*is From Software's worst boss in your path*

>*is From Software's worst boss in your path*

Attached: Sekiro-Shadows-Die-Twice-Demon-of-Hatred.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

Dude's an awesome boss. One of From's best easily in fact. Hyper aggressive, hyper mobile, tons of moves and flashy spectacle, utilises the entire arena well etc.

Saying he's worse than garbage bosses like the bed of chaos, dragon god, Rom the vacuous spider, the one reborn and ancient dragon is a travesty.

literally a bloodborne boss

He is just an endurance test, use the umbrella.

i forgot the part where Bloodborne bosses required the player to jump and grappling hook over to them to evade aoe attacks

That kinda looks like bed of chaos, but I'm pretty sure it's not

I love fights like Isshin Sword Saint and Owl (Father) for their challenge, but I always use the glitch to beat this ugly fuck. He just beat tme so many times I gave up, shit wasn't fun.

I spent more time on this boss than I like to admit.

It was pretty shitty but eventually I changed up my strategy and got him 2nd try one day. Up to that point I didn't even get down the the last health bar.

Mind you, this was like the 4th day of trying

You mean less than 10 percent of the fight itself?

You only say that because it has a big arm and matted hair. Nothing about how his fight actually goes is like a Bloodborne boss. It's 100% appearance.

He's a boss from a completely different game. The Demon of Hatred is less true to it's core gameplay than Bed of Chaos, Rom, and other meme bosses you listed. Easily the worst and most out of place nigga.

did you try using the finger whistle?

Why do retards just repeat this constantly? How is he not a Sekiro boss? Because he doesn't have a sword? Did you even try to parry him? Because you can, you know.

you're forgetting about literally all of dark souls 2

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Bed of Chaos
Smelter Demon

I had fun with this boss. I didnt use prosthetics vs him so it took me forever to get his patterns down.

Seeing how retarded the third phase gets I don't feel the least bit bad about cheesing him with the whistle.

because it's a "run around and swipe at his ass for 90 percent of the fight," unless you wanna take unnecessary burn damage, there's only one or two moves where you can parry the man

How is he out of place? You go through the game talking to the Sculptor about how he has this burning hatred inside of him. Then you find this boss, kill it, and are told that that was the manifestation of the Sculptor's hatred, hence the name, Demon of Hatred. The game also presented enemies other than humans prior to this boss fight. It's like you didn't pay attention to the game at all and just followed a walkthrough.

He's the second best fight in the game after Owl 2. Get out of here.

reading would be your friend

I never killed this boss because I didn't want to deal with Horsefuck Valley

Ever heard of dodge?

Smelter Demon is not at all on the same level as Bed of Chaos. Anti-2fags are so disingenuous.

This fight and the path to it were easy for me.
I'm so glad I finally played Dark Souls 2 because now I know how full of shit you guys are. Bunch of casuals.

OP here, just beat him after a few tries. Nevermind, he's a pretty sick boss.

Shit tier opinion

He would be one of the best if the body slam move didn't exist. Ruins the entire rhythm of the fight. It's like if Butterfly 2 could instantly summon illusions.

There's nothing wrong with an optional superboss requiring a different playstyle from the rest of the game. If he was just a tweaked version of the final boss he'd be boring.

heh... ahhh yes dark souls 2... t'was an easy game for a genlteman gamer such as I. not a single boss nor zone posed a even the slightest struggle to me. for i have a heightened level of wit and cognitive analysis that allows me to solve an infinite amount of scenarios in my head before they even arise.

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Nameless king

dude the game is objectively the worst of the three. the only redeeming quality of 2 is *some* of the DLC

worst sekiro boss sure, definitely not worse than bed of chaos or most dark souls 2 bosses

you could have just said you are good jesus

Tied with friede for best

this. i had more trouble with his shitty bird more than him

I have only played Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 but the worse boss I've faced out of them would be the Living Failures and Deacons of the Deep

What's wrong with Living Failures? If I had to pick a worst boss for Bloodborne I would probably go with the One Reborn

lmao 2cat

My favorite boss from the game for sure