"Tifa Lockhart", from the video game series Final Fantasy...

"Tifa Lockhart", from the video game series Final Fantasy, has been manually scrubbed from all Youtube auto-search completion tools.

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Oy vey shut it down!
Fuck off niggermods

Just type the whole name in yourself you lazy fucker.

This includes Google searches.

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And this is what you get for having one big faggot corporation in charge of shit

The mods aren't AWOL either, before you fall for that. If you lie and claim you're under 18 years of age you will be banned very quickly. So this is clearly a case of selective moderation; they want this topic censored.

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>”Stormy Daniel” and not Stormy Daniels
>all the suggestions are of an explicitly non-pornographic nature


I know this is a troll, but its very similar to how the normies think, and this type of thinking brings the wave of change

>thread is on autosage

lol get fucked /pol/

but why?

Because the Tifa tit-shrinkage controversy is something the enemy uses to bolster their argument. /pol/, incels, the alt-right, whatever you want to call them. They like to use her breasts getting smaller as "evidence" there is a culture cabal trying to undermine like uhh... big titties I guess? Look I'm not a chud so I don't pretend it makes sense, but the point is this talking "point" is being snuffed out before it becomes a tired platitude and sends people the wrong message.

Reminds me of something

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Because google and friends openly admit to tampering with search results to “curate” them in order to only promote material that aligns with their political beliefs. Some landwhale on G’s payroll was probably seething that an iconic gaming female was getting a ton of attention again, so she has to sabotage search results to downplay the toxic masculinity of...something or whatever.

Tifa is shit anyways
Cindy will always be better
Final Fantasy XV shits on 7

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Good. Fascism doesn’t deserve to be normalized.

One side wants me to type out a video game character’s full name without auto-suggestions, and the other side wants to send me and everyone I care about to a concentration camp.


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not video games, piss off

>video game character
>not video games

Based I love seeing the same threads every day

>search 'huge black guy' with safe search on
>get inundated in uncensored pictures of black cocks
>same for 'big black guy', etc

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>still using YouTube or Google


>Fascism doesn't deserve to be normalized but censorship and selecting for an ubermensch culture under watchful left leaning eyes should totally be normalized
>tifa lockhart isn't videogames

But you didn't have safe search on

the implication being that black guys are unsafe and should be censored?

What websites does the mighty tripfag use that makes him so much better than us hmm?

Yandex and Youku

Tiffany and Cloud is my favorite FF pairing

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If you don’t censor fascists, fascists will censor you.

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So how are you any different from fascists?

She's unethical

>people complain about tifa on Yea Forums and in the gamer sphere
>gamer sphere is associated with the right wing
>right wing topics are hidden
This was probably 100% automated by the machine learning algorithms they set up for the 2020 election.

>fascist means person who does something I don't like

>if you do the same thing as your enemy you're the good guy

How did Gamergate become the epicenter of our current politic situation? Historians will have to unironically write about vidya.

So I went on Youku and it played an ad. Websites that circumvent adblockers are gay like you. :)

If tolerance can't stand up in the free market of ideas, then maybe it isn't a very good idea.

Because I don’t believe in nationalism or Third Position economics. Despite what American education would have you believe, fascism is an ideology with actual beliefs, not just authoritarianism. Hitler himself said a totalitarian state that didn’t advance Nazism was useless.

no bad tactics, only bad targets

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It's not you fuckhead. You are just another loser that obsessing over this dumb irrelevant shit for like 6 years. It's a literal non-event and no one will be thinking of it even 10 years from now. No one besides you and all the other faggots that have been shitting up the site talking about it nonstop.

Young males with nothing to lose are always the ones to start revolutions. It's why society enfofced monogamy for 8000 years. Give a man a woman to have sex with and some children and he'll tend to them. Don't give him one and he'll burn down the system to get one.

nice thread

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If you're not WITH me...

>It's a literal non-event and no one will be thinking of it even 10 years from now

>but if you kill him, you'll be just like him!!!

So totalitarianism is fine if it is your flavor of it?

>(ideology) is bad because it isn't tolerant
>so we should be intolerant as well


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Fascists support killing innocent people. I don’t.

If you debate with people who want you dead, you’re admitting your survival is up for debate, which means you’ve already lost.

The marketplace of ideas is all well and good most of the time, but if the idea is killing me, I’m not buying.

But it isn't

>that fucking comic
>that arm chair farting wannabe 21 century "philosopher" aka bachelor of arts degree fuckwit in philosphy 101 who now runs a blog

>We do the exact same thing as the people we disagree with, just being on the other side of the coin, but we are a bunch of self proclaimed good guys, so of course WE are the only right kind of tolerant type on the right side of history and only WE good guys get to decide what's tolerable and what is not.

FUCK NAZIS but fuck that subhuman self-righteous fascist too.

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natsoc was not fascism you dimwitted braindwarf

So if they are not innocent, then you would be complacent or possibly advocate for it?

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Works on my end, chief.

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Dang, I've just deemed you intolerant, therefor I will not tolerate you, sorry bub.

Why did I deem you intolerant? shut the fuck up nazi

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ok now tell me again how complaints against smaller tiddies on an anime video game character as prescribed by a literal fucking moral selection committee in a multibiliion corporation is now fascism
face it chump, you're just a commie that picked up fascist habits and pretend that living under hitler wouldn't be so bad if hitler was a commie instead.

Attack On Titan doesn't show up either for me, but Shingeki no Kyojin does

Doesn't autocomplete the name and only autocompletes non-porn related events. Sounds like the algorithm decided Tifa Lockheart is a porn star and automatically filters her. Sounds completely logical.