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Why does he look like a literal goblin?
h "i-i dont think we should really kill the bourgeoisie" bomberguy
>tfw i just watched the 10 hour breakdown of how wrong his ds2 video was
funny thing is i like ds2 but that video made me want to strangle this dumb motherfucker. that 10 hours was cathartic to say the least
The ones I know irl are, without fail, furry sonicfags, trans, and/or bronies
Typical white western male, don't pretend you look any different lmao
Are autistic
Don’t disrespect one of the founding fathers like that!
>Implying I don't get more of your race's pussy on a bad day
Stay mad.
is the one on bottom left a tranny or just ugly?
I don't
Hbomberguy is pretty much responsible for me dropping the whole /pol/tard anti-SJW shit. How about you guys?
>actually being brown
damn that’s gross lol.
>actually fucking falling for 'the whole /pol/tard anti-SJW shit'
What the fuck were you even doing in /pol/ at the first place?
Are you new?
Did the same.. haven't even played DS2
cool ventriloquist dummy
>being influenced by anyone who makes "video essays"
>being influenced by the person that embodies the problem with men in the 21st century
if i make a video essay on why you should kill urself will you do it? please?
>A retard on youtube is the reason I change my political views
>the person that embodies the problem with men in the 21st century
you're on Yea Forums, shut up pussy
I fucking love Devin Townsend
If you provided valid arguments, then sure.
That's not going to be very hard.
Not him directly but branching out to websites other than Yea Forums made me realize how much of an echo chamber it really is
being a literal basedguzzling commie will do that to you
Why are these wannabe trannies always dressed like my dead grandma 20 years ago?
And that it turns out the rest of the internet is like that too, just with more posturing.
>remember how as a dumb teenager i fell for the anti-sjw internet bloodsports tubers
>they always acted as if they were right about everything and agreed with them even though i didnt understand the politics
>turns out that sargon of akkad is an embarrassing manchild, theralphretort is a loser, andy warski is a dumbass, mister metokur scams his patrons by rarely uploading, etc.
god i feel bad for /pol/tards
>praises a left leaning dumbfuck woman politician on stream and gets her to say "hurr trans rights!"
>Quinton reviews also makes a video sucking the dick of some tranny youtuber, and apparently "breadtube" is a thing? Being a left leaning SJW movement on yt or something?
Fuck all of this, honestly. Why are these mentally fucked up individuals being put on a pedestal? It's so crazy and surreal honestly.
If you are playing single player games and your aren't speed running them then you literally aren't good at that game
Did your schools never drill it in your head to always look at both sides of the coin and formulate your own thoughts based on that?
>Yea Forums unironically supports political correctness and censorship
I fucking hate this timeline.
me, on the other hand, i change my political views for 1000 retards on an anonymous webste
>i changed my beliefs because some balding goblin whined at me condescendingly on the internet
I don't think you had any beliefs to begin with then.
Still get excited every time Skeksis starts while listening to Alien.
>Yea Forums is one person
>letting people on the internet you'll never meet in real life dictate your world views
Just think on your own lol
>political correctness and censorship
>being classcucked so hard you think it's the jews, mexicans, muslims, or blacks responsible for your predicament
also cringe
it's time to take the true redpill user: anti-idpol left
Blame the mods. Get banned for posting anything these days.
>not being an insufferable anti-SJW means you're all for 'political correctness'
why do newfags always have politics on the mind?
He's still a moderate liberal living comfortably no matter how much he shills for Labor, much like most of you. I think the /pol/ types are at least honest with their racist intentions and in good faith, I have a hard time seeing what Hbomberguy gets out of all of this other than being another psycho chasing twitter clout.
i bet you listen to red scare faggot
it was never really about the politics. it was about the fantasy that i was the underdog fighting against sensitivity and sjws or whatever. a lot of /pol/tards are in it for that ego rush and its pathetic
Clothing shaped for women with wide hips and thin wrists and ankles don't fit on their male frames.
an autist doesn't understand empathy, what a surprise
Did you discover any significant trains of thought other than "reasons why topics I don't like should not be allowed to be discussed about"
The reason it's an echo chamber is because the people that refuse to come here can't face criticism. It's very rare to find anyone here that disagrees with most other posters - however, you wouldn't be allowed to hold your views publically on their domain, let alone have any discussion.
someone needs to murder this leftist cuck
Might as well link them.
Nice strawman commie but nobody actually thinks this is true, you are distorting a legitimate position with real contentions for political gain, and training yourself to make a mental habit out of the devaluation of the truth in the process.
lmao seething faggot
You are pathetic too.
nice strawman though
>moderate liberal
>the man that literally jumped at the chance to blame Pewdiepie for the mosque shooting
>The man that LITERALLY says, "here's no such thing as being politically centrist. You're either with us or against us"
>the man that stood in support of antifa violence
>the man that literally believes that minorities have a right to assault white conservatives in the streets
"Moderate" my ass.
Why do I see this exact post in every single thread about this faggot? Is it literally one guy shilling this bugman?
nah, dasha is a vapid cunt who can only call things "neoliberal" and her patreonbux are about to dry up now that she cheated on adam
i listen to cumtown exclusively
Video games conventionally attract more autists, and thus more trannies since the two are often co-morbid. It's why resetera exists and Yea Forums is reddit-lite half the time
>t. underage
>He's still a moderate liberal
this exactly, he has no revolutionary ideas or spirit and when it comes to making actual change, he would be a hindrance rather than a help
i like his videos where he dabs on pjw/sargon/aurini though (except when he does that long forced laugh)
If you watch this dude then you're absolutely not a centrist by any sense. His kind want to kill centrists too.
Cumboys for life
There's a very clear attempt from large corporations to infiltrate all forms of social media and push these lefty fuckwads. It's why people like Vaush and Destiny are gaining so much traction, and it's why Yea Forums has been weirdly...sensitive, for lack of a better word.
I don't know who the guy in the op is because I'm over 18 years old
>watched a 10 hour breakdown
It's far more likely he'll get metoo'd.
he looks like he was the kid who's lips always had rashes on them because he licked them constantly
>nobody actually thinks jews, mexicans, muslims, or blacks are responsible for their being trapped as a wagecuck
roughly a third of this website uses a board dedicated to whining about how those groups want to enact white genocide and destroy "western values"
ESA tomorrow frens
>h "i-i dont think we should really kill the bourgeoisie" bomberguy
i dont think you know the difference between a liberal and a leftist
He already got ousted for "gas lighting" one of his employees.
Will the creature be present?
why's it so slow? you could have gotten your bull to open it for you in that time.
Mauler's verbose, but he tends to be right about things. He seems to be pretty much done with video games, though. I recommend people watch his Yooka-Laylee series, though, because it exposes all the people who lied about the game to try and get it to bomb.
No one's going to fall for your falseflagging. The "alt-right" or whatever you want to call them are factually correct. Their arguments are unassailable and that's why people just try to ban them from speaking anywhere. Whenever someone does try to tackle them directly, they get eviscerated. And the trend is going in their direction as more and more normalfags realize what they're saying is true. The only defense against them is an emotional one, that they're wrong simply because it hurts your feelings to admit they're right.
But this isn't video games.
Didn't he say he reads Marx?
Proto doesn't have the balls to go to GDQ anymore I doubt he'd go to Europe.
Not him but sauce? What do you mean?
The British are so ugly. The brain drain to the U.S. really fucked them up.
>There's a very clear attempt from large corporations to infiltrate all forms of social media and push these lefty fuckwads.
Yep, corporations would fare so well in a system where workers own the means of production. Clearly corporations want the left to succeed and regulate them and tax them more at least, destroy the whole economic system in which they thrive at most. Politically illiterate zoomer faggot.
>Their arguments are unassailable
Calling people onions is not an argument
>No one's going to fall for your falseflagging. The "alt-right" or whatever you want to call them are factually correct. Their arguments are unassailable and that's why people just try to ban them from speaking anywhere. Whenever someone does try to tackle them directly, they get eviscerated. And the trend is going in their direction as more and more normalfags realize what they're saying is true. The only defense against them is an emotional one, that they're wrong simply because it hurts your feelings to admit they're right.
>Proto doesn't have the balls
Can we talk about this retard for a second? I remember him actually being okay forever ago, but it looks like he went off the deep end.
Fucking retard.
>Their arguments are unassailable
What arguments?
his videos would be fine if he didn't keep cutting to his caveman face to make a dumb joke every minute
also not video games
doesn't everyone?
you don't honestly hate marxism without having a knowledge base about what it even is, do you?
>falling for trolls remorse ever
>Being against identity politics automatically makes you an "insufferable anti-SJW"
Certainly a non-bias and rational take.
>water making the frogs gay
Even leftist thought-leaders now operate under essentially a race-realist framework. Stop being a knuckle-dragging follower spouting tepid outdated tripe.
what is identity politics
Wow he said stuff online what a radical. I sure hope he never organizes something besides Patreon donations for himself, how would the state manage to deal with a middle age Dr. Eggman-looking autist?
I remember him outright saying he has Marxist beliefs. And yes, I have read the Communist Manifesto. I didn't bother reading Capital.
Anything to do with sexuality and race.
>I'm going to make a greentext post about an extremely uncharitable perspective of your argument while posting laughing reaction images
>tfw you find Miral asleep at ESA
t. reseterafag
he looks like fucking chris chan in this one
Google is your friend.
>Wow he said stuff online
Stuff that a lot of dangerous sociopaths tend to agree with. Stuff that his fanbase actively supports and praises. Stuff that is actively harmful.
Everytime I see middle left I lose my shit. How can you even go outside looking like that.
At least get a wig jesus.
Alright idiot, let's assume that we're talking about them promoting the pushing of social democratic policiesrather than advocating for full communism. How do corporations benefit from having a government that regulates and taxes them more? Or are you a brainlet /pol/nigger that can only see politics as "SJWs vs anti-SJWs"?
Besides, you fags always whine about how YouTube is censoring the right, even though "SJW CRINGE COMPILATION CROWDER PETERSON OWNAGE TRIGGERED FEMINIST" videos still get plenty of views without getting taken down and land in plenty of people's recommended videos. Interesting, because the SJW contingent of the left think that YouTube's algorithm deliberately pushes those videos to brainwash people into being racist. It appears that the SJWs and the hardcore anti-SJWs both can't handle the fact that a lot of people aren't on either extreme.
>extremely uncharitable perspective
As if a single one of you faggots wasn't a stupid conspiracy theorist that buys into Alex Jone's shit and eats Q's droppings.
>Wow he said stuff online what a radical.
Yes, and we're saying stuff online criticizing him. What is your point you transparent shill?
autist detected, post discarded
>Being against identity politics
Imagine being so retarded that you believe your own racial group should not show solidarity even through literally every single other racial group does, including the ones that want to take over your countries. See how far being an atomized individual who won't be defended by other whites gets you when you are confronted with an aggressive Arab Muslim community in your country/city.
Not a /pol/tard or a leftie im just in for the lolz
it's the politics shilled by the US government to keep their people blind to the fact that both parties are the same at their core. it's making race, gender, sexual orientation etc political so that people argue about that instead of realising that they could (and should) crush the people who rule over them and hold them down
have sex
glad to see you're joining in the fun, user. What you're feeling now is what I experience when you gullible idiots come up with ever more crazy and hilarious theories.
You know, just for the sake of fairness I want to say that these things are weirdly difficult to get open. It's not like a water bottle, the plastic on the seal is a lot thicker for whatever reason. Seems like a design oversight but IIRC they never fixed it and just decided to sell custom bottle openers. Actually, selling the solution is probably why the problem was never fixed...
>white nationalism
explain what the left is then
if you're going to say "democrats in america" just type "i'm a retard" instead thanks
It's rhetoric and he'll jedi mind trick his way from all of it the minute one of his viewers does something that would reflect negatively on him or Labour.
Goddamn that shit is still so fucking funny.
why can't people just sing and hold hands instead of using buzzwords I don't understand
>it'll work this time, I promise, just pretend the inherent aspect of my political movement isn't there
You will deserve it when your wife/daughter gets raped by niggers and the police won't prosecute them because they are afraid they will be accused of institutional racism.
And your strawman is your assumption that our dissatisfaction with the diversity disaster is tantamount to blaming all our problems on ethnic minorities. You understand that these things aren't the same but you intentionally conflate them for agitprop. My point is a warning: your irreverence for honesty cuts both ways, and permitting yourself to be a vector for propaganda is going to impact your own mental state. Dishonesty is habit forming.
unironically because of the IDpol being shilled to divide people
>How do corporations benefit from having a government that regulates and taxes them more?
Beats me. But they're certainly fucking trying it. Are you just going to turn a blind eye to the fact that literally every single piece of entertainment is pushing this shit? You realize that we're living in a time where banks are literally conspiring together to prevent "racist alt-righters" from accessing their services, right? You don't find this fucking horrifying? Alex Jones was LITERALLY the victim of a mass conspiracy, and all we did was laugh at him for the dumb gay frogs shit. The man was dragged out back, shot in the head, and everyone forced us to keep quiet. How the fuck is nobody scared shitless of the future?
>Q used ended a sentence with "Sad!"
this is your boomer mommy for tonight
>How do corporations benefit from having a government that regulates and taxes them more?
Not that user, but the corporations are the ones writing the regulations, they'll definitely benefit. Higher taxes doesn't mean shit if the government gives you an effective monopoly through larger barriers of entry.
Truly the faces of /pol/
Imagine caring about Politics
don't hit on me you silly boys ;))
Isn't this the s o y boy who raised like a million dollars from libbies for transgender people?
>niggers are starving in africa, people don't have homes, kids are terminally ill, but how about i donate to fags who receive MEAN replies on reddit for something that they CHOSE to become
What's Q?
ok, so how do we stop corporations from controlling everything?
i would suggest uniting to kill their leadership and seize their assets, their means of production if you will
Corporations have done nothing but benefit from having a pet institution with a force monopoly that's governed by corruptible officials. It is nothing short of churlish to act like bolstering a government that is the bought and paid for property of corporate enterprise is against corporate interest.
I like how they all persue the ultimate speedrun WR
The fastest to join the 40%
left wing idpol:
>White people are all evil fascist racists! (except for me, I'm one of the good ones)
right wing idpol:
>Politics needs to stay out of media damn it, why is there a brown person in my video game?
remember UFO conspiracy theorists in the 60s-90s
basically that but updated for the modern age
>commie faggot looks like a complete cockgoblin
Imagine my shock.
Seizing mop is honestly a great idea. It's letting leftists and commies who believe in the stateless classless meme that's retarded
Some tripfag on 8gag that pretends to be a government insider. He became crazy popular and basically all of the alt right movement buys into his stupid shit.
Not that user but most people don't anymore. It's legit the herd mentality shit.
Reminder that deportations of illegal immigrants have been lower under Trump than they were under even Obama, and that rates of racially motivated crimes committed by non-whites are rapidly increasing.
>"left" just means bigger government
amerifats everyone
Imagine if Trump was actually not a massive kike enabler and incompetent buffoon but is actually playing a secret 4D chess against the Hillary/Obama deep state
>How do corporations benefit from having a government that regulates and taxes them more?
Easy. Corporations in general don't, but extremely massive ones do. Think about it. What's the biggest possible competitor to something like Wal-mart or Amazon or Google? It's not Joe Shmoe in his garage or some mom and pop store, they're too small to take enough of the market share to be a direct threat. The real issue are the upstarts that are a level below them. Think DuckDuckGo, or if you're willing to go back a decade, Yahoo for Google. Obviously neither are as big as Google, but both are competitors that could (Or could have for Yahoo) take over and have Google go the way of Atari. So what do you do? Make it as difficult as possible for people to enter the market on the same scale as you. High taxes, mountains of regulations, bureaucratic red tape as far as the eye can see. Yeah, sometimes this hurts your own bottom line as well, but what would you rather do, pay a known fixed cost every year or deal with the possibility of total extinction at the hands of a complete unknown? The answer for massive corps is obvious. The lesser corps can't afford to pay these massive fixed costs, so they either shut down or get bought out by larger ones.
Large clusters of power at the top of the food chain are not natural enemies (Govt/Big business). They often cooperate to ensure that their real natural enemies, their competitors just beneath them on the food chain, are kept beneath them. It's why Google eagerly hands over their data to government agencies. They get Quid Pro Quo for it.
It's such a weird thing how are they always fatter then the average female then?
A dictatorship of the proletariat wouldn't solve anything and is arguably worse. The root problem is the monopoly on force, not capital. Instead of corporations you'll have worker syndicates controlling the government for their own gain at the expense of the rest of society.
>the inherent aspect of my political movement isn't there
>implying there aren't loads of fat women out there too
Holy shit, nobody cares about your politics, post vidya for fuck sake or go back to /pol/ you fucking faggots
>tfw used to be CHUD, but now I'm a CHAD
why should the people who do all the work not receive all the gain?
>dissatisfaction with the diversity disaster
surely this refers to something other than thinking that the presence of more ethnic minorities makes life inherently worse
ok but natalie is pretty
i wouldn't suck her dick tho
look on the bright side, they're in here instead of shitting in actual threads
>not wanting to rail a cougar
Rent seeking and lobbying are not productive activities, and no one should benefit off of it.
Imagine being an intersectional progressive and having to use these shitty unsatisfying insults because you aren't allowed to call people niggers/retards/faggots etc.
tends to don't it
I'd say that's the bright side if it wasn't in every thread ever at this point.
These are the same faggots who argue that they don't want politics in video games and then shit up every thread talking non stop about it.
reminder that white dick is the default.
suck it nigger.
correct, landlords need to be killed
>please call me a cuckold
chud is literally eugenicist language
chapocels are extremely stupid people
>chud is literally eugenicist language
And all this time I thought it was from that one film which IIRC is an acronym.
It's for people with disabilities
that arm looks like some inhuman claw
Mods, ban these retards and delete this thread, this isn't video games
isnt he like 20 and balding this bad? damn, I should pity him but breadtube as a whole is genuine trash
In what world?
Welcome to the entirety of the internet dumbass.
some letter agency shit to make a certain group look crazy for going along with it
>he thinks rent seeking means literal land rent
He looks like absolute shit without the gallons of makeup