Do you own any vidya merch?
Do you own any vidya merch?
are phyisical copies of video games video game merch
to find out
and why do i wanna fuck it
Ribilocks, from the doll threads on /trash/
theres a lot of porn
Not that I bought, but I've gotten swag from giveaways, going to cons/festivals, that sorta thing. My favorite, ironically, is the let it die snapback & uncle death shades. They're both fantastic and decently high quality. I have lots of T-shirts from tournaments, when gamestop still held tournaments for games. I got a free peace walker psp 3000 from a peace walker tournament they held (It didn't make sense to anyone at the time) that was like a speedrun to defeat some of the chapter 3 bosses. I'd 100%d the game so I was beating them in a few seconds.
Punch out wii t-shirt cause I was the only person that showed up, pokemon battle revolution t-shirt for coming in second (first place was a copy of the game, still pretty disappointed I didn't get it.), lots of stuff like that.
More traditional stuff like figurines never really appealed to me. I am buying the death stranding collectors edition though. Or, tentatively am, if gameplay comes out and it looks shit, I'll probably cancel, but I really like the story setups and i've had a crush on lindsay wagner for the better part of my life.
I own your mom lmao
Thirty-plus amiibo, a Donkey Kong stuffed toy, and a Donkey Kong Country Returns T-Shirt.
I own more amiibos than I would like to admit.
So did that guy eventually get his Rubi doll from that commission site?
user no, it would be difficult to clean that if you think of doing that.
Path of exile shirt and cloth map of the atlas. its actually very nice material. But it was just bonus stuff with a supporter pack.
is this fetish derived from having sisters growing up or something
If soundtracks count I own a couple of those
Man, I just want cute, fun dolls without lewd shit. Playing games with them and having them cheer you up when your sad sounds great.
It's more of a mix of giant guy vs. really tiny girl and wanting to fuck living sex dolls
The /trash/ threads actually have some really good designs, if children could search the names online without being traumatized they could legitimately be the cast of a Nick Jr. show or something
what's wrong with them cheering you up through sex?
>Ywn be dommed by a doll
this honky one reminds me of jojo's circus
that show probo gave me some clown fetishes
this thread is spiraling out and might 404 soon so I guess its confession time.
clowns make my pp turn into PP
but only some of them
the real annabelle is a million times better than the trash edgy doll they made for the movies
I guess I just see them as remnants of childhood memories, and I don’t want to tarnish it with fetish nonsense because I’m not into that. I guess I just want to be a naive kid again
Ehh, I was there for the last doll thread or so on Yea Forums and it took at least a couple hundred posts before shit got crazy.
Would you rather be a doll sized human or a human sized doll?
I’m sad this is a fetish thing, but not surprised.
Didn't know it was possible to become so deviated that your sexually desires no longer coincide with reality.
Doll-sized human I guess. Question seems off-topic though.
Because she cute
The only Yea Forumsidya merch I own is an amiibo AC Rover, which I haven't opened in like a year. I don't regret buying it as a poorfag, that said.
I get why they designed that way but it tries way too hard to look scary. I don't get who would own that version of the doll or give it to someone else.
They’re pretty much humanoid toys, it’s like wanting to fug a robot but smaller and softer
someone post the angry abusive one please
i love her
I bought a Persona 5 poster from a convention once. Wearing vidya related clothing is essential free advertising, any clothing like that is. Not to mention how quickly its runs out of fashion.
You can have completely surreal fetishes, that doesn't mean you'll like them in real life because often they are lot less enjoyable than it seems.
That doll fetish is a pretty good example, if you even manage to pop a boner from a doll, it won't be enjoyable to put your dick in the fabric.