i'm hellbent on making a game but i can only code small unity prototypes and compose music. both very badly. should i learn some more? or maybe you people could help me with simple initial game ideas? i've tried doing a lot of things, but they all turned out too ambitious for my skills. help me out please
I'm hellbent on making a game but i can only code small unity prototypes and compose music. both very badly...
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Or else WHAT?
or else i'll have to go to my local image board, and that's a much worse place dammit
ok i'll tell some more
my latest effort was a fps where time could be slowed down for everything but the player, and that could be used for getting tactical advantage since the player would not be a huge hp tank. i made a lot of progress but physics were fucky at all times and i did not manage to fix that fully. maybe some time later...
i even played dishonored with cheats just to figure out if the time slow ability could become a main focus of the game. it could. shame i had to put down this project like an old dog
Post your projects and prototypes, descriptions, not the actual games.
I've done a lot of stuff in Unity and have good experience programming.
Good idea, but you could probably google the mechanic. Messing with the physics timestep is gonna be a bit tough, but I'm sure someone has figured out how to fake it.
Any other ideas? What have you been doing?
Also post your music, I'm a hardcore programmer, but I have no musical talent.
Who knows, maybe you'll find someone to work on something with. Though if you do, I'd recommend doing it as a free project to spare yourself the money issues and get yourself some experience working as a group on something.
>should i learn some more?
>maybe you people could help me with simple initial game ideas?
The only person who can drive you to make a game is YOU. YOU need to decide what kind of game YOU want to make, and make it.
>i've tried doing a lot of things, but they all turned out too ambitious for my skills
Yeah, that's horseshit. Just pick a game you want to make, and STICK with it. It might take years. Just do it anyways.
I'm on year 2 myself
no access to main pc so the only thing i could post is this old screenshot of me observing the bullets that i have shot
as for the music, i have written some short melodies, but nothing complete. though i did learn how to write simple synthwave tracks from scratch. also made an EDM cover of eric clapton's layla in my iphone's garage band while on a plane not too long ago
i can try to upload a screen recording of it if you tell me where
When asked to show what you have, you came up with almost nothing. It doesn't sound like you actually have musical experience.
What were you hoping from this thread if you have access to nothing?
Go to /agdg/ or /r/gamedev or /r/unity3d
>that last line
Ain't that the damn truth.
I'm doing a Udemy course on Unity 2d, I want to move to 3d eventually, but I'm learning a lot of features I didn't learn in college.
Just keep working on your skills, and build toward realistic goals that are LINKED to the penultimate goal you want to achieve.
Let's both be honest, you're still right at the beginning of you video game making adventure. It will take years of dedication to learn all the skills required to make a good game. You can do it, but you need to stick to it. Don't be afraid to fail, and keep at it, and someday you'll make it.
a lot of my exploits went nowhere and now i'm just too afraid to take the next step
while making games i just realise at some point that my skills will lead me no further, and i'm always right about that. i have become too afraid of doing something since i know i will encounter a problem i won't be able to solve at some point. and i'm not really whining, i just want to know if there are any real solutions to that other than MAN THE FUCK UP PLAY ROCKY SOUNDTRACK ON REPEAT AND MAKE THAT GTA6 YOU WANT TO MAKE
i tought that solution might be a game idea from someone else that might be not impossible for me to undertake
and music - i've been learning to play piano and synth for about 2 years and lately i've been trying to apply these skills in writing some tunes. i do manage to make them listenable, that's it
tl;dr and reply to i want an experienced dev tell an unexperienced one a realistic goal he could actually achieve. my childish maximalism prevents me from that
thanks for recommending a course, will check it out for sure
if anyone else has a course they did not find a waste of time - please tell me, i didn't really have any luck with that
Remake an old game like Pong or Mario as practice
i actually remade pacman and doom1, more or less. both with a minecraft theme, lol
that was a long time ago
okay guys, while i didn't get what i came here for, i still got motivated and found out about a unity course i'll check out. the most successful thread of mine to date
feel free to help me out with courses, motivation, insults, etc. thank you all
which course, by the way? found about 60 of them, all cost money, so i better be sure
Before you go, if you're looking to improve coding then make sure you study design patterns, algorithms and data structures. A lot of newbie programmers fall off because they don't understand design structures..
thank you, i'll try to snatch some books about it tomorrow
and i'm not leaving yet
Great. Here's some books I like.
I'd start with the first. The second one is dense but its a classic, so I don't recommend a full read but just get to chapters that you think would interest you. The first adapts concepts in the second to game programming but a lot of the concepts are kind of low level. Both books are also in C++, so you can ignore much of the stuff around pointers because C# makes different distinctions between value-type and reference-type data types.
Oh, and as far as initial game ideas, do something that would interest you but is also adequately challenging. You probably won't finish anything big. A lot of developers try to replicate the games that inspired them but that's just not possible, but I'm sure you know that already. Just something of a stern reminder for your own sake.
If physics were fucked, you probably weren't moving objects by a fixed time scale. Put your shit in FixedUpdate if it involves physics movement
thanks! one problem though - i'm not a native english speaker. i can read, write and understand english pretty well but i didn't ever try reading IT literature. will i be able to do that from get go or there will be a lot of new words for me?
my ideas always involve something i haven't seen in a game yet, maybe that is my problem. i'll try to make a "generic" game like one of the classic arcades when i get my hands on unity
yeeeah no, i definitely was working with FixedUpdate and various methods of slowing down the object's movement while not ruining its momentum or fucking up something else, not much success there
The first link will be easy. It's casual language with code examples from a cool dude. The second is extremely dry and technical so maybe not that one for you then.
Being fresh is definitely an important asset for indies. Here's a thought process I'll recommend for you. Try to take one or two core aspects of either a big idea you had or a completely different game and narrow down on those ideas and just make those. You'll be able to use your cool new idea but also you'll round it down to a scale where its feasible for a solo developer. If you need to talk with other developers, reddit and tigsource are nice places to go. No matter what anyone tells you, never visit the /agdg/ general on /vg/.
that's helpful, i guess i'll try implementing that time slow on top of some arcade, that's something
also what is wrong with /agdg/? should i not talk with them or not use the links provided or both?
yeeeeah that's a shit general no doubt
They might discourage you. But if you just look at the pretty pictures people post and play the demos you will be fine.
One under Ben Tristen
Thanks user, you need to hear that every now and then. I felt that stir I hadn't felt in so long a couple months ago. I was at a con (yeah yeah) and it was a game dev panel. Sitting there looking at the panelist, Dan Salvato being one of them, I remembered that that was where I wanted to be. To hell with making them and providing the voices, the penultimate was I wanted to make a game to inspire people. I want them to cosplay my characters and weeb out over the story.
just start with unreal engine's shootergame demo and set custom time dilation on everything except the player. you're 90% of the way there
No, baka, the one taught under Ben Tristen. His course.
I'm learning Unity too but I really need to sit down and study the finer points of C#.