Where were you when video games were saved?
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Why's the AI look like a MP tier bot?
shut up moron
theyre trying to be true to the original
Dumb motherfucker. You know my daddy told me that dumb motherfuckers are only good at 2 things. Being a yeg and being a Poofter. So who the fuck are you?
>fan games
>ever good
Only mods are ever good. Full games are always terrible. Theres a reason professionally designed games are better than most indie trash
Sadly this will get no traction on Yea Forums,and this thread will die soon cus it's filled with zoomers who have never even heard of HL by now.
But what would you rather have if only one got released?
>Project Borealis
>Project Lambda
Choose wisely
Probably Lambda after seeing both videos. Black Mesa works just fine for a HL remake
I can't wait to play it in 2035
What a wasted potential of Alyx's fully modeled cervix.
>no Kelly Bailey ost
not interested
I hope they get the fern guy to work on this
What is the point of this when Black mesa already exists?
because it's just an alpha placeholder
Looks like utter shit, I'll wait for Valve offical Half-Life thankyou.
>I'll wait for Valve offical Half-Life
Borealis because Lambda is complete. The project goal was just to remake that intro, nothing more. Now, if someone were actually trying to remake Half-Life on the scale shown there (especially in terms of things like the number of NPCs and the presence of Black Mesa personnel aside from Scientists and Guards), that would be really interesting. But nobody is because Black Mesa already exists and is quite good itself, and that's enough.
NO U, user. 'HLVR' is officially announced to be out this year.
>VR shit
i don't count that as an HL game, and honestly, it'll get cancelled right before it comes out, like everything Valve makes.
Fucking Soulless
And you own a vr headset right?
you half memers need to let go
yeah that's never getting done
boreal alyph on the otherhand, that had a chance of being completed. doesn't anymore, but it had one.
>all videos are just showing off basic functionality of Unity/Unreal that was impressive when HL2 landed but now is drag and drop
>full original soundtrack designed for use with a dynamic music system
>animated/rigged weapon, enemy, and prop models
>ally hero models
>source engine movement mechanics painstakingly backwards-engineering and ported to a different engine
yeah all totally standard stuff that comes with every engine.
Borealis. BM is fine, and Borealis is like kind of an original work so it could be really surprising, even still if it ultimately is a failure.
What do you mean it had a chance?
Hunt Down the Freeman
That is all.
At this point I'll take anything HL related
Borealis sounds fuckkking stupid....tf2 update when
Be careful what you wish for - it's been rumored for a while now that the TF2 team is working on the presumption of the next update being the last.
Yeah I heard, and they'll keep us in limbo forever after it
>all those physic mechanics
>expecting it to run smoothly with it outside of test levels
>half life game
>in unreal
DOA assuming it doesnt die off earlier because of faggoty drama
Yeah it's retarded, the source engine is a little old now but it's not ugly Black Mesa looks pretty good and recreating the feel of the engine will be nearly impossible, it can look like HL as much as it likes if the gameplay doesn't feel source like people will hate it
beyond the fancy lighting and post processing there isnt a ton of talent there, sure its got some impressive detail in places but the general atmosphere and design is really bland in most of it.
kek, true
What is it?
Project Borealis?!
metal gear solid: half life edition judging from the """leaked""" shit
either that or its a fucking half life moba
i hope to god its not the latter
You know what's gonna happen right? Valve is gonna buy these guys and release the game without having to do any work
>It's a team based HL2 themed Battle Royale set when City17 falls
Doomed to lose momentum and be quietly cancelled in mid-2020 without ever being officially announced
>it'll get cancelled right before it comes out
Eh, I think Valve's learned after Episode 3 to not announce anything unless they're absolutely fucking sure it's coming out. I'm sure they'll release something next year after a delay, not 100% on it being HLVR though.
I still want to know what the hell happened that ruined Half-Life 2 Episode Three. Everybody at Valve get too excited working on F-Stop/Portal 2 and Left 4 Dead/2 or something?
This. Raising the Bar was a good book which catalogued the HL2 dev process. I want to know the inner workings on what led to HL3 being forever canned.
My guess is Half-Life 2 Episode Three was canned sometime in 2010-2011 because the guys working on it got afraid that releasing an "episode" instead of a "full game" after 3-4 years would lead to fan outrage, and decided to make a full Half-Life 3 instead.
This in turn led to a whole mess of problems and disagreements as to what a "HL3" should be. Marc Laidlaw for instance said in interviews that he firmly believed that each "full" entry of the Half-Life series should be its own self-contained story-arc, hence why HL2 was so different from HL and why the Episodes were still called HL2 Episodes, since they were still in the HL2 story arc (Gabe Newell in interviews expressed disagreement, saying the Episodes were an "HL3" in pieces). The disagreements then never got sorted out, and all the different pieces people were working on never managed to come together into a coherent game.
>half life
dota 2 tower defense
Such a shame. The decision to go episodic was a huge mistake.
Really, the episodes should have just been treated like HL1 expacs since that's exactly how they ended up anyway. A silly naming convention causing that many issues is just painful.
Neither, boreal alyph literally shits all over both of them
It just looks like a Source mod though. At least Project Borealis is going to have good graphics.
Was this Laidlaw's plan all along? Half Life 3 inhabiting different timelines where every team who tries to make their version of it inhabits that timeline?
Getting more than one Half Life 3 might make up for not really getting Half Life 3.
Episode Two is the single most fun game in the entire Half-Life franchise. I'm not sure if it alone is worth the disappointment of Episode Three, but gaming history would be greatly diminished had Episode Two never existed.
It was great but the team losing interest because of the episodic nature has doomed the series. Now we are getting HLVR which will be a standard run-of-the-mill wave shooter. How the mighty have fallen.
I think he was taking issue with the development model, not the games themselves. Even Episode 1 is better than people give it credit for. It just has shitty pacing.
One of the failed HL3 projects is rumored to have had a game mechanic involving an arm that allowed you to teleport. They probably recycled that for HLVR, what with them insisting on using teleporting as the main movement method in VR.
VOLVO!!?!? VOLVO!!!!!!
So will HLVR be Half Life ported to VR with a novel mechanic added, a fully featured stand alone game or a bite sized gimmick game that doesn't count as a real sequel?
>You'll be Barney at his station in Black Mesa doing a fleshed out "Papers, Please" type scenario wherein you are stuck in the patented "tiny VR space" environment modeled after a security kiosk trying to prevent unauthorized access to Black Mesa
Don't scare me. I wonder if Project Borealis will include VR support.
How high are the chances that valve let's this get near completion then suddenly picks the team up and just polishes their game and puts it out as their own game ? That or they're gonna get a cease and desist
That's a very shitty bait, pham. You didn't even put any effort into it, I'm honestly disappointed.
MIddle path. No cease and desist, but they wouldn't stoop to calling a fan game the official sequel to Half Life either.
Didn't Black Mesa migrate to Unity?
No, it's source
Sonic mania disagrees
Borealis? At this time year, at this time of day, localized entirely on your platform?
What's wrong with that?
>they have to make this in UE4 because Source is so shit
Its fucking disgusting that theyll get all the credit despite doing nothing
I don't know if it'll be a standard run of the mill shooter since for better or worse, tons of shooters felt like they took inspiration from Half Life. I just want to see Valve make more polished shooters with interesting worlds like they used to, I'm just not sure I'm willing to pay $500 + tax on a headset just for more Half Life though, especially since Valve hasn't proven themselves capable of making a good game yet.
TF2: Trading Card Game
>Valve is going to BUY and release a game made in Unreal Engine 4
Use your brain.
>in Unreal
Better HL game post HL2 is one that takes place after the events of Half Life 2 after Gordon BTFO the Combine and Breen and after the events of HL2 Episode 1 and HL2 Episode 2 taking place after the events of those games once the Combine are BTFO by The Resistance after the events of HL2 in HL2 Episode 2 and continuing the story after the events of HL2 (and HL2 Episode 1 and HL2 Episode 2) but instead of Half Life 3 or Epistile 3 as envisioned and leaked by the writer which took place after the events of Half Life 2 (and HL2 Episode 1 and HL2 Episode 2)
half life gacha card game
I'm impressed by their work with trying to get a Half-Life engine out of Unreal but I have to wonder why they didn't just use Source. They're recreating Source in another engine and they could've saved a lot of time and energy tweaking HL2/Source to do what they wanted.
Because Source is an incredible pain to work with.
Another team called Keep Away from Fire is doing their own Episode Three project in Source called Boreal Alyph, and so far all they've been doing is building their own dev kit for Source.
Comfy pic
>tfw source 2 never coming out
My one issue with Epistle 3 is that it would have ended everything on such a sour note. Not exactly a cliffhanger, but futility. Like, they HAVE to make something after it right, they couldn't just leave it with Ep3 ending as a giant fuck-you to everyone that played the preceeding games? Yet that wouldn't be a bad move from a literary standpoint, it's not as if every story has to have a happy ending. I don't know, just sits wrong with me though in a medium that's all about viewer agency. Even if these Epistle-derived projects end up being good, do I really want to play them when I know everything is fucked come the last 15 minutes with no light at the end of the tunnel?
The ending tone of Epistle Three is heavily influenced by Laidlaw's own bitterness and disappointment over not being able to finish Episode Three. Had Episode Three actually finished up and released, its ending would probably have been different.