Why the actual fuck is this game still not available on Ps4? Does it have something to do with Sony's new censorship policy?
Why the actual fuck is this game still not available on Ps4...
spikat game when?
good enough
who the fuck cares just emulate it
Sony doesn't do fun anymore.
why they should?
You don't think perverts would buy it in droves, user?
Could I request some sauce? I can't find it on reverse search
Artist is metata.
If iqdb fails try the others it suggests. saucenao gets it.
Sony isn't cute or funny anymore.
>4th grade
that's hot
>check saru getchu tag
>spike showing off his bare booty with kat from gravity rush and fucking link
It's sad, really.
god just imagine the taste
nintendo will be now
>make an account to watch this
No fuck you
It is a shame really.
Sony's always had trouble with utilising their backlog, it's just that simple
i love cunny
Right click on the blurry image -> copy image address -> paste it on a new tab -> ???
Or just use Danbooru.
You don't need a ps4 just plug an usb controller on pcsx2 and play it.
Nintendo loves lolis. Imagine if they had the rights of Ape Escape.
It really appears to be the case.
I always assumed it was Konami crap about Mesal Gear Solid.
Its on the Japanese ps3 psn
Post more cunny
I'm hard
where are the mods
I'm here, how can I help you?
that crease is dangerous
It has to do with Ape Escape actually having genuine gameplay and modern Sony hating good games.
They haven't done shit with Ape Escape for a damn decade and they'd rather work on disgusting westernized AAAs.
Most likely Konami wants more money for the metal gear mini game. Who ever says censorship is a retard. They wouldn't releases a anniversary video of all games and solely focus on yumi for part 3 if that was the reason-
>Ape Escape
>but developed and/or produced by Nintendo
You can change your filter settings without actually making an account, go to account options.
What do you think the artist's intentions were, drawing her like that with her legs spread?
That she is Wester spy!
well it's certainly no slavic squat
now consider that nintendo fans are more prone to make art (and porn) of their favorite characters than the fans of other companies
To show off the effects of her running around so much.
>Will never have a real ape escape thread cause of pedo posters
seek help.
personally, I prefer the air
Go away, closet-pedo.
i like air when its tainted with the flatulence of loli.
Is this a new meme for actual pedos to call non-pedos "closet-pedos"? It's like calling a straight man "closet-gay".
Look at this closet faggot closet-posting from his closet.
No, it's just how it is. Just like all feminist allies are closet rapists, all anti-pedos are buttblasted pedos that want to ban loli because it's better than the real thing
It's just a cope really, you call out people posting pedobait stuff and they just screech pedo back at you as some moronic defense. You make any comment about them shitting up pokemon threads with loli posting and they go rabid.
Because the series is dead and discussed to death, there is nothing left to talk about.
>tfw Ape escape 2 > 3
Any one agrees with me? The 3rd game was just boring and too easy. The levels boring Hollywood studios and the monkeys weren't even difficult to find or catch. The boss battles were a joke in the 3rd game. The morph forms weren't anything special. Yumi was the only reason anyone would give a shit about ape escape 3.
How is being a cheerful girl a skill?
>not playing the superior PAL version with posh accents and proper names
What are some other good games with cunny?
puffy in white legwear is such a beautiful sight
Sayaka is such a good girl
its not but its to advertise you can put your hand on her thigh and she won't scream.
To UNETHICAL for Snoy standarts
>shitting up pokemon threads
You're thinking of furfags
I liked Tales of Xillia
When Sony feels like going for it.
Nah, pedos have been in overdrive shitting up threads with the recent announcements. They block out any furries.
>pedos have been in overdrive shitting up threads with the recent announcements.
Meanwhile, in reality:
There is literally a Pokemon thread on Yea Forums right now full of furfag shit.
Splatoon 2
Oh yeah, exists and is close to bump limit.
That thread was literally a furry thread from OP, of course it is. Any other pokemon thread gets shit up by loli posters
>That thread was literally a furry thread from OP,
Okay? Don't see how that excuses anything
You're deluded or disingenuous. Either way, you're a fag.
What's the best site for cunny now that they banned cunny from Gelbooru
did they? i thought you just needed an account. most sites that don't allow you to see it just want you to make an acount.
They didn't though. All you have to do is change the option to let you see all the content the site offers. Also Baraag exist.
Go to account > options > display all content check box. No account is necessary
lolibooru for japanese lolis, atfbooru (if the admin finds a new hosting service) for western lolis, gelbooru (disable the block in the settings), sankaku, the big imageboard, pixiv, pawoo (twitter clone hosted by pixiv), sadpanda, nhentai, lolicit (requires account), shotachan (it's mainly for shota, but it has loli x shota too), etc.
Someone post the twitter image of all these closet pedos getting btfo
Why would censorship affect a game with some kid in it?
Tsumino is good for loli doujins, although I couldn’t fine one of my favorites: “Please let me in” by Sakida Saki
>banned cunny from Gelbooru
maybe they were thinking her butt hurts
>Yumi was the only reason anyone would give a shit about ape escape 3
I wouldn't say that, some of the levels and music were really good, and chasing Monkey Blue around with the Speed Hoop instead of the Wild West outfit was MAXIMUM FUN. But I'll agree AE2 is unfairly overshadowed, and it's a damn shame Sony gave us the britbong dub instead of the PokAEdub because they wouldn't pick up the phone and call Ubi.
Lolibooru also has a lot of western 3d stuff.
yeah, but most of them are ugly as fuck. only the porn of lolis whose models were ripped from games are good
Gelbooru is really going full SJW pandering now. First the banishment of toddlercon around half a decade ago and now the loli filter which is automatically enabled for all visitors to the site.... What a terrible world we live in, Yea Forumsros.
I'd recommend trying out Sankaku Complex/ Channel, user. It's a pretty decent alternative, albeit with a slightly less intuitive search functionality (no "sort:score" iirc).
i thought they were jap sites to begin with.
Thats because I recall the mods there making a compromise, most of them wanted to ban loli but they just hid it behind a login. No doubt they will ban it eventually
Even Moot removed loli from Yea Forums top lel
Yeah, sometimes I regret introducing Yea Forums to lolis.
Sony thinks being able to play as a little girl is pedophilia unless it's a western game then it's okay.
No playing with STRAIHGT characters is evil, is Ok if the little girl is a turbodyke.
then shit, give me a game where i play as Dora but she wears tight shorts and every time she bends over to pick up something out of her backpack the camera zooms in on her fat beaner ass.
Yeah but if the dyke is in a Japanese game then it's fetishizing.
fuck it, I'm going to buy a PS2 just to play her game, wish me luck bros
Recuse no one give a shit about the incel pedo MM audience and thank God for that. You people should be hung outside your parent's houses rather than being pandered to.
but i hab a job and money to spend
in that case just give Sayaka a cute loli gf (or a milf gf, I like both) and problem solved
trying to hard
Does she have a card in koikatsu yet?
>says trying too hard
>replied anyway
A failure in everything including life, eh?
There's a big difference between Japanese Lesbians and American Dykes, if you can't relly see it you have issues.
yes, can't remember if it was all that good though.
>seething cause called out on obvious shitpost
always happens
just bought a Vive. any cute and funny games out there bros?
Koikatsu let's you make cute and funny moments and has vr support
Lost life is also a game
>cute & funny
how did Yea Forums come up with that
thanks downloaded the first one just now. do i need to download a patch to remove censors? can't seem to find the second game you mentioned tho
>she will never slap your ape
Fuck this gay earth.
I like your thinking
If you download this you should just be good to go sukebei.nyaa.si
There's a general on /h/ that has more info and cards
Probably working out another trilogy remake.
probably because /tvpol/ is full of genuine pedos that dog whistle a lot
Let's be real here, "cute and funny" is more akin to a hurricane siren than a dog whistle at this point
now you can get real devious with stuff like "adorable and humorous"
thanks pal. anything else VR related you would recommend to a newcomer? mainly getting it for porn but im gonna try out a few games as well like beat saber and skyrim
It's from Yea Forums you uneducated swine.
Yea Forums is such a low IQ board (not that Yea Forums is any higher) full of ESL niggers. did they really come up with that?
>favorite subject: English
what a whore
Begone cunnyposters, your way worse than furries
Lost life is in here, it's a 2d cute and funny though and there's a bunch more h games
Taken from the 2d h game general on /vg/
debatable, all the c*nny memes come from Yea Forums
uh it's *you're way worst than furries' you dumb faggot
god i wish i was that chair she is about to sit on
Can you handle a date with Illya?
>Site that is know for having nazi shit also have pedo shit
>”No guys, is actually the gays and the left the ones that are actually pedos”
Yeah I’m retarded but at least i recognize it
i think its safe to assume all sides are pedos on this site. That said Putin was caught trying to hide some pedo minister's past. He also made a department of interracial marriages. /pol/ is still butthut about that and its not quite cute but very funny
You know, with the current state of kusony I prefer that don't touch anything anymore.
thanks for the help friend. can't wait to get my headset in a couple days. are females dare i say it, obsolete?
what's this from? is this Koikatsu?
Pedos are politcally homeless and both sides are desperate to paint them as exclusively belonging to the other side.
Yes koikatsu, enjoy the VR friend.
It's amusing isnt it? pedo stuff generally is more conservative. Lower age of consents, lower marriage laws. That isnt the case for a liberal society, where it puts more emphasis on human rights
Where's the torrent and installation guide
did you make those characters yourself? they look really good
Guy builds thots like they used to build P71s. sturdy with pussies that can take abuse.
Guide is on the general on /h/
you got one of roll?
can you slap those glasses off her fucking face? this has so much abuse porn potential.
I think it's about time I bought a fucking VR
I know where my next paycheck is going
i still can't justify it because of how expensive they are just for what is basically a peripheral. like 2-300 fucking dollars. i still don't even have a 4k TV since i was waiting for those to become cheap too. hopefully i can snag a VR set on Negro Fryday or Robo Cop Monday.
my problem with koikatsu is that even the lolis are too old for me. I like them smaller than that
Basically this.
Koikatsu sucks, we really need a game to come dethrone it so people can stop shilling its shittiness.
how small do you want them? you can masically make characters the size of ants. i made some giantess porn myself.
And is even funnies because usually conservatives are the ones that conplain the most about “MUH THINK OF THE CHILDREN”
>Wants to get into VR
>Shit PC
>Broke all the time
Smol platelets that are are smol exist in koikatsu too user
Mods make everything possible
it's more about the proportions. I want to create small and cute lolis like pic related.
that's better, but her legs are still too long
???? She looks beautiful m8
this since the PSP
lolis with long legs is a god send user.
the FAQ from the general isn't loading for me. how do the cards work exactly? is there a palce to search for specific characters or character types?
You are a pedo with good taste.
yeah, but I like them smaller
Yeah, setting up the psn account to download it was worth the effort. Japanese PSN is a treasure trove.
Bad taste. You can't get any good stimulation from girls that small.
false. imagine a loli who was exactly the height of your waist. her mouth would be at the same height as your penis and she could give you a blowjob while both of you are standing. isn't it fantastic?
>two people standing up
i'm a turbo fucking manlet. a loli would need to be the size of a toddler to give me blowjobs standing up.
No, getting on your knees shows a level of submission and intimacy that a "standing blowjob" will never give. Combining the fact that the mouth is just much tinier and thus can't take as much in means that it is just a subpar sexual act all around.
But listen buddy, we're never going to agree. You do you.
What do you want to talk about? Just say it.
Good work, team