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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw you’ll live to see Baby Boomers die of old age en masse

Life is good.

why does all boomer artwork look the same?

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aaaaaaAAAAuuugghh....my....my almonds...!

>old people have water
based and aquapilled

post the real versions of these

this is weapons grade boomer shit right here

Attached: Water3.jpg (1200x859, 288K)

How true! Mind if I save it, Susan?


>A tragic death for a water player.

Attached: _63360089_waterboarding.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

Dude just wanted to fuck his Cacturne waifu, leave him alone.

based boomer dabbing on empty-headed millenials. Drop the JOKEmon and try to learn a thing or two from your elders


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fuck off Jessica you vapid whore


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Shouldn't had gone up the hill to fetch that crummy pail of water.

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Fuck off, you dehydrated nigger.

Why does the cactus look like its photoshopped in?

Attached: crummy heart of lorkhan.png (1188x872, 1.01M)

they are all shitty jim davis'

Speak for yourself fag.

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Man, wouldn't it be funny if you accidentally mixed up pokemon go and tinder and ended up on a date with a pokemon that wanted to fuck you? haha

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Can somebody explain the joke to me? I genuinely don't get it.

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Because theres a very clear line around it where the guy just disappears even though he should still be visible behind the needles.

So they literally took #001

he should've been fetching water from the cactus

There might be characters from Pokemon Go under the bed.

"young people are so dumb these days ohohoho"

She can't catch crummy monsters.

The joke is that the father can't even look his child in the eye, and needs to plaster on an obviously exaggerated and fake smile because of the bitter depression he needs to suffer through every day caused by the shame of having a failure child who's obsessed with crumby pokemon creatures


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I never knew arseface had a kid

Attached: arseface.jpg (581x960, 97K)

Zoomer going zoomies!

>poked to death
I chuckled
Am I old

Is it really that effective? I mean as long as I tell my brain it's just water going on my face through a towel I'll be fine.

You see, instead of being afraid that monsters are hiding under his bed, he's wondering if Pokemon Go characters are under his bed because he is under 80 and therefore the things he likes are stupid things that no kid in their right mind would like and also since Pokemon GO is an AR game there is a non-zero chance of him actually finding Pokemon GO characters under his bed which makes the question genuine.


>ruins the entire planet

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See, I did this the other way around and now I have to deal with hundreds of women I captured accidentally.

Remember when you fat fucking boomer retards slapped Asbestos everywhere and took Thalydamide?

I love when these fucking retarded boomers go into the desert thinking they're hot shit and fucking die out there.

That one video of that fucking boomer getting spun around like a spinning top after collapsing in the desert like a cunt.


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>got TF'd into a cactus
thats fucking hot, wish I got into pokemon go

>Trump wants to free all pokemon from their slave ball prisons and put them back into the wild
Undeniably based.

what the fuck even is this one? Stupid crummy pokemon creatures

fuck.. if we just.. paid attention and voted..

Attached: pokemongo2.jpg (450x303, 27K)



You're a cringey retard


Catching crumby pokemon creatures? Kids these days should be tripping on LSD!

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id vote for pikachu desu

That's not how it works. After a while your breathing reflex kicks in and you breath in fine water dust through the cloth, which burns like fire in your lungs and eventually makes you pass out in a sensation that's very much like drowning. However, unlike when drowning, you're good to go for another round in like 10 minutes.


If only Jeb had handed out little Pikachus instead of faggy turtles

Haha dumb toddlers they should be taking drugs not playing phone games.

I do both

Amen brother ;^)

Attached: pokmon_go_is_good_for_business__benjamin_kikkert.jpg (771x560, 63K)

What the fuck is up with the boy? Why does he look like that?

I'll explain. When a hack political cartoonist is in a dry spell, he just grabs whatever is topical and bukakke's it all over a comic panel in a local sunday paper and his website. All it does it reinforce whatever boomer moms think anyway.

>Crummy pokemon creatures and not water

Maybe if the candidates and entire political orgy of self fellating idiots was more interesting Pikachu wouldn't be more interesting than yet another round of corrupt jackasses fighting over the dying corpse of the seat of the West's power.

>pokemon go characters
>when pocket monsters could've been more effective
this shouldn't have bothered me as much as it does

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Don't worry user, the boomers figured out a solution

Attached: pokemon go saves america.jpg (626x404, 78K)

He should have been fetching pails of water

Its not just psychological.

PLOT TWIST: It's Jeb's Pikachu, and since rules don't allow Animals to be president, Jeb would win.


but I thought

>putting metal discs in a slot to get thin slices of wood with words painted on them

Stupid boomers

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newspaper comic artists are incompetent hacks

What's with the water boomer meme, I just don't get it

Grandparents took LSD when when making his mom, things just continued from there.

God i wish that were me

[spoilers]God their art is all the fucking same. I made a mistake of googling 'Pokemon Go Political Cartoon. It's all 2016 cringe crap that I wanted to forget[/spoilers]

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sorry but jebs only pokemon is guacemon

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I love these threads. They feel like old school Yea Forums.

Young groomed retards are already replacing them anyway

Haha! This is so true! Maybe we Pokemon GO to the polls!

So I can't just hold my breath? Or would they just punch the air outta me?

Same here and i think thats part of the joke, some kids only know them as pokemon go characters and know nothing of the show.

Some day these people will be dead.

>died without water

kill all boomers

Who's this "we"? I don't play Pokemon Go and last I checked, nobody on Yea Forums did either.

Jim Davis is just Calarts for Boomers

Damn kids rounding up Pokemon Creatures!
Back in my days we rounded up jews!

choosing to not vote is still making a choice which is a lot more democratic than being forced to vote

really makes you think

What kind of phones are those supposed to be?

Yea Forums is fucking crummy today

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*boomer intensifies*

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The artist probably doesn't know that Pokemon is short for Pocket Monsters. They don't even know what a Pokemon is. They were too old for Pokemon even when it was new.

They're iPads, the only thing boomers like to use

I don't get his point. Its like he is trying to make an anti cop and pro cop statement at the same time.

Waterboarding tricks your body into believing it's drowning on a physiological level. No matter how much you might think you can overpower your natural instincts, it will put your body into some of the most excruciating stress imaginable.

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Comes from this comic but but with Jack and Jill going up a hill to get water, and the kid likes Pokemon GO.

You can't hold your breath forever. Eventually you breath in.

nice song

America is not the entire planet, dumb shart.

You will eventually have to breath.

I wanna date bulbasaur

Kids amirite?

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those aren't phones. Boomers actually think that people are carrying around framed photographs of pokemon and pretending to catch them. Look at OP's comic

You're giving the cartoonish too much credit.
They're a bumbling old guy who has poor vocabulary and still hasn't figured out how google works and gets all his information from other old guys.

Fucking ratpeople, man. Day of the trap when?

Kek, haven't seen this one before

I want a Yea Forums version of this

you probably dont realize how lucky they are for that.
lers hope we get the same treatment.

What would Jeb!'s team be other than Ludicolo?

Really makes you think...

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He is. The statement is that people have exaggerated and internalized the stereotypes so much that people can't see past them anymore.
Almost as if they're projecting their imagination as if it were reality. It's a surprisingly deep boomer comic and you won't see many like that.

>children can't read a dead writing style
wow so new


yeah thats why sears died

They already are, it's just so there's so many of them and they lasted for so long that it'll take decades to get through them all.

Plus, remember that boomers were the ones rebelling against their parents' big band and jazz, and embracing new technology and trying to revolutionize the culture to fight against the useless old people holding everyone back. Then they all got disillusioned and couldn't keep up with the times and now they're all confused retards who just shit all over everything just like their parents.
So it's very likely all the 80's kids will just turn into boomers, too. Nostalgia and senility are a hell of a fucking combination. I bet future generations are gonna see us as shitheads for our excessive investment in technology or some shit and wish they could put us in death camps too.

Kind of scary to be a boomer, the world basically changed before their eyes and they can never go back to the way things were

Look lady I'm sorry I can't read cursive, since most places realize that outside of looking fancy, it's hard to read. I only know cursive to do a proper signature.

>implying America hasn't destroyed a huge chunk of the entire planet

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Probably because I made it just today after playing morrowind and boosting my intelligence to ridiculous levels, and thus being able to make potions that made me basically a living god, capable of leaping across the map in few jumps.
Who needs a crummy heart of Lorkhan when you can make ash jam and bloat juice?

>actually keeping old Sears' catalogs and reminiscing over them
What the fuck. Are boomers the most retarded generation to ever walk this Earth?

>Hey do you like videogames?
>Oops I forgot
>Hundreds of wojak/pepe images crowding the blackboard.
make it happen

This is always stupid, oh woe to the fat boomer who killed a dept store by not buying shit but browsing catalogs. Granted I did the same with Toys R Us Catalogs because it's fun to fantasize about toys to buy.

Both. He's saying that police are likely to stereotype blacks as criminals, and blacks are likely to stereotype police at race warriors.

It's the only part of the planet that matters.

>Sears has filed for bankruptcy! What happened?!?
>It couldn't have been the business model of being an all-in-one store becoming obsolete decades ago due to a rise in specialty stores and commerce in general so people could shop in more places than sears, putting them in such a bad place that they couldn't even blame it on amazon because other brick and mortar competitor stores experienced growth

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our humor is so much better, amirite guise? ;D

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Are you kidding me
The world's fucking changed in the last 20 years more than it changed in the 50 years before it.
You don't see a bunch of 30 year olds meandering about going

Fuck boomers.

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fuck d00d... tha world.. made me thinc for a sec

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Dribblepants chads where we at

>boomer worships corporation
>doesn't even teach his child how to read a book
>blames his child that his object of worship is dead
>so afraid of change because it reminds him of his looming demise

Fuck off, they're all fat bastards and I have to carry their corpses.

>Corporation is associated with childhood good times
>Therefor corporation is good
This is why people fucking cried when Toys R Us went out of business.
If you were upset Toys R Us went out of business, I bet I can guess your tax bracket.

What did they mean by this?

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y-yeah, I'd hate it if that happened to me, haha

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What the fuck were these pictures called again?

>Welcome back Yea Forums
>Oh right, my bad
>Fuck Niggers and Jannies, Cunny Cunny BASED Cringe Trannies. OH NO NO NO Dialate Jews
>Draw 10 Pepe & Wojak edits

bing bing yahoo!

I see Blockbuster nostalgia threads all the time on Yea Forums so its not like Yea Forums is much better.

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>In 30-40 years we will be the new boomers
What do?

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>implying boomers are one generation and not something everybody will eventually become

>when you realize that smuggie Tumblr comics are replacing Jim Davis and Garfield
>when you realize that the media is grooming zoomers to become the next generation of boomers

We're doomed.

Attached: jojo.png (1000x900, 345K)

>sears shuts down its catalog division long before smart phones are a thing
>doesnt bother with onlive services
>hires a mad atlus shrugged CEO who pits the company against itself and kills it entirely.

Those damn kids and their phones!

I can't think of a smarky comment for this
I have absolutely no idea what point it's trying to make

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epic memes

I see those threads too. They're equal part
>I loved blockbuster
>Blockbuster was fucking shit
You can remember a business fondly without worshipping it.


Oh shit I forgot about Operation Planetcracker when Abraham Lincoln blew up that chunk of the Earth

Jokes on him, newsprint stains are a bitch.

i kinda like this one

they ran you guys out of your own board. lmao

I have fond memories of Toys R Us..
..When I was fucking 9, I can't tell you the last time I was in one. 13 years ago?

This comic is actually legitimately good though.

holy shit it is him

Impossible. Millenials onward are inundated with information and are overwhelmingly aware of how and where to get it. New technology is learned about and assimilated into our lives almost same-day. The Boomers are the last of their kind.

>dialate jews
Yes, please

Hope you're right

Have you ever tried covering your head with a newspaper in the rain?

pokemon SILLY
politicians BAD
but I don't actually pay attention to politics, so FUNNY FART JOKE

What the fuck are you on about, dumb europoor?

Okay, grandpa

I hope this comic is being ironic cause it hurts. First it implies consuming media on newspaper is superior than consuming media on the tablet. Second is that newspapers suck ass against water. If it's made to bait, it did a damn fine job.

More like you lived to see Boomers getting away with their crimes, living long full lives and dying shortly before the world truly starts turning to shit because of their actions.

Is this what they fear?

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They're the ones who changed it though, they're just literally too stupid to realize it. For example, Sears died because the boomers in charge started focusing on cutting costs instead of customer service, resulting in sub par prodcuts, underpaid and thus unfriendly employees, etc. It's a common theme

Just don't become uninformed user. Don't let yourself misunderstanding things to come, and don't be afraid of the future.
That's all you have to do, and most people under the age of 40 already do it without trying.

People already meme about the 30 year old boomer.
It's just a joke though, I don't think being nostalgic and old is really comparable to being infinitely self absorbed and judgemental.

>he thinks there won't be new technologies that are so foreign and strange to us that we will lag behind and have difficulty understanding like the people before us.

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That's the dumbest cope I've ever seen.