the mods are gonna be like "Oh! he said it was nsfw so we wont delete it!"

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this edit made me laugh more than the original

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i'll play pretend with you Yea Forums

I miss the free mousepads. They were garbage, but they were free, and I loved them.

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Me too, i have a gay furry porn mousemat i got for free ages ago.
It's n8, and it's great, its a shame it's gotten really worse for wear now.

Good to see you haven't lost all your charm just yet, Yea Forums.

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this is sweet

Haven't seen this meme in a decent while. Maybe we did finally decide what to use even go want to do look more like.

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i'd sacrifice all the tuxedo pepes in the world to get old Yea Forums back.
it looked fun

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>anime is turning people gay
Now I hope for the muslims to take control of the government.

Attached: translaled-by-memritv-brothers-there-is-homosexuality-in-cartoons-30133720.png (499x331, 211K)

>anime is turning people gay
I think when you expose people to new ideas it'll change who people are, i'd rather have interesting and fun anime that'd sometimes turn people prison gay than stagnant boring media like whatever's on Yea Forums

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Not anymore. They added trannies.

I miss Yea Forums's Day of Harmony. That was a fun few days or so.

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It was much more fun than what we are in now.

It still hurts. It's been 12 years since the buyout, but the pain is still there.

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maybe it'll come back if we hope hard enough for it

Attached: 1314323036330.jpg (663x769, 129K)

In dorf fort there are 3 ways to lose.

1. Fun.
2. Incompetence.
3. Frame rate.
The first two are what you expect. The fortress exploded in a fiery ball of death with everyone dead or crippled due to a variety of different reasons. oh well a glorious end.

the third is just as legitimate as the first two.
dorf fort, despite being an ASCII game, is fucking massively hardware intensive due to the sheer complexity of it's mechanics and systems. and you can lose a fortress before it even begins by simply having the wrong settings. As you get a higher number of dorfs the time scale will start to slow to a crawl and become pretty much unplayable if you can't kill a large chunk of your population. But doing that will also cause a ton of problems and it's very likely the fortress just won't ever recover.
cats, while less intensive than dorfs, multiply significantly faster and can easily kill your fortress via frame rate if you don't carefully manage the cat population to prevent any explosion of cats.
most prefer to just not fuck with cats.

and now you know.

Who here remembers Thad?

Didn't the fucker get out a bit ago?

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Oh dear god I forgot about these.

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He did. He got ripped in prison.

Tilefucker may still be memorialized, but perhaps this man is best left forgotten.

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He posted here when he got out, assuming it was real.

I remember that one. It still terrifies me.

I don't have the image, but I remember there was another thread like this with what appeared to be a dead body obscured in the background or something.

Pic unrelated.

Attached: 1320865671599.jpg (688x1434, 393K)

Dwarf Fortress has a Mood system for all dwarfs. They can become angry, depressed etc especially if you accidentally kill a pet.
Some pets can be butchered for meat, fat and hide but named pets can't.
If you have both a female and male cat they can quickly flood a fortress with offspring, producing more cats. If you try to kill them then dwarfs can become angry and go into what's called a tantrum spiral and destroy everything.

That's about the gist of it.

I don't know why I've never seen this before but I wish I hadn't seen it now

The rest just get worst as the OC and the collective spirit of Yea Forums dries up

2011 was the peak

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woops got some Yea Forums mixed up there

I don't have 2016

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different 2012

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does anyone have the full version of that Vivian/V-tan render

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