Will Games Ever be Art?

also, make some video game art with aiportraits.com/#

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Video games are not art - and that's a good thing.

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Holy shit

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wrong one

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what the fuck

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playin chess wid it too

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Points if you can guess the character

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this is the worst response to this question

The answer is no, not right now at least. Game audiences are way too indecisive about what they want. I think there are games that are good, intelligent experiences, but I don't think that there are any games as enigmatic or deep as some of the defining works of art in other art forms. We're still waiting for the video game Shakespeare, the video game Ingmar Bergman, or the video game Mozart. At this rate, I kind of doubt that that person will come any time soon, if only because of the rampant anti-intellectualism in the video game community. (and also because video games were invented at a different stage in capitalism's history than any other form of art thus far, and they take much higher budgets than most other artforms, therefore only the safest and most commercial works will be made, relegating games to kitsch instead of art)

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you can't make art from a movie the same way you can from a picture by showing a still frame of a move for 90 minutes, you can't make art from a video game by trying to pretend it's a movie. a video game is art when it tries to be a video game

Attached: seething.jpg (274x337, 16K)

does it matter? some games are in museums already (and not those dumb 'history of gaming' ones).

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Attached: 21theworld_2019_07_11_11_49_29_194.jpg (2560x1440, 1.77M)

The second games become art, they are no longer games. You can have a great story. You can have great music. You NEED great GAMEplay.
Art is art, games are games, and that’s a good thing.

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hey every buddy

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he should add this to his portfolio

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Attached: Syzygys win_2019_05_08_21_30_15_483.jpg (2560x1440, 343K)

>yfw you miss by one

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I like this one

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>A sandwich,my kind sir?

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>jotaro hat
yare yare daze

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Excellent usage of chiaroscuro


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that portrait actually came out really well, looks like it should be in a museum

Artistically BLACKED

That looks like Victorian era art

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>Me on the outside vs. Me on the inside

>"Is this a late April Fool's joke?"

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>original vs. remaster

Attached: file.png (903x423, 824K)

The face of contempt.

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now that's an abstract kind of feel

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These are all good

Yes, I agree. I'm not saying games need to copy other art forms. I'm saying that we do not have anything that is uniquely a game that would be considered a defining work of art in gaming yet. Right now, designers are JUST starting to learn how to use mechanics to make a statement, and even that is mostly relegated to lower budget indie titles. There are games that artistically inclined, like the MGS series, Mother 3, etc, but I do not feel that they use their status as a game to the advantage of their story or their messaging.
Oh, yeah, another reason it's difficult for games to get to the level of art: most of them are designed by committee, with no distinct authorship. I hate auteur theory, but it's undeniable that it was crucial in moving film as an art form. The closest thing we have to an auteur in gaming right now is Kojima or Sakurai maybe... but Kojima makes games that are trying to be movies, and Sakurai doesn't make games with any statement in mind.


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edgy fucker

I laughed out loud.

Attached: trashai.jpg (888x450, 47K)

>I seriously hoped, and yet they did it anyway...

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Oh dear

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you can say it was trash

Bruh, even in it's infancy an artform is still art

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He was an hero

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Everything is art retard

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>My face
>My soul

the AI had no fucking idea what to do with this level of ugly

Did the AI improve ArtAnon's work or only made it worse?

Attached: joseartartified.jpg (846x450, 193K)

It even gives him the mutton chops.

depend what algorithm is picked i guess. Thre are several for different styles


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Surrender your arms.

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AI drew Jose 50 years later as he reflects upon his vision of the golem.

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the pure child who saved /bix/

>Il Soilentio

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it's moot

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Sir Who?

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follow your dreams

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only posting this for the image not trying to break a rule

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Who is that fine gentleman?

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what did it mean by this

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Lemme take a Selphie

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it's moot

who is that

In purely technical terms, yes, but there's a distinction between kitsch and what a lot of people call "high art", or "great art". When most people ask "is _____ art?" they're asking if it's the latter, not if it literally exists as art.
Sure, but as mentioned above, the discussion isn't really "are video games art or not" it's more "are video games worthy art".

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it's moot

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18 AI Portraits Ars The experience of being portrayed by the world’s greatest a (900x450, 740K)

thats moot

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Attached: Untitled.png (895x448, 622K)


>When you start out Nomura but accidentally Amano

Attached: aiportraits_1563493701.jpg (1024x512, 87K)

Before and after he sold Yea Forums.

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This can't be real.

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Al Bhed don't know high art

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looks it cant into asian faces

Attached: lasist shit.jpg (1341x666, 116K)

it looks like fucking rantz

Attached: babby 3.png (896x450, 655K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18 AI Portraits Ars The experience of being portrayed by the world’s greatest a (900x450, 1011K)

why does it make everything retarded?

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Looks like Stalone.

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Never fucking lucky, man

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games dont need to be art, modern art is a money laundering scam and AAA gaming is a gambling exploitive scam that has ruined the industry. so games are art now right?

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so this is the power of art huh

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The portraits it was trained on were likely 99% Europeans considering the style it's emulating
Although honestly Kiryu doesn't even look asian in that screenshot

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Attached: screenshot_2869.png (914x458, 321K)

>Justificial Intelligence

This is unironically great.

Attached: justart.jpg (900x452, 77K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-18 AI Portraits Ars The experience of being portrayed by the world’s greatest a (900x450, 771K)

>her pepper grinder is bigger than yours

Attached: aiportraits_1563494243.jpg (1024x512, 103K)

limmy broke it

Attached: 1538373693653.png (894x447, 626K)

I'm having fun

Attached: literal water colors.png (1120x560, 909K)

>no difference
lel. limmy so prim looking already.

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*glass breaks*

Attached: aiportraits_1563494264.jpg (1024x512, 57K)

Looks almost like a human in the portrait.

Staying up late, Yea Forums?

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"The Andalusian Merchant"

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The Kramer ain't got shit on this

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lol the crux of my argument has nothing to do with modern art. it's not fair to compare games to painting or sculpture, the times they were developed in are too different. a better comparison is video games and film. anyways, most people who argue modern art is a scam don't get modern art (for one, most of what they hate is postmodern art, and most of that is literally satire on the art industry, but people are too dense to understand that no, an artist is not seriously trying to portray a toilet or an apple as art)


Attached: aiportraits_1563494410.jpg (1024x512, 90K)

even the neckbeard has been accentuated

Doesn't anyone else find this disturbing?
I mean, what if this technology has existed for a long time and all the famous historical people were just made up.


Take your pills

That looks like the top half of Jim's face stitched onto the bottom half of Stanley's face

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I'm buff!

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i typically find conspiracies more comforting than reality

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Dostoevsky protagonist right there

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every time I put a face in I feel like I'm going to make an eldritch abomination that I wasn't supposed to see

>The future is jedward

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ooga bogga?

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Pretty good....

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Holy shit.

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Yes. They are already art.
Logically they are some combination of art, storytelling, sound, music and computer science.
I feel the problem with having this discussion is people think "art" has to be artsy, and many "art games" try to focus so hard on everything but gameplay. I think games as a medium provides ample mechanics in which to make artistic expression. Gameplay itself can be artistic in and of itself.

Attached: file.png (937x483, 838K)

not interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls.

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Another downgrade in a sony game

Looks like that French king.

>My face
>My Soul

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what if we're all just inhabitants of his chin

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if you took the face of everyone on Yea Forums and made a composite of them, this is what you would get


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You heard it here first people, mexicans aren't human

Firstly your post reeks of progressive faggotry. Dilate. Secondly video games like reading are an active and engaging art form thus you cant quite take the same approach to it as other forms as you describe. We've ventured to far into emulating reality and visual quality as opposed to good story telling and complex game design, and at the moment companies employ bargin basement fan fiction writers. While most of the current stream of games are trash pop art there are gems of actual real video game artistry floating around.

Attached: __ikezawa_hanako_and_tharja_fire_emblem_kakusei_and_etc_drawn_by_rtil__7a0f98a3fb0f0f64559cc707a25d0 (696x1099, 151K)

Attached: aiportraits_1563536733.jpg (1024x512, 82K)

ok this is epic

Attached: aiportraits_1563495057.jpg (1024x512, 59K)

The chad photoshop vs the virgin portrait

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Bad art is still art.

Attached: file.png (934x474, 658K)

You are the one of my dreams

Attached: uriel.png (1107x543, 1.24M)

>stop not being a tree

games are consumer and profit driven instead of being about the expression of the people making it, so it can't never be art.

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Cursed image, do not open

Attached: 666.jpg (920x496, 284K)

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>kill them Johnny kill them all

oh come on man don't ruin the fun

Image limit reached lads, new thread?

>image limit

>Painting of the real Jack the Ripper uncovered in London, more at 11

That's not what they're arguing about. This conversation isn't "are video games literally art" it's "are video games high art/art that is on the level of other art forms"
i assume that you're calling my post progressive faggotry because it's not positive towards capitalism. i am well aware that you can't just have video games imitate other forms of art, i don't think they should, i think they should develop as their own artform. what would you argue is an example of "real video game artistry"?

go back to plebbit if you don't like it faggot

that actually makes him look cooler which is surprising

I can't download pair for some reason.

John Lithgow?

screenshot and put into paint and crop
unless you're a phoneposter lol

I know, but I'm just curious if it's my browser problem or site.

Or you could just click download couple.
It's the thing at the bottom with two arrows pointing at an envelope


>that kike forehead

It doesn't work for me as I said above(firefox).


>we truly wuz

>are video games high art/art that is on the level of other art forms
Well that's subjective based on who you ask. My dad doesn't get video games, but me and my brother can discuss them for hours.
High art as a concept is outdated due to the fact we no longer make that art for kings and queens to gawk at. Art is enjoyed by everyone now, not just the "educated."
Video games are an astoundingly new medium with no real inspiration to draw from aside from "real" games like sports or board games. Film had a rich history of stageplay, but games within a few decades had such a diverse range of content made that we seemingly pulled out of our ass in terms of the functional game mechanics.
It's honestly just a silly question to ask.

WHERE THE NEW THREAD AT and keep it vidya related you dumb fucks i don't want to look at pics of your dumbshit classmates.

someone make a new thread these are great


Attached: aiportraits_1563494933.jpg (1024x512, 144K)

NOW it's art!

Video games being new is a big reason why I wouldn't consider them art yet. As someone who is pretty experienced in both film and games especially, would I ever in a million years feel like comparing a game to something like 2001, Persona or even Akira is fair? Absolutely not. As I mentioned earlier, game devs are JUST starting to learn how to make a point mechanically. I'd say that games are firmly in the realm of pop art or kitsch for now. Within the first 30 or 40 years of film existing as an art form, defining techniques had just been introduced. I wouldn't say that film hit it's stride as "great art" until around the 40s or 50s, when it came into it's own and stopped relying on techniques established in other art forms to carry it. Games have been "figured out" in around the same time. It's a matter of time to see when they'll hit their stride, but I'd argue that it'll probably take longer, because it's being developed in a commercialist system. Let's see how it goes.



Game mechanics have already been used to make a point in several games. AAA games are the equivalent of mass consumer films, you don't go to Transformers for "High Art".

retarded picture in, retarded picture out

>would I ever in a million years feel like comparing a game to something like 2001

That's the other point. Video games ARE the newest medium out there and is probably the last to realistically exist. Within the next 25 years I think games will have its Citizen Kane moment.
>games are pop art
>pop art
>not art in and of itself
