>game forces you to choose which party member dies
Game forces you to choose which party member dies
>N64 in S tier
stopped reading there
>game asks you which character you care about out of two then moves on without saying anything about it
>later kills the one you care about
>let the other one stick around to live happily ever after
That list is so shit it hurts
zoom zoom bros. only 25+ will get this chart
>N64 in S
>GBA below 3DS
>Everything about A tier
Fuck you the ps1 fits in a and s tier
>PSP that low
>Vita that low
>WiiU that low
>DS that low
>PS4 that high
>N64 that high
>Switch that high
These tiers are such fucking garbage, it looks like everything was placed 100% randomly
>the black one
>the ugly/annoying female
Either the annoying nerd or the annoying sperg. Easy.
>psp not S tier
>N64 in S not A
>ps1 not in S
>3DS, DS ad GB in same tier but GBA is bellow them
>3DS on same tier as DS
>no pc or arcades
Man this is trash.
>WiiU that low
Yeah it should have been lower
>>psp not S tier
Fuck off weeb
Jerma? Yeah, that guy is based
>Switch higher than the original Game Boy
What a dumpster fire ranking.
im fucking 30, n64 is on par with the gamecube at best.
>Virtual Boy on F, Kinografx-16 on Never Played
>Super Fami and Famicom on "never played"
>PS1 on A
>Wii on fucking A
>SNES on S, Genesis on C
Cringe and e-celebopinionpilled
It should be in S, yes.
SNES was the best of all time
>>Super Fami and Famicom on "never played"
why would you assume an american has played a japanese version of a console he's already played
Genesis sucked faggot, go suck a fart out of the sound chip
>ITT: zoomers getting mad seeing PS4 in D tier
The only problem with the list is seeing Shitch in A tier, I'd put it below GameBoy, everything else is on point
How come the American SNES is in S tier, but the Super Famicom/European SNES is in never played? Aren't they the same system for all practical purposes?
uh.. you should probably look again
Looks like the Boomer needs his reading glasses
oh boy, I mixed Xbox one with PS4 because they look like they're the same console
PS4 being that high, he has to be joking, or at least pandering to Snoys as to not lose his fanbase of 12 year olds
tiers are ordered
>two gameboys in S tier
>best gameboy in B tier
The Super Famicom would be the same, the euro one plays games at a lower frame rate though iirc
PS1 deserves S tier solely because of the games library, there were so many fantastic games that hold even to this day
the console might've not been the most powerful one to run them and brought the age of 30fps upon us, but the games were still so amazing
PSP has plenty of good games on it and also serves as a great emulation machine. Why does liking it for being a great handheld make me a weeb, do you even know what a weeb is?
and before anyone complains about the Gamecube being so high
It's the best ever for local multiplayer (probably the strongest point for consoles after exclusives)
The hardware was great
And, unlike the still good PS1 library (Symphony of the Night, Tactics Ogre, and Tenchu), the Gamecube library wasn't 50% visual novels like Final Fantasy 7 and low quality furry bait platformers like Crash.
I'm 31 and think the list is shit. N64 should be in B at the most.
gamecube was a great console though
gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8
Where's PC?
weeb hasn't meant what it's supposed to mean for about 15 years now
Where's the washing machine?
Why? It was GOAT when it came out
>360 being that low every time
360 deserves to only be right below the PS2 and on par with GameCube
source video?
How the fuck are the PS4 and Xbone not consoles?
it's a tier list not a nostalgia list
I'm 30 64 sucked. SNES was GOAT though.
PS2 is better and only because it can play PS1 games. N64 is one of the most mediocre consoles to ever exist. People just put the same three games on a pedestal.
True list coming in.
It's currently seen as overrated because it's the console that current young adults grew up with. If I was a consolefag and cared about multiplats and cared less specifically about local multiplayer since I was just looking for an all-around machine, I would see why people would put it lower.
No, I'm entirely sincere. Mind saying what comes off as bait to you?
>red ring
>paid online
>online on a console in general
> largely abandoned local multiplayer the only real advantage consoles ever had
>library consisting only of Halo 3, Geometry Wars, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden rehash
>Xbox one above 360
>Wii, PS4 and Switch
>A tier
>OG Xbox and 360 that low
one of the vod's from yesterday, he was having internet issues and there's like 6
>ps1 better than N64
knuckledragging drooling ape detected
Jerma has pretty good taste but he should have put Dreamcast in A tier
I don't know who this guy is
Do you count backwards compatibility in these tiers or not? Because the newer consoles obviously shit over old ones in that case.
then why ps1, snes and nes are above F? half the console on the list can emulate their games
>>a tier
This fucker rated apples as a D tier fruit
I'll never forgive him
nevermind found it
>GBA that low
>below regular GB
It's literally a straight upgrade any you can play the same games on it.
Didn't mean to reply
>No, I'm entirely sincere. Mind saying what comes off as bait to you?
The entire thing. It comes off as ironic Nintendo dicksucking while shitting on everything else. Even if it wasn't, the gameboy and gameboy color, despite being good handhelds, have no business being in S or in the same tier as the SNES for that matter.
Fuck, switch 3DS to S and Gamcube to B
Personal opinion here but it shouldn't count if it's digital stuff like virtual console. GBA can play GBC games by just inserting the cartridge so it should count but the DSi needs a virtual version of the game or a flashcart so then it shouldn't count.
I think it should be specified when you're doing the ranking. I'd put Vita and Wii U way higher then I normally would because of homebrew, for example
Move Wii down to B and you're good.
3DS belongs nowhere near S tier.
If you include BC and emulation in the conversation then we have to include PC as a platform. And then PC obviously goes to Elder God Tier and absolutely nothing comes close to it and the whole discussion becomes no fun.
Also 64 is shit tier. Trash controller and a trash console with a few classics that have mostly aged like milk.
>3DS belongs nowhere near S tier.
3DS has some of the best games of all time, not including homebrew capabilities and emulation, etc
Here's your (You)
I don't think homebrew should count, only official stuff.
n64 sucked so bad, have some gems but still
PC's not a console so it's not part of the conversation
There is no bigger nintentoddler trait than thinking unironically that the N64 was a good console, let alone of it being on par with the SNES and PS2.
Cringe post
look, nobody ever claimed that jerma was a smart man
>Inplying NG plays anything like NGB
Yeah, I really wonder if any of the people who praise the N64 have actually played it in recent years, even the most highly regarded games play like shit (except maybe OOT)
Care to elaborate?
is that the 5'2 streamer that beat Dizzy Chicken live on stream?
>Shitch higher then ps2
>gba not in F
I have no words.
Only problem was the sound chip that sounded like ass
It is though?
I dont get the hate for the Saturn, sure in the states the library was really poor but it had a nice selection of games that were stuck in Japan that werent JRPGs
I honestly only know 3 games from the console. Mario, Pokemon Snap, and Smash. Everything else was pretty shit.
Tier lists are the more inane and boring thing to watch another person do, why does he keep doing this.
what's with jerma fans and shilling his shit everywhere
I haven't seen any of his content but I'm tired of seeing 'based jermafans' every fucking day
>Switch above GCN
nigga u dumb
What the fuck
The OG xbox was great, people should lighten the fuck up about it.
They think that he is their friend and best streamer ever. I guess but I assume typical stuff. He is not a bad person but God his following/viewers are dreadful.
>7up above mnt dew
>diet pepsi (the best diet soda) trash
A&W is good tho
Rate my list :)
>nshitty4 and shovelware station in A
>nintendo calculator in B
>any post 5th gen shit past C
>xbox and saturn in D
>never played turbografix 16, famicoms or ngpc
fucking disgusting.
>S tier
That thing was nothing more than a Monster Hunter machine.
Yes, I've played all of them.
Raise Wii, raise 3DS, and lower N64. Then it's pretty much perfect.
3DO is wrong, Game Gear is totally wrong, and Saturn is DEAD fucking wrong.
Swap GBA and DS and move N64 down a few tiers and its objectively correct.
A&W is god tier but 7up as the only S? What in the fuck
You know what, you right about wii and n64, but 3ds wasn't as good as gamecube and xbone
just drink coffee and water lamo
>gameboy S?
Whats the gameboys best game? pokemon? donkey kong?
Only 30+ will get this chart, 64 baby.
I’m 34 and the Nintendo 64 was my last Nintendo console because it was such utter garbage. Dodged the wii and wiiU bullets.
>but muh emulation and CFW
Gotta have games worth playing for me to bother with that first.
Christ what do you play then
Ps3 has nearly the same number of games as switch Uhh.. What the fuck bros does that mean switch has no games?
Whats the saturns best game?
This generation I’m PC only.
>has a second editor now
>youtube channel still uploads at a glacial pace
I don't understand.
Cope boomer
>Jerma hates apples
What a fraud
>all these casuals and plebeians who prefer the nshitty4 over one of the best consoles of all time
wait-a-go outing yourself Yea Forums.
Which of those games is as good as mario 64 or majora's ? In fact which of those games isn't either a multiplat or shit?
hard to say, might be powerslave, might be panzer dragoon saga, might be elevator action returns or cotton boomerang or radiant silvergun, might be shining force 3 complete, might be shining the holy ark, maybe wochenroder, might be terra phantastica, hell even sega rally championship is legendary.
I assume they are focusing on the carnival thing coming up
>Which of those games is as good as mario 64 or majora's ?
basically all of them if your bar is set that low
>In fact which of those games isn't either a multiplat or shit?
which n64 game runs at 60fps?
Like half of these are on PS1 too
>Like half of these are on PS1 too
some are, many are best on the saturn however. For example Grandia on the Saturn might as well be a completely different game. Game Arts clearly did not give a fuck about the PS1 port.
Saturnfags are like a cult. N64 is obviously the better system, no matter how many images you stuff full of mostly inferior multiplats.
>N64 is obviously the better system
with like 3 games that run at 60fps, two 2d games, all the shitty mascot-platformers you could ever want. Yeah sure sounds "great." How's the fighting game scene there? The N64 in the most positive of estimates has about 15 good games. It doesn't take long after that where the drone starts insisting utter shit pokemon cash-ins like pokemon snap or literal full priced pokemon accessories like stadium.
>Maria in Gears of War 2
In my 30 and thought N64 was decent at best.
So what are the top 15 saturn games?
>The N64 in the most positive of estimates has about 15 good games. It doesn't take long after that where the drone starts insisting utter shit
The immense irony of that sentence after the image you posted. Fuckin loling.
You can pick them out, I just prefer to enjoy as many as I can.
>those multiplats
>Sonic R and Sonic Jam
>even the footage of Burning Rangers has the player getting stuck on a wall because the controls suck ass
with what all of 3 games and like 4 hours of battery? both the GBA and PSP are better than it. Drop Gameboy to C
For comparison, here's the N64 version of that webm.
N64fags don't have to make cope images to try and convince people the console is good. People already know how good it is.
t. Nintendo fan
>can't name a single good saturn game
Seriously I want to know?
Yeah, as you can see in this version of the n64 chart. It prominently features games like Zelda, and Mario. And uhh...Goemon. Wait those first two play better on a Wii. Well at least there's Perfect Dark. Which is 60fps on the 360.
I mean the 64 has uh...star fox? An inferior 3D shooter compared to panzer dragoon zwei?
>recommending Sonic R with a straight face
do you eat shit or do you enjoy racing games that feel like the floor is made of glass?
yes they do
>Wii U is fucking F
It's not a bad console.
Imagine being bad at Sonic R, imagine not even being able to feel the sunshine.
they actually put yoshi story and two pokemon stadiums on there lol
same guy, but he died to pinwheel
It's the streamer who ate 3 McChickens live on stream
was following until I noticed you put gba,gb, and ds in a lower tier
There isn’t one
Name a better platformer on the saturn
>I mean the 64 has uh...star fox? An inferior 3D shooter compared to panzer dragoon zwei?
Come on, Zwei is a good game and all but don't even delude yourself into thinking it's the better of those two.
This is just a normal collage you find for any system. Saturnfags have made many different high quality images to try and convince people.
keio flying squadron 2
>Zwei is a good game and all
One of the best 3D shooters ever made
haha wow, guess Jermas brain is proportional with his height. Small.
>Dreamcast nostalgia
>yet Wii U hate for being a better Dreamcast
No really, name Dreamcast games that didn't end up getting ported to the gamecube and compare them to Wii U games that are still exclusive to the console
Can you guess when I was born?
Wii U is honestly Nintendo's worst console to date. It had fucking nothing worth playing on it. The best games are 7/10's.
and the Dreamcast was one of Sega's worst consoles but nobody will ever admit it. The Saturn was better.
The Saturn is better, but the Dreamcast still blew away everything Nintendo did past the 64, with the only competition being the Wii because it ended up getting some cool games like Rodea.
>S tier
>A tier
N64 ps1
>B tier
gamecube ps3 switch
>C tier
>shit tier
the rest either ive never played or played so long ago that i dont have an opinion on
>How the fuck are the PS4 and Xbone not consoles?
If I had to guess its because there's next to zero custom silicon on them, they're just low end amd SOC PC's with horrible cooling and shit power delivery thats prone to failing. The hardware inside the both of them are technically capable of more but are gimped for the form factor. As opposed to older consoles that were more or less scratch built, that is. If we're going by that though, a switch is just a mid range "gaming" tablet with some nintendie magic sprinkled on top.
Hopefully the next gen consoles will just fucking give up the VCR look and have some real cooling.
hey now it's not that bad, he's just not a handheld player
He put the Switch in the A tier though.
>PS4 and xbone aren't consoles because they don't have any arch customizations vs pc
>but Nintendo's 3 powermacs in a box are consoles
Hadn't even noticed that. Yeah, I'd place it at least a couple tiers higher
64 had no games besides mario, zelda, banjo
ps1 blew it out of the water and the ps2 stomped their neck. nintendo was so assmad at sony that when they shifted away from cartridges to disks, they partnered with panasonic to make their own discs since they would have to pay sony royalties for dvds which is also why the gamecube and wii had no dvd playback
I was cringing so hard watching Jerma make this. His opinions aren't even that bad, it's just that there's so many dimensions you have to consider to make a list like this.
Originally he had PS4 in S tier. Probably because of Bloodborne, he keeps saying it's his favorite game, but holy shit the PS4 is such a shit console, full of anti-consumer bullshit, you have to be really blinded by love for a game to put it that high.
Things you have to consider:
>Is this list about how "great" the consoles were at their time, or how "great" they are in terms of value (example: PS4 is probably the best current console out right now, it's one of the worst values out right now, and something like the Wii, Snes, or PS2 might have been objectively better in it's respective heyday) ... (the original version of the PS3 is pretty good value right now: the digital store is still up, and the original PS3 can play PS1 -> PS3 discs ... a great value for a collector. Likewise, the Wii was backwards compatible with Gamecube Games and it had a virtual console service that allowed you to play most NES -> N64 games: a fantastic value at the time, but now the virtual console service is down. This doesn't mean you can't hack it though, and the Wii Remote lets you play a lot of IR shooters ... so the Wii is also overall a good console)
>Hardware quality and User Interface: how good is the hardware and how good is the UI. Honestly for me, the simpler the better as far as UI, so slapping in a SNES cart and turning on the power is like ideal there. Hardware quality as well: is it sturdy? Does it break easily? Is it more or less complicated? How good is the controller?
>How good was the console's overall library?
>How good was the console's library of games in the grand scheme of things? How many classic games does the console have?
>How about this dilemma: the NES laid the groundwork for a lot of classic titles (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc.) so you could argue that it is the "greatest console of all time" from that perspective ... it was "the original" ... but the SNES basically improved in every way on the NES, along with those titles. The N64 brought those franchises into 3D, but were they better or worse off for it? Should the 3D games be considered in a separate category from the 2D games, because they are so different? Is Ocarina of Time objectively better than Breath of the Wild? Really? Is Breath of the Wild objectively better than Zelda, NES? Really?? Is Mario Odyssey better than 64? 64 better than Mario NES? Maybe "fuck which one is objectively better" ... which one did you, personally, have the most fun with? Is that how you order your list? Or do you want to appease some perceived general consensus? Personally, I lean toward the former, but then, most of the games I've played, I've played because other people said they were good ... not really out of any sense of personal experimentation to see what I like ... so does my opinion really even matter? Am I an NPC? The answer is yes, but that also doesn't matter.
>Is the console backwards compatible? This is a huge plus, because it instantly includes the previous console's libraries ... but if the consoles own library is shit (like the PS3) how much do you count that against it?
>Do you count how good the console is for emulation/hacking or not?
Explain how its best for multi. I can't think of anything that beats the classics of bomberman, 64 shooters, etc.
>DS and PS1 that low
>Switch, N64, Saturn and Wii that high
>PS2 not in its own reserved tippy-top elder god tier
I'd also argue PS3 deserves to be higher than the XBOX360. It was a fucking joke at the start of the generation but it edged out the 360 by a fair margin by the end of the generation.
PSP is where it belongs. Consoles don't get bumps just because they're great emulation machines.
PSP was better than any nintendo handheld really
I'd fully believe that but since I don't know much about powermacs or old nintendo consoles I didn't mention it.
Like i know you dont agree with him but holy shit I hope this is a pasta
What's the point of a "never played" tier? Just don't put those you haven't played on the list.
>64 had no games
hey fuck you man mario party and mario cart raised me better than my parents did.
ps1/2 was way fucking better though
Pineapple Crush is the best fucking soft drink on the planet.
>DK64, Diddy Kong Racing, Yoshi's Island and both Pokemon Stadiums
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel, huh.
wii u had a hard life
If we go by backwards compatibility than the WiiU would be an untouchable golden god by virtue of emulating nearly fucking anything Nintendo ever put out as well as supporting controllers going back two generations, but everybody knows the WiiU can't hold a candle to consoles like the PS2. Consoles should be measured by the quality of their exclusives and the quality of their ports when considering multiplats of their generation.
top row is good
donkey kong 64 more like back trackey kong 64
3rd row is good
banjo tooie more like back track tooie, starfox is also incredibly dull. majora's mask is my favorite zelda and perfect dark felt like a great successor to goldeneye
4th row is good
yoshi's story sucked dick
This is how it be truly
I mean the fucking SNES and PS1 libraries are abnormally godly, it's objective that they are at the top
Did this dude just put the wii over the gamecube?
Nani the fuck
>ds and gameboy below nes and on the same tier as the pii u
Everyone loved the wii
>psv over WiiU
>Atari 2600, PSX, and gameboy advanced not in S tier.
Let me fix this shit
I based this purely on quality of games
Say what you want about the Wii U but it had some good shit
Wonderful 101 is still stranded on it
Oh no, it's "genuine autism". Incidentally, the WiiU might be the best console of all time (if it's Eshop is still up, if the Eshop has most Nintendo games from NES -> N64 + handhelds, if it is backwards compatible with all Gamecube and Wii games, and you can play DS + 3DS games on it ... I don't know what the specifics of its capabilities are ... and at the very least it can be hacked anyway). The original PS3 would be a close second, due to it's having the PS1 -> PS3 libraries: the only place you can play the entire Metal Gear franchise on one machine (besides PC). Then probably the Xbox 360 for me ... has the Xbox + 360 library, had the Xbox Arcade which had a lot of great indie titles, like the now lost-to-time Scott Pilgrim brawler and Protect Me Knight! The modern consoles lose massive points with me for forced social media integration and anti-consumer bullshit. The WiiU is so high because the Wii is the only home console with a good library of IR shooters: a massive plus because lightgun games are a massively underrated genre. PC is great, but its not a console.
Yea fuck it. WiiU is tied with original PS3 for top spot/S-tier or whatever.
>OG Box
>Otogi series, Gunvalkyrie, Unreal Championship, KOTOR, Psychnayts, Voodoo Vince, Blinx, Ninja Gaiden Black, Phantom Dust, superior console platforms to games like GTA/MGS/Splinter Cell, etc.
>same tier as a fucking Vita
Fucking kill yourself
woah man. settle down ok?
>>PS4 that high
Play more videogames.
No Jerma needs to die like a little faggot maggot
I think people would have a better opinion of the OG Xbox IF THEY COULD EMULATE THE FUCKING GAMES
>Saturn in trash
>Master System had even less games than the N64
>Vita actually has gaems
>Wii U
It wasn't a bad console, it just wasn't marketable.
Man, I miss local multiplayer and having rl friends to play games with...
And it was here user learned that even if the horses were brought to water, they would never drink of it
N64 is the pinnacle of soul and there is no disputing it without sounding like a plebian
>N64, a console that made several of the greatest games of all time that have never been dethroned, undeserving of S tier
>Not the "PS4 is as good as the original Playstation" mother of all fuckups
Jerma is funny, but the older he gets the more tenuous his grip on reality becomes
To be fair Bloodborne is that good to be deserving of the A tier, its peak soulsborne
Feel like the N64 is the most overrated console of all time. On one hand I have great memories playing NBA Hangtime, NFL Blitz, Worms, and other great games with my friends after school but when I go back to most of the heavy hitting single player games like Zelda OOT/MM, Jet Force Gemini, Conkor, SP Goldeneye and Perfect Dark i'm left disappointed. Though both N64 Castlevania games hold up really well, not sure how the meme of them being bad got started.
Plus the multiplayer games I love got better version on the Dreamcast.
>A: PS4, Switch, Wii
>Saturn, MD, GBA so low
GBA and MD are solid Bs(but As to me), GB/C is a A. PS3 is B. PS4 and Switch are Cs or B-, Wii is a C, Saturn is a B with japan releases, Xbox is a C, GC is a C, Vita is a C, Master System is a C
SSSS are SNES, PSX1 and PS2.
The Wii U is unironically one of Nintendos best consoles. It was just really underutilized. Had some of the best exclusives for any console ever, though. That's why the Switch is basically just a port machine - so many missed those incredible games.
Dragon's Dogma
Forgot about N64, that's a C. That shit had 6 great games, more 4 or 5 good games and that's it.
Rank 'em.
small socky girl >>>> not even competition
Elizabee if she can make bee jokes like Jerry Seinfeld
Fuck man. They should just release it again. Genuinely, unironically think Nintendo should do this.
>next E3
>”We here at Nintendo have decided to say “fuck console generations” and release the WiiU again. A stripped down, sleaker, faster version meant for gaming enthusiasts. A pro console: a “Pii-U” if you will. This new version of the WiiU will have a virtual console that will allow you to buy every single Nintendo game, up to the Switch. DS and 3DS games can be played using the tablet or TV screen: or, you can use the tablet to play those games. Also the tablet lets you play all virtual console games, NES -> N64. We’re working with Microsoft on a version of Halo: Combat Evolved with the Metroid Prime 3 control scheme and online multiplayer. We’re also doing Super Smash Bros Melee with online multiplayer. The console will be modular, so rather than buy a new console to play newer games, you can just plug in our Nintedo Update Brick which will have a new graphics card so you can play COD or Asscreed: Primal. Also we’re bringing back rail shooters/shoot em ups as a genre. Get ready for Sin and Punishment 3: with an even hotter shota this time
you don't need 5 versions of the same console in a list holy shit
is a console better because of its flagship games or because of the volume of products it has
like say like an user said that n64 just had zelda mario and banjo is that enough to make it above the ps3 or original xbox even when those have huge variance of games and some arguably better flagship games
like does 3 super good games make something better than the ps2 thats got a billion good games and an armload of great ones
It was great for its time, but the Gameboy and most of its library aged like milk.
The Game Boy was honestly pretty overrated
>360 over OGbox
- Original Game Boy to A
- N64 to B
- PS3 to A
- NES to S
Resident Evil 7
Game Boy was the first real handheld console with games anyone actually wanted to play. Being able to play shit like Kirby's Dreamland and Link's Awakening was mindblowing to a kid at the time.
Jerma a shit, Vinesauce is where it's at
> S TIER: PS2, Gamecube, OG gameboy advance SP w/ backlit screen
>A TIER: original DS, PS3, SP w/out backlit screen, 360
>B TIER: switch, PS1, xbox, WII U
>C TIER: Xbox one, PS4
Same to (you). If you consider that to have a lot of games, then it must have been your first system ever. It's got nothing compared to everything that preceded it
>apparently played enough Virtual Boy to put it in F class rather than Never Played
N64 is literally the machine with nogames, it was pretty much the PS4 of it's time.
You check any fucking list or people with fond memories about it and it's all the same 10 games fuck off
I want to say it's down to personal opinion, but I think this is an objective issue.
Take, for example, the original PS3, which was backwards compatible with PS1 -> PS3 games.
This means it has a massive library. The PS3 also had the PSMove controllers, so you had your share of weird gimmicky games too. Also it was a blu-ray and DVD player.
>a richfag has a huge fucking library available to him, on the comparatively most-up-to-date console (which is still backwards compatible)
>if a poorfag has a PS3, and he's not able to buy a bunch of games, he still has the PS1 -> PS3 library to select from: a much better position to be in than, say, just having a PS1
So yea. WiiU and PS3 (original version) are tied for greatest console of all time due to the sheer scope and quality of their potential libraries.
The N64 is objectively worse than the PS2 because of the libraries. I want to say I can't compare the N64 and PS1, but I think the PS1 objectively wins out because of its library.
The Wii is better than the PS2, because of its potential library.
But yea, this is the kind of thing where if you wanted to be scientific about it, and TRULY make the CONSOLE TIER LIST, you'd have to rate each game each consoles library and calculate that in to the consoles overall score.
I think it's an objective issue though and
>a library which includes ten 7.5/10 games vs three 10/10 games is objectively better just by the numbers ... three 10/10 games is like a score of 30 and ten 7.5 games is a library score of 75
Imagine how the person that made that list smells. Weeb genocide when?
Is this an AI learning program attempting to make a Yea Forums post?
>Master System has no gaems
Well fuck me. I thought it was just like the NES with shovelware.
The N64 is overrated
what the fuck is wrong with you, gameboy fucking sucks