How are ya enjoying it so far?
Comfy Dragon Quest Builders 2 thread
it is out?
Credits are rolling, fun game, ending was cute.
It has been out for days m8
I'm nearing the end of the second island. The second Island is a lot more lighthearted than the first.
I loving it, finished up the second island and then when it was time to start the second settlement on the island of awakening I just got really sidetracked into building a huge multistory building entirely out of gold high up on a peak, which I had to go back to the mines for and spend 30 minutes grinding out gold ore blocks. Now they're smelting and I have no idea what the fuck I'm even making this building for.
Wait, nevermind.
i guess i'll just build exactly what they tell me to build exactly how they want it built, again. i guess i'll just scroll through endless boxes of text, again. will they ever let me just play a video game or is the entire game like this
I finished the first island and now I'm back at the main island. They are having me terraform the land in order to make it livable and nice looking, but I think I'm gonna rush through this and go to the second island so I can get the hammer upgrade so I can actually break and get rid of everything I want to get rid of.
Story islands are pretty linear, your own island gives you a shit ton of freedom though. You'll get a lot of optional quests that let you build anything you want anywhere you want.
I've been enjoying it, about 5 hours in or so.
Should I just give up ever making roofs for buildings? The fact the NPCs get rained on and shit when they are sleeping bothers me, but I just went through a huge effort making a mess hall with a roof on it and I had to build that shit like 5 blocks high just so the camera didn't feel like shit.
I couldn't imagine not making roofs. It's just uncomfy as fuck in a game that should be comfy as fuck
The lack of roofs is in line with classic DQ but you can make them if you want.
What's the ideal height then for a room? From the floor to the ceiling there is 4 blocks in my house which feels fine, anything less feels claustrophobic.
Really depends on the kind of room, but 4 blocks are fine for just a simple room.
Click in the right stick to go into first person
Not him bit first person doesn't feel good. It's just unsmooth as fuck.
I just started the second main island. Really fun so far and I like how character stuff carries over from island to island instead of being reset like in the first game. So far it's probably mu GotY but I am a huge DQfag so that may not be saying much.
>How are ya enjoying it so far?
Almost everything I'd hoped for. Still needs some small qol improvements but not much.
First person helps, the small buildings for npcs feel better cramped to me and later on you could build castles and things so houses you make don't need a roof, like the pyramid after chapter 2.
>huge DQfag
Name your favourite DQ bro.
>play with inverted camera controls for third person games
>first person retains this making me hate it even more
>>play with inverted camera controls for third person games
Well sorry, you're a lost cause user
Fuck, that's a hard question. I'm leaning towards V just because of how the game basically depicts the whole life of the MC and shows progression of time in a way very few RPGs have done before or since (Bianca is the proper choice btw) but I think I enjoy the 3DS version of VII the most out of any game in the series. One of my favorite aspects of DQ has always been the smaller stories you come across throughout the game world, and since VII is a game centered around those stories, it appeals to me quite a bit. I also just really like class systems.
about to start the third story island. Instead just maxing out my farm side and basically playing pokemon with all the monsters I'm befriending. Golem on my first try and sabercub makes the best explorer island partner
So is this Dragon Quest Builders based on 2?
It's explicitly a sequel to 2.
So are they going in order for each builders game?
Respectable opinion I might have to agree with, although while Bianca is the obvious choice Deborah is best.
Enjoyed it but I still feel too much time is wasted backtracking and I've played 3ds and ps2.
I'd give a special mention to II and VI, which are underrated in my opinion.
I spent fucking 18 hours playing this game the other day, I think I might have the building autism
They do try to have callbacks like the dog, first time party members and the cape. Although monster taming is more V.
I doubt they'll be able to resist making the third game based on III though.
It certainly looks that way.
I'm not sure how Builders 3 will work though.
I liked VI but feel like it's the weakest of the Zenithian trilogy. The class system is fun, yeah, but the whole real world/dream world thing is weaker than the main hooks of IV and V, and the cast feels weaker than the other two outside of Milly and Terry. As for II, I think it's about as good as one could expect out of the first game in the series to add additional party members, but some parts near the beginning, i.e. tracking down that little bitch of a prince, just feel a little too obtuse.
Really liking it so far and appreciate some of the upgrades. Just finished the first island building the tree.
They fix the Switch version yet?
Damn dude you must’ve rushed through the game
what do you do in multiplayer?
What is there to fix?
They would need to downscale it to 720p, and they're not doing that
...and honestly that's the only issue I see brought up about it. If you're unhappy with 20FPS, should have gotten the PS4 version pal.
eh, different strokes. Path to Rhone and the final area is my favourite endgame in DQ.
Every game has it's appeal though, still mad we don't have X.
I haven't bought it yet and I have a passing interest in the game.
I'm willing to take a graphical hit to have it on the Switch, but the frame rate is a bummer for sure.
I'll pass until there's a fix, if ever. I don't own a PS4 anymore.
It's just very unoptimised like dq11. Even the ps4 version dips occasionally.