If this game does well do you think 3D realms will buy the duke IP back?

If this game does well do you think 3D realms will buy the duke IP back?

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i think not, but maybe some day they would make a remake or reboot kinda like Doom 2016

Randy wont sell. I am convinced buying Duke was something more. Some sort of petty revenge against someone there.

>Duke returns from a deep space mission planting defense lines against future alien bastards
>He discovers humanity has been made into beta males and femnazis
>Opening levels are very They Live as you get your bearings.

No, but we can dream.

We can only hope. And wish.

Probably not but if they've learned their lesson from Duke Nukem's development they might be able to raise enough money in the future to buy it back

Forever* fuck

DNF wasn't that bad. Id probably give it a 6. and I think seeing games like Doom 2016 would help them know that people do want a game like that.The thing is Randy will not sell. This is a vanity for him. It's some treasure to hoard. And yeah he worked on Duke 3D but not as much as some others.

>seeing games like Doom 2016 would help them know that people do want a game like that
Oh God no. I'd rather DNF2 than a DN 2016.

>game director: Sam Raimi

I'm not saying DNF was bad it was for a Duke game but what I'm trying to say is that the development of DNF drained 3D Realms dry to the point where they even lost the rights to the Duke Nukem IP itself

>Randy giving up Duke Nukem

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No, because the Duke IP is probably worth a surprisingly high amount which a dead company wouldn't be able to afford.

Fuck off Randy you piss drinking manlet

God you Duke fans are so pathetic lol
Not even Sonic fans are this delusional

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Fuck off Randy

Bump for duke

>Every game of the last 5 years has been a complete failure
>Calls anyone else delusional

Where is the lewd artwork of her?

Borderlands 3 is going to be the game changer. I even have a Duke Nukem character DLC in the works. I know it's something hardcore Duke fans will love. After all fans loved it when we put him BulletStorm.

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She has no sex appeal

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When will we get the furry sex mod

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Never noticed that

LAUGH... MY... FUCKING... ASS.. OFF.. that is.... hands down.. the most pathetic fucking rip off i have EVER seen. fucking Frederich Schriber you worthless fucking hack.

Shelly's pee-pee.

Are you okay?


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