Fell out of FE after fates. Redpill me is this game gonna be good?

Attached: fe3h.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You fell out after the last game?
That's not "falling out," that's being caught up.

It has the only thing FE’s ever been good for: cute anime girls. And most are drawn decently.

I-It's all good bros.....

Attached: 501C42B2-E515-4227-BCCC-E554C8A6DB10.jpg (1242x600, 287K)

Echos came out in 17, but still OP missed 1 game idk how thats "falling out"
Depends if youre into more of that waifu garbage some of these degenerates are then ya probably

I don't care about Golden Deer route.

Genealogy 2.0 but good

It IS good it DOES have cute knight wife Catherine! Give ME Catherine! Give ME cute knight wife!

Attached: Catherine.png (1200x1200, 999K)


We're getting Genealogy 2.0 with no children

Attached: Shut up Jesus.png (700x679, 382K)

No clue. I hope it will be, but I don't have my hopes completely init just because I want of it to be.
I just know that I don't trust journos. Especially when their "praise" is that it' as "good" as Fates. Then again, said journo said that he only played Deers. You can blame Deer route being Fates tier shit only, but we will see how Fates is/isn't it in the end I guess.
If you don't want to risk it, then just wait for it to be out and see how normal people who aren't journos that like Fates, react to it.

Attached: Honkrenz.png (245x354, 96K)

But Fates isn't FE, neither is 3H

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It SEEMS like it’s going to be good, but the Chinese have yet to leak anything yet. That being said, you skipped Echos doesn’t mean you fell out of the Franchise buddy.

I think he comes across more like a smooth talker than a homo, his line about liking being choked was taken out of context by some literal faggot on Twitter. Being ok with somebody’s hand around your neck is another way of saying you trust him with your life. An over the top and dramatic way of saying it for sure, but what more can you expect from the Shakespeare house?

Valeriefag? Is that you?

No because my ex-waifu Edgelord turned out to be a disgusting dyke

Stop posting this awful, awful list.

>You can blame Deer route
Pre-timeskip is the same for everyone faggot. And besides the Gamexplain dudes disliked Fates but praised this, and they definetly have a more credible opinion that the polygon fag.

t. most realistic post ITT that isn't complete blunder fag or a shill

He played Eagles though, not Deer.

he played deer.

Why do you want us to tell you what to think

Reminder that Treehouse censored panties to undershirt

Attached: 1563469691538.jpg (640x311, 54K)

>Mad at FE1 AND FE3
>The first fucking entry

You ARE a GOOD user! Fire Emblem Three Houses DOES have GOOD Catherine wife AND other MOMMY wifes!

Nobody gives a shit you doble eaglenigger.

Why are you responding to me in a tone as if I raped your mother in her sleep just for telling a man to wait and see instead of jumping on a train based on NOTHING? Did you finally lose your normal dialect to communicate with others properly by spending too much time here using buzzwords only? I pity you if that's the case, and you are the prime example of why these threads are so shit nowadays.

Timeskip's the same for everyone though, unless the changes in perspective are that big of a change.


Honestly considering how hard Nintendo and IS is shilling Male Byleth and Edelgard in the commercials and other promotions, I think she is by default straight due to her responsibilities as heir apparent for the empire. It is only the fact that she is a MCsexual that a female Byleth (You) seduces her to the path of degeneracy.

Attached: 13FC7FB9-9300-4303-B2DD-1C503ED3BB07.png (541x800, 850K)

Nu-Fates fags are unironic autists, user.
This is now waifufagbase and there is nothing you can do about it.

>liking echoes

She is clearly lying that it’s her “undershirt”.


It looks like it's going to be good
Story sounds like it's going to be competent, and the character writing and voice acting so far has been really good
New gameplay elements mean that even playing through braindead maps will probably be enjoyable for the novelty of getting used to the new system

>polygon writer thinks Fates writing is good
So basically he has low standards and it's not a helpful comment for determining if the writing actually is good

No middle ground allowed. Either join shill train or join blunder train. You're not allowed to be in the middle on these threads.

This is what most 5ch anons believe, but western lgbt people unironically think devs did it for their representation.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Why can’t you two talk about stats and gameplay? Better yet at least talk about what little we know about the story. The rest of Yea Forums is laughing at us because if you.

>Why are you responding to me in a tone as if I raped your mother in her sleep
I just called you a faggot dude

>My undershirt got blown away by the wind
>by the wind
>It's not important why
Is this just some weird translation fuckery? She said why. Why is she saying it doesn't matter why it blew away if she just told you?

>Normal too easy, but hard is too hard
What the fuck do I do?

they don't have enough brain cells to do that

I thought hard was supposed to be fairly easy too?

And he called you a retard in indirect way for having too low IQ.

Pick hard, you can change it to normal in the in-game option after if you want.

Start on hard and lower the difficulty later if needed

If /u/ is degeneracy, I am gonna degenerate her so hard she won't think of men other than a procreative threesome one night stand.

Seriously, you are just mad she can be /u/
by other peoply instead of being your loyal self-insert waifu

Being wordy isn't indirect and he's getting mad at me using normal 4channel lingo

I hate them as much as the next guy and I hate defending them, but that line clearly implies she’s just embarrassed to say panties, only a brainlet wouldn’t understand what she meant.

All the difficulties got scaled back one.
>Normal = Easy
>Hard = Normal
>Very Hard = Hard

Will you attend mine and Edelgards imperial wedding?

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Still really fucking gross, I’m not sticking my dick in a bisexual whore

>Lets search for it!
>Hey this undershirt sure is skimpy. It's even shaped like Panties!
What a silly lie when she's asking for help finding it.

Attached: wat.jpg (1200x1090, 78K)

FE tradition has it that you can always downgrade the difficulty mid play through. Just be aware once you go down, you cannot go back up.

No because I hate disgusting dykes

If you attend to ours I may consider it

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Judging by that look she's giving me, I don't think I'm invited.

>Jon Snow and Daenerys

Not in the superior timeline

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No. He's getting mad at you for being a brainlet that couldn't even understand his simple post before writing it down like a sperge.
His post:
>Who knows. There is no way of knowing shit because journos aren't to be trusted. Wait until the game is out to see how it actually is.
Your post:
>unrelated shit to what was his actual point

I'm ending this here because I don't like being 3rd wheel in stuff like these much, but I find it laughable that you still don't understand what he, I and others find autistic about your posts. If you still fail to see what is the issue with you here, then you truly are autismo.

>likes fe10 more than 9
>confused at 5
why would you post this
also FE12 was alright, not that bad but not that good either
definitely better than 11 though


so is Edelgard only attracted to Byleth or something? She's like 10x as adament MC joins her than the other 2.

What does the Japanese think about the Same sex option?

Why are fags self-inserting with school age Edelgard when you can only S rank her as grown up Empress?

they dont care at all, they dont seem to care about romance or supports in general.

I hope the weapon farming dlc map get a lot of the classic weapons from last FE games.

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Nothing, they don't even give a shit about Claude.

You can S rank Edelgard pre timeskip. She's the only female that you can do that with though

>his actual point
I rectified him believing that it might only be the Deers that's Fates-tier, because we've been told that the routes pre-timeskip arent' different and gave the opinion of another reviewer who was displeased with Fates. Him criticizing my tone has nothing to do with me calling him out on bullshit that's just wrong

Atleast those imbred chinks have their priorities straight.

This Edelgard shilling is hilarious to me. It gives me deja-vu on Azura shilling back then. She was the one winning polls before the game was out and etc. Only so these were the end results once the game was actually out.

Attached: poll.png (980x2430, 1.63M)

>likes FE8 and Echoes
ok retard

There are screenshots where her and Dorothea appear to be flirting, so she might just bat for both teams in general. Of course, with Byleth being the only one capable of S ranking, I guess you could say everyone is Byleth-sexual.

Where you read that? Sounds fake and contraditório to what I read in the past threads.

Leaks said you can only S rank after time Skip.

Not enough good fan arts of post-TS charatcers yet.

Shit thats probably how she has the 2 routes

>I just know that I don't trust journos. Especially when their "praise" is that it' as "good" as Fates. Then again, said journo said that he only played Deers. You can blame Deer route being Fates tier shit only, but we will see how Fates is/isn't it in the end I guess.
He's keeping an open mind. He isn't buying into journo shit too much, but that doesn't mean that he isn't skeptical at the same time. It's called being neutral instead of being a complete shill tard or bulnder fag.
And I'm seriously done discussing this shit. Especially when poster in question was done with your autism on the second response. Therefore, I don't see a reason for me to drag it with you either.

Learn how to read and understand the shit you read next time I guess.

Who is the artist ?

Edelgard can't be worse than footfag Azura even if they tried

Didn't they said it at E3?

Edelgard actually has a personality

While I'm a complete otome stacy. I'm rather have all the supports be wholesome and non romantic.

stop posting your terrible shit taste you retard

If her personality is being a dyke, sure

>threesome with Edelgard and Dorothea

I don't even think you can get A ranks before the time skip.

My point was just the pre-timeskip being shit isn't exclusive to deers nigga. I don't disagree with not trusting journos

Which one was it again? No memes allowed. Name me her actual personality since you already know it apparently.

How long is your penis?

Foursome with Edelgard, Dorothea and fem!Byleth!


Whose cereal did Orochi shit in considering she's even lower than units you only get in one route?

>Edelgard actually has a personality
Joke of the thread!
This has to be the most retarded post I saw so far ITT.

>Wants Byleth's dick

Reminder that nails and nail polish are disgusting and should be gloved at all time.

Attached: nanithefuck.jpg (249x141, 12K)


triggered footfag.
Take your wet plank back with you.

so a Jap watched Game of Thrones/read ASoIaF and figured "fuck it, lets just put Daenerys in this shit"

Post a more cancerous "main girl"
you can't

Attached: 1540187634743.png (1797x1796, 2.4M)

that's more personality than Azura ever had.

I said no memes aka pic-related is the only actual personality she has, Yea Forumsfag.

Attached: bland.png (824x100, 11K)

They hardly even talk about it. I had to go to a non gaming board to find people talking about it. In the actual Fire Emblem topics on 5ch they don't even mention it period. This obsession with supports is purely just you yankees.

Attached: 1563134466081.png (1273x3874, 324K)

Main lords' personality traits were already presented in the japanese trailer you dumb fuck.

Slut meme

where does the edelgard hate come from
just asking, not judging

Nohr does what Hoshidon't


Because threads started becoming shit after /u/ fags glued themselves to her and started spamming her on every thread.

The gays are really riled up after seeing their options.

she's heavily shilled by the game like Azura was, and Yea Forums loves being contrarian. It's not so surprising.

>dragon’s dogma is ahead

/u/fags ruined her for me, one retard even admited he only came here because of that /u/shit

What happens when you fully unlock CUTE support?

Attached: CUTE.png (465x50, 44K)

>before she was confirmed as dyke
>no eagles posting in sight
>threads are comfy
>she gets confirmed as dyke
>suddenly "eagles fags" come from the shadow and FE threads on Yea Forums become autistic
You figure out.


This whore is way too popular then she deserves to be

Attached: 1559019696620.jpg (800x800, 117K)

To be fair, even if Aqua weren't forced she'd still be a shitty character.

You will unlock another set of support : S E X

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Only /u/niggers like her. There were no black eagles up until she was confirmed gay.

being a virgin is pretty much mandatory to be a Jap waifu and Oboro is memed as a slut

I didn't like Fates' and Awakening's artstyle much, but at least girls were top tier instead of bland looking like now. You can easily tell 3H's artist is fujo artist primarily because there is more effort put in how men look, than girls.

Stop posting this. You only really like two of them.

for fucks sake

the "why" is why were they off to be blown away by the wind in the first place

Because there was no retarded waifu posting regarding her before her dyke confirmation and threads were comfy. Just see for yourself how autistic her posters are in this very thread. FE threads literally went to shit after she was confirmed to be bi.

Triggered homos because the gay options blow.

I instantly thought she just hung them out for laundry or something. It's not like they have driers.

>Because there was no retarded waifu posting regarding her before her dyke confirmation and threads were comfy.

I'll take "things that never happened" for $300

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So what about the two or 3 Hetero Edelfags?

I am gonna ruin Mercedes next so you can't join Blue Lions without thinking of /u/.

>*triggered SJWs
fixed that for you, the homo options are top-tier


Attached: 1563115776061.png (1418x794, 1.15M)

>two crusty grandpas and twink boy

They cling to logic that Fem MC isn't canon

Why has nothing post-timeskip leaked yet?

Nintendo will hunt you down if you leak

>two handed axe swings

The game is about to be dumped for piratefags, so you better leave these threads soon

Because we just found out that the time skip stuff is actually DLC planned for 10/31, the base game ends at the monastery pre timeskip

There's an embargo on it at the moment and no one wants to risk never ever getting review copies for any Nintendo stuff ever again.

I miss these threads after E3. These were the best. Just OC fuel and fun shitposting about punished Dimitri and Danny Edelgard, while happy merchant Claude was scheming in the background. Ever since bi bullshit, these threads have become a trash.
It just images dumps of Edelgard from autistic waif/u/ fags.
/pol/tards hiding behind Dimitri/Deers.
Autismo who loves posting the same resetera/twitter screenshots on every thread to turn them into /pol/ posting about how "gays and feminism is cancer that is killing our culture."
DILF posting was fun while it lasted though.

F FE threads.

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Yo user, join my house.

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Nobody on Yea Forums cares about them.
Only shitposters that post screencaps.

We can't have good things to last for long.

I don't care much, I just want to see all the characters after the timeskip.

Unironically go to /feg/

Why would anyone go to that dumpster fire?

I think fan art of her has been cute so far and I don't let resetera and Twitter fags live rent free in my head like 80% of Yea Forums.

I've had enough of Gacha.

>those two doujins where she gives kagerou a dick and they fuck
I like orochi just for that

Gatchafags took over

Yeah sucks too. I might not touch these threads until the game is out.
The truth will set the threads free user.

Unironically THIS!

I don’t play FE Heroes. I’m not a spic and I’m not gay. I’ve got no reason to go there.

Those good times live on in your memories user.

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I don't like when characters are shilled as hard as she is when there are three routes, not one. I don't really like her personality either. This, too: Nothing can ruin a character for me faster than that character's fans acting like idiots.

>not making Clive Dimitri

I feel the same about Makoto in P5.
I don't hate Edelgard or Makoto but, retards making easy to.

The other two are dudes user. No shit the only female will be the only shilled one on Yea Forums. You want shills for Claude? Go to Reddit or Resetera.

Take your hatred to /u/ back to /y/.

Except nobody even talked about her before bi shit and ones that were shilled was literally every girl not her.

except for like 3 MaleByleth/Edelgard fags, bless those anons for fighting an uphill battle

Somebody mentioned the tarot connection and I decided to waste my time.

Attached: asasasa.png (1920x1080, 2.07M)

>muh old quality 3H threads!

>hahaha oh no no no look at the shit graphics
>le punished Dimitri xdd
>golden queers muh tumblr SJW house
>haha did I mention the graphics are shit?
>fuck this otome shit! otome fujo otome fujo fujo

Kill yourselves.

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Fair point there.

Attached: edelede.jpg (3200x3073, 764K)

Is this a real thing? The persona influences really keep coming huh?

But what if it’s the alternate versions with justice and strength switched

>Byleth is shorter than even Linhardt

Attached: JUST.jpg (860x1291, 240K)

No way in hell Edelgard is the fool.

Big if true. Also completely hilarious that Edelgard is the fool.

I think there are some suspect ones, like I'd wouldn't label Lorentz as The Hermit at all from what we've seen of him.


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tell me user, will you join the golden chads?

Attached: Claud von CHAD .jpg (782x682, 87K)

>Forever Alone
I think it’s perfect for him.

>Dorothea (170cm) is almost as tall as Byleth

Attached: thisisfine.jpg (480x480, 43K)

I know your song bird. You sing a song for everyone and act like everyone's friend. But I see your mocking eyes. Keep singing bird and see where it gets you.

What went wrong?

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I don’t know Claude. Why is that both the Empire and the Holy Kingdom both outlaw Usury, but your Alliance continue such a practice?

I'm more of Blue GODs myself, but I respect Golden Chads. Now, BLACKed Eaglefags should and will be exterminated!

>The Hermit card in Tarot is a card of introspection, soul searching, analysis, and self-reflection.
It could work. I'm just going off this www.astrology.com site.

>Linhardt is taller than Byleth, Ferdinand and even Claude
That's kinda funny.

Why was the internet bitching about the characters being in school when so many are 18?

I wouldn't worry you sticking your dick anywhere

Never played a Fire Emblem game before and I've barely ever touched or tried the tactics RPG style games. Should I give Three Houses a try? My Switch is desperate for games.

I see nothing but improvements.

Can't wait for Fbyleth to reach S-rank with Claude. And by the end of the game get shot by an sacred arrow.

Watch gameplay

I suppose it depends on how they take his initial character concept. If he spends most of his supports contemplating his place within the Alliance and his attitudes towards the place of Nobility and towards Claude it could work.


>My Switch is desperate for games.
Yes? You need more games after all.

>tfw Dorothea has legs for days
Oh my....what is this feeling?

So, according to known heights of males, it goes like:
>Raphael > Lorenz = Hubert > Dimitri > Linhardt > Byleth = Claude = Ferdinand > Ignatiz > Caspar

>tfw Linhardt will be 180+ by the time of his time-skip
kek. I guess Byleth will be the one to take the dick from the trap as well.

Why aren't Petra or Catherine bi? This is bullshit.

Attached: 1552556892786.gif (270x270, 499K)

You already got 7 more gays than the last one. as hot as a yuri emblem game would be it would just cause too much screaming from faggots.

>Jon Snow and Daenerys except we get to choose the right option and marry Edelgard and rule with her

Based IS fixing GRRM's shit

Attached: dany_jon.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

Don't know about Petra but missing out on this hot milf is criminal

Attached: 1563139054855.png (1950x3132, 510K)

Sylvain is 186cm

You /u/shits have already more than enough, be happy of that you got and kill yourself

I love how all of the CHADrenz memes became reality.

Catherine IS cute SHE does make penis BIGGEST user! (She does! She does!)

Forgot him as well. Then it's:
>Raphael > Lorenz = Hubert > Sylvain > Dimitri > Linhardt > Byleth = Claude = Ferdinand > Ignatiz > Caspar

EasyAllies preview seemed positive on the writing, but I have no clue what they felt about Fates

You /u/faggots already got 5 times the amount of dykes than in Fates and ruined Edelgard, fuck off already.

Post your house and units.

Here's mine: Blue Lions
>Byleth: Holy Knight
>Dimitri: Great Knight (Or whathever his personal class will be)
>Dedue: Great Knight
>Felix: War Master
>Sylvain: Wyvern Lord
>Ashe: Bow Knight
>Annette: Dark Knight
>Ingrid: Falcon Knight
>Mercedes: Gremory

>recruting Lysithea: Dancer

I hope there are more master classes.

Ega is cute! CUTE!

Attached: ega3.jpg (819x1069, 392K)

I am NOT gay BUT gay IS okay user! You need lesbian wife I give you lesbian wife IF possible! You tell me lesbian wife type I give you lesbian wife IF possible!

But the ones I got all fucking suck and NOT A SINGLE ONE fulfills any of the interests I have, and literally NONE of them are tomboys.
They're fucking garbage. If I wanted to fuck garbage I'd play MByleth and fuck men.

>Yuri opyion in Fates sucks because DUDE THOTJA LMAO
>Yuri options in 3H sucks because DUDE CUNNY and DUDE BORING GIRLY GIRLS
>Dont let me fuck the hot, tanned blonde milf Myrmidon
>Don't let me fuck the sexy accent foreigner Myrmidon

Attached: 02fbcc7fb8464517a26f94b3f73dd9e4cf4e7dfb.jpg (460x559, 160K)

You can fucking have Edgelord. Take her.
>You got five more than literally one

Why don't you just be normal and be straight

That's what you get for either being a cuck or an actual lesbian.

I can't wait to get love letters from my students.

Attached: letters.jpg (275x800, 114K)

Because MByleth looks like a fag so I don't want to play him

Ac...Ac user. You are right. The choices aren't the greatest if you enjoy the company of tomboys. You are wanting to fuck tomboys though no? Why not make you the tomboy then? There is many good customization of such things like interests and skills.

I want to hold hands with Lysithea!

Attached: 1563300286987.jpg (700x589, 132K)

You need lesbian wife user! I give you lesbian wife IF possible! I CAN help I am wife scholar! (I am! I am!)


Attached: 1544815206220.jpg (549x680, 62K)

Because that's gay

user are you ok

Attached: 20190716_221822.jpg (215x382, 74K)

If I stay loyal to Lions and if Lions are truly Conquest out of 3, then will our leader turn into disgusting goo monster that we will kill? Asking for a friend?

Attached: Felix.png (1200x1200, 702K)


Stop being a whiny little bitch, you got the only girl I was interested in and now she's fucking ruined by being a dyke, take all the old hags and males(girls) as you fucking want.

Attached: 1560339630103.jpg (960x922, 189K)

Is it true there's a limit to how many people we can recruit from the other houses?

the dearth of gremlin Edelgard in fanart is a travesty

>take all the old hags and males(girls) as you fucking want.
I'm trying, but ISIS won't let me.

Get the fuck out, you're a disgrace for tomboy CHADs.

The artist will probably make more chibi Edels when the game comes out

Attached: 20190716_130133.jpg (161x272, 42K)

it's only limited by your teacher stats, which are in turn limited by your teacher level. So you can't get EVERYONE until NG+ or beyond.

Bi ≠ dyke


wtf weapon is he holding?

Attached: rod.png (926x1500, 2.66M)

Then you are retarded

>Tomboy chads
>Not liking yuri
In what universe?

Attached: 1552718943359.png (645x686, 505K)

Assuming this proves to be right, and there's little reason to believe that it is outside of the no. of crests matching up well with the no. of Arcana, then you can make try and take a stab at what the various House Stories will be in their broad strokes:
Pretty straightforward. She's going to make some rash decisions that kicks off the war, perhaps based on faulty information, perhaps driven by her desire to see the Empire restored. In her route you'll likely be her 'tard wrangler trying to stop her from being overly headstrong and ruining the lives of everyone involved.
Also relatively straightforward. Is going to have a persecuition complex that drives his desire to rebel, whether it's justified or not. In his own route you'll likely be trying to steer him onto whatever the genuinely just path will be.
Either version of The Tower, reverse or upright, could work for this. In the upright version, the Alliance is going to fall apart at some point, likely some house character deaths will happen to match all the King Leer references. In the reverse, he's stuck in an obviously corrupt system but is too much of a pussy to do anything about it. Either way his route will likely be about reforming the alliance.

This is probably a lot of BS though since I'm not that knowledgeable on Arcana meanings. If someone else wants to take a stab at it or tell me why I'm a retard be my guest.

It's one guy repeating it

If your leader somehow finds himself with a dagger in the back, then that counts like an accident and not a treason, right?

Attached: just_asking_as_well.jpg (640x640, 67K)

a spear

Attached: H2x1_NSwitch_FireEmblemThreeHouses_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 262K)

>Black Eagles have Ferdinand
>Golden Deer have Lorenz
Interesting how every house except the Blue Lions has someone looking to take leadership away from their lord. Who would take over Fearghus if Dimitri kicks it? Felix?

Here's mine: Blue Lions
>Byleth: Dark Knight
>Dimitri: Personal class
>Dedue: Fortress Knight
>Felix: Swordmaster
>Sylvain: Great Knight
>Ashe: Sniper
>Annette: Gremory
>Ingrid: Falcon Knight
>Mercedes: Holy Knight

>recruting Seteth: Wyvern Lord
>recruting Flayn: Holy Knight

Tomboy is the choice of straight men, not faggots. That's how it was is and would be. Begone, /u/shit, you're no different froms fujoshit s

Spear. He's lance user.
>Dimitri = lance + swords
>Edelgard = axe + swords
>Claude = bow

Can I have a threesome with Dimitri and Claude

Attached: femleth.jpg (1648x2048, 247K)

why didn't they turn it around for the cover?

>He doesn't know
Tomboys are literally made for making their more feminine friends in to women.

Sensei is not a slut

Attached: 1563385557740.jpg (826x1000, 111K)

because it's an awful cover that no one thought too deeply about

I offer you help find wife! Catherine is NOT bisexual wife BUT I help you find wife! I am wife scholar I CAN pair user AND wife! You need bisexual cute knight wife I give you cute she goat wife FROM Dragon's Dogma! She IS cute knight wife LIKE Catherine!

Attached: Mercedes.jpg (500x281, 53K)

I've never played FE, is this a waifu franchise with functional tactical gameplay and barely noticeable permadeath mechanic a la Valkyria Chronicles?

no idea, they decided to roll with it
claude's va included

Attached: 1563440071372.png (1280x720, 1.77M)

Does anyone not reload when their wife dies?


Kys Shegoat fucker

>is this a waifu franchise
Awakening and Fates did irreparable damage to the series.

looks like a chad

Where are the traps?

The other noble students seem to belong to either families that are either broke or from insignificant frontier dukedoms. It’s hard to say, but I can only see Felix as well unless there is more information about his family (Major Crest aside).

I see

Depends, is her bottom half still intact?

I have no idea if its gonna be good, I just pre-ordered despite having no hopes.

Attached: 1513086251478.png (922x1066, 1.27M)

Golden CHADS
>Byleth: Mortal Savant or Dark Knight
>Claude: Wyvern Lord
>Lorenz: Dark Knight
>Raphael: War Master
>Ignatz: Bow Knight or Dark Priest/Warlock if his hidden talent in Reason is good
>Hilda: Great Knight
>Leonie: Bow Knight
>Lysie: Gremory or Mortal Savant, same case as Ignatz, but with a Sword
>Marianne: Holy Knight

Basically, just put about 90% of my units on a horse and make someone from another house a Dancer.

Someone explain crests to me.

>Cute twink pre-timeskip
>total chad post-timeskip
My body is ready

Holy Blood 2


You from a fancy family? You have a crest.

Why does Byleth have one isn't he some random vagabond or something?

>first yurifags ruin tomboys
>now they are trying to take my lolis
What do you want to ruin next?

What if he gets big sideburns?

He looks too clean to rock sideburns. Though I do wonder if they'll double down on his twinkness post-timeskip or actually make him more of a man like Caspar

Attached: 1563084619474.png (550x682, 463K)

Guys, there is nothing wrong with yuri but alot with its fanbase.

>Still no leak
the chinese have grown weak


Nah, He's cursed descendant from the big evil man.

There's obviously going to be something special about Byleth plot wise

>tier list by Heroes secondary that got peer pressured by /feg/ to like tharcia and genealogy

No fucking person who actually ever played genealogy would defend it's map design.
over Conquest.

Attached: chapter 2 genealogy.png (1008x1015, 170K)

I just want to slam clams with the tan myrmidon girls bro...

You're forgetting that I get to decide whether I'll turn her into a huge slut or not

Attached: dimitri.jpg (391x409, 40K)

Hm, does anybody know yet(from "leaks" or journos) if the map have any variety in objective than simply "Route the enemy"? Because thats what pissed me off the most in awakening(&birthright).


And that shit isn't even close to being the fucking worst.

Attached: Chapter 7.png (1008x1015, 168K)

Dimitri is a nerd

Are those forts or kingdoms?

Blue Lions
>Byleth: Dark Knight
>Dimitri: Lord
>Dedue: Great Knight
>Felix: Mortal Savant
>Sylvain: Bow Knight
>Ashe: Bow Knight
>Annette: Falcon Knight
>Ingrid: Holy Knight
>Mercedes: Gremory

>Ferdinand: Warmaster
>Lorenz: Bow Knight

Just accept it.
Complaining about it makes you look even worse than the SJW's and fujo's who get even less gay.

>recruiting Lorenz and Ferdinand
My man!

I cant decide between Catherine and Manuela.

Attached: drunk whores.jpg (1334x750, 136K)


>Just accept it

Attached: 1561234976405.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

As a fellow Otome stacy I agree with you, FE isn't really a series good for otome (or even fujo or /u/) romances in the end.

>can't play as tomboy in this game as well

Attached: fates_tall_faces.png (1389x1078, 962K)

>fatesfags still think anyone tolerates them

>tfw I always picked the last face there
It's just not many anime nip games let you have thick lips.

Attached: desu.jpg (1200x768, 529K)

why does this dude post the worlds worst taste every single thread

DSL is so hot

Those last lips look the same as that retard from Hoshido

>play Awakening
>can't change my skin color
>Fates come along with better creator
>still can't make tanned tomboy
I'm still mad about this.

Who knows. It's got more mechanics which is cool. If you felt fire emblem needed less fire emblem and more stat tinkering/relationships it will be up your alley. Hopefully it's not easy and stupid like the 3ds games.

It reminds me more only Sully desu.

isn't the stat tinkering, unit customization, combat arts and even bigger class system more fire emblem though? The relationships have been reduced too since no students can S rank eachother so marriage is out of the picture

I hated haircuts in Fates. I hated it even more because there wasn't haircut whose bang covers your eye. I mean ... there was one, but it looked like fucking Sonic.

Ostkino is back on the menu


Hey! I like that Sanic haircut. Picking short female, giving her red hair with that hairstyle was my favorite.

how much longer until we get to hear the theme that played during this year's e3 trailer fuckkk

1. Generic
2. Generic
3. Autistic
4. Perfect
5. Meme
6. Shoujo protagonist

>6. Shoujo protagonist
Hey, I like shoujo protagonists, they're cute

Blue Lions
>Byleth: Mortal Savant or Dark Knight
>Dimitri: Personal Class
>Dedue: Great Knight
>Felix: Mortal Savant
>Sylvain: Wyvern Lord
>Ashe: Bow Knight
>Annette: Gremory or Dancer if she's good with swords
>Ingrid: Falcon Knight
>Mercedes: Holy Knight

>Lysithea: Gremory/Dancer
>Marianne: Falcon or Holy Knight

As a fan of SRPGs, no. FE is honestly really bad at being a beginner's SRPG and no amount of quality of life mechanics will get you to understanding how to play the genre as a whole. Three Houses is also just gonna be REALLY weird in regards to both the franchise and the genre as a whole. It may be simpler to understand than most SRPGs, but it's like asking for a kiddie pool to help you swim. You don't need to dive into the deep end completely untrained, but it may help you to dip your toes into the big kids pool.

I would recommend some easy but more complicated games like Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Shining Force I & II, or Super Robot Wars: Original Generation to understand what the genre is and what FE is stripping away from it to make it simpler and more marketable. These aren't hard games but they do a lot more than what the average FE game. They may help you develop a better understanding of what the genre is.

Man, Fates was a worse character creator. Less body types, less voices, worse hair, more accessories at least.

I hope we can get a good SRPG with a full character and portrait maker. Might make it my own damn self one day before I fucking die.

But that last face does look like what you mostly see in shoujos (manga aimed for women)

But he becomes a chad in the timeskip

Attached: 1563447810049.jpg (1530x3750, 912K)

Why make Lysithea a dancer. Complete waste. Make TAshe the dancer.

Dimitri is man of virtue and good taste

Attached: ManOfCulture.jpg (1920x1080, 131K)

new artstyle sucks

>shorter than 165

Attached: nani.jpg (500x414, 35K)

Now we need Edelgard doing the Cicada Block to a Male Byleth in the corner.

A good way to test actual taste is to get peoples opinion on Awakening, if they say its one of the better Fire emblems for newcomers and whilst not the best it is still up there, they have realistic taste. If they call it one of the worst disregard their opinion, same if they say its the best.

Ners are horniest and kinkiest bunch.

No. FE is a glorified dating sim now. The maps, combat, and chars suck.

What if I say Chrom is the best?


Kino maps

Awakening is not up there, so I'm gonna have to disregard your opinion.

Based user

>Echoes that high
>DS games that low
Even Fatesfags are better.

Reminder that 5 of the seven reviewers who didn't pick black eagles contracted Ebola within the next few days

Attached: 1AACFBF6-4B73-45A2-9657-F1EF458953F8.jpg (1280x974, 229K)

They ━for some reason━ pictured pre-time skip Dimitri to be the shortest out of 3 (yes, Edelgard included). Ironic, since he's the tallest out of 3.

unironically love this map

>Want to go Blue Chad's
>Can't decide on a waifu between the cakes and Lions students.
Redpill me on your favorite waifu.

Attached: 1560632280818.png (640x360, 132K)

Sothis because that's the only true waifu.

Ain't touching this game until I know nothing's censored.

>But Nintendo doesn't do that anymore!

Fuck off. Fates was the worst localization of a game in the 21st century. I ain't giving Treehouse an inch.

Petra is best girl for the simple fact that hearing her declare her love for you in broken english is CUTE

Attached: 2655ECBE-08D4-4FA9-BBB7-B899E4FBAA14.jpg (680x493, 58K)

>fucking your own teacher
Based boy.

Attached: that's_the_best_part.jpg (956x2102, 261K)

Treehouse isn't even touching this game.

Rhea and Beleth share the “main character look” as he enters the monastery with her looking down on him.

Awakening was an alright game and it got Fire Emblem back on the map, but the nu-FE fanbase as a result of Awakening is cancerous and detracts from the games.

There's not anything to censor anymore. Nintendo of America meets with the moonmen and kills anything objectional before it even gets in the game.

Still pissed she doesn’t have a Russian accent like Athena and Gregor.

Fuck off

Who's localizing then? It's not 8-4.

Blah blah blah. That's the fucking spiel I was greentexting about. No. Not fucking giving this company an inch. Fates was unacceptable, and no one should buy this until we get info that it's not screwed.

Casper and byleth are fucking manlets confirmed

Just me or does he look way different now than when he was first shown? For example, his face looks now more gaunt and sharper than before?

VA Anchorpost, growing all the time! Prior FE roles by the actor/actress are listed where applicable. Dual audio is already confirmed so please no bully if you prefer seiyuus!

>Tara Platt as Edelgard (Miriel)
>Cassandra Lee Morris as Sothis (Clarisse, Julia)
>Chris Hackney as Dimitri (Boey, Quan)
>Joe Zieja as Claude (Jamke, Canas)
>Robbie Daymond as Hubert (Tobin, Ares)
>Erica Mendez as Bernadetta (Deirdre, Lianna)
>Allegra Clark as Dorothea, Shamir (Ethlyn, Karla)
>Abby Trott as Annette (Nanna, Laegjarn)
>Faye Mata as Petra (Lene)
>Lucien Dodge as Felix (Leon, Naesala)
>Ben Lepley as Dedue (Saias)
>Shannon Mckain as Ashe (New to Fire Emblem)
>Dorothy Fahn as Mercedes (Rinea)
>Christian La Monte as Ignatz (Seliph, Roderick)
>Ratana as Leonie (Ishtar)
>Joe Brogie as Sylvain (Linus)
>David Lodge as Jeralt (New to Fire Emblem)
>Patrick Seitz as Voice Director, Jeritza (Hector, Draug, Garon, Brady, Zeke, Voice Director for Fire Emblem Awakening, Voice Director for Fire Emblem Heroes)
>Ben Diskin as Caspar, Lorenz (Jakob, Matthew, Saizo, Hayato)
>Laura Post as Catherine (Silvia)
>Griffin Burns as Cyril (Julius)
>Mark P. Whitten as Seteh (Lyon, Hrid)
>Deva Marie as Flayn (New to Fire Emblem)
>Brad Venable as Kostas (New to Fire Emblem)

Pastebin with Twitter sources as the anchorpost has become too big (for you):

If I made any mistakes or omitted some actors please correct me! It's so cute how excited all the actors are for the game!

Attached: 739999646.png (800x800, 148K)

Does anyone know about hidden talent skills yet. I only know Dorthea's gives a boost to her white magic avoid. Will they all be this bad?

I only play with japanese voices


Attached: fe55.jpg (2480x2472, 529K)

She won't be able to avoid my "white magic" if you know what I mean


I'm torn between a lot of them, but I feel Shamir could be my fave

Attached: Shamir_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 759K)

they didn't reveal Byleth yet huh

Not just your imagination. They did change his face a lot from how it was..

Attached: 1550248921842194.jpg (800x500, 89K)

Literally no reason to ever listen to English anime VAs.

Wtf? I didn't even notice this shit.

Byleth only speaks in map and battle segments. Their VAs probably weren't able to connect to their characters in the same sense as the rest of the cast is (they all seem very excited about their involvement and the characters they played, is what I mean).

Attached: 1563493871627.jpg (2047x1699, 199K)

They even made his hair worse.

Damn. Please tell me they will give cheek reduction to female Byleth as well.

Ferdinand's growing on me

dimtirs timeskip literally saved this game

Attached: 0.131.jpg (795x852, 155K)

then play as M Byleth and fuck Petra, you dumb Athenafag

Attached: 1549164325707.png (1667x2358, 2.44M)

Why was he the only one to get such change?

It's ok. Just close your eyes and imagine that 5 years passed.

I want to marry him to Dorothea

It's funny. Because his first reveal did the opposite, yet his time-skip returned the hype.

That cover is so fucking dumb. Nobody wants to play as an Australian

>play as M Byleth

Attached: 1487514682693.jpg (542x554, 33K)

He wasn’t the problem. Claude was. DUDE HES A FAG. WOW SHITSKIN LOL

So how will time-skip Dimitri look now then since his face isn't as baby faced as before?

Attached: 15502894721874.jpg (814x855, 139K)

makes sense, still I'm curious to see who they casted

Both were. Difference is that Claude's reveal brought /pol/ in these threads, while Dimitri's reveal started the shitting with whole:
>lmao look at this dood's hair


Attached: claude.jpg (1705x1703, 192K)

Now I worry bros.

i can agree with that Claude is still the forgotten choice and Dimitri pretimeskip just looks eh.
the girl is just waifu bait and shes honestly p low quality waifu bait at that

He looks like his concept now.

Probably more closer to his time skip concept as well aka more hobo.

Attached: Dimitri_time_skip.jpg (1200x1557, 149K)

>sensei gib mommy milkies or i kill every single last one of them

Did they remake anyone else as well?

How come all these no name fucking review Youtube channels with no subscribers have early copies and I have to wait 8 days?

Alright class, it's time to review all your progress for the previous year. I will be inviting each of your fathers in the coming week to discuss with them your progress and how else to improve.

During that time, I will not tolerate anyone attempting to eavesdrop around my office. I will especially not tolerate any rumors about any of your fathers being slammed against my desk, crying out "Byleth-sensei, please punish me in place of my useless child" as I pound into them so hard that I've made them a woman. Such rumors are entirely unbecoming of this student body and are quite frankly disgusting.

Now, if you excuse me, I have a date--er, meeting with Annette's father. Please hand in your homework tomorrow.

Attached: 1563420476009.png (1200x1223, 665K)

All his wants to do is genocide his enemies and impregnate his teacher, is that so wrong?

So apparently this crest is on Anna’s close. Do we know any significance for this one?

Attached: 0A3AB063-2F7C-4424-9FF4-C6C54C1015ED.jpg (1115x1106, 50K)

But what if our father is dead, sensei?

I wonder if his own father would be proud

Attached: notdeadyet.jpg (380x297, 29K)

That's not a problem. Just lead me to their grave and I'll handle the rest.

Attached: 1563419500285.png (500x512, 299K)

When translated into Byleth's native language, it means "tight hole for sale"

I like the face more on the right. It makes him look more serious. Hair still sucks though. Then again, that problem will be gone in 5 years.

Post nu-Dimitri time-skip version. I need to know how he looks like now with nu-face.

>Left: Leo with shittier hair
>Right: Psycho
So, improvement? Is there time-skip comparison?

>Sensei, as your Empress, I COMMAND you to give me your dick

Attached: DCB0C861-81BE-4F5B-8FBF-ABB57FB6F353.png (1365x767, 885K)

Why the horns? Isn't she an eagle?

>"You can run as far away as you like Byleth. I *WILL* find you and I *WILL* have your seed. Your consent is not required."

Attached: 9AFD60EB-315C-46F3-A402-4D1B7FC78F47.jpg (710x734, 332K)

No time skip Dimitri with nu-face, I'm afraid. Even this is from BL video.

Dragons are symbols of authority in the FE universe and the Outrealms.


she a ho

But she's a girl

Attached: 1563271155587.png (500x880, 322K)

Right looks like he will murder you if you dare to tell him a joke.

She's Daenerys

If this was canon dialogue, no joke, I would swap over in an instant.

Can we discuss her stockings? They look weird.

It’s amazing how bad shilling from IS and Nintendo have mutated her reputation on our opinion of her. I wonder if this meme is going to spread among the mainstream audiences soon.

They look sexy

>Why does Yea Forums hate popular things.

Attached: a7a5d2856969a5f3092f144b6e3ccd57bf269d51_hq.jpg (244x244, 14K)

It won't. Even if Yea Forums, resetera, reddit all collectively came together the numbers still pale against the mainstream audience.

Attached: plsv.png (500x500, 142K)

It always bothered me that unlike Robin and Corrin, Byleth’s female outfit was so radically different from her male counterpart.

I want to play M Byleth and fuck F Byleth.


Attached: 1563352422088m.jpg (819x1024, 122K)

Byleth: Great Knight
Beru: Falcon Knight
Petra: Wyvern Lord
Edelgard: something Baron-like hopefully
Ferdinand: Dark Knight or Greatest Knight
Linhardt: Holy Knight
Hubert: Dark Knight or Mortal Savant
Caspar: War Master or Wyvern Lord
Dorothea: Bench Juice
Leonie: Bow Knight
Raphael: War Master
Flayn: Holy Knight or Falcon Knight

Attached: D9KHQTWUcAEgZBh.jpg (600x500, 45K)

I wish they didn’t look so shitty on the 3d model.

fem Byleth was an afterthought.

They gave him the face from the time-skip in the first place, idiots.

Attached: 154402184921840.png (1920x1080, 652K)

I'm going to another, better House.

Attached: 1494586836414.jpg (487x745, 170K)

I’m hoping the DLC have some cool content from past games.

Attached: 9F556380-6B81-4364-8E54-855E4DA4CCFE.png (763x626, 480K)

Why would an afterthought be ridiculously overdesigned? A real afterthought would be the same body model as the male with a head swap.

Nope. See . His face is longer, more gaunt, lips are thinner and chin is bigger in his nu-face compared to old-face and time-skip one. The only thing they have in common are the eyebrows, but he still has thicker and more angled (meaner) eyebrows on nu-face.

How are you guys planning this? Have you just been keeping up with the information, or is there a planner out?



Here is basically all the info right now. Get planning!

That face is not pissed off enough and it's way smaller and fatter than that one up there.

We know a lot from preview or pre-release info.
Strengths, weaknesses, budding talents, base stats, skill exp requirements for promotions.

Should give you an idea. Master classes take a ton of investment, though.

are you blind, user?

This shit is going to have Lunatic, right? I can only really get into the gameplay if it's fairly challenging because I've played these games too much. Awakening Hard was 2ez just, walked over the whole game with the first idea that came to mind (MC + Chrom pair up). but then Lunatic was kind of annoying and felt low effort and L+ was a literal reset marathon. Conquest was better for this

Attached: 349.png (256x256, 88K)

What if Beru's hidden talent skill is super good?

Where the fuck do you see Linhardt there, user?

>This shit is going to have Lunatic, right?
user I...

Nope. That Dimitri looks more like the old one, but with thicker brows.
The current Dimitri's face looks nothing like it. It's way more thinner, longer and meaner looking.

Her hiddent talent is riding, and I'm going to have her spend time as a Paladin for sure, but I just like Falcon Knights best

>Want to play as F!Byleth and marry Caspar because he looks dorky-ish
>Ben Diskin voices Caspar
>Marrying Mega Man in Fire Emblem
As if I needed more reasons to love the manlet

Your face doesn't get fatter when you age, user. It's the other way around. And they made Dimitri look gaunt as fuck before the time skip now.

It'd be cool if Lunatic gave us options rather than being a stand alone difficulty, things like
>turn limits each map
>reverse mode from fe12
>enemy has forged weapons late/endgame and have steel/silver weaponry earlygame like fe12
>enemy capping their offensive stats (str/mag, skl, spd) during late/endgame like fe12
Tl;dr: give me fe12 lunatic (CQ was cool too though)

>they made him look evil now
We get it IS, he's insane, but you don't need to make him like he wants to murder you in your sleep just to make a point about it.

>Edelgard Great Knight
Wrong. What if her hidden talent gives her +100% crit on magic. Only decent option is mortal savant. It also lets you use the lord class at intermediate.
>Dorthea mortal savant
Or dancer. She is kinda a mediocre unit. Plus for making her dancer is that you can still take advantage of her personal skill.

These popularity polls honestly make me ashamed to call myself a FE fan. This fanbase has absurdly terrible taste in characters. At first glance I thought this was a Fates-only list, until I saw some Awakening characters on there. And it's always the most poorly written characters like Xander and Corrin right at the top. I find it hard to believe these lists aren't fake/troll polls no matter how many I see because they're just that bad. FE fans are actually retarded. It's sad and really disappointing.

>people liked oboro
What the fuck she was just a bitch with a mean face?
Oh wait a sec she was racist, I get it now

user... It is a Fates-only poll...

Is the right one or the left one the changed one ?

Attached: 1411980971179.png (650x650, 118K)

I don't get it. What's so special about Meliodas that makes people want to join Black Eagle so much? Like Edelgard is cute but what else is there to them?

One on the left got changed to one on the right. Which means that time-skip Dimitri will look a bit different as well most likely since his face isn't as fat anymore.

>FE fans are actually retarded. It's sad and really disappointing.

Oh thank you
>Which means that time-skip Dimitri will look a bit different as well most likely since his face isn't as fat anymore.
I hope he don't ends up bad

Nothing really. A lot of normies just like Edelgard because she is the obvious waifubait.

It would be better off with just choosing who to play from one of the three instead of the forced self-insert stuff. FE has always been better off without that.

Attached: 0139.png (1464x1080, 1.44M)

Left got changed.
Right is the current face.

Edelgard's ok, but I'm going Beagles for Hubert and Petra.

Attached: __edelgard_von_hresvelgr_fire_emblem_three_houses_and_etc_drawn_by_j_ck__3d0aed47a0615bee8b4874a1e2e (3840x4896, 3.96M)

Depends how you look at it. His new face looks more way more evil, that's for sure.

ah dun wan it, muh kween

>Watch intro idle video on youtube
>Church lady has hips for days

Calling it best girl

Attached: Rhea_Portrait.png (985x985, 1021K)

Oh, you're right. Even still, Corrin as the best female character in the game? And polls that actually aren't Fates-only still usually look Fates-only, too. The fanbases taste is terrible.

Her hat's stupid and she'll never put out.

Meanwhile, confirmed budding talents yield
Hubert: Ice Javelin (Combat Art)
Dorothea: White Magic Avoid +20 (Ability)
It's optimistic to think it'd be that good as you claim.
You're also not developing her axe skill for her inevitable Hero's Relic, while any cutscenes of her using Seiros's sword skewed her as Byleth's enemy.
Edelgard's base of Sword: E+ is 40 skill exp, which means you only need 140 skill exp to reach the Sword: D+ (180 skill exp) to promote into Lord, which isn't that big of an investment.
I agree on Dorothea though.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.21M)

She also hates minorities

I, your sensei, command you.

Attached: 1560987147199.png (896x446, 452K)

F pic-related

Attached: I already miss him bros.jpg (686x595, 263K)

Yeah, Fates fans have shit taste - I mean it's why they like Fates in the first place. Corrin fans are just footfags that only like her purely for appearance.

Nips will, literally, always vote for the self-insert/MC.

Why the fuck do self insert characters always win Jap polls?

Please tell me that this is just for before the time skip design and if they did change the time skip face as well, then please tell me that it still looks good and that they didn't change it too much.

Attached: worried.gif (220x234, 55K)

>Not voting for yourself

I didn't even consider the relics? Good point. There still may be special classes for lords. Also relic weapons might not need proficiency since they are tied to a character.

it just leaked faggots, go to hbg

what's an hbg?


heavy bowgun

isnt that fake though

It's dolphin porn.


hefty-boobed grandma

You'd be correct, since Byleth's Sword of the Creator here only needs E rank, but leveling her axe skill gives her Combat Arts and passive abilities with an axe equipped (like Lancebraker); the former is particularly useful since her Minor Crest of Seiros gives you extra Mt with Combat Arts.

Attached: file.png (1107x623, 1.57M)

home brew general?

Well shit time for the bi-yearly rewatch, good way to kill the time to release I guess.


why do people draw out the "wo" when the singer doesn't do that

Hi user here. What is MT?

No idea, maybe since everyone only memes the first line.


Is the pre-load up for this game yet? Will the OST get ripped from said pre-load?

Might, the weapon's base damage level. Your strength + the weapon's might will the the total attack value you deal, and the enemy's defense subtracts from that for the final amount of damage.

Yes, pre-load has been up a few days now.

hormonebrew general

You can pre-load from e-shop?

Yeah, isn’t it more like JIBUUUUUUUUN WO

That's what happened for me, did it automatically when I got it.

Av a listen

Yeah, of course, that's why it's a pre-load?

Aw, man. I hope they don't ruin him. His design is perfect as is.

How big is it? Can I fit it in the Switch storage if I have nothing else installed?

and the pre-load hasn't been datamined yet? christ

Isn't it encrypted in some fashion?



I think it's like 12 gigs if I remember right, so you'll be fine.

Did they really had to make him look MORE SINISTER!?

Just fucking get an SD card, what is wrong with you?

Not like that's stopped people from datamining before.

>hey ougi, zero is bad

It's my understanding you can't do shit with a preload without the title key.

he needs a beard to be truly Punished.

This is FE game, senpai.
Best way to know who is evil and who is not is by looking at their face.

>did they really had to make a character that they are pushing as an antagonist to look like an antagonist
You tell me?

This. They're fucking cheap these days. You can get like a 128 gb card for 20 bucks.

That's because he's crazy and you need to be able to see on his face as well.

why did the guys all get improvements while the girls got downgrades? the ugly duckling manlet got a major boost.

It kind of has. For years it has done so pretty much without fail. I think the last time I remember anyone getting anything from a preload was like a decade ago.

>self-deluded that he's the one in the right
>>Did they really had to make him look MORE SINISTER!?

maybe you're just gay

Mini-Caim did nothing wrong

Just because he's insane, it doesn't mean that they should remake his face to match his darkness inside of him. The whole point about him is that he's convinced that his path is the true path of justice, when in reality he's fucked up the most.

His delusion is best part about him though.

Dimitri is going to turn out to be 100% the good guy and we're going to be laughing when we look back at our predictions a year from now

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t. Dimitri "And remember ... The Blue Lions walk the true path of justice." Blaiddyd, keep telling yourself that.

Dimitri did nothing wrong.

I'll honestly laugh my ass off if Mr. "KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!" is the good goy.

That would be hilarious.

What if he's talking about killing all the Risen or whatever the 3H equivalent will be

What about his line about using everyone at his hand (you included), until "your bones turn to dust" in order to achieve his goals?